Camas-human-elk model
1 collaborator

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Model was written in NetLogo 6.0.4
Viewed 173 times
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breed [humans human] breed [camas camass] breed [elk elks] camas-own [age] humans-own [age] elk-own [age] To Setup clear-all create-humans number-of-humans [ set age age + 1 set shape "person" set color 35 set size 1.5 move-to one-of patches ] create-elk number-of-elk [ set age age + 1 set shape "elk" set color 33 set size 1.5 move-to one-of patches ] create-camas number-of-camas [ set age age + 0.5 set shape "camas" set size 1.5 set color 53 move-to one-of patches ] ask patches [ set pcolor 57] reset-ticks end to go if not any? camas [ stop] ask humans [ set age age + 1 right random 10 left random 10 forward 1 if random-float 150 < human-reproduction [ hatch-humans 1 [ set age 0 set color 35 move-to one-of neighbors] ] if age > 80 [die] if any? camas-here [ if random-float 100 < human-harvest [ ask camas-here [die] ] ] if any? elk-here [ if random-float 100 < human-hunt [ ask elk-here [die] ] ] ] ask elk [ set age age + 1 right random 10 left random 10 forward 1 if random-float 100 < elk-reproduction [ hatch-elk 1 [ set age 0 set color 33 move-to one-of neighbors] ] if age > 13 [die] if any? camas-here [ ask camas-here [die] ] ] ask camas [ set age age + 0.5 if age > 5 [die] if random-float 100 < camas-reproduction [ hatch-camas 1 [ set color 53 set age 0 move-to one-of neighbors] ] ] tick end
There is only one version of this model, created almost 6 years ago by Nikki McDaid-Morgan.
Attached files
File | Type | Description | Last updated | |
Camas-human-elk model.png | preview | Preview for 'Camas-human-elk model' | almost 6 years ago, by Nikki McDaid-Morgan | Download |
This model does not have any ancestors.
This model does not have any descendants.
Nikki McDaid-Morgan
Referencing this model
To reference this model: McDaid-Morgan, N. (2019). NetLogo camas-elk-human model.
Posted almost 6 years ago