Brain for Social Identity Theory Model
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globals [ levels-dimension1 levels-dimension2 levels-dimension3 a ; useful for iteration b c x dimension-dominant-next-child overall-importance-list overall-max-value ] breed [Dimension1 Levels1] breed [Dimension2 Levels2] breed [Dimension3 Levels3] turtles-own [ active ; whether this level of a given dimension is accurate for a given brain social-identification num-times-used current-salience comparative-fit normative-fit overall-importance ] links-own [ link-active ; whether this link (between active levels) is active for a given brain link-num-times-used link-social-identification link-comparative-fit link-normative-fit link-overall-importance link-current-salience ] to setup [ levels-dimension1-fromparent levels-dimension2-fromparent levels-dimension3-fromparent] ca set-default-shape turtles "circle" set levels-dimension1 levels-dimension1-fromparent set levels-dimension2 levels-dimension2-fromparent set levels-dimension3 levels-dimension3-fromparent ; make all the possible identity nodes (i.e. all the levels for each dimension), using information from the parent model create-dim1 create-dim2 create-dim3 ask turtles [ set comparative-fit 0 set normative-fit 0 set num-times-used 0 set social-identification 0 set current-salience 0 set size 1 set color 3] ; create all possible links between turtles, and set them to inactive + grey link-all-levels end to create-dim1 set a 1 create-Dimension1 levels-dimension1 ask Dimension1 [ let y 32 / (levels-dimension1 + 2) * a - 15 setxy -10 y set a a + 1] end to create-dim2 set a 1 create-Dimension2 levels-dimension2 ask Dimension2 [ let y 32 / (levels-dimension2 + 2) * a - 15 setxy 0 y set a a + 1] end to create-dim3 set a 1 create-Dimension3 levels-dimension3 ask Dimension3 [ let y 32 / (levels-dimension3 + 2) * a - 15 setxy 10 y set a a + 1] end to link-all-levels ask turtles [ create-links-with other turtles] ask links [ set color 3 set link-active 0 set link-social-identification 0 set link-comparative-fit 0 set link-normative-fit 0 set link-overall-importance 0 set link-current-salience 0] end to activate-levels [ dim1_level dim2_level dim3_level dimension-dominant] ; first, select one level of each identity dimension to be active ask Levels1 (dim1_level - 1) [ set active 1 ; this is the level of this identity that is active for this brain set color green] ask Levels2 (dim2_level + levels-dimension1 - 1) [ set active 1 set color green] ask Levels3 (dim3_level + levels-dimension1 + levels-dimension2 - 1) [ set active 1 set color green] ; now, have the links between the active nodes also be active ask links [if ([active] of end1 = 1) and ([active] of end2 = 1) [ set link-active 1 set color green]] ;now, assign one instance of enacting the identity to the "dimension-dominant" identity for this agent in the parent model if dimension-dominant = 1 [ ask Dimension1 with [active = 1] [set num-times-used 1]] if dimension-dominant = 2 [ ask Dimension2 with [active = 1] [set num-times-used 1]] if dimension-dominant = 3 [ ask Dimension3 with [active = 1] [set num-times-used 1]] ; if intersectionality is a thing, assign dominance to the right link if dimension-dominant = 12 [ ask links with [(link-active = 1 and (([breed] of [end1] of self = Dimension1 and [breed] of [end2] of self = Dimension2) or ([breed] of [end1] of self = Dimension2 and [breed] of [end2] of self = Dimension1)))] [ set link-num-times-used 1]] if dimension-dominant = 23 [ ask links with [(link-active = 1 and (([breed] of [end1] of self = Dimension2 and [breed] of [end2] of self = Dimension3) or ([breed] of [end1] of self = Dimension3 and [breed] of [end2] of self = Dimension2)))] [ set link-num-times-used 1]] if dimension-dominant = 13 [ ask links with [(link-active = 1 and (([breed] of [end1] of self = Dimension1 and [breed] of [end2] of self = Dimension3) or ([breed] of [end1] of self = Dimension3 and [breed] of [end2] of self = Dimension1)))] [ set link-num-times-used 1]] end to gather-salience [ dim1-salience-from-context dim2-salience-from-context dim3-salience-from-context intersectionality] ; these are standardized to be a # that is % of total salience ask Dimension1 [set current-salience item ([WHO] of self) dim1-salience-from-context] ask Dimension2 [set current-salience item ([WHO] of self - levels-dimension1) dim2-salience-from-context] ask Dimension3 [set current-salience item ([WHO] of self - levels-dimension1 - levels-dimension2) dim3-salience-from-context] if intersectionality = 1 [ ask links [set link-current-salience (([[current-salience] of end1] of self + [[current-salience] of end2] of self) / 2)] ] end to define-comparative-fit [ sharedlevel-distance-cat1 sharedlevel-distance-cat2 sharedlevel-distance-cat3 notsharedlevel-distance-cat1 notsharedlevel-distance-cat2 notsharedlevel-distance-cat3 sharedlevel-distance-intersection12 sharedlevel-distance-intersection23 sharedlevel-distance-intersection13 notsharedlevel-distance-intersection12 notsharedlevel-distance-intersection23 notsharedlevel-distance-intersection13 intersectionality] ; these are set to be numbers that are % of total possible comparative fit ask Dimension1 with [active = 1] [set comparative-fit round((notsharedlevel-distance-cat1 / sharedlevel-distance-cat1) * 10)] ask Dimension2 with [active = 1] [set comparative-fit round((notsharedlevel-distance-cat2 / sharedlevel-distance-cat2) * 10)] ask Dimension3 with [active = 1] [set comparative-fit round((notsharedlevel-distance-cat3 / sharedlevel-distance-cat3) * 10)] if intersectionality = 1 [ ask activelink-intersection12 [set link-comparative-fit round((notsharedlevel-distance-intersection12 / sharedlevel-distance-intersection12) * 10)] ask activelink-intersection23 [set link-comparative-fit round((notsharedlevel-distance-intersection23 / sharedlevel-distance-intersection23) * 10)] ask activelink-intersection13 [set link-comparative-fit round((notsharedlevel-distance-intersection13 / sharedlevel-distance-intersection13) * 10)]] end to define-normative-fit [ normative-fit-cat1 normative-fit-cat2 normative-fit-cat3 normative-fit-intersection12 normative-fit-intersection23 normative-fit-intersection13 intersectionality] ; these are set to be numbers that are a % of total possible normative fit ask Dimension1 with [active = 1] [set normative-fit normative-fit-cat1] ask Dimension2 with [active = 1] [set normative-fit normative-fit-cat2] ask Dimension3 with [active = 1] [set normative-fit normative-fit-cat3] if intersectionality = 1 [ ask activelink-intersection12 [set link-normative-fit normative-fit-intersection12] ask activelink-intersection23 [set link-normative-fit normative-fit-intersection23] ask activelink-intersection13 [set link-normative-fit normative-fit-intersection13] ] end to determine-next-dimension [ weight1 weight2 weight3 weight4 intersectionality dimension-dominant] ; have each active node determine how important it is, according to the weights of the four calculated measures ifelse (weight1 + weight2 + weight3 + weight4) != 0 [ ask turtles with [active = 1] [ set overall-importance ((normative-fit * weight1) + (comparative-fit * weight2) + (current-salience * weight3) + (social-identification * weight4)) set size overall-importance / ( 25 * (weight1 + weight2 + weight3 + weight4))] ; scaling to make it pretty ifelse intersectionality = 1 [ ask links with [link-active = 1][ set link-overall-importance ((link-normative-fit * weight1) + (link-comparative-fit * weight2) + (link-current-salience * weight3) + (link-social-identification * weight4)) set thickness (link-overall-importance / (weight1 + weight2 + weight3 + weight4)) / 200] ; scaling to make it pretty set overall-importance-list (list ([overall-importance] of Dimension1 with [active = 1]) ([overall-importance] of Dimension2 with [active = 1]) ([overall-importance] of Dimension3 with [active = 1]) ([link-overall-importance] of activelink-intersection13) ([link-overall-importance] of activelink-intersection12) ([link-overall-importance] of activelink-intersection23)) set overall-max-value max flatten-list overall-importance-list if position overall-max-value flatten-list overall-importance-list = 0 [ set dimension-dominant-next-child 1] if position overall-max-value flatten-list overall-importance-list = 1 [ set dimension-dominant-next-child 2] if position overall-max-value flatten-list overall-importance-list = 2 [ set dimension-dominant-next-child 3] if position overall-max-value flatten-list overall-importance-list = 3 [ set dimension-dominant-next-child 13] if position overall-max-value flatten-list overall-importance-list = 4 [ set dimension-dominant-next-child 12] if position overall-max-value flatten-list overall-importance-list = 5 [ set dimension-dominant-next-child 23]] [ set overall-importance-list (list ([overall-importance] of Dimension1 with [active = 1]) ([overall-importance] of Dimension2 with [active = 1]) ([overall-importance] of Dimension3 with [active = 1])) set overall-max-value max flatten-list overall-importance-list if position overall-max-value flatten-list overall-importance-list = 0 [ set dimension-dominant-next-child 1] if position overall-max-value flatten-list overall-importance-list = 1 [ set dimension-dominant-next-child 2] if position overall-max-value flatten-list overall-importance-list = 2 [ set dimension-dominant-next-child 3]]] [ set dimension-dominant-next-child dimension-dominant] end to set-social-identification [ number-of-ticks dimension-dominant intersectionality] if dimension-dominant = 1 [ ask Dimension1 with [active = 1] [ set num-times-used num-times-used + 1]] if dimension-dominant = 2 [ ask Dimension2 with [active = 1] [ set num-times-used num-times-used + 1]] if dimension-dominant = 3 [ ask Dimension3 with [active = 1] [ set num-times-used num-times-used + 1]] ask turtles with [active = 1] [set social-identification round((num-times-used / (number-of-ticks + 1)) * 100) ] ; social identification is the % of the total ticks that this has been used if intersectionality = 1 [ if dimension-dominant = 12 [ ask activelink-intersection12 [set link-num-times-used link-num-times-used + 1]] if dimension-dominant = 23 [ ask activelink-intersection23 [set link-num-times-used link-num-times-used + 1]] if dimension-dominant = 13 [ ask activelink-intersection13 [set link-num-times-used link-num-times-used + 1]] ask links with [link-active = 1] [set link-social-identification round((link-num-times-used / (number-of-ticks + 1)) * 100) ] ] end to-report activelink-intersection12 report links with [(link-active = 1) and (([breed] of end1 = Dimension1 and [breed] of end2 = Dimension2) or ([breed] of end1 = Dimension2 and [breed] of end2 = Dimension1))] end to-report activelink-intersection23 report links with [(link-active = 1) and (([breed] of end1 = Dimension2 and [breed] of end2 = Dimension3) or ([breed] of end1 = Dimension3 and [breed] of end2 = Dimension2))] end to-report activelink-intersection13 report links with [(link-active = 1) and (([breed] of end1 = Dimension1 and [breed] of end2 = Dimension3) or ([breed] of end1 = Dimension3 and [breed] of end2 = Dimension1))] end to-report flatten-list [ #lst ] ; flattens nested lists to a single list. Embellishes on "sentence" in that [[1 2] [3 4]] is ; flattened to [1 2 3 4] rather than being unaffected as sentence will do. ; if lst contains a list, flatten it and then call flatten-list again in case there were sublists. ; otherwise, just return lst. if (reduce [?1 or is-list? ?2] fput false #lst) [ set #lst reduce [sentence ?1 ?2] #lst set #lst flatten-list #lst ] report #lst end
There is only one version of this model, created almost 9 years ago by Natalie Gallagher.
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