Economy of Forest Timber
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;; Forest harvesting & planting model ;; ;; Author: Desi Suyamto ;; ;; Forest2020 Collaborative Programme, Facultyof Forestry, Bogor Agrciultural University, Indonesia ;; breed[trees tree] breed[houses house] breed[agents agent] breed[trucks truck] breed[harvests harvest] agents-own [ agent-farmer-capital-harvest-timber agent-farmer-capital-timber agent-farmer-consumption agent-farmer-to-pool? agent-farmer-to-go-home? agent-farmer-to-harvest? agent-farmer-household-id agent-trader-consumption agent-trader-capital-financial agent-type ] globals [ farmer-tree-recruitment-rate x-center y-center ] houses-own [ house-id house-capital-land house-capital-financial house-timber-density ] patches-own [ patch-any-trees? patch-any-houses? patch-distance-to-upperstream patch-harvest-pool? patch-harvest-wait? patch-farmer-household-land-id patch-protected-forest? patch-road? ] trees-own [ tree-center? tree-distance-to-upperstream tree-protected-forest? tree-natural? tree-domesticated? tree-farmer-household-id ] trucks-own [ truck-speed truck-to-load? truck-to-transport? ] to initialise-patch ask patches [ set pcolor 34 + random-float 3 set patch-any-trees? false set patch-any-houses? false set patch-road? false set patch-harvest-pool? false set patch-harvest-wait? false set patch-distance-to-upperstream distancexy min-pxcor max-pycor set patch-protected-forest? false set patch-farmer-household-land-id -9999 ] let m max[patch-distance-to-upperstream]of patches ask patches [ set patch-protected-forest? (patch-distance-to-upperstream / m) < .36 ] repeat 9 [diffuse pcolor .1] set x-center round (.5 * (max-pxcor - min-pxcor)) set y-center round (.5 * (max-pycor - min-pycor)) ask one-of patches with[pxcor = x-center and pycor = y-center] [ set patch-harvest-pool? true sprout-agents 1 [ set shape "person" set color cyan set size 7.2 set agent-farmer-capital-harvest-timber 0 set agent-farmer-capital-timber 0 set agent-farmer-consumption 0 set agent-farmer-to-pool? false set agent-farmer-to-go-home? false set agent-farmer-to-harvest? false set agent-farmer-household-id -9999 set agent-type "trader" set agent-trader-consumption .63 set agent-trader-capital-financial 0 ] ] ask one-of patches with[pxcor = max-pxcor and pycor = y-center] [ set patch-harvest-wait? true ] ask patches with[pxcor >= x-center and pxcor <= max-pxcor and pycor = y-center] [ set pcolor 1.8 set patch-road? true ask neighbors [ set pcolor 1.8 set patch-road? true ] ] repeat 18 [diffuse pcolor .01] end to initialise-natural-tree let n 540 let dm max [patch-distance-to-upperstream]of patches let p n-of n patches with[patch-distance-to-upperstream / dm < .63] ask p [ sprout-trees 1 [ ht set shape one-of["tree1" "tree2" "tree3" "tree4"] set tree-center? false set tree-natural? true set tree-protected-forest? false set tree-domesticated? false set tree-farmer-household-id -9999 ] ] let c min-one-of trees[distancexy min-pxcor max-pycor] ask c [ set tree-center? true set tree-distance-to-upperstream 0 set size 12.6 set color 51 setxy min-pxcor max-pycor ] ask trees with[not tree-center?] [ face one-of trees with[tree-center?] fd random-float x-center set tree-distance-to-upperstream distance c ] ask trees-on patches with[patch-road?] [ move-to one-of patches with[not patch-road?] ] ask trees with[not tree-center?] [ set tree-distance-to-upperstream distance c ] let m max[tree-distance-to-upperstream]of trees ask trees with[not tree-center?] [ set color 51 + 3.6 * (tree-distance-to-upperstream / m) set size 12.6 - 3.6 * (tree-distance-to-upperstream / m) ] ask trees [ st ask patch-here [ set patch-any-trees? true ] ] ask patches with[patch-protected-forest?] [ ask trees-here [ set tree-protected-forest? true set color max list 50 (color - random-float 3.6) ] ] end to initialise-house set-default-shape houses "house1" let p patches with[(pxcor > 9 + min-pxcor and pxcor < max-pxcor - 9) and (pycor > 9 + min-pycor and pycor < max-pycor - 9)] let m max[patch-distance-to-upperstream]of patches let i 0 ask n-of 2 p with[(patch-distance-to-upperstream / m >= .54 and patch-distance-to-upperstream / m < .63) and not patch-any-trees? and not patch-road? and not patch-any-houses?] [ sprout-houses 1 [ ht set house-capital-financial 0 set house-id i set size 9 set color 23 ask patch-here [ set patch-any-houses? true ] set house-capital-land max list 9 round ((54 + random 180) * timber-production-policy) ] set i i + 1 ] ask n-of 3 p with[patch-distance-to-upperstream / m > .63 and not patch-any-trees? and not patch-road? and not patch-any-houses?] [ sprout-houses 1 [ ht set house-capital-financial 0 set house-id i set size 9 set color 23 ask patch-here [ set patch-any-houses? true ] set house-capital-land round ((54 + random 180) * timber-production-policy) ] set i i + 1 ] ask houses-on patches with[patch-road?] [ move-to one-of patches with[not patch-road? and not patch-any-trees? and not patch-any-houses?] ] ask houses[st] end to initialise-truck create-trucks 1 [ setxy max-pxcor y-center set size 18 set color 25 set heading 270 set shape "truck2" set truck-to-load? false set truck-to-transport? false ] end to initialise-agent set-default-shape agents "person" ask patches with[patch-any-houses?] [ let i [house-id]of one-of houses-here let n 4 + random 2 let s count patches with[patch-farmer-household-land-id = i] let t (9 + random 9) * n sprout-agents n [ ht set agent-farmer-household-id i set agent-type "farmer" set agent-farmer-to-harvest? true set agent-farmer-to-go-home? false set agent-farmer-to-pool? false set size 6.3 set color 47 set agent-farmer-capital-harvest-timber 0 set agent-farmer-capital-timber t set agent-farmer-consumption .45 set agent-trader-consumption 0 set agent-trader-capital-financial 0 ] ] ;; define farmer land ask houses [ let index house-id let s house-capital-land let l patches with[not patch-any-trees? and not patch-road? and not patch-any-houses? and not patch-protected-forest? and patch-farmer-household-land-id = -9999] let n1 l in-radius 9 let n2 l in-cone 18 36 let n remove sort n1 sort n2 set s min list s length n let f n-of s n foreach f [ ask ? [ set pcolor pcolor - .9 set patch-farmer-household-land-id index ] ] ] end to initialise-farmer-tree ask houses [ let id house-id let n1 round(timber-production-policy * mean[agent-farmer-capital-timber]of agents with[agent-type = "farmer" and agent-farmer-household-id = id]) let n2 count patches with[patch-farmer-household-land-id = id] let n min list n1 n2 if(any? patches with[patch-farmer-household-land-id = id]) [ ask n-of n patches with[patch-farmer-household-land-id = id] [ sprout-trees 1 [ ht set shape one-of["tree1" "tree2" "tree3" "tree4"] set tree-center? false set tree-distance-to-upperstream distancexy 0 0 set tree-protected-forest? false set tree-natural? false set tree-domesticated? true set tree-farmer-household-id id set color 61 + random-float 6.3 set size 5.4 - 1.8 * random-float 1 ] ] ] ] ask trees with[tree-domesticated?] [ st ] end to setup ca set farmer-tree-recruitment-rate 2 ;;trees per household initialise-patch initialise-truck initialise-natural-tree initialise-house initialise-agent initialise-farmer-tree reset-ticks end to move-agent ask agents with[agent-type = "farmer"] [ let id agent-farmer-household-id let h agent-farmer-capital-harvest-timber ifelse(not any? houses-here) [ st ] [ ht set shape "person" set color 47 ] if(agent-farmer-to-harvest? and not agent-farmer-to-pool? and not agent-farmer-to-go-home?) [ set shape "person" set color 47 let hh one-of houses with[house-id = id] let tt trees with[(tree-domesticated? and tree-farmer-household-id = id) or tree-natural?] face min-one-of tt[distance hh] fd 1 if(any? trees-here) [ let t trees-here set agent-farmer-capital-harvest-timber count t set agent-farmer-to-harvest? false set agent-farmer-to-pool? true ask patch-here [ set patch-any-trees? false ] ask t [die] ] ] if(agent-farmer-to-pool? and not agent-farmer-to-harvest? and not agent-farmer-to-go-home?) [ set shape "person2" set color 47 - .9 let p one-of patches with[patch-harvest-pool?] face p fd 1 if([patch-harvest-pool?]of patch-here = true) [ ask patch-here [ sprout-harvests h [ set shape "harvest1" set size 9 set color red set heading random-float 18 ] ] set agent-farmer-to-pool? false set agent-farmer-to-go-home? true let hh one-of houses with[house-id = id] let capital-trader agent-farmer-capital-harvest-timber * 2.7 let capital-farmer (min list .9 max list .09 timber-trading-policy) * capital-trader let consumption-farmer agent-farmer-consumption let consumption-trader first[agent-trader-consumption]of agents with[agent-type = "trader"] ask hh [ set house-capital-financial house-capital-financial + capital-farmer - consumption-farmer ] ask agents with [agent-type = "trader"] [ set agent-trader-capital-financial agent-trader-capital-financial + capital-trader - consumption-trader ] set agent-farmer-capital-harvest-timber 0 ] ] if(agent-farmer-to-go-home? and not agent-farmer-to-pool? and not agent-farmer-to-harvest?) [ set shape "person3" set color 47 - 1.8 face one-of houses with[house-id = id] fd 1 if(any? houses-here with[house-id = id]) [ set agent-farmer-to-go-home? false set agent-farmer-to-harvest? true ] ] ] end to move-truck let h count harvests-on patches with[patch-harvest-pool?] let n 1 if(h > 0) [ ask trucks [ set truck-to-load? true ] ] ask trucks [ if(truck-to-load?) [ set shape ifelse-value(heading = 90) ["truck1"] ["truck2"] let d ifelse-value(heading = 270) [ distancexy x-center y-center ] [ distancexy max-pxcor y-center ] ifelse(d > 1.8) [ set truck-speed 1 repeat n [ fd truck-speed / n ] ] [ ask harvests-on patches with[patch-harvest-pool?] [die] set truck-to-load? false set truck-to-transport? true let x 1 + (read-from-string last shape mod 2) set shape word "truck" x set heading heading + 180 ] ] if(truck-to-transport?) [ set shape ifelse-value(heading = 90) ["truck1"] ["truck2"] let d ifelse-value(heading = 270) [ distancexy x-center y-center ] [ distancexy max-pxcor y-center ] ifelse(d > 1.8) [ set truck-speed 1 repeat n [ fd truck-speed / n ] ] [ set truck-to-load? false set truck-to-transport? false let x 1 + (read-from-string last shape mod 2) set shape word "truck" x set heading heading + 180 ] ] ] end to recruit-farmer-tree ask houses [ let id house-id let n1 round(timber-production-policy * farmer-tree-recruitment-rate) let n2 count patches with[patch-farmer-household-land-id = id] let nt count trees with[tree-domesticated? and tree-farmer-household-id = id] let d ifelse-value(n2 > 0) [nt / n2] [0] let n ifelse-value(d < .72)[min list n1 n2] [0] if(any? patches with[patch-farmer-household-land-id = id]) [ ask n-of n patches with[patch-farmer-household-land-id = id] [ sprout-trees 1 [ ht set shape one-of["tree1" "tree2" "tree3" "tree4"] set tree-center? false set tree-distance-to-upperstream distancexy 0 0 set tree-protected-forest? false set tree-natural? false set tree-domesticated? true set tree-farmer-household-id id set color 61 + random-float 6.3 set size 5.4 - 1.8 * random-float 1 ] ] ] ] ask trees with[tree-domesticated?] [ st ] end ;to export-landscape ; let t ticks ; let f word "output/" word "land-" word t ".png" ; export-view f ;end to go ifelse(ticks < 1800) [ ;;export-landscape move-agent move-truck recruit-farmer-tree tick ] [ stop ] end
There is only one version of this model, created almost 8 years ago by Desi Suyamto.
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Economy of Forest Timber.png | preview | Preview for 'Economy of Forest Timber' | almost 8 years ago, by Desi Suyamto | Download |
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