San Joaquin Delta Levee Simulator

San Joaquin Delta Levee Simulator preview image

1 collaborator

Default-person Shane McDonald (Author)


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breed [waters water]
breed [grounds ground]
breed [levees levee]
breed [plants plant]
breed [watertables watertable]
breed [pumps pump]
breed [flatbeds flatbed]
breed [persons person]
breed [clouds cloud]
breed [rains rain]
globals [material_toughness]

to animation
  create-grounds 1 [                                                                                    ;all the code in to setup basically setups the background and the environment
    set color 34
    set shape "ground"
    set size 25
    setxy 0 -14.1
    set heading 180 ]
  create-levees 1 [
    set shape "levee-Left"
    set size 15
    setxy -10 -16
    set heading 0
  create-levees 1 [
    set shape "levee-right"
    set size 15
    setxy 10 -16
    set heading 0
  create-waters 1 [
    set color [ 52 111 194]
    set shape "water"
    set size 18
    setxy -15 -14.1
    set heading 180
  create-waters 1 [
    set color [ 52 111 194]
    set shape "water"
    set size 18
    setxy 16 -14.1
    set heading 180
  create-watertables 1 [
    set color [ 52 111 194 80]
    set shape "watertable"
    set size 24
    setxy 0 -14.1
    set heading 180
  ask patches [set pcolor scale-color 86 (pycor) -4 20 ]show shade-of? blue red
  ask patches with [pycor < 0] [set pcolor scale-color 54 (pycor) 4 -20] show shade-of? blue red
  crt 1 [ set shape "sun" set size 13 setxy -13 13]
  create-clouds 1 [set shape "cloud2" set heading 90 set size 4 setxy -7 3]
  create-clouds 1 [set shape "cloud2" set heading 90 set size 4 setxy 10 13]
  create-clouds 1 [set shape "cloud2" set heading 90 set size 4 setxy -10 9]

to construction
  ask grounds [                                                                                      ; moves the ground down as the levees move up
    wait .2
    if ycor >= -16 [ fd .1]
  ask levees [                                                                                       ; moves levees up by .05 until it is <= -15 and then sets size to 15
    if ycor <= -15 [ fd .05]
    set size  15
 ask watertables [                                                                                   ; moves the translucent water table down in sync with the ground, grows so it stays even with levees
   if ycor > -16 [
   wait .2
   fd .2
   set size(size + .3)
  ask waters [
    if size <= 20 [ set size(size + .2)]                                                             ;slowly increases the waters size by adding .2 to the current size each iteration

to reinforcement                                                                                     ;adds rocky exterior, plants and pump
   ask levees [                                                                                      ;rocky exterior, changes shape of left side levee
     if xcor = -10 [ set shape "levee-left-rocky"]
  if count flatbeds = 0 and count plants = 0 [                                                       ;Adds the Flatbed Truck to the simulation.
  create-flatbeds 1 [
  set shape "flatbed"
  set size 3.5
  set color grey
  setxy -9 -11.55
  ask flatbeds [                                                                                    ;moves flatbed truck
    if xcor < 9 [
      set heading 90
      fd 1.5
    if xcor >= 9 [                                                                                  ;adds rocky exterior, changes shape of right side levee
      ask levees [
        if xcor = 10 [ set shape "levee-right-rocky" ]
   if count persons = 0 AND count plants != 7 and count flatbeds = 0[                               ;added so plants and persons don't spawn crazily

   create-persons 1 [                                                                               ;Say hello to Jack age = ticks / x * y * z >= 100
      wait .2
      set color black
      set shape "person"
      set size 2
      setxy -7 -11.4
      set heading 90
  wait .25
  if count plants < 7 and count flatbeds = 0 [                                                      ; creates 7 plants, starting from the left side and moving towards the right
    wait .3
    create-plants 1 [
      set color green
      set shape "plant"
      set size 1.5
      setxy -7 -11.4
      set heading 90
    ask persons [                                                                                   ;commands the person to move two units until it is at an x coordinate <= 14
      if xcor <= 14 [fd 2]
    ask plants [
      if xcor <= 14 [fd 2]

  if count plants = 7 AND count pumps = 0 [                                                         ;once all 7 plants are done, creates a pump
    wait .3
    create-pumps 1
    ask pumps [
      set heading 0
      set color 7
      set shape "pump"
      set size 6
      setxy -7 -12.1
      ask persons [

to maintenance

   ask waters [
    if xcor = 16 [                                                                                ; orients and adjusts the position of right side water
      set heading 90
      fd 1.2
      set heading 180
    if xcor = -15 [                                                                               ; "" for left
      set heading 270
      fd 1.2
      set heading 180
    if size <= 25 [                                                                               ; "raises the water level" by increasing the size of the water turtle
    wait .2
    set size(size + .5)
    if size >= 25 [                                                                               ; increases the size of the levees to compensate for increased water level
      ask levees [
        if size < 17 [
        wait .2
        set size(size + .4)
   ask watertables [                                                                              ; increases the height of the water table as the water levelp increases
     if size <= 34 [
     wait .2
     set size(size + .4)

to pumping
  ask watertables [                                                                               ; "pumps" out the water, decreases water level
    if size >= 28 [
      wait .2
      set size (size - .6)

to simulation
  ask patches [set pcolor scale-color 86 (pycor) -20 20 ]show shade-of? blue red                  ;creates gradient
  ask patches with [pxcor >= 12 AND pycor <= -4] [set pcolor brown]                               ; following lines set up the ground and levee
  ask patches with [pxcor = 11 AND pycor <= 1] [set pcolor green]                                 ;sets to green as a placeholder color
  ask patches with [pxcor = 10 AND pycor <= 0] [set pcolor green]
  ask patches with [pxcor = 9  AND pycor <= -1] [set pcolor green]
  ask patches with [pxcor = 8  AND pycor <= -2] [set pcolor green]
  ask patches with [pxcor = 7  AND pycor <= -3] [set pcolor  green]
  ask patches with [pxcor = 6  AND pycor <= -4] [set pcolor  green]
  if material = "Gripper System" [ ask patches with [pcolor = green] [set pcolor [51 102 0]]]     ;material specific colors for levee
  if material = "Ground" [ ask patches with [pcolor =  green] [set pcolor [102 51 0]]]
  if material = "Concrete" [ ask patches with [pcolor = green] [set pcolor [128 128 128]]]
  if material = "Rock" [ ask patches with [pcolor =  green] [set pcolor [64 64 64]]]
  if water_level - 16 > 1 [                                                                       ;if the water level is above a certain point, automatically flood the levee
     ask patches with [pcolor != [64 64 64]
       AND pcolor != [128 128 128]
       AND pcolor != [102 51 0]
       AND pcolor != [51 102 0]
       AND pcolor != green
       AND pycor < water_level - 16] [set pcolor blue]
     ask patches with [pycor <= -4
       AND pxcor >= 12][set pcolor brown]
  if water_level - 16 <= 1 [                                                                       ;if water level is above the ground, but not above the top of the levee, let water run up to the edge but not over
    ask patches with [pcolor != [64 64 64]
      AND pcolor != [128 128 128]
      AND pcolor != [102 51 0]
      AND pcolor != [51 102 0]
      AND pxcor < 12 AND pcolor != green
      AND pycor < water_level - 16] [set pcolor blue]
  create-turtles plant_life [                                                                      ;creates a couple randomly placed plants
    setxy 13 -3
    set shape "plant"
    set color [21 207 76]
    set size 3
    set heading 90
    fd random 7
  ask n-of (salinity / 1.5) patches with [pcolor = 105][sprout 1[set shape "circle"
       set size 0.225
       set color white
       set heading random 360]]                                                                    ;creates salt particles to indicate salinity

to start
  wait .5
  ask turtles with [color = white][                                                                ;random salt particle movement
     set heading random 360
       if patch-ahead 2 != nobody [
          if [pcolor] of patch-ahead 2 != 105 [back 2]
      forward 1
  if material = "Ground" [ set material_toughness 1]                                               ;sets up material based durability value
  if material = "Gripper System" [ set material_toughness 2]
  if material = "Rock" [set material_toughness 1.25]
  if material = "Concrete" [set material_toughness 1.5]
  if ticks / ( material_toughness * 2) / ( plant_life * .75 ) * ( salinity * .5) * ( water_level * 2) * ( rain_intensity * .2) / 45 >= 100 [ ; calculation for levee durability, when 0, flood the levee
    let break_height -4                                                                            ;creates a variable to hold the level at which the water is supposed to break
    if water_level < 14 [
      set break_height (water_level - 16)
    ask patches [set pcolor scale-color 86 (pycor) -20 20 ] show shade-of? blue red                ;recreates gradient, effectively clears the map
    ask patches with [pycor < water_level - 16 AND pxcor < 6][set pcolor blue]
    if material = "Gripper System" [ask patches with [pycor <= break_height AND pxcor >= 6][set pcolor [51 102 0]]]
    if material = "Ground" [ask patches with [pycor <= break_height  AND pxcor >= 6][set pcolor [102 51 0]]]
    if material = "Rock" [ ask patches with [pycor <= break_height AND pxcor >= 6][set pcolor [64 64 64]]]
    if material = "Concrete" [ ask patches with [pycor <= break_height  AND pxcor >= 6][set pcolor [128 128 128]]]
    ask patches with [pycor <= break_height  AND pxcor >= 12][set pcolor brown]
    ask patches with [pycor <= water_level - 16 AND pycor >= break_height ][set pcolor blue]
    ask turtles with [color != white AND color != blue ][die]
  if water_level > 17 [                                                                             ;if water level is above a certain point, flood the levee
    ask patches with [pcolor = [64 64 64]
                OR pcolor = [128 128 128]
                OR pcolor = [102 51 0]
                OR pcolor = [51 102 0]
                OR pcolor = brown
                AND pycor > -4][set pcolor blue ]
    ask turtles with [color != white][die]

   if count rains < rain_intensity [                                                                ; determines amount of rain water droplets at once
      create-rains 1 [
      set shape "drop"
      set heading 180
      set color blue
      set size .75
      setxy random-xcor 15
   ask rains [                                                                                       ;controls rain movement
    if ycor >= -14 [fd 4]
    if ycor <= water_level - 16 [die]

There is only one version of this model, created almost 8 years ago by Shane McDonald.

Attached files

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San Joaquin Delta Levee Simulator.png preview Preview for 'San Joaquin Delta Levee Simulator' almost 8 years ago, by Shane McDonald Download

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