Basic Income - Households

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Default-person Sarah Robertson (Author)



Tagged by Sarah Robertson about 6 years ago

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  min-wealth           ;; I included this so I could check to see if there were any negative values

  patch-income      ;; the current amount of income on this patch
  monthly-income    ;; patch income / 12

  wealth                   ;; the amount of money a turtle has
  after-tax                ;; amount of income left after paying taxes
  min-indiv-cost-of-living ;; individual minimum cost of living based on minimum set on interface
  cost-of-living           ;; cost of living calibrated for family composition
  num-adults               ;; number of adults per household (set further down in code)
  num-children             ;; number of children per household (set further down in code)

;; the different family types, for setting the number of adults and children - this model leaves out roommates and extended family
breed [couples-no-children couple-no-children]
breed [couples-1-child couple-1-child]
breed [couples-2-children couple-2-children]
breed [couples-3-children couple-3-children]
breed [singles-no-children single-no-children]
breed [singles-1-child single-1-child]
breed [singles-2-children single-2-children]
breed [singles-3-children single-3-children]


to setup
  ;; call other procedures to set up various parts of the world

;; set up the initial amounts of income each patch has

to setup-patches
  ask patches
  ;; set up patch income random amount depending on distribution chosen
    if income-distribution = "random"
        set patch-income random (mean-indiv-annual-income * 2)
    if income-distribution = "normal"
        set patch-income random-normal  mean-indiv-annual-income (mean-indiv-annual-income / 2) ;; latter value is an estimate of the standard deviation based on what the curve looks like
    if income-distribution = "exponential"
        set patch-income random-exponential (mean-indiv-annual-income)
      ;; keep income ≥ 0
    if patch-income < 0
        set patch-income 0
    ;; set colour so richer patches have darker colour (in quintiles)
    set max-income max [ patch-income ] of patches       ;; find highest income
    if patch-income < max-income * 1 / 5 [ set pcolor 58 ]   ;; colour patches based on income levels
    if patch-income >= max-income * 1 / 5 and patch-income < max-income * 2 / 5 [ set pcolor 57 ]
    if patch-income >= max-income * 2 / 5 and patch-income < max-income * 3 / 5 [ set pcolor 56 ]
    if patch-income >= max-income * 3 / 5 and patch-income < max-income * 4 / 5 [ set pcolor 55 ]
    if patch-income >= max-income * 4 / 5 [ set pcolor 54 ]

;; set up the initial values for the turtle variables

to setup-turtles
  set-default-shape turtles "house"
  ;; determine composition of the different households based on demographics ( * .25 etc) entered here
  create-couples-no-children num-households * .25
  ask couples-no-children [
    set num-adults 2
    set num-children 0
  create-couples-1-child num-households * .10
  ask couples-1-child [
    set num-adults 2
    set num-children 1
  create-couples-2-children num-households * .11
  ask couples-2-children [
    set num-adults 2
    set num-children 2
  create-couples-3-children num-households * .05
  ask couples-3-children [
    set num-adults 2
    set num-children 3
  create-singles-no-children num-households * .39
  ask singles-no-children [
    set num-adults 1
    set num-children 0
  create-singles-1-child num-households * .06
  ask singles-1-child [
    set num-adults 1
    set num-children 1
  create-singles-2-children num-households * .03
  ask singles-2-children [
    set num-adults 1
    set num-children 2
  create-singles-3-children num-households * .01
  ask singles-3-children [
    set num-adults 1
    set num-children 3

  ask turtles [
    move-to one-of patches with [not any? turtles-here]
    ;; if cost of living is to vary randomly do that here, otherwise set it at the minimum cost of living
    ifelse allow-varied-indiv-min-cost-of-living [
    set min-indiv-cost-of-living random-normal min-monthly-cost-of-living-per-adult (min-monthly-cost-of-living-per-adult / 6)
      set max-indiv-cost-of-living max [min-indiv-cost-of-living] of turtles ]
    [ set min-indiv-cost-of-living min-monthly-cost-of-living-per-adult ]
    ;; adjust cost of living for family composition
    if num-adults = 1 [ set cost-of-living min-indiv-cost-of-living * ( 1 + ( num-children * top-up-children / 100 )) ]
    if num-adults = 2 [ set cost-of-living min-indiv-cost-of-living * ( 1.67 + ( num-children * top-up-children / 100 )) ]
    ;; determine wealth of individuals
    if inheritance-distribution = "random"     ;; wealth
      set wealth random (mean-indiv-inheritance * 2)
    if inheritance-distribution = "normal"
      set wealth random-normal mean-indiv-inheritance (mean-indiv-inheritance / 4) ;; latter value is an estimate of the standard deviation
    if inheritance-distribution = "exponential"
      set wealth random-exponential (mean-indiv-inheritance)
    if wealth <= 0
      set wealth 1
    ;; if there are two adults in a household, double the wealth
    if num-adults = 2 [ set wealth wealth * 2 ]
    ;; colour turtles according to their relative wealth (this is reset at every step)
    ;; if there's an inheritance tax, tax wealth at the beginning during set up (if progressive, use quintiles to set tax rate)
    if inheritance-tax = "flat"
    [ set wealth wealth * ( 1 - max-tax-rate / 100 ) ]
    if inheritance-tax = "progressive"
    [ if color = 1 [ set wealth wealth * (1 - max-tax-rate / 100) ]
      if color = 2 [ set wealth wealth * (1 - 0.8 * max-tax-rate / 100) ]
      if color = 3 [ set wealth wealth * (1 - 0.6 * max-tax-rate / 100) ]
      if color = 4 [ set wealth wealth * (1 - 0.4 * max-tax-rate / 100) ]
      if color = 5 [ set wealth wealth * (1 - 0.2 * max-tax-rate / 100) ]
    ;; set the household monthly income at 1/12 of the patch income; double it for two-adult households
    set monthly-income patch-income / 12
    if num-adults = 2 [ set monthly-income monthly-income * 2 ]
    face one-of neighbors4


to go
  ask turtles
    upgrade-income   ;; move to neighbouring patch if it has more income
    update-wealth    ;; add net income to wealth
    color-turtles    ;; set colour according to wealth quintile
  set min-income min [ patch-income ] of patches
  set min-wealth min [ wealth ] of turtles

to go-ten-years
  ask turtles
    upgrade-income   ;; move to neighbouring patch if it has more income
    update-wealth    ;; add net income to wealth
    color-turtles    ;; set colour according to wealth quintile
  if ticks = 120

;; determine the direction which is most profitable for each turtle in
;; the surrounding patches within one patch
;; the only way I could get this to work was to have them just check one direction per tick

to upgrade-income  ;; turtle procedure - move to a higher paying patch next door if you can
  let patch-income-ahead patch-income-at-angle 0
  ;; if patch ahead has a higher income, go to it; and either way, rotate right 90°
  if (patch-income-ahead > patch-income)
  [ if not any? other turtles-on patch-ahead 1
    [ forward 1 ]]
  rt 90
  set monthly-income patch-income / 12
  if num-adults = 2 [ set monthly-income monthly-income * 2 ]

;; check out which neighbouring patch has the highest income (cribbed from ants)

to-report patch-income-at-angle [angle]
  let p patch-right-and-ahead angle 1
  report [patch-income] of p

;; add monthly income to wealth and subtract cost of living; grade cost of living to income if high enough

to update-wealth
  ;; set income tax rate: after-tax = proportion of income left after paying taxes
  if income-tax = "none" [ set after-tax 1 ]
  if income-tax = "flat" [ set after-tax 1 - max-tax-rate / 100 ]
  if income-tax = "progressive with loopholes for rich"
    set max-income max [ patch-income ] of patches * 2 / 12
    if monthly-income >= max-income * 4 / 5 [ set after-tax 1 - 0.6 * (max-tax-rate / 100) ]
    if monthly-income >= max-income * 3 / 5 and monthly-income < max-income * 4 / 5 [ set after-tax 1 - 0.8 * (max-tax-rate / 100) ]
    if monthly-income >= max-income * 2 / 5 and monthly-income < max-income * 3 / 5 [ set after-tax 1 - 0.6 * (max-tax-rate / 100) ]
    if monthly-income >= max-income * 1 / 5 and monthly-income < max-income * 2 / 5 [ set after-tax 1 - 0.4 * (max-tax-rate / 100) ]
    if monthly-income < max-income * 1 / 5 [ set after-tax 1 - 0.2 * (max-tax-rate / 100) ]
  if income-tax = "progressive no loopholes for rich"
    set max-income max [ patch-income ] of patches * 2 / 12
    if monthly-income >= max-income * 4 / 5 [ set after-tax 1 - 1.0 * (max-tax-rate / 100) ]
    if monthly-income >= max-income * 3 / 5 and monthly-income < max-income * 4 / 5 [ set after-tax 1 - 0.8 * (max-tax-rate / 100) ]
    if monthly-income >= max-income * 2 / 5 and monthly-income < max-income * 3 / 5 [ set after-tax 1 - 0.6 * (max-tax-rate / 100) ]
    if monthly-income >= max-income * 1 / 5 and monthly-income < max-income * 2 / 5 [ set after-tax 1 - 0.4 * (max-tax-rate / 100) ]
    if monthly-income < max-income * 1 / 5 [ set after-tax 1 - 0.2 * (max-tax-rate / 100) ]
  ;; set redistribution
  if income-redistribution = "none"
    set monthly-bi 0
  if income-redistribution = "universal demogrant"   ;; give everyone the same top-up
    if num-adults = 1 [ set monthly-bi max-bi-indiv / 12 ]
    if num-adults = 2
      if BI-unit = "BI by individual" [ set monthly-bi 2 * max-bi-indiv / 12 ]
      if BI-unit = "BI by family" [ set monthly-bi max-bi-family / 12 ]
  if income-redistribution = "NIT with clawback"   ;; calculate partial BI after clawback
    if num-adults = 1 [ set monthly-bi max-bi-indiv / 12 ]
    if num-adults = 2
      if BI-unit = "BI by individual" [ set monthly-bi 2 * max-bi-indiv / 12 ]
      if BI-unit = "BI by family" [ set monthly-bi max-bi-family / 12 ]
    ifelse (monthly-income * after-tax * (clawback / 100)) < monthly-bi   ;; is after tax income too high with clawback?, if not proceed
      set monthly-bi monthly-bi - (monthly-income * after-tax * (clawback / 100))
    ;; for NIT, if after-tax income is too high, don't give a BI
      set monthly-bi 0
  ;; update amount of BI with amount for children
  set monthly-bi monthly-bi + monthly-bi * num-children * top-up-children / 100
  ;; calculate new wealth
  ifelse ((monthly-bi + (monthly-income * after-tax)) * 3 / 4) < cost-of-living   ;; deduct cost of living
  [set wealth wealth + monthly-bi + (monthly-income * after-tax) - cost-of-living ]
  [set wealth wealth + monthly-bi + (monthly-income * after-tax / 4) ]

to color-turtles
  set max-wealth  max [ wealth ] of turtles
    if wealth < max-wealth / 5
    [ set color 5 ]
    if (wealth >= max-wealth / 5 and wealth < max-wealth * 2 / 5)
    [ set color 4 ]
    if (wealth >= max-wealth * 2 / 5 and wealth < max-wealth * 3 / 5)
    [ set color 3 ]
    if (wealth >= max-wealth * 3 / 5 and wealth < max-wealth * 4 / 5)
    [ set color 2 ]
    if (wealth >= max-wealth * 4 / 5)
    [ set color 1 ]
    if wealth <= 0
    set wealth 1
    set color red

;; this procedure recomputes the value of gini-index-reserve
;; and the points in lorenz-points for the Lorenz and Gini-Index plots
;; it is taken directly from Uri Wilensky's Wealth Distribution ABM

to update-lorenz-and-gini
    let sorted-wealths sort [wealth] of turtles
  let total-wealth sum sorted-wealths
  let wealth-sum-so-far 0
  let index 0
  set gini-index-reserve 0
  set lorenz-points []

  ;; now actually plot the Lorenz curve -- along the way, we also
  ;; calculate the Gini index.
  ;; (see the Info tab for a description of the curve and measure)
  repeat count turtles [
    set wealth-sum-so-far (wealth-sum-so-far + item index sorted-wealths)
    set lorenz-points lput ((wealth-sum-so-far / total-wealth) * 100) lorenz-points
    set index (index + 1)
    set gini-index-reserve
      gini-index-reserve +
      (index / num-households) -
      (wealth-sum-so-far / total-wealth)

; Copyright 1998 Uri Wilensky and 2018 Sarah Robertson
; See Info tab for full copyright and license.

There is only one version of this model, created about 6 years ago by Sarah Robertson.

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Basic Income - Households.png preview Preview for 'Basic Income - Households' about 6 years ago, by Sarah Robertson Download

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