Balancing of Utility in Palmoil Supply chain model
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globals [ gcounter gcounter2 gupetani gupedagang gupabrcpo gupabrminygor gudistributor gw1_1petani gw2_1petani gw1_2petani gw2_2petani gw1_1pedagang gw2_1pedagang gw1_2pedagang gw2_2pedagang gw1_1pabrcpo gw2_1pabrcpo gw1_2pabrcpo gw2_2pabrcpo gw1_1pabrminygor gw2_1pabrminygor gw1_2pabrminygor gw2_2pabrminygor gw1_1distributor gw2_1distributor gw1_2distributor gw2_2distributor gformulayl1petani gformulayl1pedagang gformulayl1pabrcpo gformulayl1pabrminygor gformulayl1distributor gformulayl2petani gformulayl2pedagang gformulayl2pabrcpo gformulayl2pabrminygor gformulayl2distributor gntpetani gntpedagang gntpabrcpo gntpabrminygor gntdistributor gntriilpetani gntriilpedagang gntriilpabrcpo gntriilpabrminygor gntriildistributor gu_total gnt_total gntriil_total gselisih ] turtles-own [ risiko investasi u1 u2 formulayl1 formulayl2 nt ntriil alpha w1_1 w1_2 w2_1 w2_2 alphawx1 alphawx2 ] breed [petani] breed [pedagang] breed [pabrik_cpo] breed [pabrik_minygor] breed [distributor] breed [konsumen] to do_setup clear-all if file-exists? "hasilutil.csv" [file-delete "hasilutil.csv"] file-open "hasilutil.csv" file-print "W1_1PET,W2_1PET,FORMULAYL1PET,W2_2PET,W1_2PET,FORMULAYL2PET,SELISIHPET, W1_1PED,W2_1PED,FORMULAYL1PED,W2_2PED,W1_2PED,FORMULAYL2PED,SELISIHPED, W1_1CPO,W2_1CPO,FORMULAYL1CPO,W2_2CPO,W1_2CPO,FORMULAYL2CPO,SELISIHCPO, W1_1GOR,W2_1GOR,FORMULAYL1GOR,W2_2GOR,W1_2GOR,FORMULAYL2GOR,SELISIHGOR, W1_1IDIS,W2_1DIS,FORMULAYL1DIS,W2_2DIS,W1_2DIS,FORMULAYL2DIS,SELISIHDIS" file-close set gselisih 0 do_setup_patches do_setup_turtles end to do_setup_patches ask patches [ set pcolor green ] end to do_setup_turtles set-default-shape petani "circle" create-petani 1 [ set color red ;setxy -10 0 ] set-default-shape pedagang "circle" create-pedagang 1 [ set color black ;setxy -5 0 ] set-default-shape pabrik_cpo "circle" create-pabrik_cpo 1 [set color violet] set-default-shape pabrik_minygor "circle" create-pabrik_minygor 1 [set color sky] set-default-shape distributor "circle" create-distributor 1 [set color yellow] ;ask turtles [ ; setxy random-pxcor random-pycor] end to do_go do_optimal tick end to-report VARY [#low #high] ;; reports a random integer in given range, inclusive report #low + random(#high - #low + 1) end to do_optimal set gcounter gcounter + 1 ask turtle 0 [ ;biaya produksi petani ifelse gcounter > 1 [ if w1_1 < (1 - 0.001) [ set w1_1 w1_1 + 0.001 ] if w2_2 < (1 - 0.001) [ set w2_2 w2_2 + 0.001 ] ] [ set risiko 0.355 ;set investasi 0.49 set investasi 0.00298 set alpha 2 ;w1 adalah bobot risiko w2 investasi set w1_1 0.001 set w2_2 0.001 ] set w2_1 1 - w1_1 ;gw1 global set gw1_1petani w1_1 set gw2_1petani w2_1 set alphawx1 alpha * ( (w1_1 * risiko) + (w2_1 * investasi)) ; u1 fungsi utility berdasar risiko sebelum dikalikan alpha ; formulayl adalah fungsi utility setelah dikalikan alpha ; formulayl = u * alpha set u1 exp(alphawx1) set formulayl1 u1 * alpha set gformulayl1petani formulayl1 set w1_2 1 - w2_2 set gw1_2petani w1_2 set gw2_2petani w2_2 set alphawx2 alpha * ( (w1_2 * risiko) + (w2_2 * investasi)) set u2 exp(alphawx2) set formulayl2 u2 * alpha set gformulayl2petani formulayl2 set-current-plot "petani" set-current-plot-pen "Util-risk" plot formulayl1 set-current-plot-pen "Util-inv" plot formulayl2 ] ask turtle 1 [ ;biaya produksi pedagang ifelse gcounter > 1 [ if w1_1 < (1 - 0.001) [ set w1_1 w1_1 + 0.001 ] if w2_2 < (1 - 0.001) [ set w2_2 w2_2 + 0.001 ] ] [ set risiko 0.124 set investasi 0.00854 set alpha 2 set w1_1 0.001 set w2_2 0.001 set ntriil 0.67 set gntriilpedagang ntriil ] set w2_1 1 - w1_1 set gw1_1pedagang w1_1 set gw2_1pedagang w2_1 set alphawx1 alpha * ( (w1_1 * risiko) + (w2_1 * investasi)) set u1 exp(alphawx1) set formulayl1 u1 * alpha set gformulayl1pedagang formulayl1 set w1_2 1 - w2_2 set gw1_2pedagang w1_2 set gw2_2pedagang w2_2 set alphawx2 alpha * ( (w1_2 * risiko) + (w2_2 * investasi)) set u2 exp(alphawx2) set formulayl2 u2 * alpha set gformulayl2pedagang formulayl2 set-current-plot "Pengepul" set-current-plot-pen "Util-risk" plot formulayl1 set-current-plot-pen "Util-inv" plot formulayl2 ] ;pabrcpo ask turtle 2 [ ifelse gcounter > 1 [ if w1_1 < (1 - 0.001) [ set w1_1 w1_1 + 0.001 ] if w2_2 < (1 - 0.001) [ set w2_2 w2_2 + 0.001 ] ] [ set risiko 0.224 set investasi 0.39381 set alpha 2 set w1_1 0.1 set w2_2 0.1 ;set ntriil 1.35 ;set gntriilpabrcpo ntriil ; instruksi ini sebetulnya tidak berperan karena tidak dipakai pada program ] set w2_1 1 - w1_1 set gw1_1pabrcpo w1_1 set gw2_1pabrcpo w2_1 set alphawx1 alpha * ( (w1_1 * risiko) + (w2_1 * investasi)) set u1 exp(alphawx1) set gupabrcpo u1 set formulayl1 u1 * alpha set gformulayl1pabrcpo formulayl1 set w1_2 1 - w2_2 set gw1_2pabrcpo w1_2 set gw2_2pabrcpo w2_2 set alphawx2 alpha * ( (w1_2 * risiko) + (w2_2 * investasi)) set u2 exp(alphawx2) set gupabrcpo u2 set formulayl2 u2 * alpha set gformulayl2pabrcpo formulayl2 set-current-plot "PKS" set-current-plot-pen "Util-risk" plot formulayl1 set-current-plot-pen "Util-inv" plot formulayl2 ] ;pabrcpo ask turtle 3 [ ifelse gcounter > 1 [ if w1_1 < (1 - 0.001) [ set w1_1 w1_1 + 0.001 ] if w2_2 < (1 - 0.001) [ set w2_2 w2_2 + 0.001 ] ] [ set risiko 0.193 set investasi 0.58575 set alpha 2 set w1_1 0.001 set w2_2 0.001 set ntriil 9.35 set gntriilpabrminygor ntriil ] set w2_1 1 - w1_1 set gw1_1pabrminygor w1_1 set gw2_1pabrminygor w2_1 set alphawx1 alpha * ( (w1_1 * risiko) + (w2_1 * investasi)) set u1 exp(alphawx1) set formulayl1 u1 * alpha set gformulayl1pabrminygor formulayl1 set w1_2 1 - w2_2 set gw1_2pabrminygor w1_2 set gw2_2pabrminygor w2_2 set alphawx2 alpha * ( (w1_2 * risiko) + (w2_2 * investasi)) set u2 exp(alphawx2) set formulayl2 u2 * alpha set gformulayl2pabrminygor formulayl2 set-current-plot "Refinery" set-current-plot-pen "Util-risk" plot formulayl1 set-current-plot-pen "Util-inv" plot formulayl2 ] ask turtle 4 [ ifelse gcounter > 1 [ if w1_1 < (1 - 0.001) [ set w1_1 w1_1 + 0.001 ] if w2_2 < (1 - 0.001) [ set w2_2 w2_2 + 0.001 ] ] [ set risiko 0.103 set investasi 0.00893 set alpha 2 set w1_1 0.001 set w2_2 0.001 ; sebetulnya ntriil nilai tambah riil tidak diapa-apakan dalam proses beirkutnya set ntriil 0.42 set gntriildistributor ntriil ] set w2_1 1 - w1_1 set gw1_1distributor w1_1 set gw2_1distributor w2_1 set alphawx1 alpha * ( (w1_1 * risiko) + (w2_1 * investasi)) set u1 exp(alphawx1) set formulayl1 u1 * alpha set gformulayl1distributor formulayl1 set w1_2 1 - w2_2 set gw1_2distributor w1_2 set gw2_2distributor w2_2 set alphawx2 alpha * ( (w1_2 * risiko) + (w2_2 * investasi)) set u2 exp(alphawx2) set formulayl2 u2 * alpha set gformulayl2distributor formulayl2 set-current-plot "distributor" set-current-plot-pen "Util-risk" plot formulayl1 set-current-plot-pen "Util-inv" plot formulayl2 ] file-open "hasilutil.csv" ; disini dihitung selisih-selisih utk mencari titik temu curva risiko dan curva investasi langsung di print di csv file-print (word gw1_1petani "," gw2_1petani "," gformulayl1petani "," gw2_2petani "," gw1_2petani "," gformulayl2petani "," (gformulayl1petani - gformulayl2petani) "," gw1_1pedagang "," gw2_1pedagang "," gformulayl1pedagang "," gw2_2pedagang "," gw1_2pedagang "," gformulayl2pedagang "," (gformulayl1pedagang - gformulayl2pedagang) "," gw1_1pabrcpo "," gw2_1pabrcpo "," gformulayl1pabrcpo "," gw2_2pabrcpo "," gw1_2pabrcpo "," gformulayl2pabrcpo "," (gformulayl1pabrcpo - gformulayl2pabrcpo) "," gw1_1pabrminygor "," gw2_1pabrminygor "," gformulayl1pabrminygor "," gw2_2pabrminygor "," gw1_2pabrminygor "," gformulayl2pabrminygor "," (gformulayl1pabrminygor - gformulayl2pabrminygor) "," gw1_1distributor "," gw2_1distributor "," gformulayl1distributor "," gw2_2distributor "," gw1_2distributor "," gformulayl2distributor "," (gformulayl1distributor - gformulayl2distributor)) file-close end
There is only one version of this model, created almost 6 years ago by Syarif Hidayat.
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