Example of a BDI Recommender Agent

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Default-person AAMAS 2017 (Author)


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globals[number in dxcor dycor]
__includes ["bdi.nls" "communication.nls"]
extensions [array table]
breed [users user]
breed [doctors doctor]
users-own[beliefs desires goals intentions trust incoming-queue]
doctors-own [beliefs desires goals intentions trust incoming-queue]
patches-own [ road street-name]

to setup
  set number 1
  set in 1
;;%%%%%%%%%%%% setting up Bob's initial variables %%%%%%%%%%%

to setup-users
  create-users 1[
    set shape "person"
    set size 3
    set color red
    set label "BOB"
    set trust 0.5
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set beliefs table:make
    table:put beliefs "Not-eh" 0.4
    table:put beliefs "bs" 0.9
    set incoming-queue[]
    set desires table:make
    table:put desires "pa" 0.8
    table:put desires "wr" 0.8
    table:put desires "eh" 0.9
    table:put desires "w" 0.75
   ;; table:put desires "wr-and-Not-eh" 0.95
    set intentions []

;;%%%%%%%%%%%% setting up Bob's Doctor initial variables %%%%%%%%%%%

to setup-doctors
  create-doctors 1[
    set shape "person doctor"
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set dxcor xcor
    set dycor ycor
    set size 3
    set color cyan
    set label-color red
    set label "DOCTOR"
    set trust 0.9
    set beliefs table:make
    table:put beliefs "Not-pa"  1
    set incoming-queue[]
;;%%%%%%%% Create link between Bob and his doctor %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

to setup-links
  ask users [create-link-with doctor 1]

;;%%%%%%%%%%% Defining Bob's behavior %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

to go

to user-behaviour
 ask users [  listen-to-messages
              set number number - 1
              if number >= 0 [
              print word "Bob's Initial Beliefs Base: " beliefs
              print word "Bob's Initial Desires Base: " desires
              set goals objectives beliefs desires
              print word "Elected goals:" goals


if ticks >= 50 [ask doctors [set in in - 1 if in >= 0 [send-messages(one-of table:to-list beliefs)] listen-to-messages]]

to-report objectives[B D]
;; input: beliefs and desires
;; output : goals which are the most desired and possible set of desires
let gamma 0
let g possible-desires B D gamma
report g stop
;;while [gamma < 1][
ifelse empty? table:to-list g [report g]
  let alpha min(map [last ?] table:to-list B)
   if alpha <= gamma [
     set alpha 1
     set gamma alpha]
;;;;;Elect a list of possible and coherent desires as goals ragrding a list of beliefs

to-report possible-desires [B D x]

loop [
let delta max(map [last ?] table:to-list D)
let Des table:make
foreach  table:keys D [
  if table:get D ? = delta
  [ let i ?
    table:put Des ? (table:get D ?)
   ;; if empty? table:to-list B [report Des]
   foreach table:keys B
     [ ;;print word "Not-"i
     if ? = word "Not-" i and table:get B  ? > x [table:remove Des i
                                                  table:remove D i

  ]  if not empty? table:to-list Des [report Des  stop]]

;;;;;;;;;;;;; Axioms and Inferences Rules ;;;;;;;;;;;;;

to execute-rule-1[table-name]
   ;;;for every value of desire/belief/goal, if its value greater than 0 then its opposite is not possible(its value is equal to zero)
   ifelse empty? table:to-list table-name [][
     foreach table:keys table-name[
       if table:get table-name ? > 0
       [table:put table-name  (word "Not-"?)  0]

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Bridge rules;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

to exucute-bridge-rule-1[table1 table2]
   foreach table:keys table1[
     if table:get table1 ? > 0
     [ table:put table2 (word "Not-" ?) 0 ]

to get-recommendation [g]
   ;; if (member? "pa" map first table:to-list g) and (member? "wr" map first table:to-list g) [print "Trueeeeeeeee"]
    ifelse (member? "pa" map first table:to-list g) and (member? "wr" map first table:to-list g)[
    add-intention (word "move-to-dest -9 16 ") (word "at-dest -9  16 ")
    add-intention (word "move-to-dest 4 2 ") (word "at-dest 4  2 ")
    add-intention (word "move-to-dest -14 -11 ") (word "at-dest -14  -11 ")
    [print "%%%%%%%%%%%%%% You should have a special diet program %%%%%%%%%%%"
     print "%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Please Consider to see a health provider %%%%%%%%%"
     ;;add-intention (word "move-to-dest 19 -15 ") (word "at-dest 19  -15 ")
     add-intention (word "move-to-dest dxcor dycor") (word "at-dest dxcor dycor")]

to move-along-circle
  fd (pi * 15 / 180) * (25 / 50)
  rt 25 / 50

to move-to-dest [x y]
     face patch x y
     fd 1

to-report at-dest [x y]
  if patch-here = patch x y [
  print  "Executing intentions...."
  report patch-here = patch x y

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Communication Context ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

to evaluate-proposal[msg]
  ;;if the sender agent is trusted regarding the information he sends then we accept proposal else it is rejected
  ;; if (trust of first (filter [not is-number? ? and member? "sender:" ?] msg) > 0.5
 ;; print who
 ;;  print trust
 ;; print get-sender msg
   ;;ifelse (any? link-neighbors with [trust > 0.5])
   ifelse ([trust] of doctor read-from-string get-sender msg > 0.5)

   [send add-receiver get-sender msg add-content msg create-message "Accept proposal"]
   [send add-receiver get-sender msg  create-message "Reject proposal"]
  ;;sending a proposal for similar agents

to send-messages [msg]
   broadcast-to other turtles with [link-neighbor? myself] add-content msg create-message "proposal"

 ;;;to keep Listening to messages when running

to listen-to-messages
   let msg 0
   let performative 0
   while [not empty? incoming-queue ][
     set msg get-message
     set performative get-performative msg
     if performative = "proposal" [evaluate-proposal(msg)]
     if performative = "Accept proposal" [
     if performative = "Reject proposal" [do-nothing]


to update-intentions [msg]
  let proposal item 3 get-content msg
  let trustee  item 0 get-receivers msg

;      ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Re-compute the recommandation if the proposal is accepted;;;;;;;;
ask user 0 [
          table:put beliefs item 0 proposal min list (item 1 proposal) ([trust] of doctor read-from-string trustee)
          foreach intentions [remove-intention get-intention ]
          print word "Intentions" intentions
          print word "Bob's New beliefs base: " beliefs
          set goals objectives beliefs desires
          print word "Bob's New Goals: "goals
                    print word "Intentions" intentions
          execute-intentions ]

There is only one version of this model, created almost 9 years ago by AAMAS 2017.

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Example of a BDI Recommender Agent.png preview Preview for 'Example of a BDI Recommender Agent' almost 9 years ago, by AAMAS 2017 Download

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