Ants At War
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globals [ tick-delta ;; how much we advance the tick counter this time through max-tick-delta ;; the largest tick-delta is allowed to be box-edge ;; distance of box edge from axes divider ;; how wide is the divider/hole channel-size ;;size of the channel that lets the combatants engage--set by user channel-interval ;;Interval between two channels--set by program/uniform..can be random lpar-kills ;; total count of lpar kills lneg-kills ;; total count of lneg kills lneg-to-lpar-kill-ratio ;; ration of lneg/lpar kills (0 floor) war-status? ;;tracks status of war (war: T; no war: F) ] breed [ lpars lpar ] breed [ lnegs lneg ] lpars-own [ step-size speed tick-count ;; helps switch between strategies in case of war ] lnegs-own [ step-size speed tick-count ;; helps switch between strategies in case of war ] patches-own [ lpar_phero lneg_phero ] ;;=============================================== ;; SETUP ;;=============================================== to setup clear-all set war-status? FALSE ask patches [ set pcolor white set lpar_phero 0 ; initialize pheromone levels at the patch to 0 set lneg_phero 0 ; initialize pheromone levels at the patch to 0 ] set-default-shape lpars "bug" set-default-shape lnegs "bug" set max-tick-delta 0.1073 ; the max tick-delta we can simulate ;--Create a square box that contains two chambers that refelects set box-edge (round (max-pxcor * box-size / 100) - 1) set divider (round (max-pxcor * divider-width / 100)) make-box ;--Create the warring swarms, each behind its dividing line make-ants set lpar-kills 0 set lneg-kills 0 set lneg-to-lpar-kill-ratio 0 reset-ticks end ;;=============================================== ;; GO ;;=============================================== to go ask lpars [ set step-size speed * tick-delta ;distance traveled at each tick bounce wiggle set tick-count tick-count + 1 chase-ln jump (speed * tick-delta) set lpar_phero lpar_phero + 1 ] ask lnegs [ set step-size speed * tick-delta ;distance traveled at each tick bounce wiggle set tick-count tick-count + 1 chase-lp jump (speed * tick-delta) set lneg_phero lneg_phero + 1 ] tick-advance tick-delta ;update tick counter by custom amount calculate-tick-delta lnegs lpars diffuse lpar_phero (lp-diffusion-rate / 100) ;observer command diffuse lneg_phero (ln-diffusion-rate / 100) ;observer command ask patches [ if (pcolor = black) [ set lpar_phero 0 set lneg_phero 0 ] set lpar_phero lpar_phero * (100 - lp-evaporation-rate) / 100 ;; slowly evaporate chemical set lneg_phero lneg_phero * (100 - ln-evaporation-rate) / 100 ;; slowly evaporate chemical recolor-patch ;; let the patch color help visualize the pheromone dominance ;; ultimately, the war is really a chemical-war killing-zone ] if lpar-kills != 0 [ set lneg-to-lpar-kill-ratio lneg-kills / lpar-kills ] update-plots display ;update the view immediately ;;no point simulating beyond this... if (lpar-kills = num-lps) or (lneg-kills = num-lns) [ stop ] end ;;=============================================== ;; DRAW THE BOUNDING BOX ;;=============================================== to make-box ask patches with ;set the partionined black-box [ ((abs pxcor = box-edge) and (abs pycor <= box-edge)) or ;left & right edges ((abs pycor = box-edge) and (abs pxcor <= box-edge)) or ;top & bottom edges ((abs pycor <= box-edge) and (abs pxcor <= divider )) ;= 0)) ; the central vertical demarcator ] [ set pcolor black ] ask patches with ; set universe outside the black-box as grey [ (abs pxcor > box-edge) or ;left & right edges (abs pycor > box-edge) ; top & bottom ] [ set pcolor grey ] end ;;=============================================== ;; MAKE-ANTS: CREATE THE ARMY OF ANTS ON BOTH SIDES ;;=============================================== to make-ants create-lnegs num-lns [ set speed ln-speed random-position-left ;this needs to be network based set color red + 1.3 set size 2 set lneg_phero lneg_phero + 1 ] create-lpars num-lps [ set speed lp-speed random-position-right ;this needs to be erdos based set color black ;brown - 0.3 set size 4 set lpar_phero lpar_phero + 1 ] calculate-tick-delta lnegs lpars end ;;=============================================== ;; HELPER FUNCTION TO RANDOMLY SET AGENTS AT RIGHT ;;=============================================== to random-position-right setxy ( 1 + divider + random-float (box-edge - 2 - divider)) ;2)) ((1 - box-edge) + random-float (2 * box-edge - 2)) end ;;=============================================== ;; HELPER FUNCTION TO RANDOMLY SET AGENTS AT LEFT ;;=============================================== to random-position-left setxy (-1 - divider - random-float (box-edge - 2 - divider)) ;2)) ((1 - box-edge) + random-float (2 * box-edge - 2)) end ;;=============================================== ;; BOUNCE OFF THE WALL'S BY SETTING heading ;;=============================================== to bounce ;; turtle procedure ;; if we are already on a wall, no need for further checks if pcolor = black [stop] ;; get the coordinates of the patch we'll be on if we go forward 1 let new-patch patch-ahead step-size let new-px [pxcor] of new-patch let new-py [pycor] of new-patch if [pcolor] of new-patch != black ; no need to bounce [ stop ] ;; if hitting left or right extreme wall, reflect heading around x axis if abs new-px = box-edge [ set heading (- heading)] ;; if hitting top or bottom wall, reflect heading around y axis if abs new-py = box-edge [ set heading (180 - heading) ] ;; if hitting partition, reflect heading around x axis unless near an opening if abs new-px <= divider + 1 [ set heading ( - heading) if [pcolor] of patch-ahead step-size = black [set heading (180 - heading)] ] end ;;=============================================== ;; CALCULATE-TICK-DELTA ;;=============================================== to calculate-tick-delta [ agentset1 agentset2 ] ;; tick-delta is calculated in such a way that even the fastest ;; agent will jump at most 1 patch length in a tick. As ;; agents jump (speed * tick-delta) at every tick, making ;; tick length the inverse of the speed of the fastest agent ;; (1/max speed) assures that. Having each agent advance at most ;; one patch-length is necessary for it not to "jump over" a wall. ifelse ((any? agentset1 with [speed > 0]) or (any? agentset2 with [speed > 0])) [ set tick-delta min (list (1 / (ceiling max [speed] of agentset1)) (1 / (ceiling max [speed] of agentset1)) max-tick-delta) ] [ set tick-delta max-tick-delta ] end ;;=============================================== ;; START-WAR/open partition for the attack begin ;;=============================================== to start-war set war-status? TRUE set channel-size floor (box-edge * (hole-size / 100)) set channel-interval 3 * channel-size let ydelta channel-size + channel-interval ; this is the begin of each hole let patchlist [] ;; patch list to help open the divider and start the war ifelse (many-holes?) [ let y 0 - box-edge + 1 while [y < box-edge - 1 ] [ let k 0 let y1 y while [ k < channel-size] [ let l 0 - (divider) ; to find all patches along x-axis to open-up while [ l < divider + 1] [ set patchlist lput patch l y1 patchlist set l l + 1 ] ;set ylist lput patch 0 y1 ylist set y1 y1 + 1 set k k + 1 ] set y y + ydelta ] foreach patchlist [ ask ?1 [ set pcolor white ;ask flashes-here [die] ] ] ] [ let y ( 0 - channel-size / 2.0) set patchlist [] while [(y < box-edge - 1) and (y <= channel-size)] [ let k 0 let y1 y while [ k < channel-size] [ let l 0 - (divider) ; to find all patches along x-axis to open-up while [ l < divider + 1] [ set patchlist lput patch l y1 patchlist set l l + 1 ] ;set ylist lput patch 0 y1 ylist set y1 y1 + 1 set k k + 1 ] set y y + ydelta ] foreach patchlist [ ask ?1 [ set pcolor white ;ask flashes-here [die] ] ] ] end ;;=============================================== ;; TRUCE/close partition ;;=============================================== to truce set war-status? FALSE ask patches with [ ((abs pycor <= box-edge) and (abs pxcor <= divider )) ] [ set pcolor black ] end ;;=============================================== ;; RECOLOR-PATCH to help visualize pheromone trace ;;=============================================== to recolor-patch ;; patch procedure ;; scale color to show chemical concentration if ((pcolor != black) and (pcolor != grey) ) [ ifelse (abs (lpar_phero - lneg_phero) > 0) [ ifelse (lpar_phero >= lneg_phero) [ set pcolor cyan + 3] [ set pcolor yellow + 3] ] [ set pcolor white ] ] end ;;=============================================== ;; LP-SCENT-AT-ANGLE to help find lp ;;=============================================== to-report lp-scent-at-angle [angle] let p patch-right-and-ahead angle 1 if p = nobody [ report 0 ] report [lpar_phero] of p end ;;=============================================== ;; LN-SCENT-AT-ANGLE to help find ln ;;=============================================== to-report ln-scent-at-angle [angle] let p patch-right-and-ahead angle 1 if p = nobody [ report 0 ] report [lneg_phero] of p end ;;=============================================== ;; CHASE-LP to find lp ;;=============================================== ;; sniff left and right, and go where the strongest lp smell is to chase-lp ;; turtle procedure let scent-ahead lp-scent-at-angle 0 let scent-right lp-scent-at-angle 45 let scent-left lp-scent-at-angle -45 if (scent-right > scent-ahead) or (scent-left > scent-ahead) [ ifelse scent-right > scent-left [ rt 45 ] [ lt 45 ] ] end ;;=============================================== ;; FLEE-LP to flee lp ;;=============================================== ;; sniff left and right, and go away from where the strongest lp smell is to flee-lp ;; turtle procedure let scent-ahead lp-scent-at-angle 0 let scent-right lp-scent-at-angle 8 let scent-left lp-scent-at-angle -8 if (scent-right > scent-ahead) or (scent-left > scent-ahead) [ ifelse scent-right > scent-left [ lt 8 ] [ rt 8 ] ] end ;;=============================================== ;; CHASE-LN to find ln ;;=============================================== ;; sniff left and right, and go where the strongest ln smell is to chase-ln ;; turtle procedure let scent-ahead ln-scent-at-angle 0 let scent-right ln-scent-at-angle 45 let scent-left ln-scent-at-angle -45 if (scent-right > scent-ahead) or (scent-left > scent-ahead) [ ifelse scent-right > scent-left [ rt 45 ] [ lt 45 ] ] end ;;=============================================== ;; FLEE-LN to find ln ;;=============================================== ;; sniff left and right, and go away from where the strongest ln smell is to flee-ln ;; turtle procedure let scent-ahead ln-scent-at-angle 0 let scent-right ln-scent-at-angle 45 let scent-left ln-scent-at-angle -45 if (scent-right > scent-ahead) or (scent-left > scent-ahead) [ ifelse scent-right > scent-left [ rt 45 ] [ lt 45 ] ] end ;;=============================================== ;; KILLING-ZONE; patches execute the cut ;;=============================================== to killing-zone ;; terminator patches let lncount (count lnegs-here) let lpcount (count lpars-here) if (lpcount >= 1 and lncount >= 1) [ ifelse ((lncount - lpcount) >= 2) ; RULE 3: advantage ln [ let prey one-of lpars-here if prey != nobody [ ask prey [ die ] set lpar-kills lpar-kills + 1 ] ] [ ifelse ((lncount - lpcount) = 1) ; RULE 2: toss-up [ let i random 1 ifelse (i = 0) ; advantage lp [ let prey one-of lnegs-here if prey != nobody [ ask prey [ die ] set lneg-kills lneg-kills + 1 ] ] [ ; advantage ln let prey one-of lpars-here if prey != nobody [ ask prey [ die ] set lpar-kills lpar-kills + 1 ] ] ] [ ;RULE 1: advantage lp let prey one-of lnegs-here if prey != nobody [ ask prey [ die ] set lneg-kills lneg-kills + 1 ] ] ] ] ; ; ; if (lncount >= 3) and (lpcount >= 1) and (lpcount <= 2 ) ; Rule 3: dominance ln ; [ ; let prey one-of lpars-here ; if prey != nobody ; [ ; ask prey [ die ] ; set lpar-kills lpar-kills + 1 ; ] ; ] ; ; if (lncount = 2) and (lpcount >= 1) and (lpcount <= 2 ) ;equal dominance ; [ ; let i random 1 ; ifelse (i = 0) ; advantage lp ; [ ; let prey one-of lnegs-here ; if prey != nobody ; [ ; ask prey [ die ] ; set lneg-kills lneg-kills + 1 ; ] ; ] ; [ ; advantage ln ; let prey one-of lpars-here ; if prey != nobody ; [ ; ask prey [ die ] ; set lpar-kills lpar-kills + 1 ; ] ; ] ; ] ; ; if (lncount <= 1) and (lpcount >= 1) ; dominance lp ; [ ; let prey one-of lnegs-here ; if prey != nobody ; [ ; ask prey [ die ] ; set lneg-kills lneg-kills + 1 ; ] ; ] end ;;=============================================== ;; WIGGLE; let the ants do their natural wiggle ;;=============================================== to wiggle if pcolor = black [stop] let r random 5 let l random 5 let p patch-right-and-ahead r 1 let q patch-left-and-ahead l 1 ifelse ([pcolor] of p = black ) or ([pcolor] of q = black ) [stop] [ ; print r ; print l rt r lt l ] end
There is only one version of this model, created over 8 years ago by John Thomas.
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File | Type | Description | Last updated | |
AntsAtWar.jpg | jpeg | PreviewImage | over 8 years ago, by John Thomas | Download |
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