A Cooperative Species

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2 collaborators

Jbradford_web3 John Bradford (Author)
11jazy ijaz ahmad (Author)


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globals [
  replacement_rate ; set at 5%
  mutation_rate ;; 2%
  groups  ; just a list of numbers from 1 to N_group
  p_links ;; total possible links given n nodes
  p_networks ;; total possible networks from n nodes
  leaders ;; list of "leaders" in round, to serve as anchors for the layout-spring algorithm
  followers ;; everyone who isn't a leader

  avwithingroupvar ;; average within group variance
  betweenvar ;between-group variance

  variance_ratio ;; Fst = var(pj) / [Avvar(pij) + var(pj)]  = population-wide measure of the degree of non-randomness in who interacts with whom; aka *inbreeding coefficient*
  ;; = differences in the probability of being paired with an altruist conditional on being an altruist, and the probability of being paired with an altruist conditional on
  ;; being a non-altruist (defector).
  ;; one expects cooperation to prevail when Fst > c / b.

  pop_change ;; expected change in fraction of altruists

breed [cooperators cooperator]
breed [defectors defector]

undirected-link-breed [wlinks wlink]   ;within-group links
undirected-link-breed [blinks blink]  ;between-group links

;links-own [memories]
turtles-own [
  earnings ;; accumulated payoffs
  groupid ;; groups 1 --> N_groups
  group_coop ;; previous number of contributors/cooperators in the previous round, withint he group;
  ;;should be the same for turtles of the same group
  contrite  ;; number = 0 originally, if accidentalyl makes a mistake and defects, then set to 2, which means agent will cooperate next 2 rounds automatically.

  wingroupvar ;; within group variance of altruism

  p_i ;; probabilistic interaction; likelihood thta other turtles will interact with this turtle.. test

to setup

   set-default-shape turtles "face happy"
   set groups []
   set leaders []
   set followers []

   let g 1
   repeat N_groups [
     set groups lput g groups
     set g g + 1]

create-turtles (N_groups * size_n) [
   while [any? other turtles-here] [ let empty_patch one-of patches with [any? turtles-here = false] move-to empty_patch ]
   set sorted false
   set groupid 0


   ask turtles [
let cnt size_n ;; (i.e. n)
let t random cnt + 1  ;; i.e. between 0 and n, n = # in group.  Interesting to test differences using n and n-1 as
;; used by Bowles and Gintis.  When using n, turtles with t = n will only cooperate if everybody cooperated in the previous
;; round, including oneself!  A turtle with t = n + 1 is a DEFECTOR, set below.
set t_threshold t
set contrite 0
set breed cooperators set color yellow set size 1
set group_coop size_n ;; turtles act initially as if everybody in group cooperated last round

let pop count turtles
let num_d (Percent_Defectors / 100) * pop
let new_defectors n-of num_d turtles
ask new_defectors [set breed defectors set shape "face sad" set size 1.5 set color red set t_threshold size_n + 1 set group_coop size_n]

;if GAME = "Pairwise Prisoners Dilemma Game" [ask turtles [create-links-with other turtles [set hidden? true]]]

to start
if count turtles > 0
  if GAME = "Public Goods Game" [Public_goods_game]
  if GAME = "Pairwise Prisoners Dilemma Game" [PD_pairing]

if Replicator_Dynamics? = true AND count cooperators > 0 AND count defectors > 0 [replicator_dynamics]

if count turtles > 0 [
if reassortment? = true [setup-neighbors]
  if starvation? = true [dying-turtles]
  if kill_defectors? = true [kill-d]

ask turtles [if contrite? = true[ ; cooperate if defected in error from previous 1-2 rounds
  if contrite > 0 [set contrite contrite - 1]]]


to setup-neighbors
    if GAME = "Public Goods Game" [assign_groups]
    if GAME = "Pairwise Prisoners Dilemma Game" [

to create-pairs
  ask turtles[
    if PD_assortment = "Random" [create-pairs-random]
    if PD_assortment = "Fixed" [create-pairs-fixed]]

to create-pairs-random
  set n_neighbors other turtles  ;; This will end up being proportional to the population distribution

to create-pairs-fixed

    ifelse [breed] of self = cooperators [
    let p Probability_of_Altruist_meeting_Altruist
    let r random 100
    ifelse r < p [set n_neighbors other cooperators][set n_neighbors defectors]]

    [let p Probability_of_Defector_meeting_Altruist
      let r random 100
      ifelse r < p [set n_neighbors cooperators] [set n_neighbors other defectors]]

to-report find-partner
let partner one-of N_Neighbors
if partner = nobody [set partner one-of turtles]
  report partner

to assign_groups
   ask turtles [setxy random-pxcor random-pycor
     while [any? other turtles-here] [ let empty_patch one-of patches with [any? turtles-here = false] move-to empty_patch ]
     set groupid 0 ]
  let unassigned turtles
    ;; start with group 1 and loop to build each group
  let current 1
  while [any? unassigned]
    ;; place a randomly chosen set of group-size turtles into the current
    ;; group. or, if there are less than group-size turtles left, place the
    ;; rest of the turtles in the current group.
    ask n-of (min (list size_n (count unassigned))) unassigned
      [ set groupid current
        set n_neighbors other turtles with [groupid = current]
    ;; consider the next group.
    set current current + 1
    ;; remove grouped turtles from the pool of turtles to assign
    set unassigned unassigned with [groupid = 0]

ask turtles
    ;; if i'm in a group, move towards "home" for my group
    if groupid != 0
      [ face get-home
        let p [neighbors] of get-home
        let area (patch-set get-home p)
        let my_patch one-of area
    move-to my_patch
    ;; wiggle a little and always move forward, to make sure turtles don't all
    ;; pile up
    lt random 5
    rt random 5
    fd 1

;; Courtesy of Uri Wilensky:
;; figures out the home patch for a group. this looks complicated, but the
;; idea is simple. we just want to lay the groups out in a regular grid,
;; evenly spaced throughout the world. we want the grid to be square, so in
;; some cases not all the positions are filled.

to-report get-home ;; turtle procedure
  ;; calculate the minimum length of each side of our grid
  let side ceiling (sqrt (max [groupid] of turtles + 1))

  report patch
           ;; compute the x coordinate
           (round ((world-width / side) * (groupid mod side)
             + min-pxcor + int (world-width / (side * 2))))
           ;; compute the y coordinate
           (round ((world-height / side) * int (groupid / side)
             + min-pycor + int (world-height / (side * 2))))

to PD_pairing ;; Pairwise Prisoner's Dilemma Game
ask turtles [
let partner find-partner
;if partner = nobody [die] ;; dies if isolated!

let utility 0
let total_cost 0
let total_benefit 0
let personal_cost 0
ifelse member? self cooperators [set personal_cost cost] [set personal_cost 0]

   set total_cost total_cost + personal_cost
   ifelse member? partner cooperators [set total_benefit total_benefit + benefit ;; if partner is a cooperator, add benefit to 'totalbenefit' recorder.
     set utility utility + Benefit - personal_cost] ;; if neighbor is a cooperator, then add benefit...
   [set utility utility - personal_cost]  ;;if neighbor is a defector, then no benefit and subtract personal cost, if any...

 set payoff utility
 set earnings earnings + payoff
 set mycosts total_cost
 set mybenefits total_benefit

To Public_goods_game

   foreach groups [ ?1 ->
     let group_share 0
     let thisgroup turtles with [groupid = ?1]
    ask thisgroup [
      set mycosts 0
      let t group_coop
      let r random-float 1 ;; ERROR

      ifelse contrite > 0 [ ;; if contrite > 0, then cooperate, unconditionally, otherwise...
       set breed cooperators set shape "face happy" set size 1 set color yellow ;; then cooperate
        set group_share group_share + Benefit
        set mycosts cost]

     [ifelse t >= t_threshold  ;;if enough other group members contributed last round then COOPERATE.

      [ifelse r <= error_rate[   ;;  HERE, ERROR MEANS DEFECTING INSTEAD OF COOPERATING
        set breed defectors set shape "face sad" set size 1.5 set color red
        if contrite? = true [if r <= error_rate AND t >= t_threshold [set contrite 2 ]]

       [set breed cooperators set shape "face happy" set size 1 set color yellow ;; then cooperate
        set group_share group_share + Benefit
        set mycosts cost]]

        set breed cooperators set shape "face happy" set size 1 set color yellow
        set group_share group_share + Benefit
        set mycosts cost]
     [set breed defectors set shape "face sad" set size 1.5 set color red]]]


 ask thisgroup [
     set payoff (group_share / (size_n - 1)) - mycosts  ;; payoff is b/n or b/(n-1) ??
     set earnings earnings + payoff
     set group_coop count cooperators with [groupid = ?1]

to replicator_dynamics

if Replicator_options = "Relative Payoff" [Relative_Payoff]
if Replicator_options = "Variance Ratio" [Variance_Replicator]
if Replicator_options = "Replicator Equation" [Replicator_equation]
if Replicator_options = "Imitation" [Imitate]

;; probability of changing to another strategy is proportional to the difference between the *mean* payoffs for defectors and cooperators.
;; turtle only can switch if the payoffs are larger for the other strategy.

to Relative_payoff
 ifelse mean [payoff] of cooperators > mean [payoff] of defectors [
   ;; if cooperators making more payoff, then select the defectors to change
   ask defectors [let pr random-float 1
     if pr <= RD1 [delete_defectors]]]

 [  ;; if defectors making more, then ask cooperators to change
      ask cooperators [let pr random-float 1
if pr <= RD1 [delete_cooperators]]]

to dying-turtles ;; turtles die if their earnings (or possibly their payoffs) get below zero.
  let consuming ((benefit - cost) / size_n) / 2
    ask turtles [
    set earnings earnings - consuming
    if earnings < 0 [die]]
;ask turtles [setup-neighbors] ;; must reset potential partners to avoid calling on dead turtles!

to kill-d
;;RULE  This just means that half the cost is deducted from earnings each round a turtle has no cooperators to cooperate with
  let consuming ((benefit - cost) / size_n) / 2
ask turtles [
  let g 0
  ask N_neighbors [if member? self cooperators [set g g + 1]]
  if g = 0 [set earnings earnings - consuming]

to Variance_replicator
  ;; based on variable 'popchange'
  ;; According to Bowles and Gintis, the ratio of between-group variation (of altruists) to the total variation (which is the weighted-average within-group variation + the between-
  ;; group variation) must be greater than the ratio c/b for evolution to favor altruism.
  ;; This ratio is also the probability of being paired with an altruist minus the probability of being paired with an altruist conditional on being an altruist or non-altruist,
  ;; respectively, or P(A|A) - P(A|N).  This seems more of a predictive tool than an algorithm to change the population.

let c count turtles
let new_agents pop_change * c ;;
let c_r round new_agents
ifelse c_r > 0 [;; add more cooperators, kill defectors
  let c_d count defectors
  let c_min min (list c_r c_d)
  let deleted_defectors min-n-of c_min defectors [payoff]
  ask deleted_defectors [delete_defectors]]
;;add more defectors, kill cooperators
[let p_cr  c_r * -1  ;; convert to a positive number
  let c_c count cooperators
  let c_min min (list p_cr c_c)
    let deleted_cooperators min-n-of c_min cooperators [payoff]
          ask deleted_cooperators [delete_cooperators]

to Replicator_equation    ;; let Pr(i) = the proportion of strategy i
  ;; let $i = the payoff of strategy i, since I can't write the pi symbol here.
  ;; the new proportion of strategy i in the population at time t+1 is given by:
  ;;  Pr(i)t+1 = Pr(i)$(i) / Sum of Weights
  ;; the weight for each strategy is given by the numerator
let expected_coop_change coop_pay - (count cooperators / count turtles)
let expected_defect_change coop_def - (count defectors / count turtles)
let c expected_coop_change * count turtles ;; gives the number of turtles that will be changed
let c_r round c ;rounded

ifelse c_r > 0 [ ;; add more cooperators, kill defectors
  let c_d count defectors
  let c_min min (list c_r c_d)
  let deleted_defectors min-n-of c_min defectors [payoff]
  ask deleted_defectors [delete_defectors]]

;;add more defectors, kill cooperators
[let p_cr  c_r * -1  ;; convert to a positive number
  let c_c count cooperators
  let c_min min (list p_cr c_c)
    let deleted_cooperators min-n-of c_min cooperators [payoff]
          ask deleted_cooperators [delete_cooperators]

to imitate
  ;; this probably won't work, because its not clear how turtles will decide to imitate..
  ;; if all agents imitate most successful agent in their group, then it creates immediate within-group homogeneity
  ;setting it initially to 4 closest agents, von Neuman, or Moore neighborhood, can't remember which.
  ask turtles [
    let other_a min-n-of 4 other turtles [distance self]
    let max_a max-one-of other_a [payoff]
    if [payoff] of max_a > [payoff] of self [
      ifelse [breed] of max_a = cooperators [delete_defectors] [delete_cooperators]
      set t_threshold [t_threshold] of max_a  ;; copying the threshold (for public goods games), not just the strategy!
      set group_coop t_threshold


to delete_defectors
 ;; hatch and die
let i [groupid] of self
hatch-cooperators 1 [
  set groupid i
  let mygroup other turtles with [groupid = i]
  ;create-wlinks-with mygroup
let cnt size_n ;; (i.e. n)
let t random cnt ;; t will be automatically between 0 and n and therefore not a defector
set t_threshold t
set color yellow set size .5
set group_coop t_threshold ;; will initially act as if just enough turtles have cooperated in previous round

to delete_cooperators
let i [groupid] of self
hatch-defectors 1 [
 set groupid i
 let mygroup other turtles with [groupid = i]
 ;create-wlinks-with mygroup
set t_threshold size_n + 1 ;; requires more turtles to cooperate than actually exist, therefore a defector
set shape "face sad" set size 1 set color red
set group_coop 0  ;; will initially act as if just enough turtles have cooperated in previous round

to variances
  let jmin min [groupid] of turtles
  let jmax max [groupid] of turtles
  let j jmin
  let avgrouplist []
  let bgrouplist []

  repeat jmax [
    let grouplist []
    ask turtles with [groupid = j] [
      ifelse [breed] of self = cooperators [set grouplist fput 1 grouplist] [set grouplist fput 0 grouplist] ;; set 1 if altruist, 0 otherwise
    ask turtles with [groupid = j] [
      set wingroupvar variance grouplist
    set j j + 1

  let j2 min [groupid] of turtles

  repeat jmax [

    let num count turtles with [groupid = j2]
    let numi count turtles with [groupid = j2 AND breed = cooperators] ;; counts number of cooperators
    let pj numi / num  ;; frequency of altruists in the group
    let f num / count turtles
    let gvar mean [wingroupvar] of turtles with [groupid = j2]  ;; every turtle in the group should have the same within group variance, but just in case, i take the average here.

    set avgrouplist fput (f * gvar) avgrouplist
    set bgrouplist fput pj bgrouplist
      set j2 j2 + 1

  set avwithingroupvar variance avgrouplist ;; reports the weighted-average within-group variance of altruists
  set betweenvar variance bgrouplist

  set variance_ratio betweenvar / (avwithingroupvar + betweenvar)


to p_change ;; change in the fraction of altruists population in total population
  let b Benefit
  let c Cost
  let var_pj betweenvar
  let var_pij avwithingroupvar

  let p ((b - c) * var_pj) - (c * var_pij)
  set pop_change p

to-report coop_pay;; proportion of cooperators*payoff of cooperators divided by sum of weighted payoffs
  let expected_coop (count cooperators / count turtles) * mean [payoff] of cooperators
  let expected_def (count defectors / count turtles) * mean [payoff] of defectors
  let total_payoff_c expected_coop / (expected_def + expected_coop)
  report total_payoff_c

to-report coop_def
  let expected_coop (count cooperators / count turtles) * mean [payoff] of cooperators
  let expected_def (count defectors / count turtles) * mean [payoff] of defectors
  let total_payoff_d expected_def / (expected_def + expected_coop)
  report total_payoff_d

to-report RD1 ;; veresion 3.  Qij = B($j - $i)
  ;; probability that agent will switch from less profitable strategy to more profitable strategy
  ;; B has to be sufficiently small so that Qij is always <= 1 !

  let B .1  ;; just trying random numbers
  let payoff_c mean [payoff] of cooperators
  let payoff_d mean [payoff] of defectors

  ifelse payoff_c > payoff_d [
    ;; probability that defectors will switch to cooperation...
    let Qij B * (payoff_c - payoff_d)
    report Qij]
  [ ;; probability that cooperators will switch to defection...
    let Qij B * (payoff_d - payoff_c)
    report Qij]

to-report RD2
  ;; Replicator Dynamics Version #2 for Cooperators
  ;;  Pr(i)t+1 = Pr(i) - a * Pr(i)(1-P)B($j - $i)

  let B .1  ;; randomly assigned

  let p_c (count cooperators / count turtles)  ;; proportion of turtles that are cooperators
  let p_d (count defectors / count turtles)  ;; proportion defectors
  let payoff_c mean [payoff] of cooperators
  let payoff_d mean [payoff] of defectors

  let expected_p p_c - ( p_c * (1 - p_d) * B * (payoff_d - payoff_c))
  report expected_p

There are 2 versions of this model.

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ijaz ahmad almost 7 years ago Updated vesrion Download this version
John Bradford over 7 years ago Initial upload Download this version

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A Cooperative Species.png preview Preview for 'A Cooperative Species' over 7 years ago, by John Bradford Download

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