Voter dynamics in complex networks

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complex networks 

Tagged by Pablo Gonzalez de Prado over 7 years ago

voter model 

Tagged by Pablo Gonzalez de Prado over 7 years ago

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globals [
        average-path-length                  ;; average path length of the network
        average-path-length-of-lattice       ;; average path length of the initial lattice
        cal                                  ;; background colouring stuff
        clustering-coefficient               ;; the clustering coefficient of the network; this is the
                                             ;; average of clustering coefficients of all turtles
        clustering-coefficient-of-lattice    ;; the clustering coefficient of the initial lattice
        highlight-string                     ;; message that appears on the node properties monitor
        idea                                 ;; number of active links
        infinity                             ;; a very large number
                                             ;; used to denote distance between two turtles which
                                             ;; don't have a connected or unconnected path between them
        network                              ;; records the kind of network that has been generated
        number-rewired                       ;; number of edges that have been rewired. used for plots
        partner2                             ;; in B�rab�si-Albert network with degree 2, to compare the two
                                             ;; neighbours chosen and check they are not the same
        rewire-one?                          ;; these two variables record which button was last pushed
        tick?                                ;; if a node of degree 0 is chosen, there's no need to tick
        yrad                                 ;; this three are used to measure the lattice

turtles-own [
            opinion                          ;; because colour might be lost when highlighting, another
                                             ;; magnitude is needed to save the nodes' opinion
            distance-from-other-turtles      ;; list of distances of this node from other turtles

links-own [
          rewired?                           ;; keeps track of whether the link has been rewired or not


;; called by set structure

to wire
  ask links [ ifelse [color] of end1 = [color] of end2
  ;; likns between equal nodes will take their colour, whereas those between different nodes are black,
  ;; and known as "active"
               [ set color [color] of end1 ]
               [ ask patch 0 0 [set cal pcolor] ifelse cal = black
                                                    [set color white]
                                                    [set color black]
  if structure = "random"
    [ ask turtles [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor ] ]
  if structure = "circle"
    [ layout-circle turtles (world-width / 2 - 1) ]
  if structure = "radial"
    [ layout-radial turtles links (turtle 0) ]
  if structure = "tutte"
    [ repeat 10 [ layout-tutte (turtles with [count link-neighbors <= 4]) links 12 ] ]

;; draw! is called by "set opinions" button and is also used to reset opinions

to draw!
  set-current-plot "totals"
  ask turtles [ let col random diversity-of-opinions
  ;; col is used to assign opinions with equal chances
                  if col < 1 [ set opinion 1 set color red ]
                  if (col > 0.9) and (col < 2) [ set opinion 2 set color blue ]
                  if (col > 1.9) and (col < 3) [ set opinion 3 set color green ]
                  if (col > 2.9) and (col < 4) [ set opinion 4 set color turquoise ]
                  if (col > 3.9) and (col < 5) [ set opinion 5 set color brown ]
                  if (col > 4.9) and (col < 6) [ set opinion 6 set color violet ]
                  if (col > 5.9) and (col < 7) [ set opinion 7 set color orange ]

to color-who [a]
  ask turtle a [
   if [opinion] of turtle a = 1 [ set color red ]
   if [opinion] of turtle a = 2 [ set color blue ]
   if [opinion] of turtle a = 3 [ set color green ]
   if [opinion] of turtle a = 4 [ set color turquoise ]
   if [opinion] of turtle a = 5 [ set color brown ]
   if [opinion] of turtle a = 6 [ set color violet ]
   if [opinion] of turtle a = 7 [ set color orange ]

to color-all
  ask turtles [
   if [opinion] of turtle who = 1 [ set color red ]
   if [opinion] of turtle who = 2 [ set color blue ]
   if [opinion] of turtle who = 3 [ set color green ]
   if [opinion] of turtle who = 4 [ set color turquoise ]
   if [opinion] of turtle who = 5 [ set color brown ]
   if [opinion] of turtle who = 6 [ set color violet ]
   if [opinion] of turtle who = 7 [ set color orange ]

to reprint
   ;; this option will refresh link and node colours
   ask links [ ifelse [color] of end1 = [color] of end2
                [ set color [color] of end1 ]
                [ ask patch 0 0 [set cal pcolor] ifelse cal = black
                                                    [set color white]
                                                    [set color black]

to highlight
  ;; remove any previous highlights
  ask turtles [ set color gray ]
  ask links [ set color gray + 2 ]
  if mouse-inside? [ do-highlight ]

to do-highlight
  ;; getting the node closest to the mouse
  let min-d min [distancexy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor] of turtles
  let a-turtle one-of turtles with [count link-neighbors > 0 and distancexy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor = min-d]
  if a-turtle != nobody
    ;; highlight the chosen node
    ask a-turtle
      color-who who
   ;;   let pairs (length remove infinity distance-from-other-nodos)
   ;;   let local-val (sum remove infinity distance-from-other-nodos) / pairs
      ;; show node's clustering coefficient
     ;; set highlight-string (word "clustering coefficient = " precision nodo-clustering-coefficient 3
     ;;                            " and avg path length = " precision local-val 3
     ;;                            " (for " pairs " nodos )")
    let neighbor-turtles [ link-neighbors ] of a-turtle
    ;let direct-links [ my-links ] of node
    ;; highlight neighbors
    ask neighbor-turtles
      color-who who

      ;; highlight edges connecting the chosen node to its neighbors
      ask my-links [
        if (end1 = a-turtle or end2 = a-turtle)
          ifelse [opinion] of end1 = [opinion] of end2
            [set color [color] of end1]
            [set color black]
;        [
;          if (member? end1 neighbor-nodes and member? end2 neighbor-nodes)  ;;  activa triangulos cerrados, agregar else en el if anteriorc y descomentar
;            [ set color yellow ]
;        ]

;; resize-nodes, change back and forth from size based on degree to a size of 1

to resize-nodes
  ifelse all? turtles [size <= 1]
    ;; a node is a circle with diameter determined by
    ;; the SIZE variable; using SQRT makes the circle's
    ;; area proportional to its degree
    ask turtles [ set size sqrt count link-neighbors ]
    ask turtles [ set size 1 ]

to vote
   ;; go2 allows user to move nodes
   if idea < 1 [stop]
   ;; stop when there are no active links left
   ask one-of turtles [
     ;; chooses only a node with neighbours, otherwise there will be no tick
     ifelse any? link-neighbors [
       ;; let is used so the colour and opinion adopted belong to the same node
       let node [who] of one-of link-neighbors
       set color [color] of turtle node
       set opinion [opinion] of turtle node
       set tick? 1
     [set tick? 2]
   if tick? = 1 [ if reprint? [reprint] tick do-plots]

;; to count active links even without colour

to countactive
   set idea 0
   ask links [ if [opinion] of end1 != [opinion] of end2
                [ set idea (idea + 1) ]

;; to move nodes while voting

to go2
  if mouse-down? [
    ;; find the closest node
    let grabbed min-one-of turtles [distancexy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor]
    ;; loop until the mouse button is released
    while [mouse-down?] [
      ask grabbed [ setxy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor ]

;;LATTICE SPECIFICATIONS**********************************************************

to setup-Lattice
;;  set network 4
  set-default-shape turtles "circle"
  ask patches [ set pcolor white ]

  set rad 0
  set yrad 0
  ifelse side mod 2 = 0 [ set nume (side / 2) ] [ set nume ((side - 1) / 2) ]
  ask patch 0 0  [ sprout 1 ]

      while [ rad < nume ]
            [ ask patch (rad + 1) 0 [ sprout 1]
              ask patch (-(rad + 1)) 0 [ sprout 1]
              set rad (rad + 1)

  while [ yrad < nume ]
    [ ask patch 0 (yrad + 1) [ sprout 1 ]
      ask patch 0 (-(yrad + 1)) [ sprout 1 ]
      set rad 0
      while [ rad < nume ]
            [ ask patch (rad + 1) (yrad + 1) [ sprout 1]
              ask patch (-(rad + 1)) (yrad + 1) [ sprout 1]
              ask patch (rad + 1) (-(yrad + 1)) [ sprout 1]
              ask patch (-(rad + 1)) (-(yrad + 1)) [ sprout 1]
              set rad (rad + 1)
      set yrad (yrad + 1)

  if wrap
  [ask patch nume 0 [ ask turtles-here
                      [ create-links-with turtles with [(xcor = (- nume)) and (ycor = 0)] ]
  set yrad 1
  while [ yrad <= nume ]
    [ ask patch nume yrad [ ask turtles-here
                          [ create-links-with turtles with [(xcor = (- nume)) and (ycor = yrad)] ]
      ask patch nume (- yrad) [ ask turtles-here
                              [ create-links-with turtles with [(xcor = (- nume)) and (ycor = (- yrad))] ]
      set yrad (yrad + 1)
  ask patch 0 nume [ ask turtles-here
                      [ create-links-with turtles with [(xcor = 0) and (ycor = (- nume))] ]
  set rad 1
  while [ rad <= nume ]
    [ ask patch rad nume [ ask turtles-here
                          [ create-links-with turtles with [(xcor = rad) and (ycor = (- nume))] ]
      ask patch (- rad) nume [ ask turtles-here
                              [ create-links-with turtles with [(xcor = (- rad)) and (ycor = (- nume))] ]
      set rad (rad + 1)

  ask patches [ ask turtles-here [ create-links-with other turtles in-radius 1 ] ]


to layout-spr
layout-spring turtles links constant long repulsion

;;END OF LATICE SPECIFICATIONS****************************************************

;;ERDOS-RENY SPECIFICATIONS*******************************************************

to setup-Erdos-Reny
  set network 1
  set-default-shape turtles "circle"
  ask patches [ set pcolor white ]
  create-turtles number-of-nodes
  ask turtles [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor
  ;; ER networks will be given opinion without draw! yet nothing prevents the sceptical
  ;; user to use draw! afterwards, which will only repeat the process
                let col random diversity-of-opinions
                  if col < 1 [ set opinion 1 set color red ]
                  if (col > 0.9) and (col < 2) [ set opinion 2 set color blue ]
                  if (col > 1.9) and (col < 3) [ set opinion 3 set color green ]
                  if (col > 2.9) and (col < 4) [ set opinion 4 set color turquoise ]
                  if (col > 3.9) and (col < 5) [ set opinion 5 set color brown ]
                  if (col > 4.9) and (col < 6) [ set opinion 6 set color violet ]
                  if (col > 5.9) and (col < 7) [ set opinion 7 set color orange ]
  while [ (count links < links-number) and (count links < number-of-nodes * (number-of-nodes - 1) / 2) ]
        [ ask one-of turtles [ create-link-with one-of other turtles ] ]
  if structure = "circle"
    [ layout-circle turtles (world-width / 2 - 1) ]

;;END OF ERDOS-RENY SPECIFICATIONS************************************************

;;BARABASI SPECIFICATIONS*********************************************************

;;; Setup Procedures ;;;

to setup-BA
  set network 2
  ask patches [set pcolor white]
  set-default-shape turtles "circle"
  ;; make the initial network of two (three) turtles and an edge (three)
  make-node nobody        ;; first node, unattached
  make-node turtle 0      ;; second node, attached to first node
  if degree? = "2" [ make-node turtle 1 ask turtle 2 [ create-link-with turtle 0 ] ]
  ;; if degree is two, then adds the node and links

;;; Main Procedures ;;;

to go
  ;; new edge is green, old edges are gray
  ask links [ set color gray - 2 ]
  if degree? = "1"
    [ make-node find-partner         ;; find partner & use it as attachment
    ]                               ;; point for new node
  if degree? = "2"
    [ create-turtles 1
      set partner2 1
      ;; if the future partners turn out to be the same, then partner2 is made 1 and the loop is repeated
      while [partner2 > 0]
        [let turt1 find-partner
         let turtle2 find-partner
          ifelse turt1 = turtle2
            [set partner2 1]
            [set partner2 0 ask max-one-of turtles [who] [create-link-with turt1 create-link-with turtle2]]
            ;; the last turtle added makes the new links
  if layout? [ layout ]
  if plot? [ do-plotting ]

;; used for creating a new node

to make-node [old-node]
  crt 1
    set color red
    if old-node != nobody
      [ create-link-with old-node [ set color green ]
        ;; position the new node near its partner
        move-to old-node
        fd 8

;; This code is borrowed from Lottery Example (in the Code Examples
;; section of the Models Library).
;; The idea behind the code is a bit tricky to understand.
;; Basically we take the sum of the degrees (number of connections)
;; of the turtles, and that's how many "tickets" we have in our lottery.
;; Then we pick a random "ticket" (a random number).  Then we step
;; through the turtles to figure out which node holds the winning ticket.

to-report find-partner
  ;; endSearch is a random number up to the total number of links
  let endSearch random-float sum [count link-neighbors] of turtles
  let partner nobody
  ask turtles
    let nc count link-neighbors

    ;; if there's no winner yet...
    if partner = nobody
      ifelse nc > endSearch
        [ set partner self ] ;; Because we now have a partner the ifelse will be ignored now.
        [ set endSearch endSearch - nc ]
  report partner

;;; Layout ;;;

to layout
  ;; the number 3 here is arbitrary; more repetitions slows down the
  ;; model, but too few gives poor layouts
  repeat 3 [
    ;; the more turtles we have to fit into the same amount of space,
    ;; the smaller the inputs to layout-spring we'll need to use
    let factor sqrt count turtles
    ;; numbers here are arbitrarily chosen for pleasing appearance
    layout-spring turtles links (1 / factor) (7 / factor) (1 / factor)
    display  ;; for smooth animation
  ;; don't bump the edges of the world
  let x-offset max [xcor] of turtles + min [xcor] of turtles
  let y-offset max [ycor] of turtles + min [ycor] of turtles
  ;; big jumps look funny, so only adjust a little each time
  set x-offset limit-magnitude x-offset 0.1
  set y-offset limit-magnitude y-offset 0.1
  ask turtles [ setxy (xcor - x-offset / 2) (ycor - y-offset / 2) ]

to-report limit-magnitude [number2 limit]
  if number2 > limit [ report limit ]
  if number2 < (- limit) [ report (- limit) ]
  report number2

; note that subtle modfications might have been applied to the model by Uri Wilensky:

; *** NetLogo 4.0.2 Model Copyright Notice ***
; Copyright 2005 by Uri Wilensky.  All rights reserved.
; Permission to use, modify or redistribute this model is hereby granted,
; provided that both of the following requirements are followed:
; a) this copyright notice is included.
; b) this model will not be redistributed for profit without permission
;    from Uri Wilensky.
; Contact Uri Wilensky for appropriate licenses for redistribution for
; profit.
; To refer to this model in academic publications, please use:
; Wilensky, U. (2005).  NetLogo Preferential Attachment model.
; Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling,
; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
; In other publications, please use:
; Copyright 2005 Uri Wilensky.  All rights reserved.
; See
; for terms of use.
; *** End of NetLogo 4.0.2 Model Copyright Notice ***

;;END OF BARABASI-ALBERT SPECIFICATIONS****************************************

;;WATTS-STROGATZ SPECIFICATIONS***************************************************

;;; Setup Procedures ;;;

to startup
  set highlight-string ""

to setup-WS
  ask patches [set pcolor white]
  set network 3
  set infinity 99999  ;; just an arbitrary choice for a large number
  set-default-shape turtles "circle"

  ;; set up a variable to determine if we still have a connected network
  ;; (in most cases we will since it starts out fully connected)
  let success? false
  while [not success?] [
    ;; we need to find initial values for lattice
    ;;calculate average path length and clustering coefficient for the lattice
    set success? do-calculations

  ;; setting the values for the initial lattice
  set clustering-coefficient-of-lattice clustering-coefficient
  set average-path-length-of-lattice average-path-length
  set number-rewired 0
  set highlight-string ""

to make-turtles
  crt number-of-nodes [ set color gray + 2 ]
  ;; arrange them in a circle in order by who number
  layout-circle (sort turtles) max-pxcor - 1

;;; Main Procedure ;;;

to rewire-one

  ;; make sure num-turtles is setup correctly else run setup first
  if count turtles != number-of-nodes [

  ;; record which button was pushed
  set rewire-one? true
  set rewire-all? false

  let potential-edges links with [ not rewired? ]
  ifelse any? potential-edges [
    ask one-of potential-edges [
      ;; "a" remains the same
      let node1 end1
      ;; if "a" is not connected to everybody
      if [ count link-neighbors ] of end1 < (count turtles - 1)
        ;; find a node distinct from node1 and not already a neighbor of node1
        let node2 one-of turtles with [ (self != node1) and (not link-neighbor? node1) ]
        ;; wire the new edge
        ask node1 [ create-link-with node2 [ set color cyan  set rewired? true ] ]

        set number-rewired number-rewired + 1  ;; counter for number of rewirings

        ;; remove the old edge
    ;; plot the results
    let connected? do-calculations
  [ user-message "all edges have already been rewired once" ]

to rewire-all

  ;; make sure num-turtles is setup correctly; if not run setup first
  if count turtles != number-of-nodes [

  ;; record which button was pushed
  set rewire-one? false
  set rewire-all? true

  ;; set up a variable to see if the network is connected
  let success? false

  ;; if we end up with a disconnected network, we keep trying, because the APL distance
  ;; isn't meaningful for a disconnected network.
  while [not success?] [
    ;; kill the old lattice, reset neighbors, and create new lattice
    ask links [ die ]
    set number-rewired 0

    ask links [

      ;; whether to rewire it or not?
      if (random-float 1) < rewiring-probability
        ;; "a" remains the same
        let node1 end1
        ;; if "a" is not connected to everybody
        if [ count link-neighbors ] of end1 < (count turtles - 1)
          ;; find a node distinct from node1 and not already a neighbor of node1
          let node2 one-of turtles with [ (self != node1) and (not link-neighbor? node1) ]
          ;; wire the new edge
          ask node1 [ create-link-with node2 [ set color cyan  set rewired? true ] ]

          set number-rewired number-rewired + 1  ;; counter for number of rewirings
          set rewired? true
      ;; remove the old edge
      if (rewired?)

    ;; check to see if the new network is connected and calculate path length and clustering
    ;; coefficient at the same time
    set success? do-calculations

;; do-calculations reports true if the network is connected,
;;   and reports false if the network is disconnected.
;; (In the disconnected case, the average path length does not make sense,
;;   or perhaps may be considered infinite)

to-report do-calculations

  ;; set up a variable so we can report if the network is disconnected
  let connected? true

  ;; find the path lengths in the network

  let num-connected-pairs sum [length remove infinity (remove 0 distance-from-other-turtles)] of turtles

  ;; In a connected network on N nodes, we should have N(N-1) measurements of distances between pairs,
  ;; and none of those distances should be infinity.
  ;; If there were any "infinity" length paths between nodes, then the network is disconnected.
  ;; In that case, calculating the average-path-length doesn't really make sense.
  ifelse ( num-connected-pairs != (count turtles * (count turtles - 1) ))
      set average-path-length infinity
      ;; report that the network is not connected
      set connected? false
    set average-path-length (sum [sum distance-from-other-turtles] of turtles) / (num-connected-pairs)
  ;; find the clustering coefficient and add to the aggregate for all iterations

  ;; report whether the network is connected or not
  report connected?

;;; Clustering computations ;;;

to-report in-neighborhood? [ hood ]
  report ( member? end1 hood and member? end2 hood )

to find-clustering-coefficient
  ifelse all? turtles [count link-neighbors <= 1]
    ;; it is undefined
    ;; what should this be?
    set clustering-coefficient 0
    let total 0
    ask turtles with [ count link-neighbors <= 1]
      [ set node-clustering-coefficient "undefined" ]
    ask turtles with [ count link-neighbors > 1]
      let hood link-neighbors
      set node-clustering-coefficient (2 * count links with [ in-neighborhood? hood ] /
                                         ((count hood) * (count hood - 1)) )
      ;; find the sum for the value at turtles
      set total total + node-clustering-coefficient
    ;; take the average
    set clustering-coefficient total / count turtles with [count link-neighbors > 1]

;;; Path length computations ;;;

;; Implements the Floyd Warshall algorithm for All Pairs Shortest Paths
;; It is a dynamic programming algorithm which builds bigger solutions
;; from the solutions of smaller subproblems using memoization that
;; is storing the results.
;; It keeps finding incrementally if there is shorter path through
;; the kth node.
;; Since it iterates over all turtles through k,
;; so at the end we get the shortest possible path for each i and j.

to find-path-lengths
  ;; reset the distance list
  ask turtles
    set distance-from-other-turtles []

  let i 0
  let j 0
  let k 0
  let node1 one-of turtles
  let node2 one-of turtles
  let node-count count turtles
  ;; initialize the distance lists
  while [i < node-count]
    set j 0
    while [j < node-count]
      set node1 turtle i
      set node2 turtle j
      ;; zero from a node to itself
      ifelse i = j
        ask node1 [
          set distance-from-other-turtles lput 0 distance-from-other-turtles
        ;; 1 from a node to it's neighbor
        ifelse [ link-neighbor? node1 ] of node2
          ask node1 [
            set distance-from-other-turtles lput 1 distance-from-other-turtles
        ;; infinite to everyone else
          ask node1 [
            set distance-from-other-turtles lput infinity distance-from-other-turtles
      set j j + 1
    set i i + 1
  set i 0
  set j 0
  let dummy 0
  while [k < node-count]
    set i 0
    while [i < node-count]
      set j 0
      while [j < node-count]
        ;; alternate path length through kth node
        set dummy ( (item k [distance-from-other-turtles] of turtle i) +
                    (item j [distance-from-other-turtles] of turtle k))
        ;; is the alternate path shorter?
        if dummy < (item j [distance-from-other-turtles] of turtle i)
          ask turtle i [
            set distance-from-other-turtles replace-item j distance-from-other-turtles dummy
        set j j + 1
      set i i + 1
    set k k + 1

;;; Edge Operations ;;;

;; creates a new lattice

to wire-them
  ;; iterate over the turtles
  let n 0
  while [n < count turtles]
    ;; make edges with the next two neighbors
    ;; this makes a lattice with average degree of 4
    make-edge turtle n
              turtle ((n + 1) mod count turtles)
    if dist? = "2"
    [ make-edge turtle n
               turtle ((n + 2) mod count turtles)
    set n n + 1

;; connects the two turtles

to make-edge [node1 node2]
  ask node1 [ create-link-with node2  [
    set rewired? false
  ] ]

; note that subtle modfications might have been applied to the model by Uri Wilensky:

; *** NetLogo 4.0.3 Model Copyright Notice ***
; Copyright 2005 by Uri Wilensky.  All rights reserved.
; Permission to use, modify or redistribute this model is hereby granted,
; provided that both of the following requirements are followed:
; a) this copyright notice is included.
; b) this model will not be redistributed for profit without permission
;    from Uri Wilensky.
; Contact Uri Wilensky for appropriate licenses for redistribution for
; profit.
; To refer to this model in academic publications, please use:
; Wilensky, U. (2005).  NetLogo Small Worlds model.
; Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling,
; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
; In other publications, please use:
; Copyright 2005 Uri Wilensky.  All rights reserved.
; See
; for terms of use.
; *** End of NetLogo 4.0.3 Model Copyright Notice ***

;;END OF WATTS-STROGATZ SPECIFICATIONS********************************************

;;TO PLOT, PLOTTING AND PLOTTING2*************************************************

to do-plots
  set-current-plot "totals"
  set-current-plot-pen "active"
  plot idea / count links
  if opinions-to-plot > 0 [
    set-current-plot-pen "red"
    plot count links with [ color = red ] / count links
  if opinions-to-plot > 1 [
    set-current-plot-pen "blue"
    plot count links with [ color = blue ] / count links
  if opinions-to-plot > 2 [
    set-current-plot-pen "green"
    plot count links with [ color = green ] / count links
  if opinions-to-plot > 3 [
    set-current-plot-pen "turquoise"
    plot count links with [ color = turquoise ] / count links
  if opinions-to-plot > 4 [
    set-current-plot-pen "brown"
    plot count links with [ color = brown ] / count links
  if opinions-to-plot > 5 [
    set-current-plot-pen "violet"
    plot count links with [ color = violet ] / count links
  if opinions-to-plot > 6 [
    set-current-plot-pen "orange"
    plot count links with [ color = orange ] / count links

;;; Plotting ;;;

to do-plotting ;; plotting procedure
  let max-degree max [count link-neighbors] of turtles

  set-current-plot "Degree Distribution"
  plot-pen-reset  ;; erase what we plotted before
  set-plot-x-range 1 (max-degree + 1)  ;; + 1 to make room for the width of the last bar
  histogram [count link-neighbors] of turtles

  ;; for this plot, the axes are logarithmic, so we can't
  ;; use "histogram-from"; we have to plot the points
  ;; ourselves one at a time
  set-current-plot "Degree Distribution (log-log)"
  plot-pen-reset  ;; erase what we plotted before
  ;; the way we create the network there is never a zero degree node,
  ;; so start plotting at degree one
  let degree 1
  while [degree <= max-degree]
    let matches turtles with [count link-neighbors = degree]
    if any? matches
      [ plotxy log degree 10
               log (count matches) 10 ]
    set degree degree + 1

;;; Plotting ;;;

to do-plotting2

   if rewire-one? [
     ;; plot the rewire-one graph
     set-current-plot "Network Properties WS"
     set-current-plot-pen "apl"
     ;; note: dividing by value at initial value to normalize the plot
     plotxy number-rewired / count links
            average-path-length / average-path-length-of-lattice

     set-current-plot-pen "cc"
     ;; note: dividing by initial value to normalize the plot
     plotxy number-rewired / count links
            clustering-coefficient / clustering-coefficient-of-lattice

   if rewire-all? [
     ;; plot the rewire-all graph
     set-current-plot "Network Properties WS"
     set-current-plot-pen "apl"
     ;; note: dividing by value at initial value to normalize the plot
     plotxy rewiring-probability
            average-path-length / average-path-length-of-lattice

     set-current-plot-pen "cc"
     ;; note: dividing by initial value to normalize the plot
     plotxy rewiring-probability
            clustering-coefficient / clustering-coefficient-of-lattice

; *** NetLogo 4.0.2 Model Copyright Notice ***
; Copyright 2008 by Pablo Gonz�lez de Prado Salas and Juan Carlos Gonz�lez.
; All rights reserved.
; Permission to use, modify or redistribute this model is hereby granted,
; provided that both of the following requirements are followed:
; a) this copyright notice is included.
; b) this model will not be redistributed for profit without permission
;    from Pablo Gonz�lez de Prado Salas and Juan Carlos Gonz�lez.
; Contact Pablo Gonz�lez de Prado Salas for appropriate licenses for redistribution for
; profit.
; To refer to this model in academic publications, please use:
; Pablo Gonz�lez de Prado Salas and Juan Carlos Gonz�lez. (2008).  NetLogo Voter model.
; (And please let us know!)
; In other publications, please use:
; Copyright 2008 Pablo Gonz�lez de Prado Salas and Juan Carlos Gonz�lez.
; All rights reserved.
; contact for terms of use.
; *** End of NetLogo 4.0.2 Model Copyright Notice ***

There is only one version of this model, created over 7 years ago by Pablo Gonzalez de Prado.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Voter dynamics in complex networks.png preview Preview for 'Voter dynamics in complex networks' over 7 years ago, by Pablo Gonzalez de Prado Download

This model does not have any ancestors.

This model does not have any descendants.