Northwestern Group Dynamics
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extensions [nw cf] breed [students student] breed [organizations organization] undirected-link-breed [friendships friendship] globals [ all-types ] students-own [ freshman? ;to distinguish between freshmen and upperclassmen group-types-wanted group total-groups-recruited-for happy? ] organizations-own [ name group-types drops-in-year ;counts how many students drop the group in a given year ] ;; To setup the model to setup clear-all set all-types ["cultural" "engineering" "greek" "business"] ;25% students are freshmen, rest upperclassmen initialize-orgs initialize-network initialize-freshmen colorize layout reset-ticks end ;; The go procedure that runs until all freshmen are in a group or have exhausted their recruitment limits ;; Calls next year procedure if 'years-roll-on' switch is enabled to go ; continue if there exists freshmen with no group or max-recruitment-limit not reached if count students with [freshman? = true and group = nobody and total-groups-recruited-for < student-recruit-limit] = 0 [ tabulate-happiness tick reset-drops-in-yr ifelse years-roll-on [ next-year ] [ stop ] ] ask students[ let new-friend nobody ifelse freshman? [ ;; 50% chance of meeting freshman vs upperclassmen (as opposed to doing it randomly, would be 25 - 75 based on population) ifelse random 10 < 5 [ set new-friend one-of other students with [freshman? = true] ] [ set new-friend one-of students with [freshman? = false]] ] [ ; upperclassmen meet new ppl w/ only 50% prbability since they are less likely to mingle if random 100 < 50 [ ;; 80% chance of meeting upperclassmen vs freshmen ifelse random 10 < 8 [ set new-friend one-of other students with [freshman? = false] ] [ set new-friend one-of students with [freshman? = true] ] ] ] if new-friend != nobody [ ; If not already friends, then: if not member? new-friend friendship-neighbors [ create-friendship-with new-friend ] ; if still looking for a group, and new friend is in a group if [group] of new-friend != nobody and group = nobody[ let potential-new-group [group] of new-friend if recruit? potential-new-group [ set group potential-new-group ] ] ] ] colorize layout end ;; To initialize the hidden organizations, with their names and group-types to initialize-orgs create-organizations 1 [ set name "ISBE" set hidden? true set group-types ["business"] set drops-in-year 0 ] create-organizations 1 [ set name "Sig Nu" set hidden? true set group-types ["greek"] set drops-in-year 0 ] create-organizations 1 [ set name "EPIC" set hidden? true set group-types ["business" ] set drops-in-year 0 ] create-organizations 1 [ set name "MCSA" set hidden? true set group-types ["cultural"] set drops-in-year 0 ] create-organizations 1 [ set name "Alpha Phi" set hidden? true set group-types ["greek"] set drops-in-year 0 ] create-organizations 1 [ set name "IEEE" set hidden? true set group-types ["engineering"] set drops-in-year 0 ] create-organizations 1 [ set name "Formula" set hidden? true set group-types ["engineering"] set drops-in-year 0 ] create-organizations 1 [ set name "SASA" set hidden? true set group-types ["cultural"] set drops-in-year 0 ] end ;; To initialize the initial network of Northwestern upperclassmen with preferrential attachment using built-in Networks extension to initialize-network ;each upperclassman has at least 5 friends nw:generate-preferential-attachment students friendships (num-students * 3 / 4) 5 ask students [ set freshman? false set group-types-wanted get-two-types ; put student in a group that is of one of the types he wants set group one-of organizations with [ member? (item 0 [group-types-wanted] of myself) group-types or member? (item 1 [group-types-wanted] of myself) group-types ] set happy? true set total-groups-recruited-for 1 ] end ;; The recruit procedure, that returns true if the student is accepted in org, false otherwise ;; Calls the recruit-freshman? or recruit-upperclassman? procedure depending on the year of the student ;; student procedure to-report recruit? [ org ] ifelse freshman? [ report recruit-freshman? org ] [ report recruit-upperclassman? org ] end ;; Freshman recruit procedure, returns true if the student is accepted in org, false otherwise ;; student procedure to-report recruit-freshman? [ org ] ; can only try to recruit if not exceeded limit let total-members-in-org count students with [group != nobody and [name] of group = [name] of org] if total-members-in-org >= group-recruitment-limit [ report false ] ifelse total-groups-recruited-for < student-recruit-limit [ set total-groups-recruited-for total-groups-recruited-for + 1 let x 0 ;x represents # of group types wanted by student that are also in the group type of the selected organization let y 0 ;y represents total # of group types wanted by student foreach group-types-wanted [ g-type -> if member? g-type [group-types] of org [ set x x + 1 ] set y y + 1 ] ;;once student has recruited for the max number of groups, he has a 50% chance of joining the group if there is no fit- desperation if total-groups-recruited-for = student-recruit-limit and x = 0[ set x 1 set y 2 ] ifelse random 100 < x / y * 100 [ report true ] [ report false ] ] [ report false ] end ;; Upperclassman recruit procedure, returns true if the student is accepted in org, false otherwise ;; student procedure to-report recruit-upperclassman? [ org ] let num-friends-in-org count friendship-neighbors with [group != nobody and [name] of group = [name] of org] let total-members-in-org count students with [group != nobody and [name] of group = [name] of org] if total-members-in-org >= group-recruitment-limit [ report false ] if total-groups-recruited-for > student-recruit-limit [ report false ] ;if you have an intersecting interest, you will join the group as an upperclassmen with 75% probability; or if you know more than threshold% of the group foreach group-types-wanted [ g-type -> if member? g-type [group-types] of org and random 100 < 75[ report true ] ] ifelse num-friends-in-org / total-members-in-org * 100 > group-friendship-threshold-% [ report true ] [ report false ] end ;; Initializes a new class of freshmen, with no friends or organization to initialize-freshmen create-students num-students / 4 [ set freshman? true set happy? false set total-groups-recruited-for 0 set group nobody set group-types-wanted get-two-types ] end ;; Sets the color and shape of the students based on their year and group affiliations to colorize ask students [ ifelse freshman? [ set shape "default" ] [ set shape "circle" ] ] ask students with [group = nobody ] [ set color white ] ask students with [group != nobody] [ (cf:ifelse [name] of group = "ISBE" [ set color red ] [name] of group = "Sig Nu" [ set color green ] [name] of group = "EPIC" [ set color violet ] [name] of group = "MCSA" [ set color yellow ] [name] of group = "Alpha Phi" [ set color pink ] [name] of group = "IEEE" [ set color cyan ] [name] of group = "Formula" [ set color orange ] [name] of group = "SASA" [ set color brown ] ) ] end ;; Sets the happy? parameter of each student as true/false at the end of the year to tabulate-happiness ask students [ ifelse group = nobody [ ;;unhappy if in no group set happy? false ] [ ;unhappy if in a group with no interests in common let interests-in-common 0 foreach group-types-wanted [ g-type -> if member? g-type [group-types] of group [ set interests-in-common interests-in-common + 1 ] ] ifelse interests-in-common = 0 [ ; if no interests in common, can still be happy if many friends in the group let num-friends-in-same-group count friendship-neighbors with [group != nobody and [name] of group = [name] of [group] of myself] let total-members-my-org count students with [group != nobody and [name] of group = [name] of [group] of myself] ifelse num-friends-in-same-group / total-members-my-org * 100 < group-friendship-threshold-% [ set happy? false ] [ set happy? true ] ] [ set happy? true ] ] ] end ;; Network visualization procedure to layout repeat 30 [ layout-spring students with [freshman? = false] friendships 0.2 5 1 layout-circle students with [freshman? = true] 10 display ] end ;; Called at the end of the year- seniors graduate, freshmen become upperclassmen, students drop groups if unhappy, and new class of freshmen initialized to next-year ;;33% of upperclassmen graduate (upperclasmen = soph, jun, sen)- only seniors graduate ask n-of (25 / 100 * num-students) students with [freshman? = false] [ die ] ask students with [freshman? = true] [ set freshman? false ] ask students [ if happy? = false [ if group != nobody [ ask group [ set drops-in-year drops-in-year + 1 ] set group nobody ] ] ] initialize-freshmen colorize layout end ;; Resets drops-in-year of each organization to 0 so can be retabulated for the following year to reset-drops-in-yr ask organizations [ set drops-in-year 0 ] end ;; Returns a list of 2 group-types based on the relative distribution of interests (sliders) to-report get-two-types ;The 2 types may be the same, just means that the particular student is very keen on that type of group let type1 get-one-type let type2 get-one-type report (list type1 type2) end ;; Returns 1 group type based on the relative distribution of interests (sliders) to-report get-one-type let type-probabilities (list cultural-interest engineering-interest greek-interest business-interest) report random-weighted all-types type-probabilities end ;; Returns one element from values list based on the weighted probabilities list weights ;; Source: to-report random-weighted [values weights] let selector (random-float sum weights) let running-sum 0 (foreach values weights [ [a b] -> set running-sum (running-sum + b) if (running-sum > selector) [ report a ] ]) end ;; UNIT TESTS ;; Unit test for random-weighted ;; Takes in an input of 3 weights, reports the distribution of 100 actual values produced by calling the random-weighted function, which should reflect the inputed weights ;; If the sum of input weights is 100, output values will be approximately the same as input, otherwise output will reflect the distribution in a population of 100 to-report test-random-weighted [ weights ] let out [] repeat 100 [ set out lput (random-weighted [ "a" "b" "c"] weights) out ] let num-a 0 let num-b 0 let num-c 0 (foreach out [ x -> (cf:ifelse x = "a" [ set num-a num-a + 1 ] x = "b" [ set num-b num-b + 1 ] x = "c" [ set num-c num-c + 1 ] )]) report (list num-a num-b num-c) end ;; Unit test #1 for recruitment ;; Tests that both freshmen and upperclassmen who have exceeded their recruitment limit do not join the group ;; Reports true if the recruitment procedures are working accordingly, false otherwise to-report test-recruitment-1 clear-all set all-types ["cultural" "engineering" "greek" "business"] set student-recruit-limit 10 ;; all students initialized having exceeded their recruitment limit, with overlapping interest with the group create-students 50 [ set label "test" set freshman? true set happy? false set total-groups-recruited-for 20 set group nobody set group-types-wanted [ "engineering" "greek" ] ] create-students 50 [ set label "test" set freshman? false set happy? false set total-groups-recruited-for 20 set group nobody set group-types-wanted [ "engineering" "greek" ] ] ;; No students in the group initially, so group recruitment limit will not be triggered create-organizations 1 [ set name "test-group" set hidden? true set group-types ["engineering"] set drops-in-year 0 ] ;; if any student gets in, means the recruit function is not working let rep true ask students with [label = "test"] [ if (recruit? (one-of organizations with [name = "test-group"])) = true [ set rep false ] ] report rep end ;; Unit test #2 for recruitment ;; Tests that both freshmen and upperclassmen are rejected by a group that has reached its recruitment capacity ;; Reports true if the recruitment procedures are working accordingly, false otherwise to-report test-recruitment-2 clear-all set all-types ["cultural" "engineering" "greek" "business"] set group-recruitment-limit 10 create-organizations 1 [ set name "test-group" set hidden? true set group-types ["engineering"] set drops-in-year 0 ] ;; initialize the group with 10 members, the limit create-students 10 [ set label "test" set freshman? false set happy? true set total-groups-recruited-for 1 set group one-of organizations with [name = "test-group"] set group-types-wanted get-two-types ] create-students 50 [ set label "test" set freshman? true set happy? false set total-groups-recruited-for 0 set group nobody set group-types-wanted get-two-types ] create-students 50 [ set label "test" set freshman? false set happy? false set total-groups-recruited-for 0 set group nobody set group-types-wanted get-two-types ] ;; if any student gets in, means the recruit function is not working let rep true ask students with [label = "test"] [ if (recruit? (one-of organizations with [name = "test-group"])) = true [ set rep false ] ] report rep end ;; Unit test #3 for recruitment ;; Tests that a freshman with no interest in a group does not join the group ;; Reports true if the recruitment procedures are working accordingly, false otherwise to-report test-recruitment-3 clear-all set all-types ["cultural" "engineering" "greek" "business"] create-students 1 [ set label "test" set freshman? true set happy? false set total-groups-recruited-for 0 set group nobody set group-types-wanted ["cultural" "greek"] ] create-organizations 1 [ set name "test-group" set hidden? true set group-types ["engineering"] set drops-in-year 0 ] ;; if this student gets in, means the recruit function is not working let rep false ask one-of students with [label = "test"] [ ifelse (recruit? (one-of organizations with [name = "test-group"])) = true [ set rep false ] [ set rep true] ] report rep end ;; Unit test #4 for recruitment ;; Confirms that upperclassmen join group if they are friends with more than group-friendship-threshold-% of the members ;; Reports true if the recruitment procedures are working accordingly, false otherwise to-report test-recruitment-4 clear-all set all-types ["cultural" "engineering" "greek" "business"] set group-friendship-threshold-% 25 let temp group-recruitment-limit set group-recruitment-limit 200 create-organizations 1 [ set name "test-group" set hidden? true set group-types ["engineering"] set drops-in-year 0 ] ;; create upperclassman with no overlapping interest create-students 1 [ set label "test" set freshman? false set happy? false set total-groups-recruited-for 0 set group nobody set group-types-wanted ["cultural" "greek"] ] ;; 30 students in the group who are friends with the test student create-students 30 [ set freshman? false set happy? false set total-groups-recruited-for 1 set group one-of organizations with [name = "test-group"] create-friendship-with one-of students with [label = "test"] ] ;; 70 students in the group who are not friends with the test student create-students 70 [ set freshman? false set happy? false set total-groups-recruited-for 1 set group one-of organizations with [name = "test-group"] ] ;; if this student does not get in, means the recruit function is not working, since he is frinds with more than threshold% of students in the group let rep false ask one-of students with [label = "test"] [ print recruit? (one-of organizations with [name = "test-group"]) if (recruit? (one-of organizations with [name = "test-group"])) = true [ set rep true ] ] set group-recruitment-limit temp report rep end
There is only one version of this model, created over 6 years ago by Rohaan Advani.
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Northwestern Group Dynamics.png | preview | Preview for 'Northwestern Group Dynamics' | over 6 years ago, by Rohaan Advani | Download |
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