Beta version, Macroeconomic Agent Based Model
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breed [ Banks Bank ] breed [ Firms Firm ] breed [ HouseHolds Household ] directed-link-breed [ Hireds Hired ] directed-link-breed [ Owners Owner ] Globals [ GDP LevelPrice levelPriceK UnEmpRate CountK-Prod CountK-Cons CountProd CountCons v1 v2 v3 v4 betha01 alpha01 betha02 alpha02 ] Banks-own [ Equity_Total Equity_K-Firms Equity_C-Firms Equity_Rentists Equity_Workers Equity_Loans Profit ] Firms-own [ K-Firms? Production Price Vacancy Demand N_workers Kapital Kapital_memory Investiment CapUtil DepositBank Production_t-1 Profit ForeCastError CurrentIntRate LeverageRatio FinancialGap Loans ] Households-own [ Worker? HumanWealth ConsumeDesire DepositBank Own? Hired? Income ] ;__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To Setup <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<--------------------------------------------------- ;__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ to setup clear-all ;setup Globals ******************* set GDP 0 set LevelPrice InitialPrice set LevelPriceK InitialPrice set UnEmpRate 1 set CountK-Prod 0 set CountK-Cons 0 set CountProd 0 set CountCons 0 set v1 [ ] set v2 [ ] set v3 [ ] set v4 [ ] set betha01 0 set alpha01 0 ;creating the Bank create-Banks 1 [ setxy 4.5 12.5 set shape "house" set size 1 set color yellow set Equity_Total 0 set Equity_K-Firms 0 set Equity_C-Firms 0 set Equity_Rentists 0 set Equity_Workers 0 set Equity_Loans InitialEquityBank set Profit 0 ] ;generate firms and rentists ************* let i 0 while [ i < 10 ] [ let j 0 while [ j < 25 ] [ ifelse i > 7 [ ;create K-Firms type +++++++++++ create-Firms 1 [ setxy i j set shape "house" set size 0.85 set color 2 set K-Firms? true set Production InitialProdK-Firms set CountK-Prod CountK-Prod + Production set Price InitialPrice set Vacancy 2 set Demand 0 set N_workers 0 set Kapital "" set Kapital_memory "" set Investiment 0 set CapUtil "" set DepositBank InitialLiquidity set Production_t-1 InitialProdK-Firms set CurrentIntRate RiskFreeIntRate set LeverageRatio 0 set Loans 0 ] ] [ ;create C-Firms type +++++++++++++ create-Firms 1 [ setxy i j set shape "house" set size 0.85 set color 4 set K-Firms? false set Production InitialProdC-Firms set CountProd CountProd + Production set Price InitialPrice set Vacancy 2 set Demand 0 set N_workers 0 set Kapital K_initial set Kapital_memory K_initial set Investiment 0 set CapUtil 1 set DepositBank InitialLiquidity set Production_t-1 InitialProdC-Firms set CurrentIntRate RiskFreeIntRate set LeverageRatio 0 set Loans 0 ] ] ;setup rentists as a owners of the firms +++++++++++++++++++++ create-Households 1 [ setxy i j set shape "person" set size 0.65 set color white set Worker? false set HumanWealth 1 set ConsumeDesire 0 set DepositBank InitialHouseholdsAssets set Own? true set Hired? "" set Income 0 create-Owner-from one-of Firms-here [ set hidden? true ] ;this link shows who is the firm's owner ] set j j + 1 ] set i i + 1 ] ;setup Workers ****************** create-Households NumberWorkers [ setxy random 10 random 25 set shape "person" set size 0.45 set color blue set Worker? true set HumanWealth 1 set ConsumeDesire 0 set DepositBank InitialHouseholdsAssets set Own? "" set Hired? false set Income 0 ] ask Banks [ set Equity_K-Firms sum [DepositBank] of Firms with [K-Firms?] set Equity_C-Firms sum [DepositBank] of Firms with [not K-Firms?] set Equity_Rentists sum [DepositBank] of Households with [not Worker?] set Equity_Workers sum [DepositBank] of Households with [Worker?] set Equity_Total InitialEquityBank + Equity_K-Firms + Equity_C-Firms + Equity_Rentists + Equity_Workers ] reset-ticks end ;__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to Go <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<------------------------------------------------- ;__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ to go jobMarket conMarket kapMarket bankManagement toProduce growPopulation tick end ;__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> job market <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<------------------------------------------------- ;__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ to jobMarket ask Households with [Worker?] [ if Hired? = false [ let i 0 let Vacancy? false while [ Hired? = False and i < 5 ] [ setxy random 10 random 25 ask one-of Firms-here [ if Vacancy > 0 [ set Vacancy? true set Vacancy Vacancy - 1 set N_Workers N_Workers + 1 ] ] if Vacancy? = true [ set Hired? true set Income Wage create-Hired-to one-of Firms-here [ set hidden? true ] ;create a link betwen the worker and the Firm, this will end when the work is fired ] set i i + 1 ];end while ];end if Hired? = false ];end ask Workers set UnEmpRate (count Households with [Worker?] - count Hireds) / count Households with [Worker?] end ;__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Consume Market <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<--------------------------------------------- ;__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ to conMarket let Revenue 0 let Consume CountCons ask Households [ set HumanWealth HumWealthParam * HumanWealth + (1 - HumWealthParam) * Income set ConsumeDesire HumanWealth + DepBankParam * DepositBank ; this means how the agent will want to consume let CsD ConsumeDesire let Who01 "" let Who02 "" let Pri01 "" let Pri02 "" let Pro01 "" let Pro02 "" ;now they will check two diffents firms and buy at the better, if it is not enoght at the first firm the agent try to buy at the second, if not he is forced to save setxy random 8 random 25 ask one-of Firms-here [ set Who01 Who set Pri01 Price set Pro01 CsD / Price ] setxy random 8 random 25 ask one-of Firms-here [ set Who02 Who set Pri02 Price set Pro02 CsD / Price ] while [ Who01 = Who02 ] [ setxy random 8 random 25 ask one-of Firms-here [ set Who02 Who set Pri02 Price set Pro02 CsD / Price ] ];end While... ifelse Pri01 <= Pri02 [ ask Firm Who01 [ ifelse Production > CsD / Price [ set Demand Demand + CsD / Price set CountCons CountCons + CsD / Price set DepositBank DepositBank + CsD set Csd 0 set Production Production - Pro01 ] [;secon part of ifelse Production > CsD / Price ifelse Production > 0 [ set Demand Demand + CsD / Price set CountCons CountCons + Production set DepositBank DepositBank + Production * Price set Csd CsD - Production * Price set Production 0 ] [ set Demand Demand + CsD / Price set CountCons CountCons + 0 set DepositBank DepositBank + 0 set Csd CsD - 0 set Production 0 ];end ifelse Production > 0 ];end ifelse Production > CsD / Price ];end ask Firm Who01 if CsD > 0 [ ask Firm Who02 [ ifelse Production > CsD / Price [ set Demand Demand + CsD / Price set CountCons CountCons + CsD / Price set DepositBank DepositBank + CsD set Production Production - CsD / Price set Csd 0 ] [;second part of ifelse Production > CsD / Price ifelse Production > 0 [ set Demand Demand + CsD / Price set CountCons CountCons + Production set Consume Consume + Production set Csd CsD - Production * Price set Production 0 ] [ set Demand Demand + CsD / Price set CountCons CountCons + 0 set DepositBank DepositBank + 0 set Csd CsD - 0 set Production 0 ];end ifelse Production > 0 ];end ifelse Production > CsD / Price ];end ask Firm Who02 ];end If CsD > 0 ] [;second part of ifelse Pri01 <= Pri02 ask Firm Who02 [ ifelse Production > CsD / Price [ set Demand Demand + CsD / Price set CountCons CountCons + CsD / Price set DepositBank DepositBank + CsD set Production Production - CsD / Price set Csd 0 ] [;secon part of ifelse Production > CsD / Price ifelse Production > 0 [ set Demand Demand + CsD / Price set CountCons CountCons + Production set DepositBank DepositBank + Production * Price set Csd CsD - Production * Price set Production 0 ] [ set Demand Demand + CsD / Price set CountCons CountCons + 0 set DepositBank DepositBank + 0 set Csd CsD - 0 set Production 0 ];end ifelse Production > 0 ];end ifelse Production > CsD / Price ];end ask Firm Who02 if CsD > 0 [ ask Firm Who01 [ ifelse Production > CsD / Price [ set Demand Demand + CsD / Price set CountCons CountCons + CsD / Price set DepositBank DepositBank + CsD set Production Production - CsD / Price set Csd 0 ] [;secon part of ifelse Production > CsD / Price ifelse Production > 0 [ set Demand Demand + CsD / Price set CountCons CountCons + Production set DepositBank DepositBank + Production * Price set Csd CsD - Production * Price set Production 0 ] [ set Demand Demand + CsD / Price set CountCons CountCons + 0 set DepositBank DepositBank + 0 set Csd CsD - 0 set Production 0 ];end ifelse Production > 0 ];end ifelse Production > CsD / Price ];end ask Firm Who01 ];end If CsD > 0********************************************************** ];end ifelse Pri01 <= Pri02 ifelse Worker? [set DepositBank DepositBank + Income - (ConsumeDesire - CsD)] [ set DepositBank DepositBank - (ConsumeDesire - CsD) ] set Revenue Revenue + ConsumeDesire - CsD ];end ask households ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ set Consume CountCons - Consume set LevelPrice Revenue / Consume end ;__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To Produce <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<------------------------------------------------- ;__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ to toProduce set GDP 0 ask Firms with [ not K-Firms? ] [ set Vacancy 0 set Profit max list 0 ((Production_t-1 - Production) * Price - N_Workers * Wage) set Production min list (N_Workers * N_Prod) (Kapital * K_Prod) set GDP GDP + Production set CountProd CountProd + Production set DepositBank DepositBank - (N_Workers * Wage) - (Profit * DividendPayoutRatio) ;, how much will need to produce next period.......... let DesireProduction "" set ForeCastError Demand - Production_t-1 ifelse (ForeCastError >= 0 and Price >= LevelPrice) [ set DesireProduction Production_t-1 + QtdAdjParam * ForeCastError ] [ ifelse (ForeCastError < 0 and Price < LevelPrice) [ set DesireProduction Production_t-1 + QtdAdjParam * ForeCastError ] [ set DesireProduction Production_t-1 ] ];end desireproduction seting let MaxUtilKap (Kapital * K_prod) / N_Prod let Need_Workers max list 0 ( min list (1 + int (DesireProduction / N_Prod)) (1 + int MaxUtilKap) ) ifelse Need_Workers <= N_Workers [ ; then the firm to fired some employee while [ (Need_Workers < N_Workers) or N_Workers = 0] [ ask one-of my-in-Hireds [ ask other-end [ set Hired? false set Income 0 ] die ] set N_Workers N_Workers - 1 ];end while... ] [;end first part of Need_workers <= N_Workers set Vacancy Need_workers - N_Workers ;here the firm to hired, will open a vacancy and try to fill next period ];end ifelse Need_Workers... if ForeCastError <= 0 and Price > LevelPrice [ set Price Price * (1 - random-float 1 * 0.10)] if ForeCastError > 0 and Price <= LevelPrice [ set Price Price * (1 + random-float 1 * 0.10)] set Demand 0 set CapUtil Production / (Kapital * K_Prod) set Production_t-1 Production ;Kapital depreciation end the Kapital Memory if ticks > 1 [ set Kapital_memory (MemInv * Kapital_memory) + (1 - MemInv ) * Kapital ] set Kapital Kapital * (1 - Depr * CapUtil) ];end ask C-Firms ; now produce at K-Firms........................................................................................................................................................ ask Firms with [ K-Firms? ] [ set Vacancy 0 set Profit max list 0 (Production_t-1 * Price) set GDP GDP + N_Workers * N_Prod set CountK-Prod CountK-Prod + N_Workers * N_Prod set DepositBank DepositBank - (N_Workers * Wage) - (Profit * DividendPayoutRatio) let DesireProduction "" set ForeCastError Demand - Production_t-1 ifelse (ForeCastError >= 0 and Price >= LevelPriceK) [ set DesireProduction max list 0 (Production_t-1 + QtdAdjParam * ForeCastError - Production) ] [ ifelse (ForeCastError < 0 and Price < LevelPriceK) [ set DesireProduction max list 0 (Production_t-1 + QtdAdjParam * ForeCastError - Production) ] [ set DesireProduction max list 0 (Production_t-1 - Production)] ];end desireproduction seting set Production N_Workers * N_Prod + (1 - Depr * 16) * Production set Production_t-1 N_Workers * N_Prod let Need_Workers 1 + int (DesireProduction / N_Prod) if DesireProduction <= 0 [set Need_Workers 0] ifelse Need_Workers <= N_Workers [ while [ Need_Workers < N_Workers ] [ ask one-of my-in-Hireds [ ask other-end [ set Hired? false set Income 0 ] die ] set N_Workers N_Workers - 1 ];end while... ] [;end first part of Need_workers <= N_Workers set Vacancy Need_workers - N_Workers ];end ifelse Need_Workers... if ForeCastError <= 0 and Price > LevelPriceK [ set Price Price * (1 - random-float 1 * 0.10)] if ForeCastError > 0 and Price <= LevelPricek [ set Price Price * (1 + random-float 1 * 0.10)] set Demand 0 ];end ask K-Firms ............................................................................................ ask Households with [ not Worker? ] [ let Dividend 0 ask one-of my-in-Owners [ ask other-end [ if Profit > 0 [ set Dividend Profit * 0.20 ] ] ] set DepositBank DepositBank + Dividend set Income Dividend ] end ;__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To kapMarket <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<----------------------------------------------- ;__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ to kapMarket set CountK-Cons 0 let Revenue 0 ask Firms with [ not K-Firms?] [ if random-float 1 < ProbInv [ ;here lets think CsD as an Investiment Desire let CsD max list 0 ((((1 / DesCapUt) + (Depr / ProbInv)) * Kapital_memory) - (1 - CapUtil * Depr) * Kapital) let Debts 0 let Who01 "" let Pri01 "" let Who02 "" let Pri02 "" let X xcor let Y ycor ;searching for the better price, the Consumer Firm will try to buy the Capital she needs at the better price setxy (random 2 + 8) random 25 ask one-of other Firms-Here [ set Who01 who set Pri01 Price ] setxy (random 2 + 8) random 25 ask one-of other Firms-Here [ set Who02 who set Pri02 Price ] while [Who01 = Who02] [ setxy (random 2 + 8) random 25 ask one-of other Firms-Here [ set Who02 who set Pri02 Price ] ];end while who01 = who02 let Pro01 max list 0 (DepositBank / Pri01) let Pro02 max list 0 (DepositBank / Pri02) set CsD min (list CsD Pro01 Pro02) set Investiment CsD ifelse Pri01 <= Pri02 [ ask Firm Who01 [ ifelse Production >= CsD [ set Demand CsD * 1 set CountK-Cons CountK-Cons + CsD set Revenue Revenue + CsD * Price set DepositBank DepositBank + CsD * Price set Debts Debts + CsD * Price set Production Production - CsD set CsD 0 ] [ ifelse Production > 0 [ set Demand CsD * 1 set CountK-Cons CountK-Cons + Production set Revenue Revenue + Production * Price set DepositBank DepositBank + Production * Price set Debts Debts + Production * Price set CsD CsD - Production set Production 0 ] [ set Demand CsD * 1 set CountK-Cons CountK-Cons + 0 set Revenue Revenue + 0 set DepositBank DepositBank + 0 set Debts Debts + 0 set Production 0 set CsD CsD ];end ifelse production > 0 ];end ifelse Production >= CsD ];end ask Firm Who01 if CsD > 0 [ ask Firm Who02 [ ifelse Production >= CsD [ set Demand CsD * 1 set CountK-Cons CountK-Cons + CsD set Revenue Revenue + CsD * Price set DepositBank DepositBank + CsD * Price set Debts Debts + CsD * Price set Production Production - CsD set CsD 0 ] [ ifelse Production > 0 [ set Demand CsD * 1 set CountK-Cons CountK-Cons + Production set Revenue Revenue + Production * Price set DepositBank DepositBank + Production * Price set Debts Debts + Production * Price set CsD CsD - Production set Production 0 ] [ set Demand CsD * 1 set CountK-Cons CountK-Cons + 0 set Revenue Revenue + 0 set DepositBank DepositBank + 0 set Debts Debts + 0 set Production 0 set CsD CsD ];end ifelse production > 0 ];end ifelse Production >= CsD ];end ask Firm Who02 ];end if CsD > 0 ] [ ask Firm Who02 [ ifelse Production >= CsD [ set Demand CsD * 1 ;set GDP GDP + CsD set CountK-Cons CountK-Cons + CsD set Revenue Revenue + CsD * Price set DepositBank DepositBank + CsD * Price set Debts Debts + CsD * Price set Production Production - CsD set CsD 0 ] [ ifelse Production > 0 [ set Demand CsD * 1 set CountK-Cons CountK-Cons + Production set Revenue Revenue + Production * Price set DepositBank DepositBank + Production * Price set Debts Debts + Production * Price set CsD CsD - Production set Production 0 ] [ set Demand CsD * 1 set CountK-Cons CountK-Cons + 0 set Revenue Revenue + 0 set DepositBank DepositBank + 0 set Debts Debts + 0 set Production 0 set CsD CsD ];end ifelse production > 0 ];end ifelse Production >= CsD ];end ask Firm Who02 if CsD > 0 [ ask Firm Who01 [ ifelse Production >= CsD [ set Demand CsD * 1 set CountK-Cons CountK-Cons + CsD set Revenue Revenue + CsD * Price set DepositBank DepositBank + CsD * Price set Debts Debts + CsD * Price set Production Production - CsD set CsD 0 ] [ ifelse Production > 0 [ set Demand CsD * 1 set CountK-Cons CountK-Cons + Production set Revenue Revenue + Production * Price set DepositBank DepositBank + Production * Price set Debts Debts + Production * Price set CsD CsD - Production set Production 0 ] [ set Demand CsD * 1 set CountK-Cons CountK-Cons + 0 set Revenue Revenue + 0 set DepositBank DepositBank + 0 set Debts Debts + 0 set Production 0 set CsD CsD ];end ifelse production > 0 ];end ifelse Production >= CsD ];end ask Firm Who01 ];end if CsD > 0 ];end ifelse Pri01 <= Pri02 setxy X Y set Investiment Investiment - CsD set DepositBank DepositBank - Debts set Kapital Kapital + Investiment ];end ask C-Firms ];end if random < ProbInvs if Countk-Cons > 0 [ set LevelPriceK Revenue / CountK-Cons ] end ; to kapitalmarket ;__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To BankManagement <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<------------------------------------------ ;__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ to bankManagement ask Firms with [not K-Firms?] [ ifelse ticks < Tc [ set v1 lput (DepositBank * LeverageRatio) v1 ifelse DepositBank > 0 [ set v2 lput 1 v2 ] [ set v2 lput 0 v2 ] ] [ set v1 lput LeverageRatio v1 set v1 remove-item 0 v1 ifelse DepositBank > 0 [ set v2 lput 1 v2 ] [ set v2 lput 0 v2 ] set v2 remove-item 0 v2 ] ];end ask C-firms ask Firms with [K-Firms?] [ ifelse ticks < (Tc * 4) [ set v3 lput (DepositBank * LeverageRatio) v3 ifelse DepositBank > 0 [ set v4 lput 1 v4 ] [ set v4 lput 0 v4 ] ] [ set v3 lput LeverageRatio v3 set v3 remove-item 0 v3 ifelse DepositBank > 0 [ set v4 lput 1 v4 ] [ set v4 lput 0 v4 ] set v4 remove-item 0 v4 ] ];end ask K-firms ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ask Banks [ let Loans? Equity_Loans let Profit? Profit ask Firms [ set DepositBank DepositBank - Loans * CurrentIntRate - Loans * InstallmentDebt set Loans Loans - Loans * InstallmentDebt set Profit? Profit? + Loans * CurrentIntRate set Loans? Loans? + Loans * InstallmentDebt set FinancialGap max list 0 ((Vacancy + N_workers) * Wage + Investiment * LevelPriceK - DepositBank) set LeverageRatio (FinancialGap + Loans) / (abs DepositBank + FinancialGap + Loans) let AvalibleFunding min list (max list 0 (Loans? * BankLossParam)) FinancialGap if AvalibleFunding > 0 [ let Numerator 1 + (RiskFreeIntRate / InstallmentDebt) let Denominator (1 - (1 - InstallmentDebt) ^ (1 + LeverageRatio * 0.10)) / InstallmentDebt set CurrentIntRate (BankMarkup * ((Numerator / Denominator) - InstallmentDebt)) / 100 set Loans? Loans? - AvalibleFunding set DepositBank DepositBank + AvalibleFunding set Loans Loans + AvalibleFunding ];end if avaliblefunding ;bankrupicies if DepositBank <= 0 [ ifelse K-Firms? [ set Loans? Loans? + Loans set Profit? Profit? - Loans let Debts? DepositBank ask one-of my-out-Owners [ ask other-end [ set DepositBank DepositBank + Debts? - InitialLiquidity ] ] ;capitalist recaptilyze the firm while [ N_Workers > 0 ] [ ask one-of my-in-Hireds [ ask other-end [ set Hired? false set Income 0 ] die ] set N_workers N_workers - 1 ];end while... set Production InitialProdK-Firms set CountK-Prod CountK-Prod + Production set Price LevelPrice set Vacancy 2 set Demand 0 set N_workers 0 set K-Firms? true set Kapital "" set Kapital_memory "" set Investiment 0 set CapUtil "" set DepositBank InitialLiquidity set Production_t-1 InitialProdK-Firms set Loans 0 set FinancialGap 0 set LeverageRatio 0 set CurrentIntRate RiskFreeIntRate ] [;C-Firms... set Loans? Loans? + Loans set Profit? Profit? - Loans let Debts? DepositBank ask one-of my-out-Owners [ ask other-end [ set DepositBank DepositBank + Debts? - InitialLiquidity ] ] ;capitalist recaptilyze the firm while [ N_Workers > 0 ] [ ask one-of my-in-Hireds [ ask other-end [ set Hired? false set Income 0 ] die ] set N_workers N_workers - 1 ];end while... set Production InitialProdC-Firms set CountProd CountProd + Production set Price LevelPrice set Vacancy 2 set Demand 0 set N_workers 0 set K-Firms? false set Kapital K_initial set Kapital_memory K_initial set Investiment 0 set CapUtil 1 set DepositBank InitialLiquidity set Production_t-1 InitialProdC-Firms set Loans 0 set FinancialGap 0 set LeverageRatio 0 set CurrentIntRate RiskFreeIntRate ];end ifelse K-Firms? ];end if depositbank < 0 ];end ask firms let Dividend? max list 0 ((Profit? - Profit) * DividendPayoutRatio) ask Households with [Worker? = false] [ set DepositBank DepositBank + (Dividend? / 250) ];the capitalist receive the profit from the bank set Profit Profit? - Dividend? set Equity_Loans Loans? set Equity_K-Firms sum [DepositBank] of Firms with [K-Firms?] set Equity_C-Firms sum [DepositBank] of Firms with [not K-Firms?] set Equity_Rentists sum [DepositBank] of Households with [not Worker?] set Equity_Workers sum [DepositBank] of Households with [Worker?] set Equity_Total Equity_Loans + Equity_K-Firms + Equity_C-Firms + Equity_Rentists + Equity_Workers + Profit ];end ask banks set betha01 betha v1 v2 set alpha01 alpha (mean v1) (mean v2) betha01 set betha02 betha v3 v4 set alpha02 alpha (mean v3) (mean v4) betha02 end ;__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Optional, population growth ------------------------------------------------------------------ ;__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ to growPopulation if NewWorkers? = true [ create-Households %Grow / 100 * count (Households with [Worker? = true]) [ setxy random 10 random 25 set shape "person" set size 0.65 set color blue set Worker? true set HumanWealth 0 set ConsumeDesire 0 set DepositBank InitialHouseholdsAssets ask Banks [ set Equity_Workers Equity_Workers + InitialHouseholdsAssets ] set Hired? false set Income 0 ] ask Banks [ set Equity_Total InitialEquityBank + Equity_K-Firms + Equity_C-Firms + Equity_Rentists + Equity_Workers ] ] end ;initial tests to include the logistic equation to model de interests rates pratice for the bank management to-report betha [ X Y ] let meanX mean X let meanY mean Y let firstpart (map [((?1 - meanX) * (?2 - meanY))] X Y) let secndpart (map [((? - meanX) * (? - meanX))] X) ifelse sum secndpart != 0 [ report (sum firstpart) / (sum secndpart) ] [ report 0 ] end to-report alpha [ X Y B ] report Y - B * X end
There are 3 versions of this model.
Attached files
File | Type | Description | Last updated | |
Beta version, Macroeconomic Agent Based Model.png | preview | Preview for 'Beta version, Macroeconomic Agent Based Model' | about 9 years ago, by elder silva | Download |
Info.pdf | Info file, The model do not update the Info, so it is here... | about 9 years ago, by elder silva | Download |
This model does not have any ancestors.
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Rubén Osuna
Incompatibility with NetLogo 6 (Question)
The code doesn't run on the version 6 of the software. The model is very interesting. It is a first macromodel for learning how to use NetLogo for this. Thanks!
Posted over 7 years ago