Network Exchange Theory

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1 collaborator

Vennbr_small_copy John Margeson (Author)


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globals [


turtles-own [
  outreach            ;;Communicability
  receptability       ;;Willingness to be communicated with
  bargain-threshold   ;;How much an agent is willing to offer
  min-profit          ;;Minimum profit agent will accept from negociation
  bank                ;;How much the agent has to bargain with
  offer               ;;What an agent offers
  raise-increment     ;;How much an agent will put in a bargain
  agreed?             ;;Whether the agent agreed to the bargain

to setup-network
  ask patches [set pcolor white]
  create-turtles num-nodes  ;;How many players
  repeat 10 + sqrt num-nodes [layout-spring turtles links 0.2 5 2]  ;;Network layout
  ask turtles [
        set bank random-float 1000 ;; sum [bank] of turtles
    set label who
    set label-color black
    set agreed? false
    set shape "circle"
    set color red
  calculate-pcomms  ;;Starting probability of agent's willingness to reach out
  calculate-bargain-threshold  ;;Agents decide how much they will risk in bargaining
  output-show median [bank] of turtles  ;;Shows median bank accounts in interface for possible use in median voter algoithm

to cycle-go  ;;Loops the model a preset number of 'cycles'
  repeat cycles [

to loop-model  ;;Procedure combining bargaining sub-procedures
  loop [
  if count turtles = 0 [stop]

to resize-turtles  ;;Visual representation of agent's 'power' in the network
  ask turtles [
    set size sqrt count link-neighbors + (round bank / 1000)  ;;Placeholder for distributing resources across agents

to calculate-pcomms  ;;Agents decide to reach out
  ask turtles [
    set outreach random-float 1  ;;Placeholder for algorithm where turtles decide how 'social' they will be
    set receptability random-float 1  ;;Placeholder for algorithm where turtles decide how receptive to other turtles they will be
    if outreach <= pcomms [create-link-with max-one-of other turtles [receptability]]  ;;Based on pcomms; agents link with other agents with high communicability

to calculate-bargain-threshold  ;;Agents decide how much they will risk in bargaining
  ask turtles [
    let risk-percentage random-float 1  ;;How risk averse the agent is; the higher the number the greater the risk tolerance
    set bargain-threshold (bank * risk-percentage) ;;Percentage of bank an agent is likely to risk in bargaining

to bargain
   ask turtles with [any? link-neighbors = true] [
    set min-profit (bank / .25)  ;;Minimum profit an agent will accept in negociation
    set offer (bargain-threshold / 2)  ;;Set amount an agent is going to offer other agents
    set raise-increment ((offer / 2) + ticks)  ;;Set increment to raise slowly
    ifelse agreed? = false [ ifelse max [offer] of link-neighbors < min-profit  ;;Agents compare their neighbors offer to their own min-profit acceptable and either agree, ...
      [ask link-neighbors [set offer offer + raise-increment set bank bank - offer]] [set agreed? true] ]  ;;...or ask their neighbor to raise until agent agrees...
                           [ die ]  ;;...then are removed from the network

to fold  ;;Remove a player if they...
  ask turtles [ if size < 1 [die]  ;;...go broke, ...
                if agreed? = true [die]  ;;...agreed to a bargain, or...
                if link-neighbors = nobody [die]  ;;...are not in the network.

to layout
 ask turtles [ layout-spring turtles links 0.2 5 1 ]

to-report count-within-cycles  ;;Placeholder for a procedure where variables within the cycles are recorded
  report median [outreach] of turtles

There is only one version of this model, created almost 9 years ago by John Margeson.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Network Exchange Theory.png preview Preview for 'Network Exchange Theory' almost 9 years ago, by John Margeson Download

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