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extensions [matrix] ; 6 is the minium age for edu ; max edu is 20 ; min edu is 10 ; skilled edu > 14 ; unskilled edu 10-14 ; according to CPS ; http://www.census.gov/content/dam/Census/library/publications/2016/demo/p20-578.pdf ; working history globals [ ; average price level data gini-index gini_ lorenz-points n ; number of turtles n_trans ; number of transfers trans_tot transfers? ; default is true frustrated_sales? ; default is true retire_age dead filename hcount edu_skld ; years to become skld grad_count tax_rate ; household tax rate GDP_ ; LAGGED GDP P-content ; Phosphorous content in lake absorbtion ; Amount of phosphorous absorbed by lake per sweep G ; govt spending on goods and services ; ] turtles-own [ B ; budget B_ ; lagged budget X ; goods X_ Y ; future consumption alpha ; preference U ; utility working? ; have a job purchase? w ; wages wtot fs ; frustrated sales tax transfers edu ; education age ; age inher heirs unempl ; unemployment in_school? ; aff_schl? ; ] patches-own [Q ; output Q_ ; lagged output beta ; elas of output with respect to capital K ; capital stock L ; labor demand MPL ; MPL prof ; residual after paying wages inven ; inven inven_ ; inven lagged p ; price p_ ; price lagged costs ; sd ; demand for skilled labor patch-type ; "farm", "residential", or "firm" P-rate ; Function of distance from line x=0 (lake), K, and patch type. inv ; investment dinven_list ; change in inventory list gamma ext ; extrenalities ] to setup clear-all set tax_rate 0 set G 0 set edu_skld 14 set retire_age 70 set transfers? true set frustrated_sales? false set n 500 set lorenz-points [] setup-patches setup-turtles update-lorenz-and-gini set gini_ 0 reset-ticks end to setup-patches ask patches [ set pcolor blue - 2 set beta 0.05 + random-float .35 ; set K random 10 ; some capital stock between 0 and 9 set inven 5 set inven_ 0 set Q 1 set Q_ 1 set p 1 set p_ 1 set ext 0 set gamma 0.3 + random-float .4 if K = 0 [set pcolor gray] ; Of patches with K > 0, ; 40% are farms and ; 60% are firms. ; Patches with K = 0 are residential. ifelse random 10 < 4 [ set patch-type "farm" set pcolor 50 + K ; color farms with more capital darker. ][ set patch-type "firm" set pcolor 100 + K ; color firms ] set patch-type "residential" set dinven_list [] ] ; set skilled labor demand ask patches [ set sd skl_lab K] end to setup-turtles create-turtles n [ set alpha (0.2 + random-float 0.8) set aff_schl? true set w 1 set B 1 + random 4 setxy random-xcor random-ycor set U 1 set shape "circle" set size .5 set in_school? false set age 6 + random 65 if in_school? = true [move-to one-of patches with [k = 0]] set heirs 1 + random 10 set edu yrs_edu age ; notice passing of data age ] debug-print end to-report skl_lab [cap] let maxK max [K] of patches let sd_ 10 + 10 * cap / maxK report sd_ end to-report yrs_edu [yrs_age] let ed 0 let edu_max yrs_age - 6 ; the amount of educuation if stayed in school let drop_out yrs_age - 16 ; years in which dropping out of school is legally possible if yrs_age <= 16 [set ed edu_max set in_school? true] if (yrs_age >= 16 and yrs_age <= 24) [ifelse (random-float 1 < (1 - drop_out * .1) ) [set ed edu_max set in_school? true ] [set ed edu_max - (1 + random drop_out) set in_school? false ]] let tmp_float random-float 1 ;print tmp_float if (yrs_age >= 25 and yrs_age <= 34) [ifelse tmp_float < 0.109 [set ed 17 + random 4] [ifelse tmp_float < 0.361 [set ed 16] [ifelse tmp_float < 0.465 [set ed 14 + random 2] [ifelse tmp_float < 0.65 [set ed 13 ] [ifelse tmp_float < 0.905 [set ed 12] [set ed 11 - random 2] ]]]]] ;print yrs_age ;print ed set tmp_float random-float 1 if (yrs_age >= 35 and yrs_age <= 44) [ifelse tmp_float < 0.138 [set ed 17 + random 4] [ifelse tmp_float < 0.363 [set ed 16] [ifelse tmp_float < 0.467 [set ed 14 + random 2] [ifelse tmp_float < 0.628 [set ed 13 ] [ifelse tmp_float < 0.887 [set ed 12] [set ed 11 - random 2] ]]]]] set tmp_float random-float 1 if (yrs_age >= 45 and yrs_age <= 64) [ifelse tmp_float < 0.121 [set ed 17 + random 4] [ifelse tmp_float < 0.32 [set ed 16] [ifelse tmp_float < 0.426 [set ed 14 + random 2] [ifelse tmp_float < 0.59 [set ed 13 ] [ifelse tmp_float < 0.894 [set ed 12] [set ed 11 - random 2] ]]]]] set tmp_float random-float 1 if (yrs_age >= 65) [ifelse tmp_float < 0.113 [set ed 17 + random 4] [ifelse tmp_float < 0.267 [set ed 16] [ifelse tmp_float < 0.341 [set ed 14 + random 2] [ifelse tmp_float < 0.497 [set ed 13 ] [ifelse tmp_float < 0.843 [set ed 12] [set ed 11 - random 2] ]]]]] ;type " edu = " type ed type " age = " print yrs_age report ed end to debug-print let tmp 16 repeat 54 [ type tmp type " = " type count turtles with [edu < 12 and age = tmp] type " of " print count turtles with [age = tmp] set tmp tmp + 1 ] type "total = " type count turtles with [edu < 12 and age >= 18] type " of " print count turtles with [age >= 18] type "high school or better " print precision (100 * count turtles with [edu >= 12 and age >= 25] / count turtles with [age >= 25]) 2 type "associates or better " print precision (100 * count turtles with [edu >= 14 and age >= 25] / count turtles with [age >= 25]) 2 type "college or better " print precision (100 * count turtles with [edu >= 16 and age >= 25] / count turtles with [age >= 25]) 2 type "grad " print precision (100 * count turtles with [edu >= 18 and age >= 25] / count turtles with [age >= 25]) 2 end to go if (abs ( gini-index - gini_) < .001 ) [ big-data stop ] ; update-price ; change price based on inventory adjustment save-lagged ; current data as lagged before the rest of go changes it retire school look-for-job ; turtle procedure produce ; patch procedure production preceeds consumption demand ; turtle procedure uses B from the past ; get ready for next round update-budget ; for next period update-lorenz-and-gini tick end to save-lagged set gini_ gini-index ask patches [ set dinven_list lput (inven - inven_) dinven_list if length dinven_list > 100 [set dinven_list butlast dinven_list] set inven_ inven set p_ p let tmp item 2 matrix:forecast-linear-growth dinven_list ifelse (tmp >= -.001) [ ; positive slope implies positive forecast set inv 0 ;print "don't invest" ][ set inv 1 invest ] ] ask turtles [ set aff_schl? true set X_ X set B_ B ifelse working? = false [set unempl unempl + 1][set unempl 0] ; reset unempl if found job set working? false set purchase? false set age age + 1 if in_school? = true [set edu edu + 1] set in_school? false set transfers 0 set tax 0 ] end to retire let benefit 0 ask turtles [if age > retire_age [set dead dead + 1 set inher B / ( heirs + 1 ) set benefit inher ;type "inher of turtle " type who type " in the amount of " print inher repeat heirs [ ; type " heirs = " print heirs ask one-of other turtles [set B B + benefit ; type "inher received by " type who type " in the amount of " print benefit ] ] ;budget of offspring set B inher set age 1 + random 6 ;print age set edu yrs_edu age set alpha alpha + .1 * (.5 - random-float 1) ; Give offspring a new alpha if alpha > .9 [set alpha .9 ] ; ad hoc if alpha < .1 [set alpha .1 ] ; ad hoc ] ] end to school ask turtles with [unempl > 4 and edu <= 16 ] [ let x_min alpha * B / (2 * mean [p] of patches ) ; go to starvation consumption let yrs_schl B / x_min ; finance school with savings ifelse (yrs_schl >= 1) [ set alpha alpha / 2 move-to one-of patches with [K = 0] set in_school? true ] [ set in_school? false ] ] end to look-for-job ask turtles with [in_school? = false] [right random 360 forward 3 if edu >= [sd] of patch-here ;[ if ss > [sd] of patch-here [print "over qualified"] ; if ss = [sd] of patch-here [print "qualified"] [set working? TRUE set unempl 0 ;set color white print working? ] ] end to produce ask patches [ set L count turtles-here with [working? = true] ; each turtle supplies one unit of labor ;type " L = " print L set Q K ^ beta * L ^ (1 - beta) ; production function set inven inven_ + Q ; add Q to inventory set Q_ Q ifelse L > 0 [set MPL ( 1 - beta ) * (K / L) ^ beta ] ; determine marginal product if producing [set MPL 0 set Q 0] ; if not then set to zero ask turtles-here [if (working? = true) [set w p * MPL]] ; this is a nominal wage based on the last price paid ifelse Q > 0 [ set costs p * MPL * L set prof p * Q - costs set pcolor green - 1] [ set costs 0 set prof 0 set pcolor blue - 1] if K = 0 [set pcolor gray ] if K > 0 [set ext (Q / K) ^ gamma] ] end to demand ; since more than one turtle can arrive on the same patch ; different turtles pay different prices ask turtles [ right random 360 ; turtle arrives on new patch--may be the second to arrive forward 3 set X alpha * B / [p] of patch-here ifelse X <= inven ; turtle makes purchase if inventory is sufficient [ set purchase? true set inven inven - X] ; adjust inventory [ set X inven ; buy remaining inventory set fs fs + 1 ; record frustrated sale set inven inven - X ; should bezero if X > 0 [set purchase? true] ; don't say purchase is true if the the quantity is zero ] ; ; now update turtle utility set Y (1 - alpha) * B ; compute Y set U X ^ alpha * Y ^ ( 1 - alpha ) ; utility if in_school? = true [move-to one-of patches with [k = 0]]; go back to school ] end to invest ask one-of patches with [inv > 0 ] [let d_inv 0.1 * K while [d_inv > 0] [let supplier one-of other patches with [inven > 0] ifelse (supplier = nobody) [set d_inv 0] [ifelse d_inv < [inven] of supplier [set K K + d_inv set d_inv 0 ask supplier [ set inven inven - d_inv ]] [set K K + [inven] of supplier set d_inv d_inv - [inven] of supplier ask supplier [ set inven 0]] ] ] set sd skl_lab K ; upgrade skill demand ] end to update-budget ask turtles [ if purchase? = true [set B B - p * X] ; what you didn't spend goes into next period's savings ifelse working? = true [set B B + w set wtot wtot + w set color blue ] [set color red if (in_school? = true) [set color yellow]] let prof_sum sum [prof] of patches let B_sum sum [B_] of turtles ; distribuion is based on this period's savings set B B + B_ / B_sum * prof_sum ; now tax rich and redistribute to poor tax rate is exogenous ] let n_rich 0.2 * n let rich max-n-of n_rich turtles [B] ask rich [ set tax tax_rate * B set B B - tax ] let n_poor count turtles with [tax = 0] let trans_total sum [tax] of turtles ask turtles with [tax = 0] [set transfers trans_total / n_poor set B B + transfers ] end to update-price ask patches [ ; increase or decrease price if Q != 0 [ ifelse inven / Q > inven_ / Q_ [set p p_ * 0.98 ] [set p p_ * 1.02 ] ] ] end ; make SAM to-report C ; total consumption let C_ sum [ p * X ] of turtles with [purchase? = TRUE] report C_ end to-report I ; total investment let I_ sum [p * (inven - inven_) ] of patches report I_ end to-report VA ; value added let VA_ sum [w] of turtles with [working? = TRUE] + sum [prof] of patches report VA_ end to-report Wages ; value added let Wages_ sum [w] of turtles with [working? = TRUE] report Wages_ end to-report Profits ; value added let Profits_ sum [prof] of patches report Profits_ end to-report Yh ; household income let Yh_ sum [w] of turtles with [working? = TRUE] + sum [prof] of patches + sum [transfers] of turtles report Yh_ end to-report S ; household let S_ sum [w] of turtles with [working? = TRUE] + sum [prof] of patches - sum [ p * X ] of turtles with [purchase? = TRUE] - sum [tax] of turtles + sum [transfers] of turtles report S_ end to-report GDP report sum [p * Q] of patches ; end to-report pollution let ext_ sum [ext] of patches report ext_ end to-report Tr let Tr_ sum [transfers] of turtles ; report Tr_ end to-report Yg let Yg_ sum [tax] of turtles ; report Yg_ end to-report Sg let Sg_ Yg - Tr ; report Sg_ end to-report SI-err let I_ sum [p * (inven - inven_) ] of patches let delta_wealth sum [B] of turtles - sum[B_] of turtles report Sg + delta_wealth - I_ ; total savings of turtles minus investment end to big-data set filename "data.csv" if hcount = 0 [write-csv filename (list "who" "alpha" "B" "yrs_wk" "yrs_wks" "wtot" "fs" "tax" "transfers" )] ask turtles [ write-csv filename (list who alpha B wtot fs tax transfers) ] set hcount hcount + 1 end to write-csv [ #filename #items ] ;; #items is a list of the data (or headers!) to write. if is-list? #items and not empty? #items [ file-open #filename ;; quote non-numeric items set #items map quote #items ;; print the items ;; if only one item, print it. ifelse length #items = 1 [ file-print first #items ] [file-print reduce [ (word ?1 "," ?2) ] #items] ;; close-up file-close ] end to-report quote [ #thing ] ifelse is-number? #thing [ report #thing ] [ report (word "\"" #thing "\"") ] end to-report te_rule let n_rich 0.2 * n let B_tot sum [B] of turtles let B_rich sum [B] of max-n-of n_rich turtles [B] let te_rule_ B_rich / B_tot report te_rule_ end ;; this procedure recomputes the value of gini-index-reserve ;; and the points in lorenz-points for the Lorenz and Gini-Index plots to update-lorenz-and-gini let sorted-wealths sort [B] of turtles let total-wealth sum sorted-wealths let wealth-sum-so-far 0 let index 0 set gini-index 0 set lorenz-points [] ; a list ;; now actually plot the Lorenz curve -- along the way, we also ;; calculate the Gini index. repeat n [ set wealth-sum-so-far (wealth-sum-so-far + item index sorted-wealths) set lorenz-points lput ((wealth-sum-so-far / total-wealth) * 100) lorenz-points set index (index + 1) set gini-index gini-index + (index / n) - (wealth-sum-so-far / total-wealth) ] end
There is only one version of this model, created over 8 years ago by Avery Baratz.
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