[Draft] Turlte Color Stop

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1 collaborator

Default-person Pradeep Ankem (Author)



Tagged by Pradeep Ankem over 6 years ago


Tagged by Pradeep Ankem over 6 years ago

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turtles-own [speed]

to patch-draw
  if mouse-down?     ;; reports true or false to indicate whether mouse button is down
      ;; mouse-xcor and mouse-ycor report the position of the mouse --
      ;; note that they report the precise position of the mouse,
      ;; so you might get a decimal number like 12.3, but "patch"
      ;; automatically rounds to the nearest patch
      ask patch mouse-xcor mouse-ycor
        [ set pcolor red
          display ]

to setup

to setup-circle
  set-default-shape turtles "bug"
  ;; turtles should be evenly spaced around the circle
  crt 10 [
    set size 2  ;; easier to see
    set speed .35  ;; this is the size of each step the turtles take in a tick
    fd random 20  ;; move turtles to perimeter of circle
    rt random 90
    ;;fd random 40
    ;;lt random 40
      ;; turtles face tangent to the circle

to go
  ;;ask patch 3 -4 [ set pcolor green ]
  ;;ask patch 4 -4 [ set pcolor green ]
  ;;ask patch 5 -4 [ set pcolor green ]

  ;; move forward then turn
  ;;ask turtles [if ticks >= 100 [stop]]
  ask turtles [if pcolor = blue [stop] fd speed rt 1 ]
  ;;ask turtles [fd random 10]
  ;;ask-concurrent turtles [
    ;;fd 1
  ;;ask turtles [pen-down]


to change-speed
  ask turtles [set speed speed + .15]   ;; increase the step-size to .5

to setup-center
  ;; set halfedge as edge divided by two. in case edge is an odd number,
  ;; halfedge get the integer value of the division.
  let halfedge int (edge / 2)
  ask patches [
    ;; if patches are between (-halfedge,-halfedge) to (-halfedge,halfedge)...
    if pxcor = (- halfedge) and pycor >= (- halfedge) and pycor <= (0 + halfedge)
      [ set pcolor blue ]                                ;; ... draws left edge in blue
    ;; if patches are between (halfedge,-halfedge) to (halfedge,halfedge)...
    if pxcor = (0 + halfedge) and pycor >= (- halfedge) and pycor <= (0 + halfedge)
      [ set pcolor blue ]                                ;; ... draws right edge in blue
    ;; if patches are between (-halfedge,-halfedge) to (halfedge,-halfedge)...
    ;;if pycor = (- halfedge) and pxcor >= (- halfedge) and pxcor <= (0 + halfedge)
      ;;[ set pcolor blue ]                                ;; ... draws bottom edge in blue
    ;; if patches are between (-halfedge,halfedge) to (halfedge,halfedge)...
    if pycor = (0 + halfedge) and pxcor >= (- halfedge) and pxcor <= (0 + halfedge)
      [ set pcolor blue ]                                ;; ... draws upper edge in blue

; Copyright 1997 Uri Wilensky.
; See Info tab for full copyright and license.

There is only one version of this model, created over 6 years ago by Pradeep Ankem.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
[Draft] Turlte Color Stop.png preview Preview for '[Draft] Turlte Color Stop' over 6 years ago, by Pradeep Ankem Download

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