Oligopoly Put Quantity
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globals [ dSlope ; (negative of) demand curve slope: Price = priceIntercept - dSlope * totalQuantity episodeAbsoluteCount ; the number of episodes begun in the current run currentQ ; the sum of all the quantity bids in the current episode currentP ; the market price in the current episode, given the demand curve and currentQ marketTotalReward quantityIntercept priceIntercept ; redundant with pIntercept m-quantity ; monopoly quantity, assuming costs are proportional to quantities: ki*Qi m-price ; monopoly price, assuming we have the m-quantity runningAverageBidList ; used to hold runningAvgLength currentQs runningAverageBid ; mean of runningAverageBidList runningAverageBidSD ; standard deviation of runningAverageBidList cournotQuantity runningAverageCournotList ; for the Cournot values runningAverageCournot runningAverageMonopolyList ; for the monopoly values, m-quantity runningAverageMonopoly competitiveQuantity runningAverageCompetitiveList ; for the Cournot values runningAverageCompetitive totalUnitProductionCost ; the sum of all the production costs for all the turtles monopolyQFirm0 monopolyQFirm1 daVersion RepetitionCounter ; ratioOfferedCournot ; ratio of runningAverageBid to runningAverageCournot. Collusion if < 1. rPrime ; see paper with Fred ] ; end of globals breed [pAndAers pAndA] ; Probe-and-Adjust turtles-own [quantityBid totalReward bidsWon unitProductionCost netReward ; equivalent to Fred's totreward. See FindNetReward myEpochBids ; list of bids I made during the present epoch marketEpochBids ; list of all bids made during the present epoch ] pAndAers-own [epsilon delta currentBaseValue epochLength episodeCount upRewards downRewards ; for "Own Rewards" marketUpRewards marketDownRewards ; for "Market Rewards" updateType pricesUp pricesDown PQUp PQdown runningAverageReward ; each pAndA player will keep track of the running average of its rewards, across episodes marketOwnMixture ; in [0, 1] 100% = Market Rewards, 0% = Own Rewards, 75% = 75% Market Rewards, 25% Own Rewards upMarketOwnMixedRewards downMarketOwnMixedRewards ; for Market-Own Mixed Rewards, used with parameter marketOwnMixture ; ] ;delta ; probe-and-adjust parameter ;epsilon ; probe-and-adjust parameter ;currentBaseValue ; probe-and-adjust parameter, the base from which probes are made ;epochLength ; probe-and-adjust parameter; the number of episodes in an epoch ;episodeCount ; the count of the number of episodes in the current epoch ;upRewards ; list of rewards received, P*Q(i), when bidding at or above currentAnchorValue ;downRewards ; list of rewards received, P*Q(i), when bidding below currentAnchorValue to Setup ;[daRepetitionCount] ;; (for this model to work with NetLogo's new plotting features, ;; __clear-all-and-reset-ticks should be replaced with clear-all at ;; the beginning of your setup procedure and reset-ticks at the end ;; of the procedure.) __clear-all-and-reset-ticks ;set RepetitionCount daRepetitionCount set daVersion "$Id: OligopolyPutQuantity.nlogo 4089 2014-03-20 21:01:52Z sok $" if (daRandomSeed != "system clock") [random-seed daRandomSeed] set priceIntercept InitPIntercept set quantityIntercept (InitPIntercept / InitDSlope) set dSlope InitDSlope set runningAverageBidList [] set runningAverageCournotList [] set runningAverageMonopolyList [] set runningAverageCompetitiveList [] if (initialBaseQuantityFirm0 > initialBaseQuantityFirm1) [print "WARNING! initialBaseQuantityFirm0 > initialBaseQuantityFirm1."] ;PlotInitialDemandCurve ; Initialize other globals set episodeAbsoluteCount 0 ; Create agents/firms supplying product to the market create-pAndAers numPandAFirms ask turtles [set totalReward 0 set bidsWon 0 set netReward 0 set myEpochBids [] set marketEpochBids []] ask pAndAers [set upRewards [] set downRewards [] set marketUpRewards [] set marketDownRewards [] set pricesUp [] set pricesDown [] set PQUp [] set PQDown [] set runningAverageReward [] set marketOwnMixture (runresult ((word "marketOwnMixtureFirm" [who] of self))) set upMarketOwnMixedRewards [] set downMarketOwnMixedRewards [] ] ; Initialize agents/firms supplying product to the market if (numPandAFirms = 1) [ask pAndA 0 [set epsilon epsilonFirm0 set delta deltaFirm0 set currentBaseValue initialBaseQuantityFirm0 set unitProductionCost unitCostFirm0 set epochLength epochLengthFirm0 set episodeCount 0 set updateType updateTypeFirm0 ] ] if (numPandAFirms = 2) [ask pAndA 0 [set epsilon epsilonFirm0 set delta deltaFirm0 set currentBaseValue initialBaseQuantityFirm0 set unitProductionCost unitCostFirm0 set epochLength epochLengthFirm0 set episodeCount 0 set updateType updateTypeFirm0 ] ask pAndA 1 [set epsilon epsilonFirm1 set delta deltaFirm1 set currentBaseValue initialBaseQuantityFirm1 set unitProductionCost unitCostFirm1 set epochLength epochLengthFirm1 set episodeCount 0 set updateType updateTypeFirm1 ] ] ; end of if numPandAFirms = 2 if (numPandAFirms = 3) [Setup3PandAFirms] if (numPandAFirms = 4) [Setup4PandAFirms] if (numPandAFirms = 5) [Setup5PandAFirms] if (numPandAFirms = 10) [Setup10PandAFirms] set totalUnitProductionCost 0 ask turtles [set totalUnitProductionCost (totalUnitProductionCost + unitProductionCost)] ;;;; ; priceIntercept and dSlope determine the quantityIntercept ; Price = PriceIntercept - dSlope*Quantity ; QuantityIntercept is the Quantity when Price = 0 ; So, quantityIntercept = priceIntercept/dSlope set quantityIntercept priceIntercept / dSlope ; This is the monopolist's quantity when the monopolist has costs ; proportional to quantity: k*Quantity ; Here we explicitly assume that Firm0's costs are universal wrt ; determining the monopoly quantity. set m-quantity ((priceIntercept - unitCostFirm0) / (2 * dSlope)) set m-price (InitPIntercept - InitDSlope * m-quantity) set cournotQuantity (numPandAFirms * priceIntercept - totalUnitProductionCost) / ((numPandAFirms + 1) * dSlope) set competitiveQuantity (priceIntercept - unitCostFirm0) / dSlope PlotInitialDemandCurve end ; of setup to Go ; See the documentation in the Information tab. set episodeAbsoluteCount episodeAbsoluteCount + 1 ; 0. Perturb the demand curve if we're doing random-walk-as if (random-walk-as) [set priceIntercept (random-float 2 * aDelta) - aDelta + priceIntercept set quantityIntercept priceIntercept / dSlope ; This is the monopolist's quantity given proportional costs of totalUnitProductionCost set m-quantity ((priceIntercept - totalUnitProductionCost) / (2 * dSlope)) ] ; if of if (random-as) ; 1. All of the turtles are asked to determine a bid quantity. Each records his own, in quantityBid. ask turtles [ set-quantityBid ] ; end of ask turtles ; 2. Sum the bids, the Q(i)s, to get currentQ set currentQ 0 ask turtles [set currentQ (currentQ + quantityBid)] ; 2a. Collect quantities bid let quantitiesBid [] ask turtles [set quantitiesBid lput quantityBid quantitiesBid] ask turtles [Update-QuantitiesBid(quantitiesBid)] ; 3. Determine the current price, P, for the episode set currentP PriceGivenQuantity(currentQ) ask turtles [findnetreward] ; Calculate total profits by all players: set marketTotalReward 0 ask turtles [set marketTotalReward (marketTotalReward + netReward)] ; 4. Turtles observe currentP, and record stats for the episode ask turtles [Observe-and-Record(currentP)(currentQ)] ; 5. Have agents/suppliers postpare episode ask turtles [Postpare-Episode] ; 6. Collect and calculate statistics set runningAverageBidList lput currentQ runningAverageBidList if (length runningAverageBidList > runningAvgLength) [set runningAverageBidList but-first runningAverageBidList] set runningAverageBid mean runningAverageBidList if length runningAverageBidList > 1 [set runningAverageBidSD standard-deviation runningAverageBidList] ;set runningAverageCournotList lput cournotQuantity runningAverageCournotList ;if (length runningAverageCournotList > runningAvgLength) ; [set runningAverageCournotList but-first runningAverageCournotList] ;set runningAverageCournot mean runningAverageCournotList set runningAverageMonopolyList lput m-Quantity runningAverageMonopolyList if (length runningAverageMonopolyList > runningAvgLength) [set runningAverageMonopolyList but-first runningAverageMonopolyList] set runningAverageMonopoly mean runningAverageMonopolyList set runningAverageCompetitiveList lput competitiveQuantity runningAverageCompetitiveList if (length runningAverageCompetitiveList > runningAvgLength) [set runningAverageCompetitiveList but-first runningAverageCompetitiveList] set runningAverageCompetitive mean runningAverageCompetitiveList ; 7. Plot monopoly quantity, bid Qs, and other statistics: ;ifelse (runningAverageCournot > 0) ; [set ratioOfferedCournot (runningAverageBid / runningAverageCournot)] ; [set ratioOfferedCournot "N/A"] set ratioOfferedCournot (runningAverageBid / cournotQuantity) if (cournotQuantity - m-quantity > 0) [set rPrime (cournotQuantity - runningAverageBid) / (cournotQuantity - m-quantity)] ; ifelse (runningAverageCournot - runningAverageMonopoly > 0) ; [set rPrime (runningAverageCournot - runningAverageBid) / (runningAverageCournot - runningAverageMonopoly)] ; [set rPrime "N/A"] Plot-Quantities(m-quantity)(currentQ) ; (priceIntercept / (2 * dSlope))(currentQ) Plot-Bids Plot-Average-Rewards end ; of Go to Postpare-Episode ;print "episodeAbsoluteCount = " + episodeAbsoluteCount + " " + who-of self if (is-pAndA? self) [ let meanUp 0 let meanDown 0 if (episodeCount >= epochLength) ; then update and reset [; The following I added for debugging purposes 2007-5-25, but ; it's a better way to handle things anyway. let meanUpMarketReturns 0 let meanDownMarketReturns 0 ifelse (marketUpRewards = []) [set meanUpMarketReturns 0] [set meanUpMarketReturns mean marketUpRewards] ifelse (marketDownRewards = []) [set meanDownMarketReturns 0] [set meanDownMarketReturns mean marketDownRewards] let meanUpMarketOwnMixedRewards 0 let meanDownMarketOwnMixedRewards 0 ifelse (upMarketOwnMixedRewards = []) [set meanUpMarketOwnMixedRewards 0] [set meanUpMarketOwnMixedRewards mean upMarketOwnMixedRewards] ifelse (downMarketOwnMixedRewards = []) [set meanDownMarketOwnMixedRewards 0] [set meanDownMarketOwnMixedRewards mean downMarketOwnMixedRewards] ;print "111: " + who-of self + " " + meanUpMarketReturns + " " + meanUpMarketOwnMixedRewards + " " + meanDownMarketReturns + " " + meanDownMarketOwnMixedRewards ;print "222: " + who-of self + " " + marketUpRewards ;print "333: " + who-of self + " " + upMarketOwnMixedRewards ; end of added for debugging if (updateType = "Own Returns") [ ifelse (upRewards = []) [set meanUp 0] [set meanUp mean upRewards] ifelse (downRewards = []) [set meanDown 0] [set meanDown mean downRewards] ifelse (meanUp > meanDown) [set currentBaseValue currentBaseValue + epsilon] [set currentBaseValue max (list epsilon (currentBaseValue - epsilon))] ] ; end of if (updateType = "Own Returns") if (updateType = "Market Returns") [ ifelse (marketUpRewards = []) [set meanUp 0] [set meanUp mean marketUpRewards] ; oops! this looks like a bug!! 2007-5-25: ifelse (downRewards = []) ; should be: It is a bug. But it didn't make much difference. ifelse (marketDownRewards = []) [set meanDown 0] [set meanDown mean marketDownRewards] ifelse (meanUp > meanDown) [set currentBaseValue currentBaseValue + epsilon] [set currentBaseValue max (list epsilon (currentBaseValue - epsilon))] ] ; end of if (updateType = "Market Returns") if (updateType = "Market Prices") [ ifelse (pricesUp = []) [set meanUp 0] [set meanUp mean pricesUp] ifelse (pricesDown = []) [set meanDown 0] [set meanDown mean pricesDown] ifelse (meanUp > meanDown) [set currentBaseValue currentBaseValue + epsilon] [set currentBaseValue max (list epsilon (currentBaseValue - epsilon))] ] ; end of if (updateType = "Market Prices") if (updateType = "Market P*Q") [ ifelse (PQUp = []) [set meanUp 0] [set meanUp mean PQUp] ifelse (PQDown = []) [set meanDown 0] [set meanDown mean PQDown] ifelse (meanUp > meanDown) [set currentBaseValue currentBaseValue + epsilon] [set currentBaseValue max (list epsilon (currentBaseValue - epsilon))] ] ; end of if (updateType = "Market P*Q") if (updateType = "Market Returns, Constrained by Own Returns") [ let referenceLevel 0 let tolerance 0 if (referenceBidGroup = "All bids") [set referenceLevel mean marketEpochBids set tolerance epsilon] if (referenceBidGroup = "Upper quartile of bids") [set referenceLevel mean UpperQuartile(marketEpochBids) set tolerance delta] ifelse (mean myEpochBids + tolerance <= referenceLevel) [set currentBaseValue currentBaseValue + epsilon] [ ; else, I'm ok so I play the good citizen ifelse (marketUpRewards = []) [set meanUp 0] [set meanUp mean marketUpRewards] ifelse (downRewards = []) [set meanDown 0] [set meanDown mean marketDownRewards] ifelse (meanUp > meanDown) [set currentBaseValue currentBaseValue + epsilon] [set currentBaseValue max (list epsilon (currentBaseValue - epsilon))] ] ; end of else in ifelse (mean myEpochBids... ] ; end of if (updateType = "Market Returns and Own Returns") if (updateType = "Market Prices and Own Returns") [ ifelse ((mean myEpochBids) + epsilon <= mean marketEpochBids) [set currentBaseValue currentBaseValue + epsilon] [ ; else, I'm ok so I play the good citizen ifelse (pricesUp = []) [set meanUp 0] [set meanUp mean pricesUp] ifelse (pricesDown = []) [set meanDown 0] [set meanDown mean pricesDown] ;print "meanUp = " + meanUp + " meanDown = " + meanDown ifelse (meanUp > meanDown) [set currentBaseValue currentBaseValue + epsilon] [set currentBaseValue max (list epsilon (currentBaseValue - epsilon))] ] ; end of else in ifelse (mean myEpochBids... ] ; end of if (updateType = "Market Prices and Own Returns") if (updateType = "Market Prices and Own Returns") [ ifelse ((mean myEpochBids) + epsilon <= mean marketEpochBids) [set currentBaseValue currentBaseValue + epsilon] [ ; else, I'm ok so I play the good citizen ifelse (PQUp = []) [set meanUp 0] [set meanUp mean PQUp] ifelse (PQDown = []) [set meanDown 0] [set meanDown mean PQDown] ifelse (meanUp > meanDown) [set currentBaseValue currentBaseValue + epsilon] [set currentBaseValue max (list epsilon (currentBaseValue - epsilon))] ] ; end of else in ifelse (mean myEpochBids... ] ; end of if (updateType = "Market Prices and Own Returns") if (updateType = "Mixture of Market and Own Returns") [ ifelse (upMarketOwnMixedRewards = []) [set meanUp 0] [set meanUp mean upMarketOwnMixedRewards] ifelse (downMarketOwnMixedRewards = []) [set meanDown 0] [set meanDown mean downMarketOwnMixedRewards] ifelse (meanUp > meanDown) [set currentBaseValue currentBaseValue + epsilon] [set currentBaseValue max (list epsilon (currentBaseValue - epsilon))] ] ; end of if (updateType = "Mixture of Market Own Returns") set upRewards [] set downRewards [] set marketUpRewards [] set marketDownRewards [] set pricesUp [] set pricesDown [] set PQUp [] set PQDown [] set upMarketOwnMixedRewards [] set downMarketOwnMixedRewards [] set marketEpochBids [] set myEpochBids [] set episodeCount 0 ] ; of if episodeCount >= epochLength ] ; end of if is-pAndA? end ; of postpare-episode to Plot-Bids set-current-plot "Individual Bids" set-current-plot-pen "Agent0" plot [currentbasevalue] of panda 0 if (numPandAFirms > 1) [set-current-plot-pen "Agent1" plot [currentbasevalue] of panda 1] if (numPandAFirms > 2) [set-current-plot-pen "Agent2" plot [currentbasevalue] of panda 2] if (numPandAFirms > 3) [set-current-plot-pen "Agent3" plot [currentbasevalue] of panda 3] if (numPandAFirms > 4) [set-current-plot-pen "Agent4" plot [currentbasevalue] of panda 4 ] if (numPandAFirms > 5) [set-current-plot-pen "Agent5" plot [currentbasevalue] of panda 5 ] if (numPandAFirms > 6) [set-current-plot-pen "Agent6" plot [currentbasevalue] of panda 6 ] if (numPandAFirms > 7) [set-current-plot-pen "Agent7" plot [currentbasevalue] of panda 7 ] if (numPandAFirms > 8) [set-current-plot-pen "Agent8" plot [currentbasevalue] of panda 8 ] if (numPandAFirms > 9) [set-current-plot-pen "Agent9" plot [currentbasevalue] of panda 9 ] end ; of Plot-Bids to Plot-Average-Rewards set-current-plot "Average Rewards" set-current-plot-pen "Agent0" let daAvg ([totalReward] of panda 0 / episodeAbsoluteCount) plot daAvg if (numPandAFirms > 1) [set-current-plot-pen "Agent1" set daAvg ([totalReward] of panda 1 / episodeAbsoluteCount) plot daAvg] if (numPandAFirms > 2) [set-current-plot-pen "Agent2" set daAvg ([totalReward] of panda 2 / episodeAbsoluteCount) plot daAvg] if (numPandAFirms > 3) [set-current-plot-pen "Agent3" set daAvg ([totalReward] of panda 3 / episodeAbsoluteCount) plot daAvg] if (numPandAFirms > 4) [set-current-plot-pen "Agent4" set daAvg ([totalReward] of panda 4 / episodeAbsoluteCount) plot daAvg ] if (numPandAFirms > 5) [set-current-plot-pen "Agent5" set daAvg ([totalReward] of panda 5 / episodeAbsoluteCount) plot daAvg ] if (numPandAFirms > 6) [set-current-plot-pen "Agent6" set daAvg ([totalReward] of panda 6 / episodeAbsoluteCount) plot daAvg ] if (numPandAFirms > 7) [set-current-plot-pen "Agent7" set daAvg ([totalReward] of panda 7 / episodeAbsoluteCount) plot daAvg ] if (numPandAFirms > 8) [set-current-plot-pen "Agent8" set daAvg ([totalReward] of panda 8 / episodeAbsoluteCount) plot daAvg ] if (numPandAFirms > 9) [set-current-plot-pen "Agent9" set daAvg ([totalReward] of panda 9 / episodeAbsoluteCount) plot daAvg ] end ; of Plot-Average-Rewards to Plot-Quantities [daMonopoly daTotalBid] set-current-plot "Quantities Bid" set-current-plot-pen "Total Quantity Bid" plot daTotalBid ;set-current-plot-pen "Monopoly Quantity" ;plot daMonopoly ;set competitiveQuantity priceIntercept / dSlope set-current-plot-pen "Competitive Quantity" plot competitiveQuantity ; set cournotQuantity (numPandAFirms * priceIntercept - totalUnitProductionCost) / ((numPandAFirms + 1) * dSlope) set-current-plot-pen "Cournot Quantity" plot cournotQuantity set-current-plot-pen "Monopoly Q, Firm(s) 1" if (numPandAFirms > 1) [set monopolyQFirm1 ((priceIntercept - [unitProductionCost] of pAndA 1) / (2 * dSlope)) plot monopolyQFirm1] set-current-plot-pen "Monopoly Q, Firm 0" set monopolyQFirm0 ((priceIntercept - [unitProductionCost] of pAndA 0) / (2 * dSlope)) plot monopolyQFirm0 set-current-plot-pen "Monopoly Quantity" plot daMonopoly end ; of Plot-Quantities to Observe-and-Record [price quantity] if (is-pAndA? self) [ let reward (price * quantityBid) - (unitProductionCost * quantityBid) let mixedReward (1 - marketOwnMixture) * reward + (marketOwnMixture * (marketTotalReward ) / numPandAFirms) ;print reward + " " + mixedReward + " " + marketTotalReward set totalReward totalReward + reward ifelse (quantityBid >= currentBaseValue) [set upRewards lput reward upRewards ;set pricesDown lput 0 pricesDown set pricesUp lput price pricesUp set PQUp lput (price * quantity) PQUp] [set downRewards lput reward downRewards ;set pricesUp lput 0 pricesUp set pricesDown lput price pricesDown set PQDown lput (price * quantity) PQDown] ifelse (quantityBid >= currentBaseValue) [set marketUpRewards lput marketTotalReward marketUpRewards set upMarketOwnMixedRewards lput mixedReward upMarketOwnMixedRewards] [set marketDownRewards lput marketTotalReward marketDownRewards set downMarketOwnMixedRewards lput mixedReward downMarketOwnMixedRewards] ] ; end of if is-pAndA? end ; of observe-and-record to Set-QuantityBid if (is-pAndA? self) [ set quantityBid max (list 0 ((random-float 2 * delta) - delta + currentBaseValue)) set episodeCount episodeCount + 1 set myEpochBids lput quantityBid myEpochBids ; record my bid in the epoch record ] end ; of Set-QuantityBid to PlotInitialDemandCurve set-current-plot "Initial Demand Curve" set-current-plot-pen "Demand Curve" plot-pen-up plotxy 0 InitPIntercept plot-pen-down plotxy InitPIntercept / InitDSlope 0 ; plot to the quantity intercept let InitMonopolyQ m-quantity ; InitPIntercept / 2 let InitMonopolyP InitPIntercept - dSlope * InitMonopolyQ ;InitPIntercept / (2 * InitDSlope) set-current-plot-pen "Monopoly Q" plot-pen-up plotxy InitMonopolyQ 0 plot-pen-down plotxy InitMonopolyQ InitMonopolyP set-current-plot-pen "Monopoly P" plot-pen-up plotxy 0 InitMonopolyP plot-pen-down plotxy InitMonopolyQ InitMonopolyP end ; of PlotInitialDemandCurve to-report PriceGivenQuantity [daQuantity] let daPrice priceIntercept - dSlope * daQuantity report max (list 0 daPrice) end ; of to-report PriceGivenQuantity to FindNetReward set netReward 0 if (is-pAndA? self) [ set netReward ((CurrentP * quantityBid) - (unitProductionCost * quantityBid)) set runningAverageReward lput netReward runningAverageReward if (length runningAverageReward > runningAvgLength) [set runningAverageReward but-first runningAverageReward] ] end ; of FindNetReward to Update-QuantitiesBid [daBids] if (is-pAndA? self) [ foreach daBids [ set marketEpochBids lput ? marketEpochBids ] ; end of foreach ] end ; of Update-QuantitiesBid to Setup3PandAFirms ask pAndA 0 [set epsilon epsilonFirm0 set delta deltaFirm0 set currentBaseValue initialBaseQuantityFirm0 set unitProductionCost unitCostFirm0 set epochLength epochLengthFirm0 set episodeCount 0 set updateType updateTypeFirm0 ] ask pAndA 1 [set epsilon epsilonFirm1 set delta deltaFirm1 set currentBaseValue initialBaseQuantityFirm1 set unitProductionCost unitCostFirm1 set epochLength epochLengthFirm1 set episodeCount 0 set updateType updateTypeFirm1 ] ask pAndA 2 [set epsilon epsilonFirm1 set delta deltaFirm1 set currentBaseValue ((initialBaseQuantityFirm1 + initialBaseQuantityFirm0) / 2) set unitProductionCost unitCostFirm1 set epochLength epochLengthFirm1 set episodeCount 0 set updateType updateTypeFirm1 ] end ; of Setup3PandAFirms to Setup4PandAFirms let increment (initialBaseQuantityFirm1 - initialBaseQuantityFirm0) ask pAndA 0 [set epsilon epsilonFirm0 set delta deltaFirm0 set currentBaseValue initialBaseQuantityFirm0 set unitProductionCost unitCostFirm0 set epochLength epochLengthFirm0 set episodeCount 0 set updateType updateTypeFirm0 ] ask pAndA 1 [set epsilon epsilonFirm1 set delta deltaFirm1 set currentBaseValue initialBaseQuantityFirm1 set unitProductionCost unitCostFirm1 set epochLength epochLengthFirm1 set episodeCount 0 set updateType updateTypeFirm1 ] ask pAndA 2 [set epsilon epsilonFirm1 set delta deltaFirm1 set currentBaseValue (initialBaseQuantityFirm1 + increment) set unitProductionCost unitCostFirm1 set epochLength epochLengthFirm1 set episodeCount 0 set updateType updateTypeFirm1 ] ask pAndA 3 [set epsilon epsilonFirm1 set delta deltaFirm1 set currentBaseValue (initialBaseQuantityFirm1 + (2 * increment)) set unitProductionCost unitCostFirm1 set epochLength epochLengthFirm1 set episodeCount 0 set updateType updateTypeFirm1 ] end ; of Setup4PandAFirms to Setup5PandAFirms let increment (initialBaseQuantityFirm1 - initialBaseQuantityFirm0) ask pAndA 0 [set epsilon epsilonFirm0 set delta deltaFirm0 set currentBaseValue initialBaseQuantityFirm0 set unitProductionCost unitCostFirm0 set epochLength epochLengthFirm0 set episodeCount 0 set updateType updateTypeFirm0 ] ask pAndA 1 [set epsilon epsilonFirm1 set delta deltaFirm1 set currentBaseValue initialBaseQuantityFirm1 set unitProductionCost unitCostFirm1 set epochLength epochLengthFirm1 set episodeCount 0 set updateType updateTypeFirm1 ] ask pAndA 2 [set epsilon epsilonFirm1 set delta deltaFirm1 set currentBaseValue (initialBaseQuantityFirm1 + increment) set unitProductionCost unitCostFirm1 set epochLength epochLengthFirm1 set episodeCount 0 set updateType updateTypeFirm1 ] ask pAndA 3 [set epsilon epsilonFirm1 set delta deltaFirm1 set currentBaseValue (initialBaseQuantityFirm1 + (2 * increment)) set unitProductionCost unitCostFirm1 set epochLength epochLengthFirm1 set episodeCount 0 set updateType updateTypeFirm1 ] ask pAndA 4 [set epsilon epsilonFirm1 set delta deltaFirm1 set currentBaseValue (initialBaseQuantityFirm1 + (3 * increment)) set unitProductionCost unitCostFirm1 set epochLength epochLengthFirm1 set episodeCount 0 set updateType updateTypeFirm1 ] end ; of Setup5PandAFirms to Setup10PandAFirms let increment (initialBaseQuantityFirm1 - initialBaseQuantityFirm0) ask pAndA 0 [set epsilon epsilonFirm0 set delta deltaFirm0 set currentBaseValue initialBaseQuantityFirm0 set unitProductionCost unitCostFirm0 set epochLength epochLengthFirm0 set episodeCount 0 set updateType updateTypeFirm0 ] ask pAndA 1 [set epsilon epsilonFirm1 set delta deltaFirm1 set currentBaseValue initialBaseQuantityFirm1 set unitProductionCost unitCostFirm1 set epochLength epochLengthFirm1 set episodeCount 0 set updateType updateTypeFirm1 ] ask pAndA 2 [set epsilon epsilonFirm1 set delta deltaFirm1 set currentBaseValue (initialBaseQuantityFirm1 + increment) set unitProductionCost unitCostFirm1 set epochLength epochLengthFirm1 set episodeCount 0 set updateType updateTypeFirm1 ] ask pAndA 3 [set epsilon epsilonFirm1 set delta deltaFirm1 set currentBaseValue (initialBaseQuantityFirm1 + (2 * increment)) set unitProductionCost unitCostFirm1 set epochLength epochLengthFirm1 set episodeCount 0 set updateType updateTypeFirm1 ] ask pAndA 4 [set epsilon epsilonFirm1 set delta deltaFirm1 set currentBaseValue (initialBaseQuantityFirm1 + (3 * increment)) set unitProductionCost unitCostFirm1 set epochLength epochLengthFirm1 set episodeCount 0 set updateType updateTypeFirm1 ] ask pAndA 5 [set epsilon epsilonFirm1 set delta deltaFirm1 set currentBaseValue (initialBaseQuantityFirm1 + (4 * increment)) set unitProductionCost unitCostFirm1 set epochLength epochLengthFirm1 set episodeCount 0 set updateType updateTypeFirm1 ] ask pAndA 6 [set epsilon epsilonFirm1 set delta deltaFirm1 set currentBaseValue (initialBaseQuantityFirm1 + (5 * increment)) set unitProductionCost unitCostFirm1 set epochLength epochLengthFirm1 set episodeCount 0 set updateType updateTypeFirm1 ] ask pAndA 7 [set epsilon epsilonFirm1 set delta deltaFirm1 set currentBaseValue (initialBaseQuantityFirm1 + (6 * increment)) set unitProductionCost unitCostFirm1 set epochLength epochLengthFirm1 set episodeCount 0 set updateType updateTypeFirm1 ] ask pAndA 8 [set epsilon epsilonFirm1 set delta deltaFirm1 set currentBaseValue (initialBaseQuantityFirm1 + (7 * increment)) set unitProductionCost unitCostFirm1 set epochLength epochLengthFirm1 set episodeCount 0 set updateType updateTypeFirm1 ] ask pAndA 9 [set epsilon epsilonFirm1 set delta deltaFirm1 set currentBaseValue (initialBaseQuantityFirm1 + (8 * increment)) set unitProductionCost unitCostFirm1 set epochLength epochLengthFirm1 set episodeCount 0 set updateType updateTypeFirm1 ] end ; of Setup10PandAFirms to-report UpperQuartile [ aList ] if (empty? aList) [print "In UpperQuartile reporter. The list is empty." let bob 1 / 1] ; fix this to halt let bList reverse sort aList ;print bList let daQuartileSize int (length aList / 4) ;print daQuartileSize ifelse (length bList mod 4 = 0) [report sublist bList 0 (daQuartileSize)] [report sublist bList 0 (daQuartileSize + 1)] ;ifelse (daRemainder end to RRepetitions print "Output coming from the RRepetitions procedure:" ;let daRepetitionCount RepetitionCount if (file-exists? "oligopolyBidQuantity-repetitions.txt") [file-delete "oligopolyBidQuantity-repetitions.txt"] ; Open the parameter sweep file and print the column headers. ; Also print the column headers to the output window ; Then close the parameter sweep file file-open "oligopolyBidQuantity-repetitions.txt" file-print "RepetitionCount,runningAverageBid,runningAverageBidSd,ratioOfferedCournot,rPrime,meanRewardFirm0,meanRewardFirm1" file-close print "RepetitionCount,runningAverageBid,runningAverageBidSd,ratioOfferedCournot,rPrime,meanRewardFirm0,meanRewardFirm1" let numFirms numPandAFirms let runningAverageBidAccumulator [] ;let pAndAAccumulator [] let pAndA0Accumulator [] let pAndA1Accumulator [] let pAndA2Accumulator [] let pAndA3Accumulator [] let pAndA4Accumulator [] let pAndA5Accumulator [] let pAndA6Accumulator [] let pAndA7Accumulator [] let pAndA8Accumulator [] let pAndA9Accumulator [] ;foreach (n-values NumRepetitions [?]) let RepetitionCount 0 while [RepetitionCount < NumRepetitions] [ Setup ; (RepetitionCount) let torun numEpisodesToRun while [torun > 0] [go set torun torun - 1 ] set RepetitionCount RepetitionCount + 1 set RepetitionCounter RepetitionCount ;set rPrime (runningAverageCournot - runningAverageBid) / (runningAverageCournot - runningAverageMonopoly) file-open "oligopolyBidQuantity-repetitions.txt" file-print (word RepetitionCount "," runningAverageBid "," runningAverageBidSD "," ratioOfferedCournot "," rPrime "," mean [runningAverageReward] of pAndA 0 "," mean [runningAverageReward] of pAndA 1) file-close print (word RepetitionCount "," runningAverageBid "," runningAverageBidSD "," ratioOfferedCournot "," rPrime "," mean [runningAverageReward] of pAndA 0 "," mean [runningAverageReward] of pAndA 1) set runningAverageBidAccumulator fput runningAverageBid runningAverageBidAccumulator ; This is really inelegant, but I couldn't get run and runresult to do it for me. ; Could use lists as arrays... well I'm in a hurry and the max is 10 ; Actually, to test in the future, I can try creating local agents mirroring ; the panda agents. The local ones won't be zapped by Setup. I tried it doesn't work. set pAnda0Accumulator fput mean [runningAverageReward] of pAndA 0 pAnda0Accumulator if (numFirms > 1) [set pAnda1Accumulator fput mean [runningAverageReward] of pAndA 1 pAnda1Accumulator] if (numFirms > 2) [set pAnda2Accumulator fput mean [runningAverageReward] of pAndA 2 pAnda2Accumulator] if (numFirms > 3) [set pAnda3Accumulator fput mean [runningAverageReward] of pAndA 3 pAnda3Accumulator] if (numFirms > 4) [set pAnda4Accumulator fput mean [runningAverageReward] of pAndA 4 pAnda4Accumulator] if (numFirms > 5) [set pAnda5Accumulator fput mean [runningAverageReward] of pAndA 5 pAnda5Accumulator] if (numFirms > 6) [set pAnda6Accumulator fput mean [runningAverageReward] of pAndA 6 pAnda6Accumulator] if (numFirms > 7) [set pAnda7Accumulator fput mean [runningAverageReward] of pAndA 7 pAnda7Accumulator] if (numFirms > 8) [set pAnda8Accumulator fput mean [runningAverageReward] of pAndA 8 pAnda8Accumulator] if (numFirms > 9) [set pAnda9Accumulator fput mean [runningAverageReward] of pAndA 9 pAnda9Accumulator] ] ; end of while if (RepetitionCounter > 1) [ print (word "overall mean sd of avg. bid," mean runningAverageBidAccumulator "," standard-deviation runningAverageBidAccumulator) print "\\begin{center}" print "\\begin{tabular}{|r|r|r|}\\hline" print "Firm & Mean of Running Averages & SD of Running Averages \\\\ \\hline\\hline" if (numFirms > 0) [print (word "0 & " mean pAnda0Accumulator " & " standard-deviation pAnda0Accumulator "\\\\ \\hline")] if (numFirms > 1) [print (word "1 & " mean pAnda1Accumulator " & " standard-deviation pAnda1Accumulator "\\\\ \\hline")] if (numFirms > 2) [print (word "2 & " mean pAnda2Accumulator " & " standard-deviation pAnda2Accumulator "\\\\ \\hline")] if (numFirms > 3) [print (word "3 &" mean pAnda3Accumulator " & " standard-deviation pAnda3Accumulator "\\\\ \\hline")] if (numFirms > 4) [print (word "4 & " mean pAnda4Accumulator " & " standard-deviation pAnda4Accumulator "\\\\ \\hline")] if (numFirms > 5) [print (word "5 & " mean pAnda5Accumulator " & " standard-deviation pAnda5Accumulator "\\\\ \\hline")] if (numFirms > 6) [print (word "6 & " mean pAnda6Accumulator " & " standard-deviation pAnda6Accumulator "\\\\ \\hline")] if (numFirms > 7) [print (word "7 & " mean pAnda7Accumulator " & " standard-deviation pAnda7Accumulator "\\\\ \\hline")] if (numFirms > 8) [print (word "8 & " mean pAnda8Accumulator " & " standard-deviation pAnda8Accumulator "\\\\ \\hline")] if (numFirms > 9) [print (word "9 & " mean pAnda9Accumulator " & " standard-deviation pAnda9Accumulator "\\\\ \\hline")] print "\\end{tabular}" print "\\end{center}" ] end to ParameterSweep reset-timer ; Delete the parameter sweep file if it exists, so that we ; don't append data to existing data. ;if (file-exists? "oligopolyBidQuantity-parametersweep-epochlengths.txt") ; [file-delete "oligopolyBidQuantity-parametersweep-epochlengths.txt"] if (file-exists? "oligopolyBidQuantity-parametersweep.txt") [file-delete "oligopolyBidQuantity-parametersweep.txt"] ; Open the parameter sweep file and print the column headers. ; Also print the column headers to the output window ; Then close the parameter sweep file ;file-open "oligopolyBidQuantity-parametersweep-epochlengths.txt" file-open "oligopolyBidQuantity-parametersweep.txt" file-print "RepetitionCount,numEpisodesToRun,epochLengthFirm0,epochLengthFirm1,meanRewardFirm0,meanRewardFirm1,runningAverageBid,runningAverageBidSD,deltaFirm0,deltaFirm1,epsilonFirm0,epsilonFirm1,timer" print "RepetitionCount,numEpisodesToRun,epochLengthFirm0,epochLengthFirm1,meanRewardFirm0,meanRewardFirm1,runningAverageBid,runningAverageBidSD,deltaFirm0,deltaFirm1,epsilonFirm0,epsilonFirm1,timer" file-close let deltaFirm0sweep 0 let deltaFirm0hold deltaFirm0 let deltaFirm1sweep 0 let deltaFirm1hold deltaFirm1 let epochLengthFirm0sweep 0 let epochLengthFirm0hold epochLengthFirm0 let epochLengthFirm1sweep 0 let epochLengthFirm1hold epochLengthFirm1 let torun 0 let RepetitionCount 0 while [RepetitionCount < NumRepetitions] [ foreach (list 6600 7600) [set numEpisodesToRun ? foreach (list 2.2 3.8) [set deltaFirm0 ? foreach (list 2.2 3.8) [set deltaFirm1 ? foreach (list 0.4 1.0) [set epsilonFirm0 ? foreach (list 0.4 1.0) [set epsilonFirm1 ? foreach (list 24 36) [set epochLengthFirm0sweep ? foreach (list 24 36) [set epochLengthFirm1sweep ? Setup set RepetitionCounter RepetitionCount set epochLengthFirm0 epochLengthFirm0sweep set epochLengthFirm1 epochLengthFirm1sweep set torun numEpisodesToRun while [torun > 0] [go set torun torun - 1 ] file-open "oligopolyBidQuantity-parametersweep.txt" file-print (word RepetitionCount "," numEpisodesToRun "," epochLengthFirm0 "," epochLengthFirm1 "," mean [runningAverageReward] of pAndA 0 "," mean [runningAverageReward] of pAndA 1 "," runningAverageBid "," runningAverageBidSD "," deltaFirm0 "," deltaFirm1 "," epsilonFirm0 "," epsilonFirm1 "," timer) file-close print (word RepetitionCount "," numEpisodesToRun "," epochLengthFirm0 "," epochLengthFirm1 "," mean [runningAverageReward] of pAndA 0 "," mean [runningAverageReward] of pAndA 1 "," runningAverageBid "," runningAverageBidSD "," deltaFirm0 "," deltaFirm1 "," epsilonFirm0 "," epsilonFirm1 "," timer) ] ; end of first foreach ] ; end of second foreach ] ; end of third foreach ] ; end of fourth foreach ] ; end of fifth foreach ] ; end of sixth foreach ] ; ebd if seventh foreach set RepetitionCount RepetitionCount + 1 set RepetitionCounter RepetitionCount ] ; end of while ; Restore original values set epochLengthFirm0 epochLengthFirm0hold set epochLengthFirm1 epochLengthFirm1hold end to test print "Hi from test." let pAndA0Accumulator [] print pAndA0Accumulator set pAndA0Accumulator fput "bob" pAndA0Accumulator print pAndA0Accumulator set pAndA0Accumulator fput "carol" runresult ((word "pAndA" 0 "Accumulator")) print pAndA0Accumulator ;set (run runresult ("pAndA" + 0 + "Accumulator") fput "ted" runresult ("pAndA" + 0 + "Accumulator")) print pAndA0Accumulator end
There is only one version of this model, created almost 9 years ago by Steven Kimbrough.
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