Crowding Out
Model was written in NetLogo 6.0.2
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undirected-link-breed [partners partner] undirected-link-breed [assocs assoc] undirected-link-breed [friendships friendship] undirected-link-breed [participations participation] turtles-own [ n-t-activity ] breed [activities activity] activities-own [ max-d-activity d-activity time-alive ticks-to-die culture shared-culture n-capacity ] breed [associations association] associations-own [ culture shared-culture n-capacity ] breed [agentes agente] agentes-own [ gender time culture shared-culture max-friends ] ;;;;;;;;;; ;;SETUP ;;;;;;;;;; to setup clear-all setup-world setup-people-quotes setup-activities reset-ticks END to setup-world ask patches [set pcolor white] END to setup-people-quotes ;;prob-female is the percentage of initial-people female let quote (prob-female / 100 * initial-people) create-agentes initial-people [ while [any? other turtles-here ] [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor ] set gender "male" set color black ] ask n-of quote agentes [ set gender "female" set color blue ] ask agentes [ ;;max limit of friends set max-friends random-in-range 0 12 set culture n-values 11 [random 2] set shared-culture (filter [ i -> i = 0 ] culture) set time random-in-range 2 6 ] END to setup-activities create-activities num-activity [ while [any? other turtles-here] [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor] set shape "box" set size 2 set n-capacity random-in-range 10 25 set max-d-activity random-in-range 200 500 set d-activity 0 set time-alive 0 set ticks-to-die random-in-range 500 1000 ask activities [ set culture n-values 11 [random 2] set shared-culture (filter [i -> i = 0] culture) ] ] END ;;;;;;;;;; ;;GO ;;;;;;;;;; to go give-color move-agentes make-friends share-culture participate-activities reproduce-associations associate decay-activities resize-activities finish-activities tick ; export-view (word ticks ".png") end to give-color ask turtles [ assign-n-t-activity ] end to move-agentes ask agentes [ if time >= 2 [ rt random 40 lt random 40 fd distance-to-walk ] ;;when they have friends "flock" to them? ] end to make-friends ;;configure the agentset (number) of friends an agent CAN have (besides the max-friends) ;;configure the agents that CAN be friends ;;the chosen agents to be friends will be the min number of this list of the possible-friends agentset? ;;the friendship will be created with those chosen ask agentes [ let new-friends max-friends - count my-friendships let possible-friends other agentes with [color = [color] of myself] in-radius sight-radius ;;during x ticks? if new-friends > 0 [ let chosen n-of min (list new-friends count other possible-friends) other possible-friends create-friendships-with chosen in-radius sight-radius [hide-link] ] ] end to share-culture ask agentes [ if sharing-culture = true [ if any? friendship-neighbors [ let friend one-of other friendship-neighbors let i random length culture let my-tag item i culture let friend-tag [ item i culture ] of friend if my-tag != friend-tag [ set culture replace-item i culture friend-tag set shared-culture (filter [v -> v = 0] culture) ] ] ] ] end to participate-activities ;;if the activities have less links than capacity to hold agents ;;the candidates to participate will be agents with ;;the same culture of myself in my radius and not being already a participant ;;those to link will be the minimum of those who aren't linked? ask activities [ if count my-links < n-capacity [ let candidates agentes with [ color = [color] of myself and not participation-neighbor? myself ] in-radius sight-radius let n-to-link min (list (n-capacity - count my-links) (count candidates ) ) ;;aquellos que pueden enlazar son el número de candidatos de la resta de la capacidad máxima y el número de enlaces ask n-of n-to-link candidates [ if (time >= 2) [ create-participation-with myself ;[hide-link] set color [color] of myself set time time - count my-participations ] ] ] ] end to reproduce-associations ;;tie? ;;if hatching-activities is true ;;there aren't assocs around ;;and they have more friends than the neccesary friends to associate ;;and they have more than x time ;;create association with x specs ask agentes [ if (hatching-assocs = true) and (not any? associations in-radius sight-radius) and (not any? assoc-neighbors) and (not any? partner-neighbors) and (count my-friendships >= n-friends-to-association) and (time >= 4) [ hatch-associations 1 [create-partner-with myself [ tie ] ] set time time - 3 ask associations [ set shape "flag" set size 3 set n-capacity random-in-range 10 30 set label count assoc-neighbors set label-color black ] ] ] end to associate ask associations [ if count assoc-neighbors <= n-capacity [ let candidates agentes with [ color = [color] of myself and not assoc-neighbor? myself ] in-radius sight-radius let n-to-link min (list (n-capacity - count my-assocs) (count candidates)) ask n-of n-to-link candidates [ if time > 2 [ create-assoc-with myself ;[hide-link] set time time - count my-assocs ] ] ] ] ; ] end to decay-activities ;; each tick sums 1 to d-activity (duration of activity) ;;if decaying-activities is true ;;and d-activity is equal or bigger than its max-d-activity (random) ;;and they have 1/4 of its capacity to make participations ;;the activities die ask activities [ set d-activity (d-activity + 1) if (decaying-activities = true) and (d-activity >= max-d-activity) and (count participation-neighbors <= n-capacity / 4) [ ask participation-neighbors [ set time time + 1 ] die ] ] end to resize-activities ;;this signals the ones that are "active" ask activities [ if (decaying-activities = true) and (d-activity >= max-d-activity) and (count participation-neighbors >= n-capacity / 4) [ set size 3 set label count participation-neighbors set label-color black ] ] end to finish-activities ;;if there are active activities ;;make them die after x ticks ;;and give time to their participants ask activities [ if (activities-die = true) and size = 3 [ set time-alive (time-alive + 1) if time-alive > ticks-to-die [ ask participation-neighbors [ set time time + 1] die ] ] ] end ;;;;;;;;;; ;;UTILITIES ;;;;;;;;;; to dissapear dissapear-activities end to dissapear-associations dissapear-assocs end to dissapear-assocs ask associations [ ask partner-neighbors [ set time time + 3 ] ask assoc-neighbors [ set time time + 1 ] die] end to dissapear-activities ask activities [ die] end to assign-n-t-activity if length shared-culture <= 4 [ set n-t-activity ["red"] set color red ] if length shared-culture = 5 [ set n-t-activity ["green"] set color green ] if length shared-culture = 6 [ set n-t-activity ["green"] set color green ] if length shared-culture >= 7 [ set n-t-activity ["black"] set color black ] END to-report random-in-range [low high] report low + random (high - low + 1) END
There is only one version of this model, created over 7 years ago by Jorge Martínez.
Attached files
File | Type | Description | Last updated | |
Crowding Out.png | preview | Preview for 'Crowding Out' | over 7 years ago, by Jorge Martínez | Download |
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