Delta Smelt Population Simulation
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breed [smelts] breed [clouds] breed [bass] breed [contaminants] breed [contaminants2] breed [waterweed] breed [shrimp] turtles-own [age energy] contaminants2-own[touched] globals [temperature] to setup ca reset-ticks set temperature initial_temperature create-waterweed initial_waterweed [ set shape "waterweed" set size 5 ifelse random 2 = 1 [ set heading 270] [ set heading 90] setxy -65 + random 160 7] ask patches [set pcolor scale-color 76 (pycor) -70 (160 - (count waterweed + temperature))] ;; water green-blue ask patches with [pycor > -10 and pycor < 0 and pxcor > 80] [set pcolor scale-color 5 (pxcor) 40 140] ;;contaminant pipe ask patches with [pxcor < -70] [set pcolor scale-color 35 (pxcor) -130 -20] ;; levee brown ask patches with [pycor > -40 and pycor < -30 and pxcor < -60] [set pcolor scale-color 5 (pxcor) -120 -20] ;; diversion pump ask patches with [pycor > 10] [set pcolor scale-color 86 (pycor) -30 70] ;; sky blue create-turtles 1 [ set shape "levee" setxy -85.2 13.3 set heading 0 set size 60 set color scale-color 35 (pxcor) -130 -20] ;;make levee create-turtles 1 [ set shape "sun" setxy 98 48 set heading 180 set size 40 set color 46] ;; sun create-clouds 3 [ set shape "cloud" set xcor -70 + random 140 set ycor 20 + random 20 set color scale-color 8 (pycor) -20 50 set size 20 ifelse random 2 = 1 [ set heading 90] [ set heading 270]] ;; cloud create-smelts initial_smelts [ set age random 10 set shape "smelt" set size 5 set ycor -50 + random 60 set xcor -60 + random 145 set color [255 215 0 60]] ;;smelt create-turtles 1 [ set shape "person" set color black set size 15 setxy -86 22 set heading 90] ;; person on levee create-bass initial_bass [ set shape "bass" set size 10 set heading 45 setxy -86 22 set color blue] ;striped bass create-shrimp initial_shrimp [ set shape "shrimp" set size 1 set ycor -50 + random 60 set xcor -60 + random 145 set color red] end to reproduce [nums] ;reproduction set nums first nums set energy energy + 1 if energy = 40 + random 10 [ hatch nums [set energy random 10 set age random 10]] end to get_old ;;all aging process of turtles set age age + 1 if temperature > 70 [set age age + 1] ;;hot temperature ages smelt if temperature > 80 [set age age + 1] if temperature > 90 [set age age + 1] if temperature < 60 [set age age + 1] ;;cold temperature ages smelt if temperature < 50 [set age age + 1] if temperature < 40 [set age age + 1] if any? contaminants2 in-radius 2 [set age age + 3] if age > 280 - count waterweed * 2 + random 40 [die] end to float ;;movement of clouds fd .3 if xcor >= 95 [set heading 270] if xcor <= -95 [set heading 90] end to float_waterweed ;floating movement for waterweed fd .3 if xcor <= -65 [set heading 90] if xcor >= 95 [set heading 270] end to move ;;movement in water if ticks mod 10 = 0 [set heading random 360] if xcor > 98 [set heading 190 + random 160] if ycor > 5 [set heading 100 + random 160] if ycor < -48 [set heading 280 + random 160] if xcor < -65 [ if ycor > 0 [ set heading 100 + random 70] set heading 10 + random 160] fd 1 end to bass_move ;;movement of bass if ticks < 40 [set heading ticks * 3 + 50 fd 2] ;;arc of bass being thrown if ticks > 40 and ticks < 45 [set heading 130 fd 1.5] if ticks > 45 and ticks < 60 [set heading 100 + random 135 fd 1] ;; if ticks > 60 [move] end to contaminant_behavior ;;contaminants die when touched "touched" number of times and move towards the center before diffusing if ticks mod 100 < 40 [ face one-of patches with [pycor = -49 + random 60] fd 2] if ticks mod 100 = 40 [hatch 1 [set breed contaminants2 set shape "dot"] die] fd 1 end to go no-display wait 0.05 tick ifelse temperature < 100 and temperature > 40 [ if temperature_change = "Extreme Increase" [ifelse random 4 > 0 [set temperature temperature + 1] [set temperature temperature - 1]] if temperature_change = "Gradual Increase" [ifelse random 4 > 1 [set temperature temperature + 1] [set temperature temperature - 1]] if temperature_change = "Random Change" [ifelse random 2 = 0 [set temperature temperature + 1] [set temperature temperature - 1]] if temperature_change = "Gradual Decrease" [ifelse random 4 > 1 [set temperature temperature - 1] [set temperature temperature + 1]] if temperature_change = "Extreme Decrease" [ifelse random 4 > 0 [set temperature temperature - 1] [set temperature temperature + 1]]] [ ifelse temperature = 100 [set temperature temperature - 1] [set temperature temperature + 1]] ask patches with [pxcor >= -70 and pycor <= 10] [set pcolor scale-color 76 (pycor) -70 (160 - (count waterweed + temperature))] ;; water green-blue ask patches with [pycor > -40 and pycor < -30 and pxcor < -60] [set pcolor scale-color 5 (pxcor) -120 -20] ;; diversion pump ask patches with [pycor > -10 and pycor < 0 and pxcor > 80] [set pcolor scale-color 5 (pxcor) 40 140] ;;contaminant pipe ask clouds [float] ask waterweed [float_waterweed] ask smelts [move] ask smelts [if count smelts < 100 [reproduce [2]]] ask smelts [get_old] ask smelts [if count shrimp < 5 and random 50 < 10 [die]] ask smelts [if count smelts < 100 and count bass < 3 [reproduce [1]]] ask bass [bass_move] ask bass [if count bass < 20 [reproduce [1]]] ask bass [get_old] ask bass [if count smelts < 5 and random 50 < 10 [die]] ask shrimp [get_old] ask shrimp [move] ask shrimp [if count shrimp < 600 [reproduce [4]]] if ticks = 10 or ticks mod 100 = 0 [create-contaminants initial_contaminants [ set shape "dot" set size 1 setxy 82 -6 set heading 90 + random 270 ifelse random 2 = 1 [ set color black] [ set color white] if ticks = 0 [hide-turtle]]] ;;contaminants ask contaminants [if count contaminants2 < 500 [contaminant_behavior]] ask contaminants2 [move fd 1] ask contaminants2 [if any? smelts in-radius 2 [set touched touched + 2]] ask contaminants2 [if any? bass in-radius 2 [set touched touched + 4]] ask contaminants2 [if any? shrimp in-radius 2 [set touched touched + 1]] ask contaminants2 [if touched > 6 [die]] ask shrimp [if any? smelts in-radius 3 [die]] ask shrimp [if any? bass in-radius 3 [die]] ask smelts [if any? bass in-radius 4 [die]] ask smelts [if any? shrimp in-radius 3 [ set age age - 100]] ask bass [if any? smelts in-radius 4 [set age age - 50]] display end
There is only one version of this model, created over 8 years ago by Noah Price.
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