Water Cycle MSU

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Default-person MSU ACMES (Author)


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;; Variables ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

globals [
  cloud-line      ;; y coordinate of bottom row of cloud
  surface        ;; y coordinate of top row of earth
  rain-incrementer ;;tell me when to delete cloud

breed [trees my-tree]
breed [fishes fish]
breed [cacti cactus]
breed [rivers river]
breed [boats boat]
breed [clouds cloud]
breed [rainfall rain]
breed [lakes lake]
breed [suns sun]
breed [vapors vapor]
breed [mountain-peak mountain]
breed [mountain-body mountain1]
breed [runoff run1]
breed [ponds pond]
breed [water infiltration]
breed [vegetations vegetation]

;; Setup Procedures ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

;; ;;;;;; Setup ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

to reset
  set cloudDeleter 0
  set cloudInPosition? false
  set climate "temperate"
  set LandTemperature 60
  set Relative_humidity 70
  set AirTemperature 45
  set MountainTemperature 33
  set LakeTemperature 55
   set runoff-mover 1
  set sideCloudSize 56
  set makeCloud? false
  set isRaining? 0
  set hitCloud? false
  set vapor-incrementer 45
  set cloudsize 70
  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; set global variable values
  set cloud-line 100
  set surface -30; set the height of the earth
  set top-of-cloud 86
  set bottom-of-cloud 72

   ask patches [
    if pycor = surface ;; set color of the earth surface with input number of positive streamers
      [set pcolor green - 1]
    if pycor > (cloud-line - 1)
      [set pcolor gray]    ;;set color of the cloud
    if pycor > surface and pycor < cloud-line
      [set pcolor blue]  ;; set color of the sky
    if pycor < surface
      [set pcolor green] ;; set color of the earth
    if pycor < -70 and pycor > -100 ;; set groundwater
       [set pcolor brown]
    if pxcor > -70 and pxcor < 70 and pycor < -80
        [set pcolor blue + 1]
    ;;set up mountain
    if pycor < 20 and pxcor < -75 and pycor > surface
       [set pcolor gray - 2]
    if pycor < surface and pxcor > 60 and pycor > -55
    [set pcolor blue + 1]

  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; create the trees in the meadow based on the slider value for the number of trees
  create-trees 30 [
    set shape "grass"
    set size (5)
    setxy random(50) - 25 (surface + size / 2)

  create-trees 10 [
    set shape "myPineTree"
    set size random(10) + 30
    setxy random(70) - 110 (surface - random(5) - 20)

  create-ponds 1 [
    set shape "circle"
    set size 9
    setxy -70 -85
    set color blue + 1
   create-ponds 1 [
    set shape "circle"
    set size 9
    setxy 70 -85
    set color blue + 1

  create-vegetations 4[
    set shape "rabbit"
    set size random(2) + 5
    setxy random(90) - 110 (surface - random(15) - 25)
  create-vegetations 4[
    set shape "bug"
    set size random(2) + 2
    setxy random(70) - 110 (surface - random(15) - 20)

  ;;create rainfall
  create-rainfall 14[
    set shape "line"
    set size 5
    setxy random(7 * 7) - (117) 70 + random(10)
    set heading 180
    set color blue + 1

  ;;create lake/ocean
  create-lakes 1[
    set shape "circle"
    set size 50
    setxy 60 surface
    set color blue + 1

  create-vapors 14[
    set shape "dot"
    set size 5
    setxy 75 + (sideCloudSize / 2) - random(vapor-incrementer) surface
    set color red + 2

  ;;create sun
  create-suns 1 [
    set shape "sun"
    set color yellow
    set size 20
    setxy 90 75

  create-mountain-peak 1[
    set shape "triangle"
    set size 30
    set color white
    setxy -109 30

  create-mountain-peak 1[
    set shape "triangle"
    set size 30
    set color white
    setxy -90 30

  create-mountain-body 1[
    set shape "triangle"
    set size 70
    set color gray - 2
    setxy -95 surface + 21.5
  create-mountain-body 1[
    set shape "triangle"
    set size 70
    set color gray - 2
    setxy -76 surface + 21.5

     create-clouds 1 [
    set heading 0
    set shape "cloud3"
    set size 90
    setxy -90 75
    set color grey
    set cloudYCor ycor
    set firstCloudXCor xcor
    set leftFirstCloud (firstCloudXCor - (size / 3))
  set firstCloud one-of clouds

  create-clouds 1 [
    set heading 0
    set shape "cloud3"
    set size 86
    setxy 75 35
    set color white - 1

  create-lakes 1[
    set color blue
    set size 80
    set heading 360
    set shape "rectangle"
    setxy 60 surface + 13

  create-runoff 14[
    set color blue + 1
    set shape "dot"
    set size 5
    setxy -109 40
   create-runoff 14[
    set color blue + 1
    set shape "dot"
    set size 5
    setxy -89 40

  create-water 14[
    set color blue + 1
    set shape "line"
    set heading 180
    set size 8
    setxy random(50) - 25 surface - 10

;;; Runtime Procedures ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

to go
  ifelse (landTemperature < 32)
    ask patches[
    if pycor = surface
      [set pcolor white]
    if pycor < surface
      [set pcolor white]
      if pycor <= surface and pxcor > 60 and pycor > -55
    [set pcolor blue + 1]
      if pycor < -65 and pycor > -100 ;; set groundwater
       [set pcolor brown]
    if pxcor > -70 and pxcor < 70 and pycor < -80
        [set pcolor blue + 1]

    ask patches[
      if pycor <= surface
        set pcolor green
      if pycor <= surface and pxcor > 60 and pycor > -55
    [set pcolor blue + 1]
      if pycor < -70 and pycor > -100 ;; set groundwater
       [set pcolor brown]
    if pxcor > -70 and pxcor < 70 and pycor < -80
        [set pcolor blue + 1]
    if ticks mod (11 - floor (Relative_humidity / 10)) = 0 [
      if (isRaining? = 0 and climate = "temperate")[
  ifelse LandTemperature  >= 0[
    if makeCloud? = true[
    if ticks mod (floor (Relative_humidity / 10) + 1) = 0 [
    set vapor-mover 1
    set vapor-mover 0

;;Has the rain go down

to try-rain
  ask rainfall[
    ifelse ycor >= surface [
      if AirTemperature < 25[
        set ycor ycor - 2 ]
      if AirTemperature >= 25 and AirTemperature < 50[
        set ycor ycor - 3 ]
      if AirTemperature >= 50[
        set ycor ycor - 4 ]
      set infiltratexcor xcor
      set isInfiltrating? true
  if count rainfall = 0 [
    set isInfiltrating? false

to try-vapor
  ask vapors[
    ifelse ycor + (LakeTemperature / 4) < 30 [
      if ycor != -60[
      set ycor ycor + (LakeTemperature / 4) / 3
      set hitCloud? true
    if hitCloud? = true[
    ask clouds[
    if (color = white - 1)[
          ifelse (size + 5 <= 70)[
            set size size + 1
            set vapor-incrementer size
            set sideCloudSize size
            set vapor-incrementer 0
            set size 70
            set xcor 74
            set hitCloud? false
            set makeCloud? true
          ifelse (climate = "temperate")
            set color white
            set color grey

to create-vapor
   create-vapors 14[
    set shape "dot"
    set size 5
    setxy 80 + (sideCloudSize / 2) - random(vapor-incrementer) surface
    set color red + 2

;;Creates rain so there is a continuous supply

to create-rain

    ifelse (is-turtle? firstCloud)
      ask firstCloud[
        set firstCloudXCor xcor
      create-rainfall 14[
        set shape "line"
        set size 5
      ifelse (firstCloudXCor - (cloudsize / 3) < -120)
        set leftFirstCloud -120
        set leftFirstCloud firstCloudXCor - (cloudsize / 3)
        setxy leftFirstCloud + random((cloudsize / 7) * 5) cloudYcor + random(5)
        set color blue + 1
        set heading 180
    if LandTemperature < 33 and AirTemperature > 32 and AirTemperature <= 75[

        create-rainfall 14[
    set shape "line"
    set size 5
    setxy random((cloudsize / 5) * 7) - (80) cloudYcor + random(5)
    set color blue + 1
    set heading 180
      ask rainfall[
        if ycor < surface + 35[

    set shape "dot"
    set size 5

    set color white
    set heading 180

  if LandTemperature > 32 and AirTemperature < 33 [

        create-rainfall 14[
    set shape "dot"
    set size 5
    setxy random((cloudsize / 5) * 7) - (80) cloudYcor + random(5)
    set color white
    set heading 180
      ask rainfall[
        if ycor < surface + 35[

    set shape "line"
    set size 5

    set color blue + 1
    set heading 180

    if AirTemperature < 33[
    create-rainfall 14[
    set shape "dot"
    set size 5
    setxy random((cloudsize / 5) * 7) - (80) cloudYcor + random(5)
    set color white
    set heading 180
    if AirTemperature >= 33 and AirTemperature <= 75[
        create-rainfall 14[
    set shape "line"
    set size 5
    setxy random((cloudsize / 5) * 7) - (80) cloudYcor + random(5)
    set color blue + 1
    set heading 180

    if Relative_humidity > 50
    [create-rainfall 14[
    set shape "line"
    set size 5
    setxy random((cloudsize / 5) * 7) - (80) cloudYcor + random(5)
    set color blue + 1
    set heading 180
  ask rainfall[
  if AirTemperature > 75 and Relative_humidity < 50[
    if Relative_humidity = 0[

to make-cloud-smaller
  if (Relative_humidity > 75)
    set cloudDeleter cloudDeleter + 1
  ifelse (cloudDeleter < 3 and Relative_humidity > 75)
    set cloudDeleter 0
    ask clouds[
      if color = grey[
        if (ycor + 4 <= 75)
          set ycor ycor + 4
          set xcor xcor - 4
          set cloudYCor ycor
        ifelse (size - 4 >= 20)
          set size size - 4
          set cloudsize cloudsize - 4
          set xcor xcor - 1
          set cloudsize 70
          set isRaining? 1

to try-runoff
  if (climate = "temperate")[
    ask runoff [
      ifelse ycor - runoff-mover >= surface - 3
        ifelse MountainTemperature < 33[
        set ycor ycor - (runoff-mover / 2.5) - (MountainTemperature / 150)
        set xcor xcor + (random(runoff-mover + .5)) / 2.5
        if color != green[
          set xcor xcor + runoff-mover
      if xcor > 70
  if LandTemperature < 33 [
    ask runoff[
      if xcor > -42 [

to runoff-maker

    if MountainTemperature < 33[
    create-runoff 1[
      set color white
      set shape "dot"
      set size 5
      setxy -109 40
      if xcor < -30 [
    if MountainTemperature >= 33[
       create-runoff 5[
      set color blue + 1
      set shape "dot"
      set size 5
      setxy -109 40
     if MountainTemperature < 33[
    create-runoff 1[
      set color white
      set shape "dot"
      set size 5
      setxy -89 40
      if xcor < -30 [
    if MountainTemperature >= 33[
       create-runoff 5[
      set color blue + 1
      set shape "dot"
      set size 5
      setxy -89 40
  if LandTemperature > 33[
  create-runoff 8[
      set color blue + 1
      set shape "dot"
      set size 5
      setxy -54 -20

to try-infiltrate
  ask water[
    ifelse ycor - runoff-mover >= -80[
      set ycor ycor - runoff-mover

to create-infiltration
  if (climate = "temperate") and LandTemperature > 32[
  create-water (LandTemperature / 5)[
    set color blue + 1
    set shape "line"
    set heading 180
    set size 8
    setxy random(150) - 80 surface - 12

to move-cloud-temperate
  ask clouds[
    if color = white[
      ifelse xcor - 2 > -20[
        set xcor xcor - 4
        ask clouds[
          if color = grey
          if color = white[
            set cloudSize size
        set color grey
        set xcor xcor + 3
        set cloudInPosition? true
        set isRaining? 0
        set cloudYcor ycor

to create-cloud
create-clouds 1[
          set color white - 1
          set size 0
          set shape "cloud3"
          set heading 0
          setxy 75 25
          set sideCloudSize size
  set makeCloud? false

There is only one version of this model, created almost 6 years ago by MSU ACMES.

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