Social Contagion
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This model demonstrates the spread of a social contagion through a network. This model largely relies on the coding framework of the "virus on a network" model, and can be viewed as derivative. Conceptually, the significant differences are 1) this model includes controls for random as well as network-related spread, 2) per the social contagion model, how many ties are infected affects both susceptibility and recovery rates, and 3) the concept of immunity is not in this model.
Each time step (tick), a certain number of nodes (TOTAL-SPREAD) are exposed to the contagion. How many are exposed via random selection and how many are exposed through networks is determined by the COLD_PROP slider, which gives the proportion of exposures via randomness as opposed to through networks. Susceptible nodes (colored green), if chosen to be exposed, will be infected with a probability given by the VIRUS-SPREAD-CHANCE slider.
Only every so often (determined by the VIRUS-CHECK-FREQUENCY slider) do the nodes check whether they are infected. For most social contagion models this is simply set to 1. When the virus has been detected, there is a probability that the virus will be removed (determined by the RECOVERY-CHANCE slider), this is weighted by the number of infected neighbors the person has, which is in turn weighted by an ADOPT-WEIGHT, which represents the number of percentage points higher risk the person incurs per infected connection. Similarly, the RETENTION-WEIGHT represents the number of percentage points lower risk of recovering for each infected link they have.
Note that if the model tries to expose more nodes than there are available uninfected nodes, an error will occur. Also note that if the weighted retention probabilities drop below zero, no individuals will recover.
Using the sliders, initialize the different starting parameters.
The network that is created is based on proximity (Euclidean distance) between nodes. A node is randomly chosen and connected to the nearest node that it is not already connected to. This process is repeated until the network has the correct number of links to give the specified average node degree.
The INITIAL-OUTBREAK-SIZE slider determines how many of the nodes will start the simulation infected with the virus.
Then press SETUP to create the network. Press GO to run the model. The model will stop running once the virus has completely died out.
The different sliders (discussed in "How it Works" above) can be adjusted before pressing GO, or while the model is running.
The NETWORK STATUS plot shows the number of nodes in each state over time.
Try to figure out what the optimal network parameters are for social contagion-type growth.
Set the initial population to one thousand and start with 1 infected node. What characteristics are needed for one "thought leader" to start something that everybody adopts?
This model relies on raw number and raw percentages in its parameters. If, for example, the weights have diminishing returns this can be easily adjusted and modelled.
Virus, Disease, Preferential Attachment, Diffusion on a Directed Network, Virus on a Network
Links are used for modeling the network. The layout-spring
primitive is used to position the nodes and links such that the structure of the network is visually clear.
The virus model this model is based on is cited below.
Stonedahl, F. and Wilensky, U. (2008). NetLogo Virus on a Network model. Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
Comments and Questions
turtles-own [ infected? ;; if true, the turtle is infectious virus-check-timer ;; number of ticks since this turtle's last virus-check infected_neighbors ;; number of neighbors who are infected ] to setup clear-all setup-nodes set cold_prop .8 set virus-check-frequency 1 ask turtles [set infected_neighbors 0] set total_spread 10 set retention_weight 1 set adopt_weight 1 setup-spatially-clustered-network ask n-of initial-outbreak-size turtles [ become-infected ] ask links [ set color white ] reset-ticks end to setup-nodes set-default-shape turtles "circle" create-turtles number-of-nodes [ ; for visual reasons, we don't put any nodes *too* close to the edges setxy (random-xcor * 0.95) (random-ycor * 0.95) become-susceptible set virus-check-timer random virus-check-frequency ] end to setup-spatially-clustered-network let num-links (average-node-degree * number-of-nodes) / 2 while [count links < num-links ] [ ask one-of turtles [ let choice (min-one-of (other turtles with [not link-neighbor? myself]) [distance myself]) if choice != nobody [ create-link-with choice ] ] ] ; make the network look a little prettier repeat 10 [ layout-spring turtles links 0.3 (world-width / (sqrt number-of-nodes)) 1 ] end to go if all? turtles [not infected?] [ stop ] ask turtles [ set virus-check-timer virus-check-timer + 1 if virus-check-timer >= virus-check-frequency [ set virus-check-timer 0 ] ] countinfneighb spread-virus-networks spread-virus-cold do-virus-checks tick end to countinfneighb ask turtles [ set infected_neighbors count link-neighbors with [infected? ] ] end to become-infected ;; turtle procedure set infected? true set color red end to become-susceptible ;; turtle procedure set infected? false set color blue end to spread-virus-cold ask n-of (total_spread * cold_prop) turtles with [infected? = false] [ if random-float 100 < (virus-spread-chance + (adopt_weight * infected_neighbors)) [ become-infected ] ] end to spread-virus-networks ask n-of (total_spread * (1 - cold_prop)) turtles with [infected_neighbors > 0 and infected? = false] [ if random-float 100 < (virus-spread-chance + (adopt_weight * infected_neighbors)) ;relationship with probability itself is additive, not multiplicative for weights. [ become-infected ] ] end to do-virus-checks ask turtles with [infected? and virus-check-timer = 0] [ifelse infected_neighbors = 0 [if random 100 < recovery-chance [ become-susceptible ]] [if random 100 < (recovery-chance - (retention_weight * infected_neighbors)) [ become-susceptible ]] ] end
There is only one version of this model, created about 6 years ago by Stephen Cranney.
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