Line smoothing - minimum angle

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1 collaborator

Eugene_martin Eugene Martin (Author)



"computational geometry"

Tagged by Eugene Martin over 8 years ago

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globals [Bm Bb Am Ab ang ang1 ang2 p-1_p1_hyp p_p1_hyp p-1_p_hyp A1x A1y A2x A2y B1x B1y B2x B2y Ix Iy thisdist pntlist deg r deglist rlist pos wholist p-1x p-1y px py p1x p1y two_who_list x1 y1 x2 y2 hyp]
turtles-own [jag medianx mediany]

to setup
  set deglist []
  set rlist []
  repeat Point_count [
    set deg random 360
    set r (max-pxcor * (inner / 100)) + random (max-pxcor * (outer / 100) - max-pxcor * (inner / 100))
    set deglist lput deg deglist
    set rlist lput r rlist
   set deglist sort deglist
   set pos -1
   repeat Point_count [
     set pos pos + 1
     crt 1 [set label jag set size 3 set shape "dot" set heading item pos deglist jump item pos rlist]

to plot_angles
  set-current-plot "Angles"
  histogram [jag] of turtles
  set-current-plot "Radius"
  histogram [distance patch 0 0] of turtles

to noise
  ask turtles [set heading random 360 jump random noise_distance]

to dropjag
  ask turtles with [jag < angle_threshold] [die]

to gomedian
  ask turtles with [jag < angle_threshold] [carefully [set xcor medianx set ycor mediany][]]

to drawlinks
   set wholist []
   ask turtles[set wholist lput who wholist]
   set wholist sort wholist
   set pos 0
   repeat (length wholist - 1) [
     set pos pos + 1
     ask turtle (item pos wholist) [create-link-with turtle (item (pos - 1) wholist)]]
   ask turtle (last wholist) [create-link-with turtle (first wholist)]

to calcjag
   set wholist []
   ask turtles[set wholist lput who wholist]
   set wholist sort wholist
   set wholist lput  first wholist wholist
   set wholist lput item 1 wholist wholist
   set pos 0
   repeat (length wholist - 2) [
     set pos pos + 1
     set p-1x [xcor] of turtle (item (pos - 1) wholist)
     set p-1y [ycor] of turtle (item (pos - 1) wholist)
     set px [xcor] of turtle (item pos wholist)
     set py [ycor] of turtle (item pos wholist)
     set p1x [xcor] of turtle (item (pos + 1) wholist)
     set p1y [ycor] of turtle (item (pos + 1) wholist)
     set p-1_p_hyp hypot p-1x p-1y px py
     set p_p1_hyp hypot px py p1x p1y
     set p-1_p1_hyp hypot p1x p1y p-1x p-1y
     ifelse ((p-1_p_hyp < p_p1_hyp) and (p-1_p1_hyp < p_p1_hyp)) [ ; p_p1_hyp is the longest side of the triangle
        carefully [set ang (asin ((p2l_dist px py p1x p1y p-1x p-1y) / p-1_p_hyp))][set ang 0]
        [ifelse (p-1_p1_hyp < p-1_p_hyp) and (p_p1_hyp < p-1_p_hyp)[  ; AB is the longest side of the triangle
            carefully [set ang (asin ((p2l_dist p-1x p-1y px py p1x p1y) / p_p1_hyp))][set ang 0]
            [; AC is the longest side of the triangle
              carefully [set ang1 (asin ((p2l_dist p1x p1y p-1x p-1y px py) / p_p1_hyp))][set ang1 0]
              carefully [set ang2 (asin ((p2l_dist p1x p1y p-1x p-1y px py) / p-1_p_hyp))][set ang1 0]
              set ang 180 - (ang1 + ang2)
      ask turtle item pos wholist [set jag int ang set label jag set medianx (first calcmedian p-1x p-1y px py p1x p1y) set mediany (last calcmedian p-1x p-1y px py p1x p1y)]
   set wholist but-last but-last wholist

to-report hypot [a b c d]
  report (((a - c) ^ 2) + ((b - d) ^ 2)) ^ 0.5

to-report p2l_dist [a b c d f g]
    set A1x a
    set A1y b
    set A2x c
    set A2y d
    set B1x f
    set B1y g
    set Am (A1y - A2y) / (A1x - A2x)
    set Ab A1y - (Am * A1x)
    set Bm -1 / Am
    set Bb B1y - (Bm * B1x) ;get the y intercept
    ;solve for point intersection at right angle
    set Ix ((Bb - Ab) / (Bm - Am)) * -1
    set Iy Bm * Ix + Bb
    report hypot B1x B1y Ix Iy

to-report calcmedian [ax ay bx by cx cy]
      ;show (se ax ay bx by cx cy)
      ;line A
      carefully [   ;if there's an error (division by 0) then set the median to the current turtle coordinates
        set A1x (ax + cx) / 2
        set A1y (ay + cy) / 2
        set Am (A1y - by) / (A1x - bx)
        set Ab A1y - (Am * A1x)
        ;show (se A1x A1y Am Ab)
        ;line B
        set B1x (ax + bx) / 2
        set B1y (ay + by) / 2
        set Bm (B1y - cy) / (B1x - cx)
        set Bb B1y - (Bm * B1x)
        ;show (se B1x B1y Bm Bb)
        ;lines A and B intersect
        set Ix ((Bb - Ab) / (Bm - Am)) * -1
        set Iy (Bm * Ix) + Bb
        [set Ix bx
         set Iy by]
      report (list Ix Iy)

There is only one version of this model, created over 8 years ago by Eugene Martin.

Attached files

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Line smoothing - minimum angle.png preview Preview for 'Line smoothing - minimum angle' over 8 years ago, by Eugene Martin Download

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