Bahria Cafe V1
Model was written in NetLogo 6.0.1
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breed [persons person] breed [waiters waiter] persons-own[ time_to_leave] patches-own[student-on-table] globals [ available tablem-x tablem-y tablef-x tablef-y ] to setup clear-all open-door set-tables set-chairs student-come set available 0 reset-ticks end to open-door ask patches with [ pxcor = 16 and pycor = 0] [ set pcolor brown ] end to set-tables let table 1 set tablem-x 8 + min-pxcor set tablem-y 7 set tablef-x 24 + min-pxcor set tablef-y 7 while [table < tables ] [ ask patch tablem-x tablem-y [ set pcolor brown set table table + 1 set tablem-y tablem-y + 10 ] ask patch tablef-x tablef-y [ set pcolor brown set table table + 1 set tablef-y tablef-y + 10 ] ] end to set-chairs ask patch 5 28[ set pcolor orange ] ask patch 5 26[ set pcolor orange ] ask patch 5 18[ set pcolor orange ] ask patch 5 16[ set pcolor orange ] ask patch 5 8[ set pcolor orange ] ask patch 5 6[ set pcolor orange ] ask patch 11 28[ set pcolor orange ] ask patch 11 26[ set pcolor orange ] ask patch 11 18[ set pcolor orange ] ask patch 11 16[ set pcolor orange ] ask patch 11 8[ set pcolor orange ] ask patch 11 6[ set pcolor orange ] ask patch 21 28[ set pcolor orange ] ask patch 21 26[ set pcolor orange ] ask patch 21 18[ set pcolor orange ] ask patch 21 16[ set pcolor orange ] ask patch 21 8[ set pcolor orange ] ask patch 21 6[ set pcolor orange ] ask patch 27 28[ set pcolor orange ] ask patch 27 26[ set pcolor orange ] ask patch 27 18[ set pcolor orange ] ask patch 27 16[ set pcolor orange ] ask patch 27 8[ set pcolor orange ] ask patch 27 6[ set pcolor orange ] end to student-come create-persons initial-students [ choose-sex ;; become a man or a woman set size 1.5 setxy 16 0.5 set shape "person" set time_to_leave -1 ] end to choose-sex ;; turtle procedure set color one-of [pink blue] end to go if not any? persons [ stop ] ask persons[ ifelse time_to_leave = -1 [ wiggle direct-way ] [ set time_to_leave time_to_leave - 1 if time_to_leave = 0 [ wiggle die ] ] ] if count persons with [ycor > 0] < initial-students [ create-persons 1 [ choose-sex ;; become a man or a woman set size 1.5 setxy 16 0.5 set shape "person" set time_to_leave -1 ] ] tick end to wiggle if pcolor != white and pcolor != brown [ rt random-float 30 lt random-float 30 forward 1 ] if pcolor = brown [ fd 3 ] if pcolor = orange [ set pcolor white fd 0 set time_to_leave random Avg-waiting-time ] if pcolor = white and time_to_leave = 0 [ set pcolor orange ] end to direct-way if color = blue and xcor >= 16 [ rt 180 ] if color = pink and xcor < 16 [ lt 180 ] end
There is only one version of this model, created almost 7 years ago by sumbal khan.
Attached files
File | Type | Description | Last updated | |
Bahria Cafe V1.png | preview | Preview for 'Bahria Cafe V1' | almost 7 years ago, by sumbal khan | Download |
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