Musical Chairs

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;;  The Musical Chairs model - A model of the interaction between farming and herding
;;  Copyright (C) 2013 Andreas Angourakis (
;;  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;;  (at your option) any later version.
;;  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;  GNU General Public License for more details.
;;  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;  along with this program.  If not, see .


  ;;; modified parameters
  intGrowthF intGrowthH extGrowthF extGrowthH 
  initH initF
  h_r_m_i intgH intgF
  ;;; sets of agents that exists at the end of each run
  settledFarmingAgents stableHerdingAgents
  ;;; unlucky agents, their respective number of helpers and their intensity
  unluckyF farmingSupport farmingIntensity
  unluckyH herdingSupport herdingIntensity
  ;;; variables used in resolve_conflict
  index_of_opportunity ratio_of_intensities 
  ;;; counters and final measures
  dilemmaEvents oasisDegressionEvents herdingSuccessRatio
  farmingGrowth farmingDeterrence herdingGrowth herdingDeterrence farmingBalance herdingBalance
  farming_histo_intensity_0_025 farming_histo_intensity_025_05 farming_histo_intensity_05_075 farming_histo_intensity_075_1
  farming_histo_independence_0_025 farming_histo_independence_025_05 farming_histo_independence_05_075 farming_histo_independence_075_1
  herding_histo_intensity_0_025 herding_histo_intensity_025_05 herding_histo_intensity_05_075 herding_histo_intensity_075_1
  herding_histo_independence_0_025 herding_histo_independence_025_05 herding_histo_independence_05_075 herding_histo_independence_075_1
  mean_fint mean_find mean_hint mean_hind

;;; establishes the classes of agents and their variables

breed [ farming_agents farming_agent ]

breed [ herding_agents herder_agent ]

farming_agents-own [ intensity independence ]

herding_agents-own [ intensity independence ]

;;; SETUP ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

to setup
  ;;; setup parameters depending on the type of experiment
  ifelse (random_exp? = true) 
    set intGrowthF random-float farming_intrinsic_growth_rate
    set extGrowthF random-float farming_extrinsic_growth_rate
    set intgF random-float farming_integration
    set intGrowthH random-float herding_intrinsic_growth_rate
    set extGrowthH random-float herding_extrinsic_growth_rate
    set intgH random-float herding_integration
    set initH random init_herding
    set initF random init_farming
    set h_r_m_i ((1 + (random-float 10) ) / (1 + (random-float 10) )) ;; set a random value between 0.1 and 10 (around 1)
    set intGrowthF farming_intrinsic_growth_rate
    set extGrowthF farming_extrinsic_growth_rate
    set intgF farming_integration
    set intGrowthH herding_intrinsic_growth_rate
    set extGrowthH herding_extrinsic_growth_rate
    set intgH herding_integration
    set initH init_herding
    set initF init_farming
    set h_r_m_i herding_relative_max_intensity

  ;;; create agents according to the parameter setting (position is arbitrary and has no consequence)
  ask patch 0 0
    sprout-herding_agents initH [ initialize-an-agent ]
  ask patch max-pxcor 0
    sprout-farming_agents initF [ initialize-an-agent ]
  ;;; initialize visualization
  ask patches [ set pcolor yellow ]
  set dilemmaEvents 0 ;reset dilemma_events counter
  set oasisDegressionEvents 0 ;reset oasis_degression_events counter

to initialize-an-agent
  set hidden? true
  ifelse (breed = farming_agents)
  [ set intensity random-float farming_max_intensity ]
  [ set intensity random-float (farming_max_intensity * h_r_m_i) ]
  set independence (random-float 1)

to go
  ;reset dilemma_events and oasis_degression_events counters
  set dilemmaEvents 0 
  set oasisDegressionEvents 0

to farming_expansion
    ;;; set of farming_agents currently present
  set settledFarmingAgents turtle-set farming_agents
  ;;; reset counters
  set farmingGrowth 0
  set farmingDeterrence 0
  ;;; Intrinsic growth
  ask settledFarmingAgents
  [ if ( random-float 1 <= intGrowthF )
      hatch 1
      set farmingGrowth farmingGrowth + 1
  ;;; Extrinsic growth
  ask patch max-pxcor 0
  [ sprout-farming_agents (round (extGrowthF * ( (count patches) - (count settledFarmingAgents) ) ) )
      set farmingGrowth farmingGrowth + 1
  let notSettledFarmingAgents farming_agents with [not member? self settledFarmingAgents]
  ;;; Fit-to-maximum exclusion
  ask notSettledFarmingAgents
    ;new farming_agents exit the territory in a random order whenever there is no more land to use
    if (count farming_agents > count patches) [ set farmingDeterrence farmingDeterrence + 1 die ]
  ;;; Density-dependent exclusion
  ask notSettledFarmingAgents
    ;new farming_agents exit the territory with a probability proportional to the density of land currently used for agriculture (i.e. proxy of the quality of the remaining land)
    if (random-float 1 < ((count farming_agents) / (count patches) ) ) [ set farmingDeterrence farmingDeterrence + 1 die ]
  ;;; Volition-opportunity exclusion
  ask notSettledFarmingAgents
    ;;; if the territory is saturated...
    if (count patches - count herding_agents < count farming_agents)
      ;;; if its not possible to extend farming over herding of another group 
      if ( ( (count herding_agents) / (count patches) ) > independence)
      [ set farmingDeterrence farmingDeterrence + 1 die ]

to herding_expansion
  ;;; set of herding_agents currently present
  set stableHerdingAgents turtle-set herding_agents
  ;;; reset counters
  set herdingGrowth 0
  set herdingDeterrence 0
  ;;; Intrinsic growth
  ask stableHerdingAgents
  [ if ( random-float 1 <= intGrowthH )
      hatch 1
      set herdingGrowth herdingGrowth + 1
  ;;; Extrinsic growth
  ask patch 0 0
  [ sprout-herding_agents (round (extGrowthH * ( (count patches) - (count stableHerdingAgents) ) ) )
      set herdingGrowth herdingGrowth + 1
  let notStableHerdingAgents herding_agents with [not member? self stableHerdingAgents]
  ;;; Fit-to-maximum exclusion
  ask notStableHerdingAgents
    ;new herding_agents exit the territory in a random order whenever there is no more land to use
    if (count herding_agents > count patches) [ set herdingDeterrence herdingDeterrence + 1 die ]
  ;;; Density-dependent exclusion
  ask notStableHerdingAgents
    ;new herding_agents exit the territory with a probability proportional to the density of pastures currently in use (i.e. proxy of the quality of the remaining land)
    if (random-float 1 < ( (count herding_agents) / (count patches) ) ) [ set herdingDeterrence herdingDeterrence + 1 die ]

to check_competition
  if ((count patches) - (count farming_agents) < count herding_agents) [ resolve_competition ]

to resolve_competition

  ;;; set competition conditions
  ;;;;; select one farming agent and its supporters, calculate the intensity of the farming land use involved in a land use unit
  set unluckyF one-of farming_agents
  set farmingSupport round (intgF * ((count farming_agents) - 1))
  let p 0
  if (farmingSupport > 0) [ set p sum [intensity] of n-of farmingSupport farming_agents with [self != unluckyF] ]
  set farmingIntensity ([intensity] of unluckyF + p )
  ;;;;; select one herding agent and its supporters, calculate the intensity of the herding land use to be involved in the same land use unit
  set unluckyH one-of herding_agents
  set herdingSupport round (intgH * ((count herding_agents) - 1))
  let q 0
  if (herdingSupport > 0) [ set q sum [intensity] of n-of herdingSupport herding_agents with [self != unluckyH] ]
  set herdingIntensity ([intensity] of unluckyH + q )

  ;;;;; calculate the ratio of intensities, the index of opportunity and the incentives for relinquish, all taken from the perspective of herding land use
  set ratio_of_intensities  (herdingIntensity /(farmingIntensity + herdingIntensity))
  set index_of_opportunity ((count farming_agents) / (count patches))
  set incentives_to_relinquish (1 - (ratio_of_intensities * index_of_opportunity))
  ;;; resolve the competitive situation
  ask unluckyH
    ;;; Does the competitive situation evolves into a dilemma event?
    ifelse ( independence < incentives_to_relinquish)
    ;;; No. The herding agent exit the territory.
    [ set herdingDeterrence herdingDeterrence + 1 die ]
    ;;; Yes. A dilemma event is produced for there are two variants to be realized in a single land use unit.
      set dilemmaEvents (dilemmaEvents + 1)
      ;;; Does the dilemma event evolves into a oasis degression event?
      ifelse (random-float 1 < ratio_of_intensities)
      ;;; Yes. The unlucky farming agent exits the territory.
        ask unluckyF [ set farmingDeterrence farmingDeterrence + 1 die ]
        set oasisDegressionEvents (oasisDegressionEvents + 1)
      ;;; No. The unlucky herding agent exits the territory.
      [ set herdingDeterrence herdingDeterrence + 1 die ]
  ;;; re-check the presence of competitive situations

to update_visualization
  set AREA count patches
  set farmingBalance (farmingGrowth - farmingDeterrence)
  set herdingBalance (herdingGrowth - herdingDeterrence)
  ifelse (dilemmaEvents > 0) [ set herdingSuccessRatio (oasisDegressionEvents / dilemmaEvents) ] [ set herdingSuccessRatio 0 ]

  set farming_histo_intensity_0_025 (count farming_agents with [intensity <= ( 0.25 * farming_max_intensity)])
  set farming_histo_intensity_025_05 (count farming_agents with [intensity <= ( 0.5 * farming_max_intensity)])
  set farming_histo_intensity_025_05 (farming_histo_intensity_025_05 - farming_histo_intensity_0_025)
  set farming_histo_intensity_05_075 (count farming_agents with [intensity <= ( 0.75 * farming_max_intensity)])
  set farming_histo_intensity_05_075 (farming_histo_intensity_05_075 - farming_histo_intensity_0_025 - farming_histo_intensity_025_05)
  set farming_histo_intensity_075_1 ((count farming_agents) - farming_histo_intensity_0_025 - farming_histo_intensity_025_05 - farming_histo_intensity_05_075)
  ifelse (count farming_agents > 0)
  [ set mean_fint ((farming_histo_intensity_0_025 * 1 / (count farming_agents)) + (farming_histo_intensity_025_05 * 2 / (count farming_agents)) + (farming_histo_intensity_05_075 * 3 / (count farming_agents)) + (farming_histo_intensity_075_1 * 4 / (count farming_agents))) ]
  [ set mean_fint 0 ]
  set farming_histo_independence_0_025 (count farming_agents with [independence <= 0.25])
  set farming_histo_independence_025_05 (count farming_agents with [independence <= 0.5])
  set farming_histo_independence_025_05 (farming_histo_independence_025_05 - farming_histo_independence_0_025)
  set farming_histo_independence_05_075 (count farming_agents with [independence <= 0.75])
  set farming_histo_independence_05_075 (farming_histo_independence_05_075 - farming_histo_independence_0_025 - farming_histo_independence_025_05)
  set farming_histo_independence_075_1 ((count farming_agents) - farming_histo_independence_0_025 - farming_histo_independence_025_05 - farming_histo_independence_05_075)  
  ifelse (count farming_agents > 0)
  [ set mean_find ((farming_histo_independence_0_025 * 1 / (count farming_agents)) + (farming_histo_independence_025_05 * 2 / (count farming_agents)) + (farming_histo_independence_05_075 * 3 / (count farming_agents)) + (farming_histo_independence_075_1 * 4 / (count farming_agents))) ] 
  [ set mean_find 0 ]
  set herding_histo_intensity_0_025 (count herding_agents with [intensity <= (0.25 * (h_r_m_i * farming_max_intensity))])
  set herding_histo_intensity_025_05 (count herding_agents with [intensity <= (0.5 * (h_r_m_i * farming_max_intensity))])
  set herding_histo_intensity_025_05 (herding_histo_intensity_025_05 - herding_histo_intensity_0_025)
  set herding_histo_intensity_05_075 (count herding_agents with [intensity <= (0.75 * (h_r_m_i * farming_max_intensity))])
  set herding_histo_intensity_05_075 (herding_histo_intensity_05_075 - herding_histo_intensity_0_025 - herding_histo_intensity_025_05)
  set herding_histo_intensity_075_1 ((count herding_agents) - herding_histo_intensity_0_025 - herding_histo_intensity_025_05 - herding_histo_intensity_05_075)
  ifelse (count herding_agents > 0)
  [ set mean_hint ((herding_histo_intensity_0_025 * 1 / (count herding_agents)) + (herding_histo_intensity_025_05 * 2 / (count herding_agents)) + (herding_histo_intensity_05_075 * 3 / (count herding_agents)) + (herding_histo_intensity_075_1 * 4 / (count herding_agents))) ]
  [ set mean_hint 0 ]
  set herding_histo_independence_0_025 (count herding_agents with [independence <= 0.25])
  set herding_histo_independence_025_05 (count herding_agents with [independence <= 0.5])
  set herding_histo_independence_025_05 (herding_histo_independence_025_05 - herding_histo_independence_0_025)
  set herding_histo_independence_05_075 (count herding_agents with [independence <= 0.75])
  set herding_histo_independence_05_075 (herding_histo_independence_05_075 - herding_histo_independence_0_025 - herding_histo_independence_025_05)
  set herding_histo_independence_075_1 ((count herding_agents) - herding_histo_independence_0_025 - herding_histo_independence_025_05 - herding_histo_independence_05_075)
  ifelse (count herding_agents > 0)
  [ set mean_hind ((herding_histo_independence_0_025 * 1 / (count herding_agents)) + (herding_histo_independence_025_05 * 2 / (count herding_agents)) + (herding_histo_independence_05_075 * 3 / (count herding_agents)) + (herding_histo_independence_075_1 * 4 / (count herding_agents))) ]
  [ set mean_hind 0 ]

to update_patches
  ifelse ( count farming_agents > (count patches with [pcolor = green]) )
    let to-paint (count farming_agents - (count patches with [pcolor = green]))
    repeat to-paint
      ifelse (count patches with [pcolor = green] < (max-pycor + 1) )
      [ ask one-of patches with [pxcor = max-pxcor] [ set pcolor green] ]
      [ ask one-of patches with [(pcolor = yellow) and (count neighbors with [pcolor = green] > 2)] [ set pcolor green ] ]
    let to-paint ((count patches with [pcolor = green]) - count farming_agents)
    repeat to-paint
      ifelse (any? patches with [(pcolor = green) and (count neighbors with [pcolor = yellow] > 2)])
        ask one-of patches with [(pcolor = green) and (count neighbors with [pcolor = yellow] > 2)]
        [ set pcolor yellow ]
      [ ask one-of patches with [pxcor = min-pxcor] [set pcolor yellow] ]

There is only one version of this model, created over 8 years ago by Andreas Angourakis.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Musical Chairs.png preview Preview for 'Musical Chairs' over 8 years ago, by Andreas Angourakis Download

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