Socio-Natural Model
Model was written in NetLogo 5.2.0
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globals [ grass gini-index-reserve lorenz-points ] breed [ apersons aperson ] breed [ bpersons bperson ] patches-own [ grass-amount ] turtles-own [ resource ;; the amount of resource this person has age ;; the current age of this person (in ticks) max-age ;; the age at which this person will die of natural causes ] to setup clear-all create-apersons apersons-initial-population [ setup-apersons ] create-bpersons bpersons-initial-population [ setup-bpersons ] ask patches [ set grass-amount random-float 10.0 ;; each patch starts with a random amount of grass recolor-grass ] ;; color it shades of green set grass count patches with [ grass-amount > 0 ] update-lorenz-and-gini reset-ticks end to go if not any? turtles [ stop ] ask turtles [ move harvest if resource >= 5 [ share ] ;; share with a number of neighbors reproduce set age age + 1 if resource < 0 or age > max-age [die] ] regrow-grass set grass count patches with [ grass-amount > 0 ] update-lorenz-and-gini tick end ;;----------------- ;; TURTLE UPDATES ;;----------------- to setup-apersons ;; apersons procedure set color magenta ;; how to color? Shades of a color? set shape "person" set size 1.25;; easier to see setxy random-xcor random-ycor ;;population- what other ways to do this?? where do I want my persons to be? set age 0 set max-age random-float 100 set resource 10 end to setup-bpersons ;; bpersons procedure set color orange set shape "person" set size 1.25;; easier to see setxy random-xcor random-ycor ;;population- what other ways to do this?? where do I want my persons to be? set age 0 set max-age random-float 100 set resource 10 end ;;--------------- ;; GO PROCEDURES ;;--------------- to move ;; how to model migration with vision (high vision for migrators/lower for non?);; make quadrants with different growback rates for seasons? ifelse breed = apersons [ move-apersons ][ if breed = bpersons [ move-bpersons ] ] end to move-apersons let target max-one-of patches [ grass-amount ] face target move-to target set resource resource - 1 end to move-bpersons let target max-one-of neighbors4 [ grass-amount ] face target move-to target set resource resource - 1 end ;;set vision (patches with [ grass-amount > .25 ;; ] in-radius bperson-vision) to harvest ifelse breed = apersons [ harvest-apersons ] [ if breed = bpersons [ harvest-bpersons ] ] end to harvest-apersons ;; eat-cooperative from cooperation model and GL if grass-amount > 5 [ let harvest-amount grass-amount * 0.50 set grass-amount grass-amount - harvest-amount set resource resource + harvest-amount ] recolor-grass end to harvest-bpersons ;; eat-greedy from cooperation model and GL if grass-amount > 0 [ let harvest-amount grass-amount * 1 set grass-amount grass-amount - harvest-amount set resource resource + harvest-amount ] recolor-grass end to share ifelse breed = apersons [ share-apersons ] [ if breed = bpersons [ share-bpersons ] ] end to share-apersons ;;modified from diffusion on a directed network model let recipients apersons in-radius 3 ;; larger radius to suggest more egalitarian, but what if no one from breed in radius? directed link network a better guarantee if any? recipients [ ask recipients [ set resource resource + ( apersons-share-amount / count recipients ) ] ] set resource resource - apersons-share-amount end to share-bpersons ;; modified from diffusion on a directed network model let recipients bpersons in-radius 1 if any? recipients [ ask recipients [ set resource resource + ( bpersons-share-amount / count recipients ) ] ] set resource resource - bpersons-share-amount end to reproduce;;certain age and amount of resource range needed for reproduction; also add sex and neighbor component? ifelse breed = apersons [ reproduce-apersons ] [ if breed = bpersons [ reproduce-bpersons ] ] end to reproduce-apersons ;; must modify reproduction - look at % reproduction in wolf sheep predation model if age >= 15 and age <= 40 ;; and last_reproduced < current_tick - 4 [ hatch random (apersons-number-offspring) [ setup-apersons ] set resource resource / apersons-number-offspring] end to reproduce-bpersons if age >= 15 and age <= 40;; and (last_reproduced < current_tick - 4 [ hatch random (bpersons-number-offspring) [ setup-bpersons ] set resource resource / bpersons-number-offspring] end ;;------------------- ;; PATCH UPDATES ;;------------------- to regrow-grass ask patches [ set grass-amount grass-amount + 0.01 if grass-amount > 10 [ set grass-amount 10 ] recolor-grass ] end to recolor-grass set pcolor scale-color green grass-amount 0 20 end ;;------------------------------------- ;; MONITORING AND REPORTING PROCEDURES ;;------------------------------------- to-report resource-fraction ;; GL, feeding example. the math let possible-resource (count patches) * 10 let total-resource sum [ grass-amount ] of patches report total-resource / possible-resource end to update-lorenz-and-gini let num-people count turtles let sorted-wealths sort [resource] of turtles let total-wealth sum sorted-wealths let wealth-sum-so-far 0 let index 0 set gini-index-reserve 0 set lorenz-points [] repeat num-people [ set wealth-sum-so-far (wealth-sum-so-far + item index sorted-wealths) set lorenz-points lput ((wealth-sum-so-far / total-wealth) * 100) lorenz-points set index (index + 1) set gini-index-reserve gini-index-reserve + (index / num-people) - (wealth-sum-so-far / total-wealth) ] end
There is only one version of this model, created about 7 years ago by Kailin Hatlestad.
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Socio-Natural Model.png | preview | Preview image | about 7 years ago, by Kailin Hatlestad | Download |
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