Adaptive Immunity
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globals [death-rate reg-repro antibody-movement infected active-color] ; death-rate = chance of the turtle dying ; antibody-movement = how many spaces the antibody has moved ; reg-repro = the chance a lymphocyte will reproduce when it is not active or a memory cell ; infected = records whether antigens have been inputted ; active-color = the color of the lymphocyte that responds to the antigen breed [lymphocytes lymphocyte] ; creating a set of lymphocytes breed [antigens antigen] ; creating a set of antigens breed [antibodies antibody] ; creating a set of antibodies breed [measles measle] ; creating special measles antigen breed [vaccines vaccine] ; creating special vaccine antigen lymphocytes-own [active active-time reproduction-rate memory] ; active = whether the cell is active ( 0 is no ; 1 is yes ) ; active-time = how much time left the cell has to be active ; reproduction-rate = how fast the cell reproduces ; memory = records whether the lymphocyte is a memory cell (0 is no ; 1 is yes) antibodies-own [energy] ; energy = how many ticks the antibody has left to live measles-own [measles-duration] vaccines-own [vaccine-duration] ; vaccine-duration = for how many ticks will the vaccines persist in the system to setup clear-all clear-output ask patches [set pcolor white] set infected 0 ; at setup, the system is not infected with any antigens set death-rate 15 ; values fit to give best response, no inherent meaning to these rates set reg-repro 15 set active-color one-of base-colors ;set active color to a random lymphocyte color set-default-shape lymphocytes "circle" ; lymphocytes are circles set-default-shape antigens "monster" ; antigens are monsters set-default-shape measles "monster" ; measles are monsters, big red ones set-default-shape vaccines "monster" ; vaccines are greyed-out monsters set-default-shape antibodies "Y" ; antibodies are Y-shaped create-lymphocytes 250 ; create the lymphocytes, then initialize their variables [ set color one-of base-colors set active 0 ; all lymphocytes are initially inactive set active-time -1 set reproduction-rate reg-repro ; all lymphocytes are initially inactive, so reproduce at regular rate set size 1.5 ; easier to see set label-color blue - 2 setxy random-xcor random-ycor set memory 0 ] reset-ticks end to go if not any? turtles [ stop ] replace-extinct ask antigens[ move antigen-reproduce ] ask lymphocytes [ bind activated move reproduce lymph-death ] ask antibodies [ antibody-move set energy energy - 1 antibody-death ] measles-death vaccine-death antigen-extinct tick end to replace-extinct ; this is a "rescue effect", if any lymphocyte types (colors) go extinct we add one more to the population let counter 5 while [counter < 140] ; check all the colors [ if count lymphocytes with [color = counter] = 0 [ create-lymphocytes 1 ; create the replacement lymphocyte, then initialize its variables [ set color counter set active-time -1 set active 0 set reproduction-rate reg-repro set size 1.5 set label-color blue - 2 setxy random-xcor random-ycor ask n-of 1 lymphocytes [ die ] ; kill a random lympohcyte to make up for the replacement ] ] set counter counter + 10 ] end to move ; antigen and lymphocyte procedure rt random 50 lt random 50 fd 1 end to antigen-reproduce if random 100 < 20 and color != grey ;; and statement keeps grey "vaccine antigens" from reproducing [ hatch 1 [ rt random 360 fd 1] ] end to bind ; active-color lymphocytes are activated by the antigen if color = active-color[ if (one-of antigens in-radius 1 != nobody) or (one-of vaccines in-radius 1 != nobody) [ set active 1 set active-time 10 ;; length of typical cell lifespan if death rate is 10 ] ] end to activated if active-time = 0 ; kills activated after time is up [ die ] if active = 1 [ set reproduction-rate (reproduction-multiplier-when-active * reg-repro) ; start rapid reproduction set size 2 ; increase size set shape "bold-circle" ; outline circle hatch-antibodies 2 ; create antibodies [ set color black rt random-float 360 fd 1 ; randomly pick a direction and move forward if antibody-effectiveness = "high" [ set energy 8 ] if antibody-effectiveness = "low" [ set energy 4 ; for antibodies, energy tracks how many ticks the antibodies have left to live ] ] set active-time active-time - 1 ;; counts back down to inactivity ] end to reproduce ; determine if the lymphocyte reproduces if random 100 < reproduction-rate [ ifelse memory = 1 [ hatch 1 [ set shape "M-circle" rt random-float 360 fd 1] ] [ ifelse active = 1 ; if active, produce both a memory cell and an active cell ; else, produce regular cell [ hatch-lymphocytes 1 [ set shape "M-circle" set color active-color set active 0 set reproduction-rate 2 set size 2.5 ; easier to see set label-color blue - 2 set memory 1 rt random-float 360 fd 1 ] hatch 1 [ rt random-float 360 fd 1] ] [ ifelse count lymphocytes < 235 [ hatch 2 [ rt random-float 360 fd 1] ] [ hatch 1 [ rt random-float 360 fd 1] ] ] ] ] end to lymph-death ; determine if the lymphocyte dies if memory = 0 and random 100 < death-rate [ die ] if memory = 1 and random 100 < 2 [ die ] end to antibody-move ; the speed (distance moved each time step) ends up being a measure of potency of each activated cell set antibody-movement 0 if antibody-effectiveness = "high" [ while [antibody-movement < 10] [fd 1 kill-antigen ; check to see if it is on the same spot as an antigen and if so, kill it set antibody-movement antibody-movement + 1 ] ] if antibody-effectiveness = "low" [ while [antibody-movement < 5] [fd 1 kill-antigen set antibody-movement antibody-movement + 1 ] ] end to antibody-death if energy < 1 [ die ] end to kill-antigen let prey one-of antigens-here if prey != nobody [ask prey[die]] end to measles-death ask measles [ if measles-duration < 1 [ die ] set measles-duration measles-duration - 1 ] end to vaccine-death ask vaccines [ move if vaccine-duration < 1 [die] set vaccine-duration vaccine-duration - 1 ] end to antigen-extinct if (count antigens = 0) and (infected = 1) [ output-type "antigen clearance time " output-print ticks set infected 0 ] end to insert-antigens ; create an infection every button push output-type "antigen infection time " output-print ticks set infected 1 ; noting that antigens have been put into the cell create-antigens antigen-load [ set color black set size 2 ; easier to see set label-color blue - 2 setxy random-xcor random-ycor ] end to infect-measles output-type "measles infection time " output-print ticks create-measles 1 [ set color red set size 50 set label-color blue - 2 setxy 0 0 set measles-duration 5 ] ask lymphocytes [ if random 100 < 95 [ die ] ] end to insert-vaccine output-type "vaccine injection time " output-print ticks create-vaccines vaccine-load [ set color grey set size 2 ; easier to see set label-color blue - 2 setxy random-xcor random-ycor set vaccine-duration 10 ] end
There is only one version of this model, created over 6 years ago by Jeff Klemens.
Attached files
File | Type | Description | Last updated | |
Adaptive Immunity.png | preview | Preview for 'Adaptive Immunity' | over 6 years ago, by Jeff Klemens | Download |
LESSON_PLAN 13 July 2018.pdf | Lesson plan for using the model in a classroom setting | over 6 years ago, by Jeff Klemens | Download |
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