Cyberslug 2.0

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;;Create animats and assign qualities

breed [Cslugs Cslug]
breed [probos proboscis]
breed [flabs flab]
breed [hermis hermi]
breed [fauxflabs fauxflab]
probos-own [parent phase]
Cslugs-own [sns_hermi Reward Reward_neg App_State_Switch sns_flab_left sns_flab_right sns_hermi_left sns_hermi_right sns_betaine_left sns_betaine_right speed turn-angle Nutrition Satiation
 App_State Incentive Somatic_Map Vf Vh alpha_hermi beta_hermi lambda_hermi alpha_flab beta_flab lambda_flab delta_Vh delta_Vf hermcount flabcount
patches-own [odor_flab odor_hermi odor_betaine]

to startup

to setup

  create-Cslugs 1 [
    set shape "Cslug"
    set color orange - 2
    set size 16
    set heading 0

    set Nutrition 0.5
    set Incentive 0
    set Somatic_Map 0
    set Satiation 0.5

;Preliminary Rescorla-Wagner parameters for learning Hermi & Flab odors. V is learned value of an odor, alpha is the salience
;(or noticeability) of an odor, beta is the learning rate, and lambda sets the maximum value of learning (between 0 and 1).
    set Vf 0
    set Vh 0
    set alpha_hermi 0.5
    set beta_hermi 1
    set lambda_hermi 1
    set alpha_flab 0.5
    set beta_flab 1
    set lambda_flab 1

;Give Cslug a feeding apparatus for decorative effect
    hatch-probos 1 [
      set shape "airplane"
      set size size / 2
      set parent myself

; Track Cslug's path

 create-flabs flab-populate [
    set shape "circle"
    set size 1
    set color red + 2
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor

  create-hermis hermi-populate [
    set shape "circle"
    set size 1
    set color green + 2
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor

    create-fauxflabs fauxflab-populate [
    set shape "circle"
    set size 1
    set color blue
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor


to go

;; allow user to drag things around
  if mouse-down? [
    ask Cslugs [
      if distancexy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor < 3 [setxy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor]
    ask flabs [
      if distancexy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor < 3 [setxy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor]
    ask hermis [
      if distancexy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor < 3 [setxy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor]

; Initialize, deposit, diffuse, and evaporate odors
  ask hermis [set odor_hermi 0.5]
  ask hermis [set odor_betaine 0.5]
  ask flabs [set odor_flab 0.5]
  ask flabs [set odor_betaine 0.5]
  ask fauxflabs [set odor_flab 0.5]
  ask fauxflabs [set odor_betaine 0.5]

;; diffuse odors
  diffuse odor_hermi 0.5
  diffuse odor_flab 0.5
  diffuse odor_betaine 0.5

;; evaporate odors
  ask patches [
    set odor_hermi 0.95 * odor_hermi
    set odor_flab 0.95 * odor_flab ; changed from 0.98 to 0.95
    set odor_betaine 0.95 * odor_betaine

;; Cslug actions

  ask Cslugs [

    set speed 0.06
    set turn-angle -1 + random-float 2

    ;; Detecting prey
    set sns_hermi (sns_hermi_left + sns_hermi_right ) / 2
    let sns_betaine (sns_betaine_left + sns_betaine_right) / 2
    let sns_flab (sns_flab_left + sns_flab_right ) / 2
    let H (sns_hermi - sns_flab)
    let F (sns_flab - sns_hermi)

    set Reward sns_betaine / (1 + (0.5 * Vh * sns_hermi) ) + 1.32 * Vh * sns_hermi ; R
    set Reward_neg 1.32 * Vf * sns_flab ; R-

    set Nutrition Nutrition - 0.0005 * Nutrition ; Nutritional state declines with time
    set Satiation 1 / ((1 + 0.7 * exp(-4 * Nutrition + 2)) ^ (2))
    set Incentive Reward - Reward_neg;
    set Somatic_Map (- ((sns_flab_left - sns_flab_right) / (1 + exp (-50 * F)) + (sns_hermi_left - sns_hermi_right) / (1 + exp (-50 * H))))
    set App_State 0.01 + (1 / (1 + exp(- (Incentive * 0.6) + 10 * satiation)) + 0.1 * ((App_State_Switch - 1) * 0.5)); + 0.25
    set App_State_Switch (((-2 / (1 + exp(-100 * (App_State - 0.245)))) + 1)) ; The switch for approach-avoidance

    set turn-angle (2 * App_State_Switch) / (1 + exp (3 * Somatic_Map)) - App_State_Switch

    set speed 0.1

    rt turn-angle
    fd speed


    let hermitarget other (turtle-set hermis) in-cone (0.4 * size) 45
    if any? hermitarget [
      set Nutrition Nutrition + count hermitarget * 0.3
      set hermcount hermcount + 1
      ask hermitarget [setxy random-xcor random-ycor]
      set delta_Vh alpha_hermi * beta_hermi * (lambda_hermi - Vh)
      set Vh Vh + delta_Vh ; The Rescorla-Wagner Learning Algorithm

    let flabtarget other (turtle-set flabs) in-cone (0.4 * size) 45
    if any? flabtarget [
      set Nutrition Nutrition + count flabtarget * 0.3;
      set flabcount flabcount + 1
      ask flabtarget [setxy random-xcor random-ycor]
      set delta_Vf alpha_flab * beta_flab * (lambda_flab - Vf)
      set Vf Vf + delta_Vf ; The Rescorla-Wagner Learning Algorithm

    let fauxflabtarget other (turtle-set fauxflabs) in-cone (0.4 * size) 45
    if any? fauxflabtarget [
      set Nutrition Nutrition + count fauxflabtarget * 0.3
      set fauxflabcount fauxflabcount + 1
      ask fauxflabtarget [setxy random-xcor random-ycor]

      set delta_Vf alpha_flab * beta_flab * (0 - Vf)
      set Vf Vf + delta_Vf; Odor_flab is linked to Reward, a virtual extinction mechanism


;; Hermi and Flab actions

  ask flabs [
    rt -1 + random-float 2
    fd 0.02

  ask hermis [
    rt -1 + random-float 2
    fd 0.02

  ask fauxflabs [
    rt -1 + random-float 2
    fd 0.02

  if ticks = 150000 [stop] ; definitie end of an epoch of play

to update-proboscis
 ask probos [
    set heading [heading] of parent
    setxy ([xcor] of parent) ([ycor] of parent)
    ifelse ([sns_betaine_left] of parent > 5.5) or ([sns_betaine_right] of parent > 5.5)
      [set phase (phase + 1) mod 20]
      [set phase 0]
    fd (0.15 * size) + (0.1 * phase)

to update-sensors

  let odor_flab_left [odor_flab] of patch-left-and-ahead 40 (0.4 * size)
  ifelse odor_flab_left > 1e-7
    [set sns_flab_left 7 + (log odor_flab_left 10)]
    [set sns_flab_left 0]

  let odor_flab_right [odor_flab] of patch-right-and-ahead 40 (0.4 * size)
  ifelse odor_flab_right > 1e-7
    [set sns_flab_right 7 + (log odor_flab_right 10)]
    [set sns_flab_right 0]

  let odor_hermi_left [odor_hermi] of patch-left-and-ahead 40 (0.4 * size)
  ifelse odor_hermi_left > 1e-7
    [set sns_hermi_left 7 + (log odor_hermi_left 10)]
    [set sns_hermi_left 0]

  let odor_hermi_right [odor_hermi] of patch-right-and-ahead 40 (0.4 * size)
  ifelse odor_hermi_right > 1e-7
    [set sns_hermi_right 7 + (log odor_hermi_right 10)]
    [set sns_hermi_right 0]

  let odor_betaine_left [odor_betaine] of patch-left-and-ahead 40 (0.4 * size)
  ifelse odor_betaine_left > 1e-7
    [set sns_betaine_left 7 + (log odor_betaine_left 10)]
    [set sns_betaine_left 0]

  let odor_betaine_right [odor_betaine] of patch-right-and-ahead 40 (0.4 * size)
  ifelse odor_betaine_right > 1e-7
    [set sns_betaine_right 7 + (log odor_betaine_right 10)]
    [set sns_betaine_right 0]

to recolor-patches
    ifelse odor_flab > odor_hermi [
      set pcolor scale-color red odor_flab 0 1
      set pcolor scale-color green odor_hermi 0 1

to show-sensors
  ask Cslugs [
    ask patch-left-and-ahead 40 (0.4 * size) [set pcolor yellow]
    ask patch-right-and-ahead 40 (0.4 * size) [set pcolor yellow]

There is only one version of this model, created about 6 years ago by Rhanor Gillette.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Cslug.pdf pdf Implementing Goal-Directed Foraging Decisions of a Simpler Nervous System in Simulation about 6 years ago, by Rhanor Gillette Download
Cyberslug 2.0.png preview Preview for 'Cyberslug 2.0' about 6 years ago, by Rhanor Gillette Download

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