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breed [ bees bee ] breed [ flowers flower ] breed [ hives hive ] breed [ apples apple ] flowers-own [ age fertilisation-count fl-nectar? ] bees-own [ nectar direction target wiggle-time dance-time ] hives-own [ nectar-count ] to setup ca create-bees initial-bees [ set color yellow set direction "search" set target nobody set wiggle-time 0 set size 2 set shape "bug" ;;move-to one-of patches ] ask patches with [ pycor <= 1 and pycor >= -1 and pxcor <= 1 and pxcor >= -1 ] [ set pcolor blue ] let a ( count patches with [ pcolor != blue ] ) / 10 ask n-of a patches with [ pcolor != blue ] [ sprout-flowers 1 [ set color one-of [ red green blue ] set shape "flower" set size 2 set fl-nectar? true ] ] ask patch 0 0 [ set pcolor white sprout-hives 1 [ set shape "square 2" set color [ 20 20 20 100 ] set size 3 ] ] reset-ticks end to go ask bees [ bees-movement ] ask flowers with [ fertilisation-count > 20 and fertilisation-count < 30 ] [ hatch-apples 1 [ create-link-with min-one-of flowers [ distance myself ] set heading random 360 fd random-float 1 set size 0.1 set color 12 + random 5 set shape "circle" ] ] ask flowers with [ fertilisation-count >= 40 ] [ set fl-nectar? false ] ask apples with [ size <= 0.5 ] [ set size size + 0.1 ] tick end to-report count-apples report count apples with [ size >= .5 ] end to bees-movement if direction = "search" and target = nobody [ set target one-of flowers ] if direction = "search" and target != nobody [ ;; output-print "hurrah!" face target fd 1 rt 20 - random 40 ] if one-of turtles-here = target and direction = "search" [ set direction "wiggle time" set wiggle-time 5 ] if direction = "wiggle time" [ set heading heading - random 30 set wiggle-time wiggle-time - 1 let a min-one-of flowers [ distance myself ] if [ fl-nectar? = true ] of a [ ask a [ set nectar nectar + 1 ] ask min-one-of flowers [ distance myself ] [ set fertilisation-count fertilisation-count + 1 ] ] ] if direction = "wiggle time" and wiggle-time <= 0 [ set direction "search" set target nobody ] if nectar >= 15 [ set direction "hive" set wiggle-time 0 set target one-of hives ] if direction = "hive" [ face target fd 1 rt 10 - random 20 if distance target <= 2 [ move-to target ] ] if one-of turtles-here = target and direction = "hive" [ ask one-of hives [ set nectar-count nectar-count + 5 ] set nectar 0 set direction "hive dance" set dance-time 5 ] if direction = "hive dance" [ set dance-time dance-time - 1 rt 10 if dance-time <= 0 [ set direction "search" set target nobody ] ] end
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