Classroom Model with Learning Assistants
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extensions [nw] globals [] breed [Students Student] breed [LAs LA] breed [Instructors Instructor] Students-own [seated? learned-geom-la learned-geom learned-errn learned-ws learned-lect raised-hand?] LAs-own [moving? teaching? LA-teach-abiliy LA-hand-seek] Instructors-own [moving? teaching? I-teach-ability I-hand-seek] patches-own [available?] undirected-link-breed [geomets geomet] undirected-link-breed [randos rando] undirected-link-breed[socials social] to setup ;Primary setup procedure. Creates turtles and assigns them to available seats clear-turtles clear-links let student-patches patches with [pcolor = red ] let la-patches patches with [pcolor = green ] ask la-patches [set available? true] let inst-patches patches with [pcolor = blue ] ask inst-patches [set available? true ] Geom n-Students stu-radius ER-RN p-errn WS k-ws p-ws create-LAs n-learning_assistants [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set shape "person graduate" set color blue set teaching? false set LA-hand-seek one-of Students with [raised-hand? = TRUE] ] ;Move LAs to unoccupied green patch ask LAs with [not teaching?][ move-to one-of la-patches with [available?] set available? false ] ;Prep green pataches for LA return ask la-patches [set available? true] create-Instructors 1 [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set shape "person doctor" set color black set teaching? false ] ask Instructors with [not teaching?][ move-to one-of inst-patches with [available?] set available? false ] reset-ticks end to go ;Primary go procedure. Has students "learn" and then stops when all student networks have "learned" ;; stop the model if no one is left to learn if (not any? Students with [not (learned-geom and learned-errn and learned-ws and learned-lect and learned-geom-la)])[ reset-learning ;Move LAs to unoccupied green patch let la-patches patches with [pcolor = green ] ask LAs with [not teaching?][ to-la-patch ] stop ] ;; ask the turtles to learn or not learn randomly ask Students with [not learned-geom] [ learn-geom ] ask Students with [not learned-errn] [ learn-errn ] ask Students with [not learned-ws] [ learn-ws ] ask Students with [not learned-lect] [ learn-lect ] ask Students with [not learned-geom-la] [ learn-geom-la ] move-la tick end ;;Procedures listed alphabetically to-report classroom ;Select png file (need to be located in same directroy as model) if classroom-type = "GB_Lab" [report "24_lab.png"] if classroom-type = "30_Lecture" [report "30_lecture.png"] if classroom-type = "240_Lecture" [report "240_lecture.png"] if classroom-type = "450_Lecture" [report "450_lecture.png"] ;to add more, draw new classroom setup and right-click to export view as .png. Save in same directory as model end to ER-RN [p] ;Sets up Erdős–Rényi Random Network links ask Students [ ask other Students with [who < [who] of myself] [ if random-float 1 < p [ create-rando-with myself [set color red] ] ] ] end to Geom [N r] ;Creates students and sets up geometric network links let student-patches patches with [pcolor = red ] ask student-patches [ set available? true ] create-Students N [ setxy random-pycor random-pxcor set shape "person student" set color white set size 1 set seated? false set raised-hand? false ] ask Students with [not seated?][ move-to one-of student-patches with [available?] set available? false set seated? true ] ask Students [ create-geomets-with other Students in-radius r [set color green ] ] end to import-classroom ;Import classroom button on interface import-pcolors classroom end to learn-errn ;Specifies how students learn in a random network ;;learning based on instructor if random-float 1 < self-learn [ set learned-errn true ] ;;learning based on peer interaction let neighbors-learned link-neighbors with [learned-geom] let total-neighbors link-neighbors if count total-neighbors > 0 [ if not learned-errn and random-float 1 < ( social-influence * (count neighbors-learned / count total-neighbors))[ set learned-errn true ] ] end to learn-geom ;Specifies how students learn in a geometiric network ;;learning by self if random-float 1 < self-learn [ set learned-geom true ] ;;learning based on peer interaction let neighbors-learned link-neighbors with [learned-geom] let total-neighbors link-neighbors if count total-neighbors > 0 [ if not learned-geom and random-float 1 < ( social-influence * (count neighbors-learned / count total-neighbors))[ set learned-geom true ] ] end to learn-geom-la ;Specifies how students learn in a geometiric network ;;learning by self ;Consider turning into own procedure since a derivitive of this is used multiple times if random-float 1 < self-learn [ set learned-geom-la true ] ;;learning based on peer interaction ;Consider turning into own procedure since a derivitive of this is used multiple times let neighbors-learned link-neighbors with [learned-geom-la] let total-neighbors link-neighbors if count total-neighbors > 0 [ if not learned-geom-la and random-float 1 < ( social-influence * (count neighbors-learned / count total-neighbors))[ set learned-geom-la true ] ] end to learn-lect ;Specifies how students learn if there was just lecture and no other interactions ;;learning based on instructor if random-float 1 < self-learn [ set learned-lect true ] end to learn-ws ;Specifies how students learn in a small world network ;;learning based on instructor if random-float 1 < self-learn [ set learned-ws true ] ;;learning based on peer interaction let neighbors-learned link-neighbors with [learned-ws] let total-neighbors link-neighbors if count total-neighbors > 0 [ if not learned-ws and random-float 1 < ( social-influence * (count neighbors-learned / count total-neighbors))[ set learned-ws true ] ] end to move-la ;Prompts LAs to move around class and allows students to learn under learn-geom-la scenario ;students raise hands ask Students with [learned-geom-la = FALSE] [if random-exponential 10 < 1 [set raised-hand? true set color black]] ;Count number of students with hand raised ask LAs [ifelse count Students with [raised-hand? = TRUE] >= 1 [ ask LAs with [not teaching?][ ask patch-here [if pcolor = green [set available? TRUE]] ifelse count Students with [raised-hand? = TRUE] >= 1 [move-to one-of Students with [raised-hand? = TRUE]][to-la-patch] set teaching? TRUE ask students in-radius 1 [ set raised-hand? FALSE set color white if random-float 1 < la-teach-ability [set learned-geom-la true]]]] [to-la-patch]] ; ask Students with [patch-here [pcolor = yellow]][set raised-hand?= FALSE] tick-advance random la-tick ask LAs with [teaching?][ set teaching? FALSE ] end to-report patch-colour ;Dropdown menu for classroom elements if classroom-element = "Seat" [report red] if classroom-element = "Aisle" [report white] if classroom-element = "Podium" [report blue] if classroom-element = "LA-seat" [report green] if classroom-element = "Erase" [report black] report red end to patch-draw ;Draw classroom button on interface if mouse-down? ;; reports true or false to indicate whether mouse button is down [ ;; mouse-xcor and mouse-ycor report the position of the mouse -- ;; note that they report the precise position of the mouse, ;; so you might get a decimal number like 12.3, but "patch" ;; automatically rounds to the nearest patch ask patch mouse-xcor mouse-ycor [ set pcolor patch-colour display ] ] end to reset-learning ;Resets student-owned learning variables ask Students [ set learned-geom false set learned-errn false set learned-ws false set learned-lect false set learned-geom-la false ] ask links [ if hide-social-networks [ hide-link ] if not hide-social-networks [ show-link ] ] end to rewire [p] ;;Part of WS setup ask socials [ let rewired? false if (random-float 1) < p [ ;; "a" remains the same let Student1 end1 ;; if "a" is not connected to everybody if [ count link-neighbors ] of Student1 < (count Students - 1) [ ;; find a node distinct from node1 and not already a neighbor of node1 let Student2 one-of Students with [ (self != Student1) and (not link-neighbor? Student1) ] ;; wire the new edge ask Student1 [ create-social-with Student2 [ set rewired? true ] ] ] ] ;; remove the old edge if (rewired?) [ die ] ] end to to-la-patch ;Causes LAs to move to available LA seats let la-patches patches with [pcolor = green] move-to one-of la-patches with [available?] end to WS [k p] ;;Sets up Watts Strograth small world network links let lis (n-values (K / 2) [ [i] -> i + 1 ]) ask Students [ let w who foreach lis [ [i] -> create-social-with (Student ((w + i) mod count Students)) ] ] rewire p ask socials [set color blue] end ;ALTERNATIVE MOVEMENT PROCEDURES ;to walk-towards-hand ; face best-way-to LA-hand-seek ; fd 1 ;end ;to-report best-way-to [destination] ;; of all the visible route patches, select the ones ;; that would take me closer to my destination ; let visible-patches patches with [ pcolor = white ] in-radius 20 ; let visible-routes visible-patches with [ pcolor = white ] ; let routes-that-take-me-closer visible-routes with [ ; distance destination < [ distance destination - 1 ] of myself ; ] ; ; ifelse any? routes-that-take-me-closer [ ;; from those route patches, choose the one that is the closest to me ; report min-one-of routes-that-take-me-closer [ distance self ] ; ] [ ;; if there are no nearby routes to my destination ; report destination ; ] ;end ;LOST AND BROKEN PROCEDURES ;to la-interact ; ask LAs with [not teaching?][ ; face one-of patches with [raised-hand? = true and pcolor = red] ; fd 1 ; ] ;end ;to la-teach ; ask LAs move-to one-of Students with [raised-hand? = TRUE][tick] ;end ;to move-las ; ask Students [if random-exponential 10 < 1 [set raised-hand? true set color black]] ; ask LAs with [not teaching?][ ;face one-of patches with [pcolor = white] ; ifelse patch-here = LA-hand-seek [ ; ifelse count Students with [raised-hand? = TRUE] >= 1 [ ; set LA-hand-seek one-of patch-set Students with [raised-hand? = TRUE] ; ] ; [ ; set LA-hand-seek one-of patch-set Students with [raised-hand? = TRUE] ; ] ; ] [ ; move-to LA-hand-seek ; ] ; ] ;tick ;end ; to en ; face one-of patches with [pcolor = white] ; ifelse patch-here = LA-hand-seek [ ; ifelse count Students with [raised-hand? = TRUE] >= 1 [ ; set LA-hand-seek one-of Students with [raised-hand? = TRUE] ; ] [ ; set LA-hand-seek one-of Students with [raised-hand? = TRUE] ;; ] ; ] [ ; walk-towards-hand ; ] ; ; ;end
There is only one version of this model, created almost 8 years ago by Andrew McDevitt.
Attached files
File | Type | Description | Last updated | |
240_lecture.png | png | 240 person lecture room | almost 8 years ago, by Andrew McDevitt | Download |
24_lab.png | png | 24 person lab room | almost 8 years ago, by Andrew McDevitt | Download |
30_lecture.png | png | 30 person lecture room | almost 8 years ago, by Andrew McDevitt | Download |
450_lecture.png | png | 450 person lecture room | almost 8 years ago, by Andrew McDevitt | Download |
Classroom Model with Learning Assistants.png | preview | Preview for 'Classroom Model with Learning Assistants' | almost 8 years ago, by Andrew McDevitt | Download |
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