Light sandbox
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Model was written in NetLogo 6.0.4
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globals [ tick-delta ;; how much we advance the tick counter this time through max-tick-delta ;; the largest tick-delta is allowed to be init-avg-speed init-avg-energy ;; initial averages avg-speed avg-energy ;; current average avg-energy-green avg-energy-orange avg-energy-purple photon-size toggle-red-state toggle-green-state min-photon-energy max-photon-energy photons-to-add clear-drawing-flag new-objects? old-switch-state first-source-selected photon-model count-detector-1 count-detector-2 ] breed [ photons photon ] breed [ detectors detector ] breed [ walls wall ] breed [ transparent-solids transparent-solid ] breed [ sources source ] breed [ flashes flash ] breed [ erasers eraser ] breed [ arrowheads arrowhead ] photons-own [ energy ;; photons info last-collision color-type last-patch bounces ] walls-own [gate? outside-system?] detectors-own [id] patches-own [ red-absorbed green-absorbed blue-absorbed] sources-own [selected?] to setup ;; (for this model to work with NetLogo's new plotting features, ;; __clear-all-and-reset-ticks should be replaced with clear-all at ;; the beginning of your setup procedure and reset-ticks at the end ;; of the procedure.) clear-all set count-detector-1 0 set count-detector-2 0 set photon-size 1.0 set max-tick-delta 0.02 set new-objects? false set photons-to-add 2 set clear-drawing-flag false set photon-model "wavefront-of-rays" set-default-shape flashes "square" set-default-shape walls "wall" set-default-shape erasers "eraser" set-default-shape arrowheads "default" set min-photon-energy 0 set max-photon-energy 10000 ;;(.5 ) * ( max-dist-in-tick-delta / max-tick-delta ) ^ 2 create-erasers 1 [set hidden? true set size 3 set color gray - 1] setup-scenarios set old-switch-state light-A make-box make-light-sources create-detectors 1 [set color orange set shape "circle" set size 1 setxy 20 34 set id 1] create-detectors 1 [set color violet set shape "circle" set size 1 setxy 40 40 set id 2] set init-avg-speed avg-speed set init-avg-energy avg-energy check-detectors reset-ticks end to check-detectors ask detectors [ if id = 1 [set count-detector-1 count photons-here] if id = 2 [set count-detector-2 count photons-here] ] end to go ifelse mouse-down? [mouse-action] [ check-for-new-toys ;; activate-light-switch ask photons [move interact-with-wall ] ask erasers [set hidden? true] ] if count photons = 0 [recolor] tick check-detectors end to interact-with-wall ;;if random 100 > %-of-scattering [absorb-into-wall die] if bounces > 1 [die] scatter end to emit-light-from-light-source ask patches [reset ] if photon-model = "random-rays" [ ifelse light-A [ if count photons < rays-per-light-source [ repeat random 4 [ask sources [make-photons]] ] ] [clear-drawing ask photons [die] ] ] if photon-model = "wavefront-of-rays" [ ask sources [make-photon-batch] ;; ifelse light-A = true and (old-switch-state = false or count photons = 0) [ ;; set old-switch-state true ;;ask sources [make-photon-batch] ;; ] ;; [set old-switch-state light-A] ] end to check-for-new-toys if new-objects? [ ask photons [die] ;; clear-drawing set new-objects? false ] end to absorb-into-wall ask walls-here [ set red-absorbed red-absorbed + (10 / rays-per-light-source) set green-absorbed green-absorbed + (10 / rays-per-light-source) set blue-absorbed blue-absorbed + (10 / rays-per-light-source) ] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;WALL AND PATCH INTERACTION;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to add-lighting-to-patch let color-of-light color ;; show color-of-light ask patch-here [ ;; if color-of-light = 9.9 [ set red-absorbed red-absorbed + (light-source-intensity-A * 90 / rays-per-light-source) set green-absorbed green-absorbed + (light-source-intensity-A * 90 / rays-per-light-source) set blue-absorbed blue-absorbed + (light-source-intensity-A * 90 / rays-per-light-source) ; ] ;;if color-of-light = 15 [ ;; set red-absorbed red-absorbed + (light-source-intensity-A * 900 / rays-per-light-source) ;; ] ;; if color-of-light = 55 [ ;; set green-absorbed green-absorbed + (light-source-intensity-A * 900 / rays-per-light-source) ;; ] ;; if color-of-light = 105 [ ;; set blue-absorbed blue-absorbed + (light-source-intensity-A * 900 / rays-per-light-source) ;; ] ] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;LIGHT photon MOVEMENT;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to bounce ;; photons procedure ;; get the coordinates of the patch we'll be on if we go forward 1 let bounce-patch nobody let bounce-patches nobody let hit-angle 0 let this-patch patch-here let new-px 0 let new-py 0 let visible-wall nobody set bounce-patch min-one-of walls in-cone ((sqrt (2)) / 2) 180 with [myself != this-patch] [distance myself ] if bounce-patch != nobody [ set new-px [pxcor] of bounce-patch set new-py [pycor] of bounce-patch set visible-wall walls-on bounce-patch if any? visible-wall with [not hidden?] [ set hit-angle towards bounce-patch ifelse (hit-angle <= 135 and hit-angle >= 45) or (hit-angle <= 315 and hit-angle >= 225) [set heading (- heading) ] [set heading (180 - heading) ] ]] end to scatter ;; turtle procedure let this-patch patch-here let bounce-patch min-one-of walls in-cone ((sqrt (2)) / 2) 180 with [myself != this-patch] [distance myself ] if bounce-patch != nobody [ let new-px [pxcor] of bounce-patch let new-py [pycor] of bounce-patch let visible-wall walls-on bounce-patch if any? visible-wall with [not hidden?] [ let hit-angle towards bounce-patch set bounces bounces + 1 if light&matter = "absorb some / scatter some" [set heading random 360 fd .2] if light&matter = "absorb all" [die] ifelse (hit-angle <= 135 and hit-angle >= 45) or (hit-angle <= 315 and hit-angle >= 225) [ if light&matter = "reflect all" [ set heading (- heading) fd .2 ] if light&matter = "absorb 50% / reflect 50%" [ ifelse random 2 = 0 [set heading (- heading) fd .2 ] [die] ] ] [ if light&matter = "reflect all" [ set heading (180 - heading) fd .2 ] if light&matter = "absorb 50% / reflect 50%" [ ifelse random 2 = 0 [set heading (180 - heading) fd .2 ] [die] ] ] ] ] if any? walls-here or bounces > 1 [die] end to move ;; photons procedure let old-patch last-patch if not any? transparent-solids-here [fd .2] if any? transparent-solids-here [fd (.2 * speed-of-light-through-solid)] add-lighting-to-patch set last-patch patch-here end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; mouse interaction procedures ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to mouse-action let snap-xcor 0 let snap-ycor 0 let orig-xcor 0 let orig-ycor 0 let eraser-window-walls nobody let eraser-window-photons nobody let eraser-light-sources nobody let selected-eraser-light-source nobody ifelse mouse-down? [ set orig-xcor mouse-xcor set orig-ycor mouse-ycor set snap-xcor round orig-xcor set snap-ycor round orig-ycor clear-drawing if mouse-setting = "move light source" and any? sources with [selected?] [ask sources with [selected?] [setxy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor]] ask patches with [pxcor = snap-xcor and pycor = snap-ycor] [ set eraser-window-walls walls-on neighbors set eraser-window-walls eraser-window-walls set eraser-window-photons photons with [distance myself < 2] set eraser-light-sources sources with [distance myself < 2] if mouse-setting = "draw container wall" [ draw-container-wall ] if mouse-setting = "draw transparent solid" [ draw-transparent-solid ] if mouse-setting = "big eraser" [ set new-objects? true ask erasers [ set hidden? false set shape "eraser" setxy orig-xcor orig-ycor ] ask eraser-window-walls [die] ask eraser-window-photons [die] ] if selected-eraser-light-source = nobody and any? eraser-light-sources [ set selected-eraser-light-source one-of eraser-light-sources if mouse-setting = "move light source" [ set new-objects? true ask selected-eraser-light-source [setxy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor set selected? true] set clear-drawing-flag true ask photons [die] ] ] ] ] ;; 2nd part of ifelse block [ ask erasers [set hidden? true] set selected-eraser-light-source nobody ask sources [set selected? false] ] end to draw-container-wall set new-objects? true ask walls-here [die] ask transparent-solids-here [die] sprout 1 [ set breed walls set color white set gate? false ] end to draw-transparent-solid set new-objects? true ask walls-here [die] ask transparent-solids-here [die] sprout 1 [ set breed transparent-solids set color [255 255 255 50] set size 1 set shape "solid"] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; photon speed and flash visualization procedures ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to recolor ;;if any? walls-here with [not absorb?] [] ifelse show-light-intensity-in-space? [ask patches [set pcolor rgb red-absorbed green-absorbed blue-absorbed ]] [ask patches [set pcolor black ]] end to reset set red-absorbed 0 set green-absorbed 0 set blue-absorbed 0 set pcolor black end to color-photon-and-link let this-link my-out-links let this-color-type color-type set color this-color-type ask this-link [set color this-color-type] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; initialization procedures ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to make-box ask patches with [(pycor = min-pycor or pycor = max-pycor or pxcor = min-pxcor or pxcor = max-pxcor) ] [ sprout 1 [set breed walls set gate? false set color gray - 1 ] ] end to make-light-sources create-sources 1 [ initialize-bulb setxy 5 30 set label "A" ifelse light-A [set hidden? false] [set hidden? true] ] create-sources 1 [ initialize-bulb setxy 25 25 set label "B" ifelse light-B [set hidden? false] [set hidden? true] ] create-sources 1 [ initialize-bulb setxy 30 30 set label "C" ifelse light-C [set hidden? false] [set hidden? true] ] end to initialize-bulb set selected? false set heading 0 set shape "bulb" set size 2 set color white end to make-photons hatch 1 [ set energy 100 rt random 360 setup-photons ;;setxy ([xcor] of parent-bulb) ( [ycor] of parent-bulb) ] end to make-photon-batch let parent-source self let angle-counter 0 let source-A false let source-B false let source-C False if (label = "A" and light-A) [set source-A true] if (label = "B" and light-B) [set source-B true] if (label = "C" and light-C) [set source-C true] if (source-A or source-B or source-C) [ hatch rays-per-light-source [ if ((source-A and light-A-color = "white") or (source-B and light-B-color = "white") or (source-C and light-C-color = "white")) [set color white] if ((source-A and light-A-color = "red") or (source-B and light-B-color = "red") or (source-C and light-C-color = "red")) [set color red] if ((source-A and light-A-color = "green") or (source-B and light-B-color = "green") or (source-C and light-C-color = "green")) [set color green] if ((source-A and light-A-color = "blue") or (source-B and light-B-color = "blue") or (source-C and light-C-color = "blue")) [set color blue] set label "" rt angle-counter set angle-counter angle-counter + (360 / rays-per-light-source) setup-photons setxy ([xcor] of parent-source) ( [ycor] of parent-source) ] ] end to setup-photons ;; photons procedure set breed photons set shape "arrow head" set size photon-size set last-patch patch-here set color [255 255 255 50] set bounces 0 ifelse show-rays? [pendown] [penup] end to setup-scenarios if scenario = "light rays forming a simple shadow" [ set light-A true set light-B false set light-C false set show-rays? true set show-light-intensity-in-space? false set rays-per-light-source 180 ask patches with [pxcor = 14 and abs pycor < 5] [] ] if scenario = "shadow from single light" [ set light-A true set light-B false set light-C false set show-rays? false set show-light-intensity-in-space? true set rays-per-light-source 720 ask patches with [pxcor = 14 and pycor < 5 and pycor > -10] [] ] if scenario = "shadows from 3 lights" [ set light-A true set light-B true set light-C true set show-rays? false set show-light-intensity-in-space? true set rays-per-light-source 720 ask patches with [abs pxcor = 14 and pycor < 5 and pycor > -10] [] ask patches with [abs pxcor <= 1 and pycor < 15 and pycor > 5] [] ] end to clear-background clear-drawing ask patches [ if not any? walls-here [set pcolor black] ] display end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;REPORTERS;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to-report limited-photon-energy let limited-energy energy if limited-energy > max-photon-energy [set limited-energy max-photon-energy] if limited-energy < min-photon-energy [set limited-energy min-photon-energy] report limited-energy end
There is only one version of this model, created about 6 years ago by Michael Novak.
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