Plankton Productivity Simulator-Urban School of SF
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Simulate plankton growth in Monterey Bay, California under a variety of environmental variables, including wind speed, sunlight intensity, and warm/cool sea surface temperature. Plankton levels and sea surface temperatures can be monitored to establish the productivity levels of different environmental variable combinations.
Property of: Urban School of San Francisco 1563 Page St San Francisco, CA 94117 (415) 626-2919
Developed by: Cara Gallagher
Three types of agents control the movement of the sea surface temperature and create the temperature gradient. Parents control the overall movement, orbiters orbit the parents, and shooters are occasionally created to add heterogeneity to the environment.
Start by selecting the environmental conditions that you would like to test. Environmental choosers are found on the right upper corner of the interface.
-Sea-surface-temp can be "warm" or "cool" and controls the sea surface temp of the environment.
-Sunlight can be "low" or "high" and controls the sunlight levels.
-Wind-strength can be "strong" or "gentle" and controls the wind strength.
Once your environmentals are selected, you should note the plankton-optimal-temp input below. The plankton-optimal-temp sets the plankton optimal growth temperature. This is set to 13 degrees celsius, but can be modified to test for another optimal temperature (productivity number trends were established for 13 degrees and are unknown for other optimal temperatures).
Below the plankton-optimal-temp input is the productivity-# monitor. This monitor displays the running mean of the productivity number. Use this to establish the differences in production for the different possible environmental combinations. The mean plankton growth plot displays this in a graphical form.
On the left top corner of the interface you will find the view chooser. This allows you to change the map displayed at any time in a trial. The three map options are:
-Satellite-A satellite image of Monterey Bay showing the topobathymetry of the region
-Sea Surface Temp-Displays the SST levels of patches
-Plankton Growth-Displays the Plankton levels of patches
To start your trial, first press the Setup button and let the trial load. Once loading bar is full and checkmark appears you are finished loading. Now press the Start Trial button and watch your experiment run! Once completed (at 600 ticks) record the productivity-# and setup your next experiment!
Bathymetric data obtained from Southern California Coastal Ocean Observing System (SCCOOS) Divins, D.L., and D. Metzger, NGDC Coastal Relief Model, Retrieved date goes here, Download provided by the Southern California Coastal Ocean Observing System
Topobathy image from Google Earth "Monterey Bay." 3646'13.41"N 12158'28.34"W. Google Earth. November 2, 2016. January 16, 2017. Data from: SIO, U.S. Navy, NGA, GEBCO, MBARI, CSUMB SFML, CA OPC.
Comments and Questions
extensions [ gis palette ] breed [SSTparents SSTparent] breed [SSTorbiters SSTorbiter] breed [SSTshooters SSTshooter] breed [Loadingbars Loadingbar] breed [planktons plankton] breed [checkmarks checkmark] globals [ bathymetry coastline countdown trial-plankton-values prod-num max-prod-num min-prod-num ] turtles-own [ num shooter-countdown parent symbol turtle-density ] patches-own [ min-SST base-min-SST max-SST base-max-SST depth coast status SST patch-state check plankton-growth-calc plankton-growth-rate plankton-value sun-level wind-level sst-level-calc sst-level temp-range growth-zone ] to setup ca reset-ticks set countdown 50 + random 10 - random 10 ;countdown for SSTshooter agents check-SST-toggle setup-map setup-symbols setup-base-sst setup-turtles set-max-min-prod-num display-depth-in-patches ask patches with [status = "water"] [ setup-sun setup-wind set-temp-range set plankton-value 1 check-patch-state setup-starting-sst ] repeat 5 [diffuse SST 1] ;diffuse SST to surrounding patches ask SSTorbiters [ht] ;hide SST agents ask SSTparents [ht] ask SSTshooters [ht] set trial-plankton-values (list (total-plankton ) (total-plankton)) ;start list for productivity number calculation ask patches [set pcolor black] ;set loading screen background black create-loading-agents repeat 100[ ;run setup 100x run-procedure loading-bar-check plankton-wiggle] if ticks = 100 [create-checkmarks 1 [ ;create checkmark to signify the end of setup setxy 0 -65 set shape "checkmark" set size 45 ]] end to setup-map ;loads coastline and bathymetry values for patches set bathymetry gis:load-dataset "montereyclip4.asc" set coastline gis:load-dataset "coastline.asc" gis:set-world-envelope-ds (gis:envelope-union-of (gis:envelope-of bathymetry) (gis:envelope-of coastline)) view-coastline end to view-coastline ;creates land and water patches and sets background to bay satellite image gis:apply-raster coastline coast ask patches [ ifelse (coast >= 0) [set status "land"] [set status "water"] ] import-pcolors-rgb "MBaySat.png" end to display-depth-in-patches ;uses gis:apply-raster to apply depth values to patches gis:apply-raster bathymetry depth let min-depth gis:minimum-of bathymetry let max-depth 0 end to setup-base-sst ;establishes total max and min SST ask patches with [status = "water"][ set base-max-SST 18.5 set base-min-SST 11.5 set patch-state "inactive" set check "no" ] end to setup-turtles ;create turtles to drive SST movement ;more turtles are needed for warm SST than cool SST if sea-surface-temp = "cool" [ ask n-of 2 patches with [status = "water"] [sprout-SSTparents 1] ask SSTparents [ hatch-SSTorbiters 3 [set parent myself] set color red set num (20 + random 5 - random 5) ] ask SSTorbiters [ ;SSTorbiters orbit SSTparents hatch-SSTorbiters 2 [set parent myself]] ask SSTorbiters [ set heading random 360 set color yellow set num (8 + random 3 - random 3) repeat 40 [orbit] ]] if sea-surface-temp = "warm" [ ask n-of 3 patches with [status = "water"] [sprout-SSTparents 1] ask SSTparents [ hatch-SSTorbiters 4 [set parent myself] set color red set num (30 + random 5 - random 5) ] ask SSTorbiters [ hatch-SSTorbiters 2 [set parent myself]] ask SSTorbiters [ set heading random 360 set color yellow set num (15 + random 3 - random 3) repeat 40 [orbit] ;creates distance from SSTparents ]] end to setup-sun ;selects sunlight growth value set sun-level .2 + random-float .15 - random-float .15 end to create-loading-agents ;creates loading screen turtles create-loadingbars 1 [ set shape "loading-bar-0" set heading 0 set size 90 setxy 0 -25] create-planktons 3 [set size 40 ] ask n-of 1 planktons [ set shape "plankton-1" setxy -50 20] ask n-of 1 planktons with [shape = "default"] [ set shape "plankton-2" setxy 0 25] ask n-of 1 planktons with [shape = "default"] [ set shape "plankton-3" setxy 50 20] end to setup-wind ;selects wind growth value under all conditions if wind-strength = "gentle" [ ifelse sunlight = "low" [ ifelse sea-surface-temp = "cool" [set wind-level 0.45 + random-float 0.05 - random-float 0.05] ;Cool SST, Low Sun, Gentle Wind [set wind-level 0.7 + random-float 0.05 - random-float 0.05]] ;Warm SST, Low Sun, Gentle Wind [ ifelse sea-surface-temp = "cool" [set wind-level 0.5 + random-float 0.05 - random-float 0.05] ;Cool SST, High Sun, Gentle Wind [set wind-level 1.85 + random-float 0.05 - random-float 0.05]] ;Warm SST, High Sun, Gentle Wind ] if wind-strength = "strong" [ ifelse sunlight = "low" [ ifelse sea-surface-temp = "cool" [set wind-level 1.85 + random-float 0.05 - random-float 0.05] ;Cool SST, Low Sun, Strong Wind [set wind-level 0.5 + random-float 0.05 - random-float 0.05]] ;Warm SST, Low Sun, Strong Wind [ ifelse sea-surface-temp = "cool" [set wind-level 0.5 + random-float 0.05 - random-float 0.05] ;Cool SST, High Sun, Strong Wind [set wind-level 0.9 + random-float 0.05 - random-float 0.05]] ;Warm SST, High Sun, Strong Wind ] end to set-temp-range ;selects temperature range for growth zones under all environmentals if wind-strength = "gentle" [ ifelse sunlight = "low" [ ifelse sea-surface-temp = "cool" [set temp-range 0.56] ;Cool SST, Low Sun, Gentle Wind [set temp-range 0.75]] ;Warm SST, Low Sun, Gentle Wind [ ifelse sea-surface-temp = "cool" [set temp-range 0.7] ;Cool SST, High Sun, Gentle Wind [set temp-range 0.6]] ;Warm SST, High Sun, Gentle Wind ] if wind-strength = "strong" [ ifelse sunlight = "low" [ ifelse sea-surface-temp = "cool" [set temp-range 0.1] ;Cool SST, Low Sun, Strong Wind [set temp-range 0.59]] ;Warm SST, Low Sun, Strong Wind [ ifelse sea-surface-temp = "cool" [set temp-range 0.65] ;Cool SST, High Sun, Strong Wind [set temp-range 0.9]] ;Warm SST, High Sun, Strong Wind ] end to set-max-min-prod-num ;defines max and min productivity numbers for all environmentals if wind-strength = "gentle" [ ifelse sunlight = "low" [ ifelse sea-surface-temp = "cool" [ set max-prod-num 29 set min-prod-num 21] ;Cool SST, Low Sun, Gentle Wind [ set max-prod-num 19 set min-prod-num 11]] ;Warm SST, Low Sun, Gentle Wind [ ifelse sea-surface-temp = "cool" [ set max-prod-num 75 set min-prod-num 61] ;Cool SST, High Sun, Gentle Wind [ set max-prod-num 19 set min-prod-num 11]] ;Warm SST, High Sun, Gentle Wind ] if wind-strength = "strong" [ ifelse sunlight = "low" [ ifelse sea-surface-temp = "cool" [ set max-prod-num 19 set min-prod-num 11] ;Cool SST, Low Sun, Strong Wind [ set max-prod-num 30 set min-prod-num 23]] ;Warm SST, Low Sun, Strong Wind [ ifelse sea-surface-temp = "cool" [ set max-prod-num 59 set min-prod-num 51] ;Cool SST, High Sun, Strong Wind [ set max-prod-num 45 set min-prod-num 35]] ;Warm SST, High Sun, Strong Wind ] end to setup-symbols ;maintains correct symbols for the environmentals being tested create-turtles 1 [ set symbol "Sun" setxy 60 90 set size 20 set heading 0 if sunlight = "low" [set shape "low-sunlight"] if sunlight = "high" [set shape "high-sunlight"] ] create-turtles 1 [ set symbol "Wind" setxy 80 90 set size 20 set heading 0 if wind-strength = "gentle" [set shape "gentle-wind"] if wind-strength = "strong" [set shape "strong-wind"] ] create-turtles 1 [ set symbol "SST" setxy 95 90 set size 20 set heading 0 if sea-surface-temp = "warm" [set shape "high-sst"] if sea-surface-temp = "cool" [set shape "low-sst"] ] end to view-maps ;selects which map is displayed in interface if View = "Satellite" [import-pcolors-rgb "MBaySat.png"] if View = "Sea Surface Temp" [view-SST] if View = "Plankton Growth" [view-plankton] end to loading-bar-check ;progresses loading bar with tick number ask loadingbars [ if (ticks >= 6) and (ticks < 18) [set shape "loading-bar-1"] if (ticks >= 18) and (ticks < 31) [set shape "loading-bar-2"] if (ticks >= 31) and (ticks < 43) [set shape "loading-bar-3"] if (ticks >= 43) and (ticks < 56) [set shape "loading-bar-4"] if (ticks >= 56) and (ticks < 68) [set shape "loading-bar-5"] if (ticks >= 68) and (ticks < 81) [set shape "loading-bar-6"] if (ticks >= 81) and (ticks < 93) [set shape "loading-bar-7"] if (ticks >= 93) [set shape "loading-bar-8"] ] end to plankton-wiggle ;loading bar plankton wiggle dance ask planktons [set heading (heading + random 180 - random 180)] end to run-procedure ;run procedures for each tick ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;turtle commands;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ask SSTparents[ move set num num + random 1 - random 1] ask SSTorbiters [ orbit set num num + random 1 - random 1] ifelse countdown > 0 [set countdown countdown - 1] [ set countdown 50 + random 10 - random 10 ask one-of turtles [hatch-SSTshooters 1 [ set heading random 360 set size 0 set shooter-countdown (50 + random 15)]]] ask SSTshooters [ shoot ifelse shooter-countdown > 0 [set shooter-countdown shooter-countdown - 1] [die]] check-symbols ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;patch commands;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ask patches with [status = "water"][check-patch-state] set prod-num ((mean (trial-plankton-values) / total-poss-plankton) * 100) set-patch-state ask patches with [status = "water"] [ set-patch-SST setup-growth-zones calculate-plankton-growth] repeat 5 [ diffuse SST 1 diffuse plankton-value 1 ] set trial-plankton-values (lput total-plankton trial-plankton-values) tick end to check-SST-toggle ;maintains max and min SST values for cool and warm SST conditions ask patches [ if sea-surface-temp = "cool" [set max-SST 15 set min-SST 11.5] if sea-surface-temp = "warm" [set max-SST 18.5 set min-SST 13.5 ]] end to view-SST ;displays SST in interface ask patches with [status = "water"] [set pcolor palette:scale-gradient palette:scheme-colors "Divergent" "Spectral" 11 SST 20 (base-min-SST)] end to set-patch-SST ;assigns patch SST based on patch state if patch-state = "super-active" [set SST (max-SST + random-float 2 - random-float 3)] if patch-state = "active" [ ifelse SST > (max-SST - 2) [set SST SST - random-float .02] [ifelse SST < (min-SST + 2) [set SST SST + random-float .5] [set SST SST + random-float 2 - random-float 2] ]] if patch-state = "now-active" [set SST (((max-SST + min-SST) / 2) + random-float 1.5 - random-float 1.5)] ;set maximum sst to 21 degrees C if patch-state = "now-inactive" [deactivate] if patch-state = "inactive" [ ifelse SST > min-SST [ifelse SST > (min-SST + 1) [set SST SST - random-float .5 + random-float .25] [set SST SST - random-float .25 + random-float .25]] [set SST SST + random-float .5 - random-float .25] ] end to deactivate ;decreases SST in patches with no turtles around ifelse SST > min-SST [set SST SST - random-float .1] [ set SST min-SST set patch-state "inactive"] end to move ;movement commands for SST parent turtles let land patches in-cone 3 90 with [status = "land"] ifelse any? land [ set heading heading + 30 + random 300 fd 0.5] [set heading heading + random 5 - random 5 fd 0.5] end to orbit ;movement commands for SST orbiter turtles let land patches in-cone 3 90 with [status = "land"] ifelse any? land [ face parent set heading heading + random 30 - random 30 fd 1 ] [ifelse distance parent > 60 [ face parent set heading heading + random 30 - random 30 fd 1 ] [set heading heading + random 10 - random 10 fd 1 ]] end to shoot ;movement commands for SST shooter turtles let land patches in-cone 3 90 with [status = "land"] ifelse any? land [ set heading heading + 30 + random 300 fd 1] [set heading heading + random 5 - random 5 fd 1] end to check-patch-state ;creates a boolian check to establish patches as now-inactive if check = "yes" [ set check "no" set patch-state "now-inactive" ] end to set-patch-state ;sets patch state based on turtle presence ask SSTshooters [ask patches in-radius 10 with [status = "water"] [ set check "yes" set patch-state "active"]] ask SSTparents [ ask patches in-radius (num + 10) with [status = "water"] [ ifelse check = "no" [set patch-state "now-active" set check "yes"] [set patch-state "active"]] ask patches in-radius (num - (num / 5)) with [status = "water"] [set patch-state "super-active"] ] ask SSTorbiters [ ask patches in-radius (num + 10) with [status = "water"] [ ifelse check = "no" [ set patch-state "now-active" set check "yes"] [set patch-state "active"]] ask patches in-radius num with [status = "water"] [set patch-state "super-active"] ] end to setup-starting-sst ;sets up starting SST values for patches basesd on patch state if patch-state = "super-active" [set SST (max-SST + random-float 4 - random-float 5)] if patch-state = "active" [set SST (max-SST - 2 + random-float 2)] if patch-state = "now-active" [set SST ((max-SST + min-SST) / 2) + random-float 1 - random-float 1] if patch-state = "now-inactive" [set SST ((max-SST + min-SST) / 2) + random-float 1 - random-float 1] if patch-state = "inactive" [ ifelse sea-surface-temp = "warm" [set SST min-SST + random-float 3 - random-float 3] [set SST min-SST + random-float 2 - random-float 2]] end to check-symbols ;maintains symbols with mid-run environmental changes ask turtles with [symbol = "Sun"] [ if shape = "low-sunlight" [if sunlight = "high" [set shape "high-sunlight"]] if shape = "high-sunlight" [if sunlight = "low" [set shape "low-sunlight"]]] ask turtles with [symbol = "Wind"] [ if shape = "gentle-wind" [if wind-strength = "strong" [set shape "strong-wind"]] if shape = "strong-wind" [if wind-strength = "gentle" [set shape "gentle-wind"]]] ask turtles with [symbol = "SST"] [ if shape = "low-sst" [if sea-surface-temp = "warm" [set shape "high-sst"]] if shape = "high-sst" [if sea-surface-temp = "cool" [set shape "low-sst"]]] end to setup-growth-zones ;establishes patches as a growth zone or not based on temp-range ifelse (SST < (plankton-optimal-temp + (temp-range + temp-mod))) [ifelse (SST > (plankton-optimal-temp - (temp-range + temp-mod))) [set growth-zone "true"] [set growth-zone "false"] ] [set growth-zone "false"] end to-report productivity-num ;calculates running mean production number set prod-num ((mean (trial-plankton-values) / total-poss-plankton) * 100) report prod-num end to calculate-plankton-growth ;determines plankton growth rates based on environmentals setup-sst-level ifelse growth-zone = "true" ;growth only occurs in growth zones [set plankton-growth-rate ((sst-level + wind-level + sun-level) / 3) ;calculates total plankton growth rate if plankton-value < 15 [ ;establishes a max patch plankton value of 15 if plankton-value < .05 [set plankton-value .06] ;maintains plankton value > 0 ifelse prod-num < (min-prod-num + 3) [set plankton-value (plankton-value + (plankton-value * plankton-growth-rate))] [set plankton-value (plankton-value + (plankton-value * plankton-growth-rate * plankton-mod))] ;plankton mod decreases plankton growth when above max ]] [if (plankton-value > 0) [ set plankton-value plankton-value - random-float 1 ]] end to view-plankton ;displays plankton values in the interface ask patches with [status = "water"] [set pcolor palette:scale-gradient [[74 95 145] [129 199 132]] plankton-value 0 15] end to setup-sst-level ;calculates SST level for plankton growth rate ifelse growth-zone = "true" [ let sst-level-report (1 - (abs((SST - plankton-optimal-temp) / temp-range))) ifelse sst-level-report > 0 [set sst-level (sst-level-report / 2)] [set sst-level 0] ] [set sst-level 0] end to-report total-plankton ;calculates total plankton level present report sum [plankton-value] of patches with [plankton-value > 0] end to-report total-poss-plankton ;calculates total possible plankton level let total-patches (count patches with [status = "water"]) report total-patches * 12 end to-report temp-mod ;temperature range adujuster for instances where production number falls under min-production number let t (temp-range) let i v report i * t end to-report v ;multiplier for the temperature range modifier for instances where production number falls under min-production number let r ((max-prod-num - min-prod-num) / 3) let tv (abs((prod-num - min-prod-num) - r)/(2 * r)) if tv > 2 [set tv 2] report tv end to-report plankton-mod ;multiplier for the plankton growth adjuster for instances where production number rises above max-production number let r (max-prod-num - (min-prod-num + 3)) let k (min-prod-num + 3) let tp (abs((prod-num - k) - r) / r) if prod-num > max-prod-num [set tp -0.05] report tp end to start_trial ;trial run procedures ask loadingbars [die] ;kills loading screen turtles ask planktons [die] ask checkmarks [die] view-coastline view-maps repeat 500 [ run-procedure view-maps plot productivity-num ;plots productivity number on interface plot ] end
There are 3 versions of this model.
Attached files
File | Type | Description | Last updated | |
coastline.asc | data | Monterey Coastline File | almost 8 years ago, by Cara Gallagher | Download |
MBaySat.png | png | Monterey Bay Satellite Image | almost 8 years ago, by Cara Gallagher | Download |
montereyclip4.asc | data | Monterey Bathymetry File | almost 8 years ago, by Cara Gallagher | Download |
Plankton Productivity Simulator-Urban School of SF.png | preview | Preview for 'Plankton Productivity Simulator-Urban School of SF' | almost 8 years ago, by Cara Gallagher | Download |
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