Bob the Sheepherder
Model was written in NetLogo 5.3.1
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breed [sheep a-sheep] breed [shepherds shepherd] globals [ sheepless-neighborhoods ;; how many patches have no sheep in any neighboring patches? herding-efficiency ;; measures how well-herded the sheep are ones tens hundreds ] patches-own [ sheep-nearby ;; how many sheep in neighboring patches? ] shepherds-own [ ] to setup clear-all set-default-shape sheep "sheep" set-default-shape shepherds "person" ask patches [ set pcolor green + (random-float 0.8) - 0.4 if pxcor > 40 [ set pcolor (pcolor + 1) + (random-float 0.8) - 0.4 ] if pxcor > 20 [ set pcolor (pcolor + 1) + (random-float 0.8) - 0.4] ] ;; varying the green just makes it look nicer create-sheep num-sheep [ set color white set size 2 ;; easier to see setxy (random 20) + 40 random-ycor ] create-shepherds 1 [ set color brown set size 3 ;; easier to see setxy (random 20) + 40 random-ycor ] create-shepherds 1 [ set color black set size 3 ;; easier to see setxy (random 20) + 20 random-ycor ] reset-ticks end to go ask sheep with [not hidden?] [ if can-move? 1 = False ;; is the turtle blocked from moving foward 1 unit? [rt 180 ] ;; rotate 180 degree if xcor > 40 and size = 2 ;; is the sheep xcor greater than 40 [ ;; sheep are in the ones column facexy 40 (ycor + random 3 - random 3) fd 1 ] if xcor > 20 and xcor <= 40 and size = 5 ;; is the sheep xcor greater than 20 [ ;; sheep are in the ones column facexy 20 (ycor + random 4 - random 4) fd 1 ] if xcor >= 0 and xcor < 20 and size = 10 ;; is the sheep xcor greater than 0 [ ;; sheep are in the ones column wiggle ifelse can-move? 1 = False ;; is the turtle blocked from moving foward 1 unit? [rt 180 ] ;; rotate 180 degree [ fd 1 ] ] ] tick set ones 0 ask sheep [ if xcor < 41 and xcor > 39 and size = 2 [ set ones ones + 1 die ] if xcor < 21 and xcor > 19 and size = 5 [ set tens tens + 1 die ] ] print ones print tens tick ask one-of sheep [ if ones >= 10 [ hatch int ( ones / 10 ) [ setxy (random 15) + 20 random-ycor set size 5 ] set ones ones mod 10 ] hatch int ( ones mod 10 ) [ setxy 40 random-ycor set size 2 ] if tens >= 10 [ hatch int ( tens / 10 ) [ setxy (random 15) random-ycor set size 10 ] set tens tens mod 10 ] hatch int ( tens mod 10 ) [ setxy 20 random-ycor set size 5 ] set ones 0 set tens 0 ] ask sheep [ ifelse size = 10 [ set color black] [ ifelse size = 5 [set color blue] [set color white] ] ] end to wiggle ;; turtle procedure rt random 50 - random 50 end
There is only one version of this model, created over 8 years ago by Tanya Harris.
Attached files
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Bob the Sheepherder.png | preview | Preview for 'Bob the Sheepherder' | over 8 years ago, by Tanya Harris | Download |
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