Social Uses and Gratifications
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patches-own [ sneed ;; magnitude of current social need (0.00–1.00) run-tot-sneed ;; running total of social need to calculate average sneed for viz avail ;; availability for social interaction (0.00-1.00, currently equal to sneed) total-soc ;; total of neighbors' availability * ix-social-grat social-interact? ;; T/F flag for whether a patch decides to consume media () or interact socially () cnt-media ;; number of ticks on which patch decided to consume media cnt-soc ;; number of ticks on which patch decided to interact socially H ;; binary entropy function as a measure of consistency/variability in choice: higher H = more variable ] to setup clear-all reset-ticks ask patches [ set sneed random-float 1 set run-tot-sneed sneed set avail sneed set cnt-media 0 set cnt-soc 0 set H 0 ] recolor-patch end to go ;; increase social need increase-need ;; decide whether to consume media or socially interact decide-social ;; obtain social gratification social-grat ;; calculate entropy as a measure of variability of selection calc-H ;; recolor patches for visualization recolor-patch ;; advance time tick end to recolor-patch ;; patch procedure: visualize depending on selected visualization ask patches [ if Patch-display = "Current-need" ;; visualize current social need: white = least, black = most [ set pcolor scale-color red sneed 1 0 ] if Patch-display = "Choice-consistency" ;; visualize consistency of choice between media and social interaction over all ticks: [ ifelse cnt-media > cnt-soc ;; white = 50:50 split, darker = most consistent, blue = favoring media, green = favoring social interaction [ set pcolor scale-color blue (H + .1) 0 1] [ set pcolor scale-color green (H + .1) 0 1] if cnt-media = cnt-soc [ set pcolor white ] ] if Patch-display = "Average-need" ;; visualize average social need over all ticks [ set pcolor scale-color red (run-tot-sneed / (ticks + 2)) 1 0 ] ] end to increase-need ;; patch procedure: increase social need (sneed) up to a maximum of 1 ask patches [ set sneed min list (sneed + random-float need-increase-max) 1 ;; random increase 0-(need-increase-max) (slider) set avail sneed ;; set availability for social interaction with neighbors equal to current social need ] end to decide-social ;; patch procedure: decide whether to consume media or socially interact based on comparison of media to neighbors ask patches [ set total-soc min list ((sum [avail] of neighbors4) * ix-social-grat) 1 ;; calculate total social gratification of interacting with 4 neighbors assuming none consume media ifelse total-soc > media-social-grat ;; compare social gratification of neighbors to media social gratification [ set social-interact? 1 ] [ set social-interact? 0 ] ifelse social-interact? = 0 ;; if not socially interacting but consuming media, set availability for social interaction to 0 [ set avail 0 set cnt-media (cnt-media + 1) ] [ set cnt-soc (cnt-soc + 1) ] ] end to social-grat ;; obtain social gratification (social need reduction) via social interaction or media consumption depending on choice in decide-social ask patches [ ifelse social-interact? = 1 [ set sneed (sneed - ((sum [avail] of neighbors4) * ix-social-grat)) ] [ set sneed (sneed - media-social-grat) ] set sneed max list 0 sneed set run-tot-sneed (run-tot-sneed + sneed) ] end to calc-H ;; binary entropy function as a measure of consistency/variability in choice: higher H = more variable ask patches [ let sum-cnt (cnt-soc + cnt-media) let p ( (max list cnt-soc cnt-media) / sum-cnt) ifelse p = 1 [ set H 0 ] [ set H ( ( (-1 * p) * (log p 2) * p) - ((1 - p) * log (1 - p) 2)) ] ] end
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Social Uses and Gratifications.png | preview | Preview for 'Social Uses and Gratifications' | over 6 years ago, by Joe Wasserman | Download |
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