Polychronous Wavefront Computing Simulator

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Default-person Fred Highland (Author)


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;; Polychronous Wavefront Computing Research Simulator
;; Simulation of a Polychronous Wavefront Computing (PWC - Izhikevich and Hoppensteadt, 2009)
;;   Incorporating:
;;     Leaky Integrate and Fire semantics (Gerstner and Kistler, 2002),
;;     Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity (STDP) learning (Song, Miller and Abbott, 2000),
;;     Potentiation decay (membrane threshold decay) (Miller and Jin, 2013),
;;     Axonal conduction delay (Izhikevich, 2006, Highland & Hart, 2016) and
;;     Synaptic Fatigue (activation potential depletion) (Simons-Weidemaier, Weber, Plappert, Pilz & Schmid, 2006, Highland & Hart, 2016)
;;     Transponder position learning (Highland & Hart, 2015)
;;   Using alternative algorithms and code organization to explore GPGPU implementations
;; Version 2
;;    Changed algorithm to support wavefront-transponder event-based approach in addition to time-step
;;      (vs a time and wavefront-based approach)
;; Version 2.1
;;    Added membrane threshold gain and decay
;;    Fixed bug in find-intersection-centroid position estimation
;;    Fixed bug in predefined activation times
;;    Added configurable axon delay
;;    Added activation potential resevoir to control rapid pulse trains
;;    Added optional wavefront color support to configuration files
;;    Removed time-step simulation logic
;;    Added optional membrane-threshold initial and min values to configuration files
;;    Fixed bug with transponder activating itself (transponder at the same location)
;; Version 2.2
;;    Cleaned up code
;;    Updated documemetation
;;    Made compatible with NetLogo V6

extensions [profiler vid]
globals [
;; Global Variables defined in the Interface Tab
;  transponder-configuration-file ; transponder configuration file
;  parameter-configuration-file ; simulation parameter file
;  max-transponders            ; maximum number of transponders in the simulation
;  training-cycle-time         ; the length of a training cycle
;  training-repetitions        ; the number of times to repeat an training cycle (0 or 1 = no repetitions)
;  membrane-threshold-default  ; default value for membrane-threshold-min and initial membrane-threshold
;                                  when not in the transponder-configuration-file
;  membrane-decay-rate         ; rate of membrane degradation (per time unit)
;  synapse-threshold           ; threshold for activating a transponder receptor
;  t-synapse                   ; synapse time constant (synapse decay half-life)
;  t-membrane                  ; membrane time constant (membrane decay half-life)
;  t-membrane-gain             ; membrane-gain time constant for activation
;  membrane-gain-limit         ; limit of adjustment of membrane-threshold for activation
;  refraction-time             ; minimum time between transponder activations (recover time)
;  potentiation-limit          ; limit of adjustment of transponder location toward postive stimulus
;  depression-limit            ; limit of adjustment of transponder location away from negative stimulus
;  propagation-limit           ; maximum distance (in ticks) for propagation of a wavefront
;  attenuation-coefficient     ; wave attenuation factor based on applicatoin of the Beer-Lambert Law
;  debug                       ; turn on internal debug reporting
;  show-label                  ; display label of transponder
;  trace                       ; trace transponder learning location flag
;  waves                       ; display waves
;  record-view                 ; flag to activate recording of the view

;; Other Global Variables
  training-cycle               ; the current training cycle
  activations-previous         ; total activations from previous training cycles (used for plotting)
  event-queue                  ; queue of transponder-wavefront intersection events
  event-queue-not-sorted       ; indicator that event queue needs sorting (for performance)
  wavefronts                   ; list of active wavefronts for display
  max-event-queue-length       ; maximum length of the event queue (for statistics)
;; define transponder agents
breed [transponders transponder]
transponders-own [
  name                         ; user provided name for the transponder
  last-update                  ; time of last update
  last-stimulus                ; last stimulus value (debug)
  membrane-threshold-min       ; predefined minimum threshold for transponder activation
  membrane-threshold           ; current membrane threshold for transponder activation
  activation-charge-level      ; current energy level available for activation
  axon-delay                   ; time between intersection and node activation
  activation-times             ; list of activation times for the transponder, [] if none active
  last-activation              ; time of last activation times for the transponder
  activating-stimulus-chain    ; stimulus chain causing last activation (debug)
  predefined-activations       ; list of activation times for the transponder defined in the config file
  stimulus-train               ; list of current stimuli being applied to the transponder
  intersect-dists              ; list of intersection distances (for statistics)
  min-intersect-dist           ; minimum intersection distance (debug)
  max-intersect-dist           ; maximum intersection distance (debug)
  mean-intersect-dist          ; mean intersection distance
  stdev-intersect-dist         ; standard deviation of intersection distance
  activations                  ; number of activations (debug)
  activation-history           ; list of activations (debug)
  activation-levels            ; list of activations (for running average - truncated to last n)
  min-activation               ; minimum activation level (debug)
  max-activation               ; maximum activation level (debug)
  mean-activation              ; mean activation level
  stdev-activation             ; standard deviation of activation level
  x-history                    ; history of transponder x locations (debug)
  y-history                    ; history of transponder y locations (debug)
  x-intersects                 ; list of wave intersection x coordinates
  y-intersects                 ; list of wave intersection y coordinates
  mean-x-intersect             ; average of wave intersection x coordinates
  mean-y-intersect             ; average of wave intersection y coordinates
  stdev-x-intersect            ; standard deviation of wave intersection x coordinates
  stdev-y-intersect            ; standard deviation of wave intersection y coordinates
  wave-color                   ; starting color for display of this transponders wavefronts
;; define a wavefront drawing agent
breed [wavedrawers wavedrawer]

;; initialize transponder configuration based on inputs

to setup
  set event-queue []
  set event-queue-not-sorted false
  set wavefronts []
  set training-cycle 0

  ifelse transponder-configuration-file = 0 or transponder-configuration-file = ""
  [ ; initialize random transponders
  [ ; initialize transponders from transponder configuration file

  create-wavedrawers 1 [hide-turtle] ; used to draw wavefronts


  ; view recording requested --> initialize movie
  if record-view
    if vid:recorder-status != "inactive" [vid:reset-recorder]

;; initialize random transponders

to init-random-transponders

  ; Create all transponders
  create-transponders max-transponders
    set name ""
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set membrane-threshold-min membrane-threshold-default
    set membrane-threshold membrane-threshold-min
    set activation-times []
    set axon-delay 1
    set activation-charge-level 1
    set predefined-activations []
    set activation-levels []
    set activation-history []
    set stimulus-train []
    set intersect-dists []
    set x-intersects (list xcor)
    set y-intersects (list ycor)
    set x-history (list xcor)
    set y-history (list ycor)
    set shape "circle"
    set color green
    set wave-color white

  ; activate seed transponders
  foreach n-values ceiling membrane-threshold-default [? -> ?]
  [ seed ->
    ask transponders with [who = seed]
        set predefined-activations (list 1)
        set color red

;; initialize transponders from transponder configuration file
;;   transponder configuration file record format:
;;     [“transponder-name” x-location y-location [activation times] init-activation-threshold min-activation-threshold axon-delay wave-color]
;;   Notes:
;;     1. transponder-name, x-location and y-location are required.
;;     2. brakets and quotes specified above are required (they are NetLogo lists and strings).
;;     3. Remaining parameters are optional and may be omitted.
;;     4. Parameters are read in sequence. To specify a parameter value that follows optional parameters,
;;        a default value for the optional parameter must be provided.
;;     5. The default value for activation-times is the empty list [].
;;     6. The default value for initial-activation-threshold is the min-activation-threshold specified in the Interface.
;;        Negative values will result in the use of the default.
;;     7. The default value for min-activation-threshold is specified in the Interface.
;;        Negative values will result in the use of the default.
;;     8. The default value for axon-delay is 1.
;;     9. The default value for wave-color is white. Numbers or color names may be used.

to init-transponders-from-file
  let transponder-config []
  set max-transponders 0
  let ignored 0
  let config-record 0

  carefully [
  file-open transponder-configuration-file
  while [ not file-at-end? ]
    set transponder-config read-from-string file-read-line
    set config-record config-record + 1
    ; transponder defined in world --> load it | ignor it
    ifelse item 1 transponder-config <= max-pxcor and item 1 transponder-config >= min-pxcor and
       item 2 transponder-config <= max-pycor and item 2 transponder-config >= min-pycor
      set max-transponders max-transponders + 1
      create-transponders 1
        set name item 0 transponder-config
        set axon-delay 1
        set activation-charge-level 1
        if labels [set label word name "  "] ; add spaces for fromatting
        setxy item 1 transponder-config item 2 transponder-config
        set predefined-activations []
        set membrane-threshold-min membrane-threshold-default
        set membrane-threshold membrane-threshold-min
        set wave-color white
        if length transponder-config > 3
          set predefined-activations item 3 transponder-config
          if length transponder-config > 4
            if item 4 transponder-config > 0 [set membrane-threshold item 4 transponder-config]
            if length transponder-config > 5
              if item 5 transponder-config > 0 [set membrane-threshold-min item 5 transponder-config]
              if length transponder-config > 6
                set axon-delay item 6 transponder-config
                if length transponder-config > 7
                  set wave-color item 7 transponder-config
        set activation-times []
        set activation-levels []
        set activation-history []
        set stimulus-train []
        set intersect-dists []
        set x-intersects (list xcor)
        set y-intersects (list ycor)
        set x-history (list xcor)
        set y-history (list ycor)
        set size 2
        set shape "circle"
        ifelse predefined-activations = [] [set color green] [set color red]
      set ignored ignored + 1
  [ print (word "Error in configuration file line " config-record ": " error-message) ]
  if ignored > 0 [print (word "Ignored " ignored " transponders outside world boundaries.")]

;; simulate one cycle (tick) of transponder behavior

to go

  ; end of training cycle and more specified --> reinit transponder activation times
  if (ticks = 0 or ticks > training-cycle-time) and training-cycle < training-repetitions
    ; initialize predefined transponders activations
    set event-queue []
    set wavefronts []
    set training-cycle training-cycle + 1
    ask transponders [
      set stimulus-train []
      set last-activation last-activation - ticks
      set activation-times []
      ; adjust membrane threshold based on application of the decay rate since last update
      set membrane-threshold membrane-threshold / (membrane-decay-rate ^ (ticks - last-update))
      set last-update 0
      foreach predefined-activations [ activation -> set event-queue lput (list activation self) event-queue ]
    set event-queue sort-by [[?1 ?2] -> item 0 ?1 < item 0 ?2] event-queue


  if debug [show list "time" ticks]

  ; activate and deactivate each transponder based on queued events
  while [length event-queue > 0 and item 0 item 0 event-queue <= ticks]
    ; pop event from queue
    let event first event-queue
    set event-queue butfirst event-queue

    ; instantiate event
    ask item 1 event [
      ; remove activation times older than decay threshold
      set activation-times filter [? -> (ticks - ?) <= propagation-limit] activation-times
      ; transponder stimulated --> check activation | activate transponder at predefined time
      ifelse length event > 2
        ; activate transponder if wavefront intersections are suffient
        stimulate-transponder event
        set activation-times fput item 0 event activation-times
        set activation-history lput 1 activation-history
        set activations activations + 1
        queue-wavefront-event item 0 event

;  sort event queue by time to pick up new events
;     Note: events created in the current tick will be processed in future cycles because they are not placed correctly immediately.
;     This is done to improve performance from sorting large event-queues.
  if event-queue-not-sorted
    set event-queue sort-by [[?1 ?2] -> item 0 ?1 < item 0 ?2] event-queue
    set event-queue-not-sorted false

  ; visualize activity
  if waves or sound or trace
    ask transponders [
      ; transponder activated --> save wavefront for display
      ;   wavefront schema:    
      if waves and length activation-times > 0 and ceiling item 0 activation-times = ticks
      [ set wavefronts fput (list item 0 activation-times xcor ycor self) wavefronts ]
      ; beep on activation
      if sound and length activation-times > 0 and ceiling item 0 activation-times = ticks [beep]
      ; display tranponder movement trace
      if trace [trace-history x-history y-history blue]

  ; display circles for transponder waves with color fading to propagation limit
  if waves
    ; remove wavefronts older than decay threshold
    set wavefronts filter [? -> (ticks - item 0 ?) <= propagation-limit] wavefronts
    ask wavedrawers
      foreach wavefronts
      [ wave ->
        if item 0 wave <= ticks
          ifelse [wave-color] of item 3 wave = white
          [ draw-circle item 1 wave item 2 wave (ticks - item 0 wave) (white - white * (ticks - item 0 wave) / propagation-limit) ]
          [ draw-circle item 1 wave item 2 wave (ticks - item 0 wave) [wave-color] of item 3 wave]

  ; view recording requested --> capture frame
  if record-view [ vid:record-view]


;; queue future transponder-wavefront events from the current transponder in the event queue
;;    event-queue entry schema:   
;; Note:  is omitted to indicate predefined activations

to queue-wavefront-event [activation-time]
  ask other transponders [
    let d sqrt ((xcor - [xcor] of myself) ^ 2 + (ycor - [ycor] of myself) ^ 2)
    if d != 0 [ ; can't stimulate yourself!
      set event-queue lput (list (activation-time + d) self myself) event-queue
  set event-queue-not-sorted true

;; activate transponder and/or adjust position if sufficient signals are received from other transponders
;; Note: item 0 event (activation time for the event) is considered the current time

to stimulate-transponder [event]
  ; activate transponder if sum of adjacent transponder signals above threshold
  let stimulus integrate-stimulus event ; also sets stimulus-train
  set last-stimulus stimulus ; debug

  ; adjust membrane threshold based application of the decay rate since last update
  set membrane-threshold membrane-threshold / (membrane-decay-rate ^ (item 0 event - last-update))

  ; recharge activation charge based on time since last update
  set activation-charge-level activation-charge-level + (1 - activation-charge-level) * (1 - exp ( -(item 0 event - last-update) / t-activation-charge))

  set last-update item 0 event

  ; compute distance to intersection from stimulus-train
  let intersect-distance mean map [? -> item 1 ?] stimulus-train
  if debug [show (list "stimulus-train" stimulus stimulus-train)]

  ; not activated within refraction time window --> evaluate activation
  if activation-times = [] or (item 0 activation-times + refraction-time < item 0 event + 1)
    ; stimulus above activation threshold --> activate transponder and apply positive reinforcement | apply negative reinforcement
    if length stimulus-train > 1
      ifelse stimulus > construction-threshold
        ; apply positive reinforcement
        ifelse stimulus >= membrane-threshold
          if activation-charge-level >= activation-charge
            ; collect statistics
            collect-stimulus-stats stimulus-train intersect-distance stimulus

            ; set activation for event time + axon delay
            set activation-times fput (item 0 event + axon-delay) activation-times

            ; apply potentiation (adjust transponder to improve response for this stimulus)
            if debug [show (list "adjust-transponder-position for potentiation" stimulus (potentiation-sigma * stdev-intersect-dist))]
            if potentiation-limit > 0
              let dt adjust-transponder-position stimulus-train potentiation-limit t-potentiation (potentiation-sigma * stdev-intersect-dist)

            ; adjust membrane threshold
            let d-activation item 0 activation-times - last-activation
            set membrane-threshold
              membrane-threshold - membrane-gain-limit * exp (- d-activation / t-membrane-gain) * (membrane-threshold - membrane-threshold-min)

            ; queue transponder activation
            queue-wavefront-event (item 0 event + axon-delay)

            set stimulus-train []
            set last-activation item 0 activation-times

            ; decrement activation-charge-level
            set activation-charge-level activation-charge-level - activation-charge
          ; transponder configured for learning --> apply reinforcement
          if membrane-threshold < length stimulus-train ; ??????????????????
            ; apply potentiation for construction (adjust transponder to improve response for this stimulus)
            if construction-limit > 0
              if debug [show (list "adjust-transponder-position for construction" stimulus (construction-sigma * intersect-distance))]
              let dt adjust-transponder-position stimulus-train construction-limit t-potentiation (construction-sigma * stdev-intersect-dist)
        ; transponder configured for learning --> apply reinforcement
        if stimulus > 0 and membrane-threshold < length stimulus-train
          ; apply depression (adjust transponder to reduce response for this stimulus)
          if debug [show (list "adjust-transponder-position for depression " stimulus)]
          if depression-limit > 0
          [ let dt adjust-transponder-position stimulus-train (- depression-limit) t-depression 10 ]

;    let negative-waves filter [item 1 ? < 0] wave-list
;    if length negative-waves > 0
;    [
;      ; transponder configured for learning --> apply reinforcement
;      if membrane-threshold < max list length stimulus-train 2
;      [
;        ; apply negative reinforcement
;        if debug [show (list "apply-negative-reinforcement" negative-waves)]
;        apply-negative-reinforcement negative-waves depression-rate t-depression
;      ]
;    ]

;; integrate stimulus using a Leaky-Integrate-and-Fire approach accumulating stimulus data at stimulus-train
;; stimulus-train schema:  
;; note:
;;   1. x and y are the location of the receiving transponder

to-report integrate-stimulus [event]
  ; update stimulus signal strength and displacement for each stimulus and integrate stimulus with loss
  let stimulus-strength 0
  let new-train []
  foreach stimulus-train
  [ stimulus ->
    ; remove/ignore stimuli below threshold or integrate stimuli
    let dt item 0 event - item 4 stimulus
    if exp (- (attenuation-coefficient * dt)) * exp (- dt / t-synapse) >= synapse-threshold
      let new-item (list exp (- dt / t-synapse) (precision dt 13) item 2 stimulus item 3 stimulus item 4 stimulus)
      set new-train lput new-item new-train
      set stimulus-strength stimulus-strength + item 0 new-item
  set stimulus-train new-train
  ; add event to stimulus train
  ifelse (xcor - [xcor] of item 2 event) != 0 and (ycor - [ycor] of item 2 event) != 0
    set stimulus-train lput
      (list 1 0 (atan (xcor - [xcor] of item 2 event) (ycor - [ycor] of item 2 event)) item 2 event item 0 event) stimulus-train
    set stimulus-train lput (list 1 0 0 item 2 event item 0 event) stimulus-train

  report stimulus-strength + 1

;; collect transponder-level statistics

to collect-stimulus-stats [wave-list intersect-distance stimulus]
  foreach wave-list [wave -> set intersect-dists lput item 1 wave intersect-dists]
  if averaging [set intersect-dists sublist intersect-dists max list 0 (length intersect-dists - potentiation-sigma) length intersect-dists]
  set min-intersect-dist min intersect-dists
  set max-intersect-dist max intersect-dists
  set mean-intersect-dist mean intersect-dists
  set stdev-intersect-dist ifelse-value (length intersect-dists > 1) [standard-deviation intersect-dists] [0] ; [intersect-distance]
  set activation-history lput stimulus activation-history
  set activations activations + 1
  set activation-levels lput stimulus activation-levels
  if averaging [set activation-levels sublist activation-levels max list 0 (length activation-levels - (2 * potentiation-sigma)) length activation-levels]
  set min-activation min activation-levels
  set max-activation max activation-levels
  set mean-activation mean activation-levels
  set stdev-activation ifelse-value (length activation-levels > 1) [standard-deviation activation-levels] [0]
  set activating-stimulus-chain wave-list

;; adjust the location of the transponder toward or away from the wave wave intersections
;;   by an amount inversely proportional to the estimated distance to the intersection
;; Note that this function incorporates the standard exponential STDP adjustments
;;   but approximates them with distance which does not need to be sign adjusted

to-report adjust-transponder-position [wave-list weight t-rate limit]
  let lwave 0
  if length wave-list >= 2
    ; approximate wave intersections from wave distances and travel angles for all wave combinations
    let intersections []
    let bf-wave-list wave-list
    foreach but-last wave-list
    [ wave1 ->
      set bf-wave-list but-first bf-wave-list
      set intersections sentence intersections map [wave2 -> approximate-wave-intersection wave1 wave2] bf-wave-list
;   if debug and length intersections > 2 [show intersections]

    ; determine centroid of wave intersections
    let intersection find-intersection-centroid intersections t-rate
    let xi item 0 intersection
    let yi item 1 intersection
    set lwave item 2 intersection

    ; adjust position of transponder based on location of wave interesection
    let intersect-distance max list lwave 1E-12
    ; determine new transponder position from average of old and new positions with new position limited to old postion + standard devation
    ; note: this is not really computing the list of intersects but the list of new position incrementing toward the intersect?
    set x-intersects lput (xcor + (xi - xcor) * weight * exp (- lwave / t-rate) * min list 1 (limit / intersect-distance)) x-intersects
    set y-intersects lput (ycor + (yi - ycor) * weight * exp (- lwave / t-rate) * min list 1 (limit / intersect-distance)) y-intersects
    set mean-x-intersect mean x-intersects
    set mean-y-intersect mean y-intersects
    if length x-intersects > 1
      set stdev-x-intersect standard-deviation x-intersects
      set stdev-y-intersect standard-deviation y-intersects
    ; averaging -> move transponder to average of old and new positions | use raw position
    ifelse Averaging
    [ setxy mean-x-intersect mean-y-intersect ]
    [ setxy last x-intersects last y-intersects ]

    set x-history lput xcor x-history
    set y-history lput ycor y-history

  report lwave

;; approximate wave intersections from wave distances and travel angles

to-report approximate-wave-intersection [wave1 wave2]
  let theta1 item 2 wave1
  let theta2 item 2 wave2
  let l1 item 1 wave1
  let l2 item 1 wave2
  ; theta1 and theta2 are reversed --> exchange so they are oriented correctly
  if subtract-headings theta1 theta2 > 0
    set theta1 item 2 wave2
    set theta2 item 2 wave1
    set l1 item 1 wave2
    set l2 item 1 wave1
  let x1 xcor + l1 * cos (90 - theta1)
  let y1 ycor + l1 * sin (90 - theta1)
  let x2 xcor + l2 * cos (90 - theta2)
  let y2 ycor + l2 * sin (90 - theta2)

  let b1 y1 - x1 * (tan (90 - theta1 + 90))
  let b2 y2 - x2 * (tan (90 - theta2 - 90))
  let xi ifelse-value not (member? (theta1 - theta2) [0 180])
    [(b2 - b1) / ((tan (90 - theta1 + 90)) - (tan (90 - theta2 - 90)))]
  let yi y1 + ((xi - x1) * (tan (90 - theta1 + 90)))

  report (list xi yi sqrt ((xcor - xi) ^ 2 + (ycor - yi) ^ 2))

;; determine centroid of wave intersections

to-report find-intersection-centroid [intersections t-rate]
  let xi 0
  let yi 0
  let lwave 0
  let total-w 0
  foreach intersections
  [ intersect ->
    let w exp (- item 2 intersect / t-rate)
    set xi xi + item 0 intersect * w
    set yi yi + item 1 intersect * w
    set lwave lwave + item 2 intersect * w
    set total-w total-w + w
  if total-w > 0
    set xi xi / total-w
    set yi yi / total-w
    set lwave lwave / total-w

  report (list xi yi lwave)

;; adjust the location of the transponder away from the direction of the wave
;;   by an amount inversely proportional to the distance to the wave

to apply-negative-reinforcement [wave-list weight t-rate]
  foreach wave-list
  [ wave ->
    let dist max list (- item 1 wave) 1E-12
    let theta item 2 wave + 180
    ; determine new transponder position from average of old and new positions with new position limited to old postion + standard devation
    ; note: this is not really computing the list of intersects but the list of new position incrementing toward the intersect?
;   if debug [show (list dist theta (xcor - dist * cos theta * weight * exp (- dist / t-rate)) (ycor - dist * sin theta * weight * exp (- dist / t-rate)))]
;    set x-intersects lput (xcor - dist * cos theta * weight * exp (- dist / t-rate)) x-intersects
;    set y-intersects lput (ycor - dist * sin theta * weight * exp (- dist / t-rate)) y-intersects
;    set mean-x-intersect mean x-intersects
;    set mean-y-intersect mean y-intersects
;    if length x-intersects > 1
;    [
;      set stdev-x-intersect standard-deviation x-intersects
;      set stdev-y-intersect standard-deviation y-intersects
;    ]
    ; averaging -> move transponder to average of old and new positions | use raw position
;    ifelse Averaging
;    [ setxy mean-x-intersect mean-y-intersect ]
;    [ setxy last x-intersects last y-intersects ]
    setxy (xcor - dist * cos theta * weight * exp (- dist / t-rate)) (ycor - dist * sin theta * weight * exp (- dist / t-rate))

    set x-history lput xcor x-history
    set y-history lput ycor y-history

;; draw a circle at the specified location, radius and color

to draw-circle [x y r c]
  set color c
  let step r * 2 * pi / wave-resolution
  let dangle 360 / wave-resolution
  let angle dangle / 2
  let xnew x - r
  let ynew y
  setxy xnew ynew
  repeat wave-resolution
    let xold xnew
    let yold ynew
    set xnew xnew + step * sin angle
    set ynew ynew + step * cos angle
    ifelse xnew >= min-pxcor and xnew <= max-pxcor and ynew >= min-pycor and ynew <= max-pycor
    and xold >= min-pxcor and xold <= max-pxcor and yold >= min-pycor and yold <= max-pycor
    [ pen-down ]
    [ pen-up ]
    setxy xnew ynew
    set angle angle + dangle

;; trace the location history path of a transponder

to trace-history [x-list y-list c]
  let save-state (list pen-size color xcor ycor)
  set pen-size 2
  set color c
  setxy item 0 x-list item 0 y-list
  foreach (map list x-list y-list) [coord -> setxy item 0 coord item 1 coord]
  setxy item 2 save-state item 3 save-state
  set color item 1 save-state
  set pen-size item 0 save-state

;; show statistics for nodes - used for manual reporting

to show-node-counts [name-length]
  show (word "activations =0 " count transponders with [length name = name-length and activations = 0]
    " mean(membrane-threshold) " ifelse-value (count transponders with [length name = name-length and activations = 0] > 0)
      [mean [membrane-threshold] of transponders with [length name = name-length and activations = 0]] [0]
    " max(membrane-threshold) " ifelse-value (count transponders with [length name = name-length and activations = 0] > 0)
      [max [membrane-threshold] of transponders with [length name = name-length and activations = 0]] [0]
    " ")
  show (word "activations >0 " count transponders with [length name = name-length and activations > 0]
    " mean(membrane-threshold) " ifelse-value (count transponders with [length name = name-length and activations > 0] > 0)
      [mean [membrane-threshold] of transponders with [length name = name-length and activations > 0]] [0]
    " max(membrane-threshold) " ifelse-value (count transponders with [length name = name-length and activations > 0] > 0)
      [max [membrane-threshold] of transponders with [length name = name-length and activations > 0]] [0]
    " total activations " ifelse-value (count transponders with [length name = name-length and activations > 0] > 0)
      [sum [activations] of transponders with [length name = name-length and activations > 0]] [0]
    " ")
  show (word "membrane-threshold >=2&<3 "
    count transponders with [length name = name-length and membrane-threshold >= 2 and membrane-threshold < 3]
    ifelse-value (count transponders with [length name = name-length and membrane-threshold >= 2 and membrane-threshold < 3] > 0)
    [ (word " mean(membrane-threshold) " mean [membrane-threshold] of transponders with [length name = name-length and membrane-threshold >= 2 and membrane-threshold < 3]
            " max(membrane-threshold) " max [membrane-threshold] of transponders with [length name = name-length and membrane-threshold >= 2 and membrane-threshold < 3]) ]
    " ")
  show (word "membrane-threshold >3     " count transponders with [length name = name-length and membrane-threshold > 3]
    ifelse-value (count transponders with [length name = name-length and membrane-threshold > 3] > 0)
    [ (word " mean(membrane-threshold) " mean [membrane-threshold] of transponders with [length name = name-length and membrane-threshold > 3]
            " max(membrane-threshold) " max [membrane-threshold] of transponders with [length name = name-length and membrane-threshold > 3]) ]
    " ")

;; show status of nodes - used for manual reporting

to show-node-status [name-length]
  ask transponders with [length name = name-length]
    [show (word name " activations " activations " membrane-threshold " membrane-threshold " activation-charge " activation-charge)]

;; Copyright 2017 Fred Highland.

There is only one version of this model, created over 6 years ago by Fred Highland.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
7-Segment Circular 2color color.txt data Configuration of all possible transponders that could be used to recognize 7-segment display digits over 6 years ago, by Fred Highland Download
7-Segment Circular 2color Optimized color.txt data Optimized configuration of a minimal set of transponders that can recognize 7-segment display digits over 6 years ago, by Fred Highland Download
7-Segment Circular 2color.cfg data Parameter configuration file for transponder configuration to recognize 7-segment display digits over 6 years ago, by Fred Highland Download
7-Segment Circular Synfire Single Concept Optimized 3 Layer Test.txt data Example transponder configuration using a number of neuromophic techniques to learn to recognize 7-segment display digits over 6 years ago, by Fred Highland Download
7-Segment Circular Synfire Single Concept Optimized 3 Layer.cfg data Parameter configuration file for a large PWC transponder configuraton using a number of neuromophic techniques to learn to recognize 7-segment display digits over 6 years ago, by Fred Highland Download
if A and B then C simple.cfg data Parameter configuration file for the PWC location learning example over 6 years ago, by Fred Highland Download
if A and B then C simple.txt data Example of transponder location learning with PWC over 6 years ago, by Fred Highland Download
Polychronous Wavefront Computing Simulator.png preview Preview for 'Polychronous Wavefront Computing Simulator' over 6 years ago, by Fred Highland Download
PWC Example 1 Transponder Behavior.txt data Example of basic transponder behavior over 6 years ago, by Fred Highland Download
PWC Example 2 Signal Processing Multiple.txt data Example of signal processing with PWC using a series of signals over 6 years ago, by Fred Highland Download
PWC Example 2 Signal Processing.txt data Example of basic signal processing with PWC over 6 years ago, by Fred Highland Download
PWC Example 3 Reverb a.txt data Example of a reverberating configuration of PWC transponders with synaptic fatigue. over 6 years ago, by Fred Highland Download
PWC Example 3 Reverb b.txt data Another example of a different reverberating configuration of PWC transponders with synaptic fatigue. over 6 years ago, by Fred Highland Download
PWC Example.cfg data Parameter configuration file for PWC Examples over 6 years ago, by Fred Highland Download

This model does not have any ancestors.

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