Cholera Simulation
Model was written in NetLogo 6.0.4
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patches-own [infected?] turtles-own [cholera gender age] to setup ca reset-ticks setup-patches setup-turtles colors end to go colors infect-water infect-people birth ask turtles [ wiggle set age (age + 1) ; their age is in weeks if (age > 3910) [die] ; since ticks are weeks and 3910 are the average weeks a person lives in their life, they will die after 3910 weeks ] tick if (count turtles > 5000 or count turtles < 1) [stop] end to wiggle ; moving of the people fd 1 lt random 61 - 30 end to infect-water ; determines whether or not the water is infected ask patches with [infected? = 0] [ ; infecting water if (any? turtles-here with [cholera = 1]) [set infected? 1] ] ask patches with [infected? = 1] [ if (random 100 < Disinfect) [set infected? 0] ; disinfecting water ] end to infect-people ; determines whether or not someone is infected ask turtles with [cholera = 0] [ if (pcolor = violet) [ set cholera 1 ; infecting people from water ] if (any? turtles-here with [cholera = 1]) [set cholera 1] ; infecting people from other people ] ask turtles with [cholera = 1] [ ; rate of survival, death or continuing with the disease if (random 100 < 10) [die] if (random 100 < 10) [set cholera 0] ] end to colors ; shows who and which patches are infected ask patches [ if (infected? = 1) [set pcolor violet] if (infected? = 0) [set pcolor blue] if (infected? = -1) [set pcolor black] ] ask turtles [ if (cholera = 1) [set color red] if (cholera = 0) [set color green] if (cholera = -1) [set color grey] ] end to birth ; reproducing population ask turtles with [gender = 1] [ if (any? turtles-here with [gender = -1] and random 100 >= 90) [hatch 1 [set cholera 0 set age 0 ifelse (random 2 = 0) [set gender 1] [set gender -1] ] ] ] end to setup-patches ask patches [set infected? -1] ask patches with [pxcor > -5 and pxcor < 5 and pycor > -5 and pycor < 5] [set infected? 0] ; creates water end to setup-turtles ask turtles [set gender 0] set-default-shape turtles "person" crt 100 [ ; creates people setxy random-xcor random-ycor set age random 3910 set cholera 0 ] ask turtles ; creates vaccinated and infected people [if (random 100 < numVaccinated) [set cholera -1] if (cholera = 0 and random 100 < numInfected) [set cholera 1] ] ask n-of 50 turtles [set gender 1] ; creating genders ask turtles with [gender = 0] [set gender -1] end
There is only one version of this model, created about 6 years ago by Jesse PANTIN.
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Cholera Simulation.png | preview | Preview for 'Cholera Simulation' | about 6 years ago, by Jesse PANTIN | Download |
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