Delta Smelt Preservation Costs
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This model accuratly estimates the cost of running certain preservation efforts to save the depleading delta smelt. This interactive model can accuratly show the costs to these efforts.
Clicking "setup" gets the model ready while adjusting the sliders activates global variables, which are shown on the plots via mathematical equations.
SETUP-Starts the model SLIDERS-Used to adjust amounts of exspenses START-Starts the model and/or adds one month to the model IMPUT BOX-Type in the desired budget
Notice how the speech bubbles are created and what other features you could create using this formula.
Somthing to try is to adjust the costs for the certain expenses.
Eventually it would be great if there were more sliders representing more expenses. It would also be better to make the default screen more interactive.
Some great and unique features of NetLogo used in this model are the label feature and the turtle editor.
Staff and facilities of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Dr. Hartman
Comments and Questions
globals[cost budget] ;shows the global variables to setup ;starts the setup feature ca ;clears all preset rules reset-ticks ;resets the months shown on the plots ask patches [set pcolor scale-color 103.5 (pycor) 36 -5] ;creates background with a gradiant fill crt 1 [set shape "Podium" set size 20 set ycor 2.5 set xcor 8 set heading 90] ;places and creates podium crt 1 [set shape "Podium opposite" set size 20 set ycor 2.5 set xcor 24 set heading 270] ;places and creates podium crt 1 [set shape "Politician" set size 10 set ycor 4.5 set xcor 3 set heading 0] ;places and creates politition crt 1 [set shape "person" set size 10 set ycor 4.5 set xcor 29 set heading 0 set budget 0 set cost 0] ;creates and places scienctist and resets the cost and budget to 0 crt 1 [set shape "Speech bubble" set size 20 set ycor 12 set xcor 21 set heading 0] ;creates speech bubble crt 1 [set shape "dot" set size 0 set ycor 12 set xcor 26] ;creates speech bubble ask turtles with [shape = "dot"] [set label "I would like to make a proposal"] ;creates a turtle which is hidden in the speech bubble and says a sentence ask turtles [set label-color black] ;sets label color black crt 1 [set shape "Speech bubble 1" set size 18 set ycor 15 set xcor 6 set heading 0] ;creates speech bubble crt 1 [set shape "square" set size 0 set ycor 14 set xcor 10] ;creates a square turtle ask turtles with [shape = "square"] [set label "How much will it cost?"] ;creates a turtle which is hidden in the speech bubble and says a sentence ask turtles [set label-color black] ;set labels color to black end ;ends the setup feature to go ;starts the go feature if ticks < 1 [set budget budget_start] ;sets the graph to start with the budget that was put in by you ask turtles with[shape = "person"][set cost cost + (1200 * Boats)] ;sets the global variable, cost, with how many boats on the slider ask turtles with[shape = "person"][set cost cost + (2000 * Farmland)] ;sets the global variable, cost, with how many acres of farmland on the slider ask turtles with[shape = "person"][set cost cost + (6827.5 * Scienctists)] ;sets the global variable, cost, with how many scientists on the slider ask turtles with[shape = "person"][set cost cost + (5166 * Water-Pumps)] ;sets the global variable, cost, with how many water pumps on the slider ask turtles with[shape = "person"][set cost cost + (1000 * Equipment)] ;sets the global variable, cost, with how much equipment on the slider ask turtles with[shape = "person"][set budget budget - (1200 * Boats)] ;sets the global variable, budget, with how many boats on the slider ask turtles with[shape = "person"][set budget budget - (2000 * Farmland)] ;sets the global variable, budget, with how many acres of farmland on the slider ask turtles with[shape = "person"][set budget budget - (6827.5 * Scienctists)] ;sets the global variable, budget, with how many scientists on the slider ask turtles with[shape = "person"][set budget budget - (5166 * Water-Pumps)] ;sets the global variable, budget, with how many water pumps on the slider ask turtles with[shape = "person"][set budget budget - (1000 * Equipment)] ;sets the global variable, budget, with how much equipment on the slider tick ;adds 1 tick to update both plots end ;ends the go feature
There is only one version of this model, created over 7 years ago by Tommy Gasper.
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