
ComplexMapper preview image

1 collaborator

Default-person Joshua Abrams (Author)


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Model was written in NetLogo 5.1.0 • Viewed 212 times • Downloaded 18 times • Run 0 times
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globals [selectedpt]

to startup

to setup
;; (for this model to work with NetLogo's new plotting features,
  ;; __clear-all-and-reset-ticks should be replaced with clear-all at
  ;; the beginning of your setup procedure and reset-ticks at the end
  ;; of the procedure.)
ask patches [set pcolor white]
crt 2 [set color black set heading who * 90 pd repeat 16 [fd 1 rt 90 fd .1 fd -.2 fd .1 lt 90] rt 180 fd 16 repeat 17 [rt 90 fd .1 fd -.2 fd .1 lt 90 fd 1]]
crt 1 [set size 0]

to add
ask turtles with [who != 0] [if KeepPre-image? [stamp] setxy xcor + real ycor + imaginary]
if ConnectPoints? [ask turtle 0 [pu move-to turtle 1 pd let index 1 repeat selectedpt - 1 [set index index + 1 move-to turtle (index)]]]

to sub
ask turtles with [who != 0] [if KeepPre-image? [stamp] setxy xcor - real ycor - imaginary]
if ConnectPoints? [ask turtle 0 [pu move-to turtle 1 pd let index 1 repeat selectedpt - 1 [set index index + 1 move-to turtle (index)]]]

to mult
ask turtles with [who != 0] [if KeepPre-image? [stamp] setxy xcor * real - ycor * imaginary xcor * imaginary + real * ycor]
if ConnectPoints? [ask turtle 0 [pu move-to turtle 1 pd let index 1 repeat selectedpt - 1 [set index index + 1 move-to turtle (index)]]]

to div
ask turtles with [who != 0] [if KeepPre-image? [stamp] setxy (xcor * real + ycor * imaginary)/(real ^ 2 + imaginary ^ 2) (- xcor * imaginary + real * ycor) / (real ^ 2 + imaginary ^ 2)]
if ConnectPoints? [ask turtle 0 [pu move-to turtle 1 pd let index 1 repeat selectedpt - 1 [set index index + 1 move-to turtle (index)]]]

to square

to addpt
ask turtles [set shape "circle"]
crt 1 [set shape "square" set size 0.4 setxy real imaginary set selectedpt who]
if ConnectPoints? and (selectedpt != 1) [ask turtle 0 [pu move-to turtle (selectedpt - 1) pd move-to turtle (selectedpt)]]

; to checkselect
; ask turtles with [who != selectedpt] [set shape "circle"]
; ask turtles with [who = selectedpt] [set shape "square"]
; end

There is only one version of this model, created about 9 years ago by Joshua Abrams.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
ComplexMapper.png preview Preview for 'ComplexMapper' about 9 years ago, by Joshua Abrams Download

This model does not have any ancestors.

This model does not have any descendants.