Bahria University Cafeteria Model 3

Bahria University Cafeteria Model 3 preview image

1 collaborator

Img20171125151127 Sannan Butt (Author)



Tagged by Sannan Butt almost 7 years ago

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patches-own [
  table-number   ;; number (1, 2, or 3) to identify the food sources

turtles-own [fwd

breed [male maless]
breed [female femaless]
breed [waiter waiters]
breed [servant servants]

to setup
 ask patches [ set pcolor orange ]
  create-female females
     set shape "person"
    set color brown
    setxy 2  -10
     set label waits
    set heading 0
    set fwd 1
  create-male males
     set shape "person"
     set label waits
  set color black
    set heading 0
   setxy -1 -10
  set fwd 1

   create-waiter 1[
     set shape "person service"
  setxy 0 11
    set heading 180
   set color white
   create-servant 3[
    set shape "person"
  setxy random-xcor random-ycor
set size 2
   set color white

  ask patches[
  ask  turtles[
  set num 0
    set i 19
set head 0
    set waits 0
    set Fe 0
    set Ma 0

  create-turtles 1 [
  set color orange
  set size 3
  setxy -15 -14


to go

   ask turtles[

   if i = 3
      set i 19
ask turtles[
    if Fe >= 8 [stop]
    if num < 8[
    ask turtle num [

    while [fwd < i][

        fd 0.1
      set fwd fwd + 0.1

       ;set num num - 1

if num < 4 [ set heading 90]
        if num > 4 and num < 8 [ set heading -90]
     set num num + 1
  set i i - 4
    if num >= 8 [
      if head < 8 [

      ask turtle head [
      fd 0.67

      set head head + 1


ask servant [
    rt one-of [-90 0 90]                ;; go left, straight, or right
    forward 1
;    set heading ((random 4) * 90)
;    fd 0.1

          set waiting random 100

if head >= 8[

    if Fe < 8

    ask turtle Fe

        while [waiting != waits ]
          set waits waits + 1
              set label waits
          if waits = waiting
           set lab waits
              set label lab
              set heading 180
              set Ma Ma + lab
              fd 4

          set waits 0

     set Fe Fe + 1



to move-turtle

;    if M > 3 and M <= 7[
;    ask turtle M
;      [
; if head >= 8[
;      if label != "0"[
;          set waiting random 100
;            ]
;       set waits 0
;        while [waiting != waits ]
;        [
;          set waits waits + 1
;              set label waits
;          if waits = waiting
;          [
;            die
;          ]
;        ]
;          set M M + 1
;      ]
;    ]
;  ]

to setup-table  ;; patch procedure

    if (distancexy ( 2 * max-pxcor) 14) < 4
   set pcolor Blue
  ;; setup Table one on the right
  if (distancexy (0.6 * max-pxcor) 0) < 0.6
  [ set table-number 1
   set pcolor grey
  if (distancexy (0.6 * max-pxcor) 4) < 0.6
  [ set table-number 2
   set pcolor grey
   if (distancexy (0.6 * max-pxcor) 8) < 0.6
  [ set table-number 3 ]
    if (distancexy (0.6 * max-pxcor) -4) < 0.6
  [ set table-number 4
   set pcolor grey

  if (distancexy (-0.6 * max-pxcor) 0) < 0.6
  [ set table-number 5
   set pcolor grey]
  if (distancexy (-0.6 * max-pxcor) 4) < 0.6
  [ set table-number 6
   set pcolor grey]
  if (distancexy (-0.6 * max-pxcor) 8) < 0.6
  [ set table-number 7
   set pcolor grey]

  if (distancexy (-0.6 * max-pxcor) -4) < 0.6
  [ set table-number 1 ]

to recolor-patch  ;; patch procedure
  ;; give color to nest and food sources

      if table-number  = 1 [ set pcolor grey ]
      if table-number  = 2 [ set pcolor grey  ]
      if table-number  = 3 [ set pcolor grey ]
    ;; scale color to show chemical concentration

There is only one version of this model, created almost 7 years ago by Sannan Butt.

Attached files

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Bahria University Cafeteria Model 3.png preview Preview for 'Bahria University Cafeteria Model 3' almost 7 years ago, by Sannan Butt Download

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