MERS in Hospital

MERS in Hospital preview image

1 collaborator

Default-person Hyesop Shin (Author)


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breed [patients patient]
breed [docs doc]
breed [nurses nurse]
breed [people person]

patches-own [hospital?

turtles-own [exposed?

docs-own [sex


nurses-own [sex


patients-own [sex


to setup

ask patches
  [set pcolor grey
    if (pxcor >= -27 and pxcor <= 28)  and (pycor >= -18 and pycor <= 18) [set pcolor white]
    if (pxcor >= -28 and pxcor <= -18) and (pycor >= -18 and pycor <= -8) [set pcolor grey]
    if (pxcor >= -10 and pxcor <= -9)  or (pycor >= 1 and pycor <= 2) [set pcolor 69.8 ] ; moving track
    if (pxcor >= -8  and pxcor <= 4)  and (pycor >= -5 and pycor <= -4) [set pcolor 69.8] ; moving track
    if (pxcor = -24) and (pycor = 3) [set pcolor 69.8] ; moving track
    if (pxcor = -3)  and (pycor = 3) [set pcolor 69.8] ; moving track
    ;if (pxcor = 5)   and (pycor = 3) [set pcolor 69.8] ; moving track
    if (pxcor = 21)  and (pycor = 3) [set pcolor 69.8] ; moving track

    if (pxcor >= -30 and pxcor <= -28) and (pycor >= 1  and pycor <= 2)  [set pcolor blue] ; Gate 1
    if (pxcor >= -10 and pxcor <= -9)  and (pycor >= -20 and pycor <= -19) [set pcolor blue] ; Gate 2
    if (pxcor >= 4 and pxcor <= 10)    and (pycor >= -20 and pycor <= -19) [set pcolor blue + 1] ; Emergency gate
    if (pxcor >= 29 and pxcor <= 30)   and (pycor >= 1 and pycor <= 2)  [set pcolor blue] ; Byolgwan Corridor
    if (pxcor >= -10 and pxcor <= -9)   and (pycor >= 19 and pycor <= 20)  [set pcolor blue] ; Gate 3
    ifelse pcolor != grey [set hospital? true][set hospital? false]

    if (pxcor >= -25 and pxcor <= -20) and (pycor >= 4 and pycor <= 14) [set pcolor green + 2 set jung 1] ;orthopedics(Junghyung)
    if (pxcor >= -6 and pxcor <= -1) and (pycor >= 4 and pycor <= 14) [set pcolor green + 2 set cho 1] ;cardiography(Choumpa)
    if (pxcor >= 15 and pxcor <= 25)  and (pycor >= 4 and pycor <= 14) [set pcolor green + 2 set radio 1] ;Radiology
    if (pxcor >= 4 and pxcor <= 15)  and (pycor >= -18 and pycor <= -4) [set pcolor green + 1] ;Emergency room
    if (pxcor >= 11 and pxcor <= 15) and (pycor >= -18 and pycor <= -17) [set pcolor white]
    ifelse pcolor = green + 1 [set emergency? true][ifelse pcolor = blue  + 1 [set emergency? true][set emergency? false]]
    ifelse pcolor = green + 2 [set room? true][set room? false]
    ifelse (pxcor = 3) and (pycor = -5) [set door true set pcolor 69.7][set door false]

;Make emergency beds
ask n-of beds patches with [(pxcor = 4 or pxcor = 15) and (pycor >= -15 and pycor <= -6)]
                         [if [pcolor] of neighbors != green + 1  [set pcolor 109]]


to setup-docs
  set-default-shape docs "person doctor"
  create-docs (no-of-docs - 2) [set color black
                               set size 2
                               setxy random-xcor random-ycor]

  create-docs 2 [set color black + 1
                 set size 2
                 setxy random-xcor random-ycor]

  ask docs with [color = black][ifelse [pcolor] of patch-here = grey
                               [move-to one-of patches with [hospital? = true and pcolor = 69.8]]
                               [move-to one-of patches with [hospital? = true and pcolor = 69.8]]
                               set age 25 + random 10
                               ifelse age > 30 [set sex "Male"][set sex "Female"]

  ask docs with [color = black + 1][ifelse [emergency?] of patch-here = false [move-to one-of patches with [emergency? = true]]
                                   [move-to one-of patches with [emergency? = true]]
                                    set sex "Male" set age 25 + random 6 set health 70 + random 30]

to setup-nurses
  set-default-shape nurses "person service"
  create-nurses (no-of-nurses * 2 / 3 ) [set color yellow + 1
                                         set size 2
                                    ;setxy random-xcor random-ycor

  ask nurses with [color = yellow + 1][ ifelse [hospital?] of patch-here = false
                  [move-to one-of patches with [hospital? = true and emergency? = false and door = false and room? = true ]]
                  [move-to one-of patches with [hospital? = true and emergency? = false and door = false and room? = true ]]
                                      if [hospital?] of patch-here = true [set sex "Female" set age 20 + random 30 set health 50 + random 50]

  create-nurses (no-of-nurses / 3) [set color brown + 2
                                    set size 2
                                    set health 50 + random 50
                                    ;set target min-one-of docs [distance myself]
                                    setxy random-xcor random-ycor]
                    ask nurses with [color = brown + 2][ ifelse [hospital?] of patch-here = false
                        [move-to one-of patches with [hospital? = true and pcolor = 69.8]]
                        [move-to one-of patches with [hospital? = true and pcolor = 69.8]]


to setup-patients
  set-default-shape patients "person"
  create-patients no-of-patients [set size 2
                                  set color pink
                                  set health 20 + random 40
                                  setxy random-xcor random-ycor ]
;every 10 [ask n-of 5 patches with [emergency? = true and pcolor = blue + 1] [ sprout 2 [set shape "person" set size 2 set color pink ]]]

  ask patients [ifelse [pcolor] of patch-here != black
               [move-to one-of patches with [emergency? = true and pcolor = blue + 1] ]
               [setxy xcor ycor

to setup-virus
  ask one-of patients with [emergency? = true and health < 35][set color 117 set exposed? true]


to go
if(all? patients [infected? = true])[stop]
if(ticks > 300) [stop]
if(count patients with [[emergency?] of patch-here] = 0) [stop]


to move-patients
  ask patients with[[emergency?] of patch-here = true] [ifelse [pcolor] of patch-here = blue + 1 [move-to one-of patches with [emergency? = true and pcolor != blue + 1]]
                                                         [move-to one-of patches with [emergency? = true and pcolor != blue + 1]]

  ask patients with [[emergency?] of patch-here = true and [pcolor] of patch-here != blue + 1]
                    [ifelse emergency? = true and pcolor != blue + 1
                    [move-to one-of patches with [emergency? = true and pcolor != blue + 1 or pcolor = 109]]
                    [move-to one-of patches with [emergency? = true and pcolor != blue + 1 or pcolor = 109]]
                     set health health - 1
                    ; set count-down count-down + 1
                    ; set label count-down

  if(classify = "freedom")
  [ask patients with[[emergency?] of patch-here = true] [if any? docs in-radius 2 [
                      set count-down count-down + 1   ;increment-timer
                      set label count-down]
                      if count-down > length-of-stay [move-to one-of patches with [door = true] set label ""]]]

   ask patients with [pxcor = -10][set heading 180 fd 1]
   ask patients with [pxcor =  -9][set heading 0 fd 1 ]
   ask patients with [pycor = 1][set heading 90 fd 1 ]
   ask patients with [pycor = 2][set heading 270 fd 1 ]
  ; ask patients with [pycor = -5][set heading 270 fd 1 ]
  ; ask patients with [pycor = -4][set heading 270 fd 1 ]

   ask patients with [[door] of patch-here = true][set heading 270 fd 1 ]
  ; ask patients with [pycor >= -5 and pycor <= -4 and pxcor > -9 and pxcor < 4][set heading 270 fd 1 ]
   ask patients with [pxcor >= -9 and pxcor <= 2 and pycor = -5][set heading 270 fd 1 ]

 ask patients with [pxcor = -9 and pycor = 0]
                             [let dice random 4
                               if(dice = 0) [move-to patch -8 1]
                               if(dice = 1) [move-to patch -9 3]
                               if(dice = 2) [move-to patch -11 2]
                               if(dice = 3) [move-to patch -10 0]
                               ] ;central junction

 ask patients with [pxcor = -7 and pycor = -4]
                             [let dice random 2
                               if(dice = 0) [move-to patch -9 -3]
                               if(dice = 1) [move-to patch -10 -6] ] ;emergency junction

 ask docs with [pxcor = -9  and pycor = -5][set heading 270 * random 2 fd 1]
 ask patients with [pxcor = -10 and pycor = -5][set heading 180 fd 1] ;emergency
 ask patients with [pxcor = -28 and pycor = 2][set heading 180 fd 1] ;gate u-turn
 ask patients with [pxcor = 29 and pycor  = 1][set heading 0 fd 1]   ;gate u-turn
 ask patients with [pxcor = -9 and pycor = 19][set heading 270 fd 1] ;gate u-turn
 ask patients with [pxcor = -10 and pycor = -19][set heading 90 fd 1];gate u-turn

;junghyungwegwa wander
 ask patients with [pxcor = -24 and pycor >= 2 and pycor <= 3][
               if [jung] of patch-here = 0 [move-to one-of patches with [jung = 1]]]
 ask patients with [[jung] of patch-here = 1][ifelse [jung] of patch-here != 1 [move-to one-of patches with [jung = 1]]
                                                         [move-to one-of patches with [jung = 1]]
                          if any? docs in-radius 5 [set health health + 10]
                          set count-down count-down + 1   ;increment-timer
                          set label count-down
                          if count-down > 50 [move-to patch -18 1]

;choumpa wander
 ask patients with [pxcor = -3 and pycor = 1 + random 3][
               if [cho] of patch-here = 0 [move-to one-of patches with [cho = 1]]]
 ask patients with [[cho] of patch-here = 1][ ifelse [cho] of patch-here != 1 [move-to one-of patches with [cho = 1]]
                                                         [move-to one-of patches with [cho = 1]]
                          if any? docs in-radius 5 [set health health + 10]
                          set count-down count-down + 1   ;increment-timer
                          set label count-down
                          if count-down > 50 [move-to patch -7 2]

;radio wander
 ask patients with [pxcor = 21 and pycor >= 2 and pycor <= 3][
                if [radio] of patch-here = 0 [move-to one-of patches with [radio = 1]]]
 ask patients with [[radio] of patch-here = 1][ ifelse [radio] of patch-here != 1 [move-to one-of patches with [radio = 1]]
                                                             [move-to one-of patches with [radio = 1]]
                            if any? docs in-radius 5 [set health health + 10]
                            set count-down count-down + 1   ;increment-timer
                            set label count-down
                            if count-down > 50 [move-to patch 18 2 ]


to duty
  ask docs with [color = black + 1 ][ifelse [emergency?] of patch-here = false
                                    [move-to one-of patches with [emergency? = true]]
                                    [setxy xcor ycor] set heading random 360 fd 0.5

                                    ;if [pcolor] of patches in-radius 1 = 109 ;classify types of disease
                                    ;[ask patients [ set health health + 1]]


to doctor-visit
  ask docs with [pxcor = -10][set heading 180 fd 1 set label ""]
  ask docs with [pxcor =  -9][set heading 0 fd 1 set label ""]
  ask docs with [pycor = 1][set heading 90 fd 1 set label ""]
  ask docs with [pycor = 2][set heading 270 fd 1 set label ""]
  ask docs with [pycor = -5][set heading 90 fd 1 set label ""]
  ask docs with [pxcor >= -9 and pxcor <= 2 and pycor = -4][set heading 270 fd 1 set label ""]

 ask docs with [pxcor >= -10 and pxcor <= -9 and pycor >= 1 and pycor <= 2][set heading (random 4 * 90 ) fd 1] ;central junction
 ask docs with [pxcor = -10 and pycor = -5][set heading 180 fd 1] ;emergency
 ask docs with [pxcor = -9  and pycor = -5][set heading 270 * random 2 fd 1]

 ask docs with [pxcor = -28 and pycor = 2][set heading 180 fd 1] ;gate u-turn
 ask docs with [pxcor = 29 and pycor  = 1][set heading 0 fd 1]   ;gate u-turn
 ask docs with [pxcor = -9 and pycor = 19][set heading 270 fd 1] ;gate u-turn
 ask docs with [pxcor = -10 and pycor = -19][set heading 90 fd 1];gate u-turn
 ask docs with [door = true][move-to patch 2 -4]; emergency u-turn

;junghyungwegwa visit
 ask docs with [pxcor = -24 and pycor >= 1 and pycor <= 3][
               if [jung] of patch-here = 0 [move-to one-of patches with [jung = 1]]]

 ask docs with [[jung] of patch-here = 1][ifelse [jung] of patch-here != 1 [move-to one-of patches with [jung = 1]]
                                                                           [move-to one-of patches with [jung = 1]]

                          set count-down count-down + 1   ;increment-timer
                           set label count-down
                           if count-down > 50 [move-to patch -18 1 ] ]

;choumpa visit
 ask docs with [pxcor = -3 and pycor = 1 + random 2][
               if [cho] of patch-here = 0 [move-to one-of patches with [cho = 1]]]

 ask docs with [[cho] of patch-here = 1][ ifelse [cho] of patch-here != 1 [move-to one-of patches with [cho = 1]]
                                                         [move-to one-of patches with [cho = 1]]
                          set count-down count-down + 1   ;increment-timer
                          set label count-down
                          if count-down > 50 [move-to patch -7 2]]

;radio visit
 ask docs with [pxcor = 21 and pycor = 1 + random 2][
                if [radio] of patch-here = 0 [move-to one-of patches with [radio = 1]]]

 ask docs with [[radio] of patch-here = 1][ ifelse [radio] of patch-here != 1 [move-to one-of patches with [radio = 1]]
                                                             [move-to one-of patches with [radio = 1]]
                            set count-down count-down + 1   ;increment-timer
                            set label count-down
                            if count-down > 50 [move-to patch 18 2 ]]

to inroom
    ask nurses with [color = yellow + 1][
    if [hospital?] of patch-here = false [move-to one-of patches with [hospital? = true and jung = 1 or cho = 1 or radio = 1]]]

    ask nurses with [[jung] of patch-here = 1][ifelse [jung] of patch-here != 1 [move-to one-of patches with [jung = 1]]
                                                                                [move-to one-of patches with [jung = 1]]]

    ask nurses with [[cho] of patch-here = 1][ifelse [cho] of patch-here != 1 [move-to one-of patches with [cho = 1]]
                                                                              [move-to one-of patches with [cho = 1]]]

    ask nurses with [[radio] of patch-here = 1][ifelse [radio] of patch-here != 1 [move-to one-of patches with [radio = 1]]
                                                                                  [move-to one-of patches with [radio = 1]]]

to move-nurse
  ask nurses with [color = brown + 2 and pxcor = -10][set heading 180 fd 1]
  ask nurses with [color = brown + 2 and pxcor =  -9][set heading 0 fd 1]
  ask nurses with [color = brown + 2 and pycor = 1][set heading 90 fd 1]
  ask nurses with [color = brown + 2 and pycor = 2][set heading 270 fd 1]
  ask nurses with [color = brown + 2 and pycor = -5][set heading 90 fd 1]
  ask nurses with [color = brown + 2 and pxcor >= -9 and pxcor <= 2 and pycor = -4][set heading 270 fd 1]

 ask nurses with [color = brown + 2 and pxcor >= -10 and pxcor <= -9 and pycor >= 1 and pycor <= 2][set heading (random 4 * 90 ) fd 1] ;central junction
 ask nurses with [color = brown + 2 and pxcor = -10 and pycor = -5][set heading 180 fd 1] ;emergency
 ask nurses with [color = brown + 2 and pxcor = -9  and pycor = -5][set heading 270 * random 2 fd 1]
 ask nurses with [color = brown + 2 and pxcor = -24 or pxcor = -3 or pxcor = 21 and pycor = 3][set heading 180 fd 1]

 ask nurses with [color = brown + 2 and pxcor = -28 and pycor = 2][set heading 180 fd 1] ;gate u-turn
 ask nurses with [color = brown + 2 and pxcor = 29 and pycor  = 1][set heading 0 fd 1]   ;gate u-turn
 ask nurses with [color = brown + 2 and pxcor = -9 and pycor = 19][set heading 270 fd 1] ;gate u-turn
 ask nurses with [color = brown + 2 and pxcor = -10 and pycor = -19][set heading 90 fd 1];gate u-turn
 ask nurses with [color = brown + 2 and door = true][move-to patch 2 -4]; emergency u-turn

to exposure
  ask turtles with [exposed? = true and health < 20][
  let transmit one-of turtles in-radius 1
          if transmit != nobody
          [ ask transmit [
            if (random-float 100 > prob-of-infection)
            [ set color 117 set exposed? true]]]]

to infect
  let incubation (random 100)
  ask turtles with [exposed? = true]
  [if exposured_length > incubation [set color red set infected? true]
    set exposured_length exposured_length + 1]

to quarantine
  if(classify = "quarantine")
  [ask patients with [[emergency?] of patch-here = true ] [if any? docs in-radius 2 [
                      set count-down count-down + 1   ;increment-timer
                      set label count-down]]

   ask patients with [count-down > length-of-stay][
                      ifelse infected? = true or exposed? = true [move-to one-of patches with [jung = 1]][
                      move-to one-of patches with [cho = 1 or radio = 1]] set label ""]

   ask patients with [[jung] of patch-here = 1][ifelse [jung] of patch-here != 1 [move-to one-of patches with [jung = 1]]
                                                                                [move-to one-of patches with [jung = 1]] set label ""]

    ask patients with [[cho] of patch-here = 1][ifelse [cho] of patch-here != 1 [move-to one-of patches with [cho = 1]]
                                                                              [move-to one-of patches with [cho = 1]] set label ""]

    ask patients with [[radio] of patch-here = 1][ifelse [radio] of patch-here != 1 [move-to one-of patches with [radio = 1]]
                                                                                  [move-to one-of patches with [radio = 1]]set label ""]


There are 2 versions of this model.

Uploaded by When Description Download
Hyesop Shin about 4 years ago tweaked a few buttons Download this version
Hyesop Shin about 8 years ago Initial upload Download this version

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
MERS in Hospital.png preview Preview for 'MERS in Hospital' about 8 years ago, by Hyesop Shin Download

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