Rubiks Cube

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1 collaborator

Default-person Yiduo Ke (Author)



Tagged by Yiduo Ke almost 7 years ago


Tagged by Yiduo Ke almost 7 years ago

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Model was written in NetLogo 5.2.1 • Viewed 216 times • Downloaded 13 times • Run 0 times
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breed [kernelsx kernelx]   ; turtles in the center of the cube used to save orientation
breed [kernelsy kernely]

[mx ;saved mouse x-cor
 my ;saved mouse y-cor
 displacex ;difference between the saved mouse-xcor and current mouse-xcor
 displacey ;difference between the saved mouse-ycor and current mouse-ycor
 v;difference between ovtheta and vtheta
 t ;difference between otheta and theta
 scrambled ;checks if the cube has been scrambled
   reddone ;checks if red face is done
  bluedone ;checks if blue face is done
  whitedone ;checks if white face isdone
  yellowdone ;checks if yellow face is done
  greendone ;checks if green face is done
  orangedone ;checks if orange face is done

turtles-own [
  x-pos  ;; x-pos, y-pos, and z-pos are the cartesian coordinates
  y-pos  ;; don't confuse them with xcor and ycor, which are predefined
  z-pos  ;;   NetLogo variables for turtles
  p     ;distance of turtle from origin
  rtheta   ;angle of turtle projection in the z-y plane from x-axis (spherical)
  theta ; angle of the turtle’s projection on the x-y plane.
  phi ; turtles angle of incidence to the z axis.
  vtheta ;angle of the turtle’s projection on the x-z plane
  q ;distance from y-axis
  r ;distance from x-axis
  s ;distance from z-axis
  rsign ;side of the y-axis on which the turtles are located
  sign ; which side of x-axis (spherical)
  otheta; original theta value (changes upon rotation to reflect the rotation that took place)
  ovtheta ;original vtheta value (changes upon rotation)
  ortheta ;original rtheta value
  oq  ;original q value
  orr  ;original r value
  os ;original s value

to mouse ;this procedure allows user to view the cube by dragging it using his mouse
  set mx mouse-xcor   ;sets mx and my  to current mouse coordinates
  set my mouse-ycor
   if mouse-down?
   [if mouse-xcor != mx     ;if mouse-xcor changes
   [ifelse mouse-xcor < mx   ;direction of change
   [set displacex mx - mouse-xcor   ;amount of change
      ask turtles
      [set theta (theta - abs velocity * displacex) mod 360  ;rotate cube to reflect the change
    cartesian x-pos y-pos z-pos
    scale]  tick]
    [set displacex mouse-xcor - mx
     ask turtles
     [set theta (theta + abs velocity * displacex) mod 360       ;; same for all the others
    cartesian x-pos y-pos z-pos
    scale] tick] ]

if mouse-ycor != my

  [ifelse mouse-ycor < my

  [set displacex my - mouse-ycor
      ask turtles
      [set vtheta (vtheta + (abs velocity * displacey)) mod 360
    cartesian x-pos y-pos z-pos
    scale]  tick]
    [set displacey mouse-ycor - my
     ask turtles
     [set vtheta (vtheta - (abs velocity * displacey)) mod 360
    cartesian x-pos y-pos z-pos
    scale] tick] ]]

to vgo ;vertical rotation of cube
    ask turtles
  set vtheta (velocity + vtheta) mod 360 ; increment vtheta to simulate vertical rotation
    vrender-turtle;renders turtle new position in cube
   cartesian x-pos y-pos z-pos];updates distances and angles

to go ; horizontal rotation of cube
  ask turtles
    set theta (theta + velocity) mod 360 ; increment theta to simulate rotation
    cartesian x-pos y-pos z-pos


to setup ;Rubik’s cube spawns
  set-default-shape turtles "circle"
  create-turtles num-turtles
  [set size 1

   ifelse y-pos > 0 [set sign 1]          ;set signs
    [set sign -1]
    ifelse x-pos > 0 [set rsign 1]
    [set rsign -1]
    let temp-alpha 35 * (1 - 2 * (random 2))   ; +-35
    ; random distribution bounded by +-35
    let temp-beta 35 - 2 * (random-float 35)
    let temp-gamma (random 3)                          ; front/back or left/right?
    ifelse temp-gamma = 0
    [ ifelse temp-alpha > 0
      [set color orange];front is orange
      [set color red  ] ;back is red                               ; generate front & back surrotate
      cartesian (temp-alpha)
                (35 - (2 * (random-float 35)))
    [  ifelse temp-alpha > 0
      [set color blue];right is blue
      [set color green  ];left is green
      ifelse random 2 = 1
      [cartesian (temp-beta)                             ; generating the side surrotate
                (35 - (2 * (random-float 35)))
    [  ifelse temp-alpha > 0
      [set color yellow];above is yellow
      [set color white  ] ;bottom is white                                  ;generate top and bottom surrotate
      cartesian (35 - (2 * (random-float 35)))

    create-kernelsx 1 [set x-pos 10        ;orients one of the kernels to the x axis
       set y-pos 0.01
      set z-pos 0.01
      set hidden? true
      cartesian x-pos y-pos z-pos
    create-kernelsy 1 [set y-pos 10      ;the other is orineted to the y axis
       set x-pos 0.01
      set z-pos 0.0
      set hidden? true
      cartesian x-pos y-pos z-pos

    ask turtles [
    set ortheta rtheta            ;;save all the original values
    set otheta theta
    set ovtheta vtheta
    set oq q
    set orr r
    set os s
    set scrambled 0
  set reddone 0
  set bluedone 0
  set whitedone 0
  set yellowdone 0      ;it hasn't been scrambled yet and none of the sides have been solved yet
  set greendone 0
  set orangedone 0

to cartesian [x y z]                            ;;updates angles and distances
  set r sqrt((y ^ 2) + (z ^ 2))
  set p sqrt((x ^ 2) + (y ^ 2) + (z ^ 2))
  set q sqrt((x ^ 2) + (z ^ 2))
  set s sqrt((y ^ 2) + (x ^ 2))
  set phi (atan sqrt((x ^ 2) + (y ^ 2)) z)
  set theta (atan y x)
  set vtheta (atan x z)
  set rtheta (atan y z)

to render-turtle                         ;wrapper function

to vrender-turtle                      ;similar wrapper function to be used in vertical rotation

to rrender-turtle                       ;to be used in rotation around the x-axis

;; convert from spherical to cartesian coordinates after horizontal rotation

to calculate-turtle-position
  set y-pos p * (sin phi) * (sin theta)
  set x-pos p * (sin phi) * (cos theta)
  set z-pos p * (cos phi)

;; convert from spherical to cartesian coordinates after vertical rotation

to vcalculate-turtle-position
  ifelse y-pos > 0 [set sign 1]
    [set sign -1]
  set y-pos (sqrt ((p ^ 2) - (q ^ 2))) * sign
  set x-pos q * (sin vtheta)
  set z-pos q * (cos vtheta)

;; convert from spherical to cartesian coordinates rotation around the x-axis

to rcalculate-turtle-position
  ifelse x-pos > 0 [set rsign 1]
    [set rsign -1]
  set x-pos sqrt (p ^ 2 - r ^ 2) * rsign
  set y-pos r * (sin rtheta)
   set z-pos r * (cos rtheta)

;; set the turtle's position using netlogo coordinates

to set-turtle-position
    setxy y-pos z-pos

to resetx
  ifelse ovtheta > vtheta
  [set v (ovtheta - vtheta)]
  [set v (vtheta - ovtheta)]   ;to set v

to resety
  ifelse otheta > theta
  [set t (otheta - theta)]
  [set t (theta - otheta)]          ;to set t


to rotate
 ask kernelsx [resetx]  ;uses the kernels to set t and c
 ask kernelsy [resety]

 ask turtles [
  rthis ;wrappers that return the cube to previous orientation


if rotate-color = "blue"  ;chooses which side to rotate based on the chooser
 [rotate-blue]                 ;and calls in the appropriate helper
if rotate-color = "green"
 if rotate-color = "white"
 if rotate-color = "yellow"
 if rotate-color = "red"
 if rotate-color = "orange"

 if (count turtles with [shade-of? white color and z-pos < -34.9] > (8.3 / 54) * count turtles)
 [set whitedone 1]
 if (count turtles with [shade-of? yellow color and z-pos > 34.9] > (8.3 / 54) * count turtles)
 [set yellowdone 1]
 if (count turtles with [shade-of? orange color and x-pos > 33.9] > (8.3 / 54) * count turtles)
 [set orangedone 1]
 if (count turtles with [shade-of? red color and x-pos < -34.9] > (8.3 / 54) * count turtles)
 [set reddone 1]
 if (count turtles with [shade-of? green color and y-pos < -33.9] > (8.3 / 54) * count turtles)
 [set greendone 1]
 if (count turtles with [shade-of? blue color and y-pos > 34.9] > (8.3 / 54) * count turtles)
 [set bluedone 1]
;sets the “done” function to 1 when the side is completed

 if scrambled = 1 and whitedone = 1 and yellowdone = 1 and orangedone = 1 and reddone = 1
 and greendone = 1 and bluedone = 1 [ask patches [set pcolor white]]
;sets the background to white if the cube is completed after being scrambled

ask turtles with [breed != kernelsx and breed != kernelsy]
    ;resets the original values to reflect the rotation
  [set oq q
  set orr r
  set os s
  set ortheta rtheta
set otheta theta
set ovtheta vtheta]

ask turtles [set theta (theta + t) mod 360;
  cartesian x-pos y-pos z-pos]
 tick                                          ;returns the cube to its previous orientation

 ask turtles [set vtheta (vtheta + v) mod 360
  cartesian x-pos y-pos z-pos


to rotate-blue
ask turtles [
  if y-pos > 11.83 [set vtheta vtheta + 90
    ;rotates each side by determining the coordinates that
    ;are required for the turtle to be part of the chosen side
      ;and then rotating the required angle 90 degrees
  cartesian x-pos y-pos z-pos]]

to rotate-green
ask turtles [
  if y-pos < -11.83 [set vtheta vtheta + 90
  cartesian x-pos y-pos z-pos]

to rotate-white
ask turtles [
  if z-pos < -11.83 [set theta theta + 90
  cartesian x-pos y-pos z-pos]

to rotate-yellow
ask turtles [
  if z-pos > 11.83 [set theta theta + 90
  cartesian x-pos y-pos z-pos]

to rotate-red
ask turtles [
  if x-pos < -11.83 [set rtheta rtheta + 90
  cartesian x-pos y-pos z-pos]

to rotate-orange
ask turtles [
  if x-pos > 11.83 [set rtheta rtheta + 90
  cartesian x-pos y-pos z-pos]

to that ;this, that, and rthis turns the cube to an easy to maneuver position
;sets center pieces to setup orientation and everything else relatively
  set q oq
  set vtheta ovtheta
  cartesian x-pos y-pos z-pos

to this
  set theta otheta
  cartesian x-pos y-pos z-pos

to rthis
   set r orr
  set rtheta ortheta
  cartesian x-pos y-pos z-pos

to scale
  set color scale-color color x-pos -35 85
  ;creates illusion of depth; the further back a turtle,
end  ;the darker it is

to scramble [x] ;scrambles cube
  ask patches [set pcolor black]
  set reddone 0          ; sets all sides as not done
  set bluedone 0
  set whitedone 0
  set yellowdone 0
  set greendone 0
  set orangedone 0
  set scrambled 1
  repeat scramble_times [      ;rotates a random side scramble_times times
    set x random 6
  if x = 0
  [set rotate-color "red"]
  if x = 1
  [set rotate-color "orange"]
  if x = 2
  [set rotate-color "yellow"]
  if x = 3
  [set rotate-color "blue"]
  if x = 4
  [set rotate-color "white"]
  if x = 5
  [set rotate-color "green"]

There is only one version of this model, created almost 7 years ago by Yiduo Ke.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Rubiks Cube.png preview Preview for 'Rubiks Cube' almost 7 years ago, by Yiduo Ke Download

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