Modeling employment of university graduates

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Default-person Hossein Sabzian (Author)


economic planning; 

Tagged by Hossein Sabzian almost 7 years ago

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breed [ industries industry] ;; industry breed
breed [ universities university] ;; university breed
breed [ students student] ;; student breed
industries-own [
ind-type ;; the types of industry including  high-tech, mid-tech and low-tech
capacity  ;; the capacity of each industry type
universities-own [
  grade ;; the rank of university including grade A, grade B and grade C.
students-own [
  job? ;; when the student has a job, it is true otherwise it is false.
  age ;; the age of students if exceeding 100, the student dies
  gradu-period ;; the period of student graduation ranging from 1 to ....n
globals [
  value ;; a value for counting graduation period

to setup
resize-world -30 30 -16 16  ;; the size of world view
ask patches [ set pcolor magenta]

industrial-district ;; industrial district is established ( either spread or concentrated)
uinversity-district ;; university district is established (either spread or concentrated)

ask industries [
ask universities [

set value 0


to go
   ;; a specified number of targeted graduates should be achieved over 5 years so universities are called for meeting this need.
  if count students < num-of-targeted-graduates-for-a-5year-period [


  ask students [
    update-age  ;; students update age
  ask students with [not job?] [

    come-to-market  ;; unemployed students come to market
    search-for-job  ;; ;; unemployed students search for job


;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;helper procedures
;; This is a core mechanism for connecting graduates to universities.In this a high-tech industry just recruits grade A students
;; a mid-tech industry just recruits grade B students and a low-tech industry only recruits grade C students.

to search-for-job
  let target-industry one-of industries-here
  ifelse target-industry != nobody [
    if [capacity] of target-industry > 0 [
      if color = [color] of target-industry [setxy [xcor] of target-industry [ycor] of target-industry  set job? true ask target-industry [ set capacity capacity - 1 ]

  [ come-to-market ]

;; a gtaduate come to market

to come-to-market
  rt random 90
  lt random 90
  if not can-move? 1 [ rt 180]
  fd 1

to update-age
  if age > 21 [ set age age + 0.025 ] ;; since 40 ticks are 1 year
  if age  > 100 [ die]   ;; the limit of lifetime

to ask-universities-to-train
  let gra-target ( num-of-targeted-graduates-for-a-5year-period / 5 ) ;;;  number of graduates per year
  if (ticks > 0 and (ticks mod 40 = 0) )  [  while  [ gra-target > 0 ] [
    ask one-of universities [hatch-students 1 [features] set gra-target gra-target - 1  ]
  set value value + 1
;; features of a student when he or she gets graduated

to features
  set shape "person"
  set job? false  ;; has no job
  set age 22  ;; is at 22. this is for bachelors and can be extended.
  set gradu-period value + 1 ;; his or her graduation period is chosen
  fd 0.5

;; universities grading system completely depends on the quanlity of universities. The grades range from A to C.

to set-grade
  ifelse random-float 1.0 <= university-quality
  [set grade 1 set color white] [ifelse random-float 1.0 <= university-quality [set grade 2 set color cyan ] [set grade 3 set color gray]]

to set-capacity
   if ind-type = 1 [set capacity cap-of-high-tech-industries]
   if ind-type = 2  [ set capacity cap-of-mid-tech-industries]
   if ind-type = 3  [ set capacity cap-of-low-tech-industries]

to set-type
  ifelse random-float 1.0 <= inudstry-advancement [set ind-type 1 set color white] [ifelse random-float 1.0 <= inudstry-advancement
    [set ind-type 2 set color cyan ] [set ind-type 3 set color gray]]

to industrial-district
  ifelse spatial-spread? [
  while [count industries < num-of-industries] [
  ask one-of patches with [not any? turtles-here] [ sprout-industries 1 [set shape "pentagon"] ]
  [  ;set industrial-zone patches with [ pxcor >= 15 and pycor >= 8 ]
    while [count industries < num-of-industries]
    [ ask one-of industrial-zone with [not any? turtles-here] [ sprout-industries 1 [set shape "pentagon"] ]  ]

to uinversity-district

  ifelse spatial-spread? [
  while [count universities < num-of-universities] [
  ask one-of patches with [not any? turtles-here] [ sprout-universities 1 [set shape "square"] ]
    while [count universities < num-of-universities]
    [ ask one-of university-zone with [not any? turtles-here] [ sprout-universities 1 [set shape "square"] ]  ]
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; University Zone  & industrial Zone

to-report university-zone
  let unive-zone patches with [ pxcor <= -12 and pycor <= -5 ]
  report  unive-zone

to-report industrial-zone
  let indust-zone patches with [ pxcor >= 15 and pycor >= 8 ]
  report  indust-zone
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Industrial Capacity

to-report capacity-of-industries
  report sum [capacity] of industries

to-report total-capacity

  let high-techs (count industries with [ind-type = 1 ] * cap-of-high-tech-industries)
  let mid-techs (count industries with [ind-type = 2 ] * cap-of-mid-tech-industries)
  let low-techs (count industries with [ind-type = 3 ] * cap-of-low-tech-industries)
  report (high-techs + mid-techs + low-techs  )

There is only one version of this model, created almost 7 years ago by Hossein Sabzian.

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Modeling employment of university graduates.png preview Preview for 'Modeling employment of university graduates' almost 7 years ago, by Hossein Sabzian Download

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