bahriaa uni Cafeteria 1

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Default-person Abdullah yousaf (Author)



Tagged by Abdullah yousaf almost 7 years ago

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Model was written in NetLogo 6.0.2 • Viewed 592 times • Downloaded 21 times • Run 0 times
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globals [
  tablem-x tablem-y
  tablef-x tablef-y
breed [persons person]
breed [waiters waiter]
persons-own[ time_to_leave]

to setup

to make-student
 create-persons n--students
    choose-sex                   ;; become a man or a woman
    set size 1.5
    setxy 16 0.5
    set shape "person"
    set time_to_leave random 2

to choose-sex  ;; turtle procedure
  set color one-of [pink blue]

to go
  ask persons[
 lt random 30
  rt random 30
  fd 0.1
    setxy random-pxcor random-pycor
 ask persons with [color = blue and xcor >= tablem-x + 5 and ycor >= tablem-y + 5]
  [ stop
     fd 0]

  ask persons with [color = pink and xcor >= tablef-x + 5 and ycor >= tablef-y + 5 ]
  [ stop fd 0]

to  setup-tables

    ask patch -13 66
     set pcolor yellow

to setup-tabels
  ask patches [ set pcolor white ]

  set table_patches1 patches with [ pxcor = 11  and pycor = -8 ]
  ask table_patches1 [ set pcolor pink
  ask neighbors4 [ set pcolor pink ]

   set table_patches4 patches with [ pxcor = -1    and pycor = -13]
  ask table_patches4 [ set pcolor pink
  ask neighbors4 [ set pcolor pink ]

  set table_patches4 patches with [ pxcor = 7    and pycor = -8 ]
  ask table_patches4 [ set pcolor pink
  ask neighbors4 [ set pcolor pink ]

  set table_patches4 patches with [ pxcor = 9    and pycor = -8 ]
  ask table_patches4 [ set pcolor pink
  ask neighbors4 [ set pcolor pink ]

   set table_patches4 patches with [ pxcor = -5    and pycor = -13]
  ask table_patches4 [ set pcolor pink
  ask neighbors4 [ set pcolor pink ]

  set table_patches4 patches with [ pxcor = -5    and pycor = -13]
  ask table_patches4 [ set pcolor pink
  ask neighbors4 [ set pcolor pink ]
   set table_patches4 patches with [ pxcor = -3    and pycor = -13]
  ask table_patches4 [ set pcolor pink
  ask neighbors4 [ set pcolor pink ]

   set table_patches4 patches with [ pxcor = -13    and pycor = 0]
  ask table_patches4 [ set pcolor pink
  ask neighbors4 [ set pcolor pink ]

  set table_patches4 patches with [ pxcor = -11    and pycor = -0]
  ask table_patches4 [ set pcolor pink
  ask neighbors4 [ set pcolor pink ]
   set table_patches4 patches with [ pxcor = -9    and pycor = 0]
  ask table_patches4 [ set pcolor pink
  ask neighbors4 [ set pcolor pink ]

   set table_patches4 patches with [ pxcor = 2    and pycor = 1]
  ask table_patches4 [ set pcolor pink
  ask neighbors4 [ set pcolor pink ]

  set table_patches4 patches with [ pxcor = 5   and pycor = 1]
  ask table_patches4 [ set pcolor pink
  ask neighbors4 [ set pcolor pink ]
   set table_patches4 patches with [ pxcor = -9    and pycor = 0]
  ask table_patches4 [ set pcolor pink
  ask neighbors4 [ set pcolor pink ]

There is only one version of this model, created almost 7 years ago by Abdullah yousaf.

Attached files

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bahriaa uni Cafeteria 1.png preview Preview for ' bahriaa uni Cafeteria 1' almost 7 years ago, by Abdullah yousaf Download

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