
Leviathan preview image

1 collaborator

Jbradford_web3 John Bradford (Author)


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;this model is for the web, and doesn't use the nw network extension
;extensions [nw]
directed-link-breed [opinions opinion]
opinions-own [
  intensity ;; propagation intensity


globals [
turtles-own [




to setup
   set turtles_list []
 ;  nw:set-context turtles links


  create-turtles population [
         set size 1 set color blue  ; BLUE COLOR BECAUSE NOT COMPLYING WITH
         ;setxy random-pxcor random-pycor
         while [any? other turtles-here] [ let empty_patch one-of patches with [any? turtles-here = false] move-to empty_patch ]
        set color random-float 140
        set self-regard 0
      if Display_Mode = "Matrix" [
  ask turtles [set hidden? true]

   ask turtles [setup-neighbors
     set turtles_list fput self turtles_list

to M_presets

if Model_Presets = "Equality" [
 ; set network_type "None"
  set condition "Global"
  set population 40
  set vanity 0.3
  set rho 0.01
  set noise_intensity 0.2
  set sigma 0.35
  set k_neighbors 5]

 if Model_Presets = "Elite" [
  ;  set network_type "None"
   set condition "Global"
  set population 60
  set vanity 0.3
  set rho 0.1
  set noise_intensity 0.2
  set sigma 0.3
  set k_neighbors 5]

    if Model_Presets = "Hierarchy" [
    ;   set network_type "None"
      set condition "Global"
  set population 40
  set vanity 0.2
  set rho 0.5
  set noise_intensity 0.2
  set sigma 0.3
  set k_neighbors 10]

     if Model_Presets = "Dominance" [
        ;set network_type "None"
       set condition "Global"
  set population 40
  set vanity 0.4
  set rho 0.8
  set noise_intensity 0.2
  set sigma 0.3
  set k_neighbors 2]

   if Model_Presets = "Crisis" [
   ;   set network_type "None"
     set condition "Global"
  set population 40
  set vanity 0.4
  set rho 0.35
  set noise_intensity 0.2
  set sigma 0.5
  set k_neighbors 2]

   if Display_Mode = "Matrix" [
  resize-world 0 population 0 population
 ; set-patch-size 8


to network_presets

ask turtles [
  while [any? other turtles-here]
[let empty_patch one-of patches with [any? turtles-here = false] move-to empty_patch ]]

layout-spring turtles links 10 10 10

ask opinions [if evaluation < -1 [set evaluation -1] if evaluation > 1 [set evaluation 1]]

ask turtles [
 ; partner_selection
 ; interaction
 ; forgetting



to graphics
  ask opinions [
  if evaluation < 0 [ set color blue]
  if evaluation > 0 [set color red]]

  if Display_Mode = "Matrix" [
    foreach sort opinions [ ?1 -> ask ?1 [let i [who] of end1 let j [who] of end2
      if evaluation < 0 [ask patch i j [set pcolor blue]]
      if evaluation > 0 [ask patch i j [set pcolor red]]]

to opinion_propagation

let partner find-partner
if partner = nobody [set partner one-of other turtles]
let i [who] of self
let j [who] of partner

if opinion i j = nobody [
create-opinion-to partner [set evaluation 0]]

if opinion j i = nobody [ask partner [
  create-opinion-to turtle i [set evaluation 0]]]

 if Display_Mode = "Matrix" [
  ask links [set hidden? true]

;[ask opinion i j [set evaluation 1]]
;ask partner [create-opinion-to myself [set evaluation 0]]

let aii [self-regard] of self
let aji [evaluation] of opinion j i
let aij [evaluation] of opinion i j
let ajj [self-regard] of partner

ask opinion i j [
 set intensity  1 / (1 + exp (-1 * ((aij - aii) / sigma)))
let pij [intensity] of opinion i j

set self-regard aii + (pij * rho * (aji - aii + noise))
ask opinion i j [set evaluation aij + (pij * rho * (ajj - aij + noise))]

let no_gossip_list (list self partner) ;; list of agents that cannot be called upon
let t_list []
ask [out-opinion-neighbors] of self [set t_list fput self t_list]
;; creates a list of all neighbors

foreach no_gossip_list [ ?1 ->
  set t_list remove ?1 t_list ]
;; removes self and partner from the list of neighbors of agent i

; not including 'partner', and also another -1 because we're dealing with repeats
;; thus if you have 2 neighbors, the repeat would be 0?  No, to iterate once, it must say 'repeat 1'- repeating 0 causes
;; operation to be skipped.
let lnk count out-link-neighbors - 1
let k k_neighbors
let rpt min (list lnk k)
if length t_list > 0 [
repeat rpt [
let q one-of t_list
set t_list remove q t_list

 let q_i [who] of q
 let aiq [evaluation] of opinion i q_i

 if opinion j q_i = nobody [ask partner [create-opinion-to q]]

 let ajq [evaluation] of opinion j q_i
 ask partner [ask opinion j q_i [
 set evaluation evaluation + (pij * rho * (ajq - aiq + noise))



let w vanity
ask opinion i j [
  set evaluation evaluation + (w * (aji - aii + noise))]
;; in words, agent i's new evaluation of j is the old evaluation plus the difference between j's evaluation of i and i's self-evaluation

to-report noise  ; not used here
let r random 2
ifelse r > 0 [set r 1][set r -1]
let p random-float noise_intensity
let fuzz p * r  ; -1 to +1
report fuzz

to setup-neighbors

    if Condition = "Global"  [set N_Neighbors Other Turtles]

    if Condition = "Local"  [

      ;let town sublist (sort [ distance myself ] of other turtles) 0 Influence_Range
      let town min-n-of Influence_Range other turtles [distance myself]
      set N_Neighbors town]

  ;  if Condition = "Small Worlds" [
  ;    let town min-n-of Influence_Range other turtles [distance myself]
  ;    set N_Neighbors town
  ;    small-worlds]

to-report find-partner
  ifelse N_Neighbors = 0 [let partner one-of other turtles report partner] [
let partner one-of N_Neighbors
  report partner

There is only one version of this model, created over 6 years ago by John Bradford.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Leviathan.png preview Preview for 'Leviathan' over 6 years ago, by John Bradford Download

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