VSRPD162 preview image

1 collaborator

Default-person Filip Vesely (Author)


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;; LeLeLe
;; LeLeLe is a model designed to analyse
;; the effect of conditional dissociation
;; in the evolutionary emergence of cooperation.
;; Copyright (C) 2013 Segismundo S. Izquierdo & Luis R. Izquierdo
;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program.  If not, see .
;; Contact information:
;; Luis R. Izquierdo 
;;   University of Burgos, Spain. 
;;   e-mail: luis@izquierdo.name

;;; Variables ;;;

globals [
  ;; Variables for the agent-based model
  pool-of-singles ;; players without mate at the beginning of the period

  num-strategies                                  ;; 162

;  strategy-numbers

;  strategy-frequencies-pool-of-singles
;  strategy-frequencies-pool-of-singles-norm
;  strategy-avg-payoffs
;  strategy-mod-payoffs

  num-plots ;; 12

  Z  ;; temp variable

  numSS numSL numLL       ;; these variables store how many times each of the leave outcomes has been observed in one match
  %-SS %-SL %-LL

  numCC numCD numDD       ;; these variables store how many times each of the outcomes has been observed in one match
  %-CC %-CD %-DD
  ;; to be aded later
  %-A    ;; percentage of strategy
  %p-A   ;; percentage of strategy in the pool

breed [agents agent] 

agents-own [ 
  strategy-number  ;; strategies are numbered from 0,1,2,3,4,6,7...160,161
                   ;; floor(# /81)       is action for new    0=C, 1= D
                   ;; floor(# /27) mod 3 is action for CC     0=C, 1= D, 2= out
                   ;; floor(# / 9) mod 3 is action for CD     0=C, 1= D, 2= out
                   ;; floor(# / 3) mod 3 is action for DC     0=C, 1= D, 2= out
                   ;; floor(#    ) mod 3 is action for DD     0=C, 1= D, 2= out
  past          ;; LAST PD GAME 0=New, 1=CC, 2=CD, 3=DC, 4=DD
  action        ;; the action is either 0 (C) or 1 (D)
  break-if-C    ;; 0 if the player does not split up after the other player plays C. 1 otherwise.
  break-if-D    ;; 0 if the player does not split up after the other player plays D. 1 otherwise.
  name          ;; plot name on graph, A, B, C ...

  plot-number       ;; strategies are numbered from 0 to num-plots-1

;; The following breeds are the variables for the mean dynamics

breed [singles single]

singles-own [
  plot-number      ;; strategies are numbered from 0 to num-plots-1
  strategy-number  ;; strategies are numbered from 0 to num-strategies-1

;;; Setup Procedures ;;;

;; the following procedure is called when the model is first loaded

to startup

to setup-variables
  set num-strategies 162  
  set num-plots 12
  set plot-names ["TfTat" "OfTat" "C-Prt" "AllC" "OthC" "TfTit" "OfTit" "WSLS" "FGOF" "D-Prt" "AllD" "OthD"]
  set plot-numbers n-values num-plots [?]

to setup-initial-conditions
  create-agents num-players [
    set past 0
    set mate nobody
    set payoff 0    
    set hidden? true
  set pool-of-singles (agents with [mate = nobody])
  set n-of-singles-at-the-beginning (count pool-of-singles)
  ask agents [
    ifelse ((main-strategy < 0) or (main-strategy > 161)) [set strategy-number (floor(random-float 162.0))] 
                                                          [set strategy-number (floor(main-strategy))]
  ask singles [
         let my-st-number strategy-number
         set value (count agents with [strategy-number = my-st-number]) / num-players
  ;; here we plot the initial conditions, before any matching occurs

;;; Run-time procedures ;;;

to go  



  ;; new generation
  if (count agents != num-players) [adjust-num-players]      

to make-couples
  ask agents [set new-partnership? false]
  set pool-of-singles (agents with [mate = nobody])
  set n-of-singles-at-the-beginning (count pool-of-singles)
  let players-to-be-paired (pool-of-singles with [random-float 1.0 < prob-rematch])
  set n-of-singles-selected-to-be-paired (count players-to-be-paired)
  if (n-of-singles-selected-to-be-paired mod 2 = 1) [
    set n-of-singles-selected-to-be-paired (n-of-singles-selected-to-be-paired - 1)
    set players-to-be-paired (n-of n-of-singles-selected-to-be-paired players-to-be-paired)
  ask players-to-be-paired [set new-partnership? true]
  ask players-to-be-paired [
    if (mate = nobody) [  
      set mate one-of (players-to-be-paired with [mate = nobody and self != myself])
      ask mate [set mate myself]

to play
  set total-payoff 0
  set paired 0
  set avg-payoff 0

  ask agents [
    set past ifelse-value (mate = nobody)
      [past-for action ([action] of mate)] 
    set payoff ifelse-value (mate = nobody)
      [payoff-for action ([action] of mate)]
    set total-payoff (total-payoff + payoff)
    set paired (paired + 1)
    set avg-payoff (total-payoff / paired )

to-report past-for [my-action her-action]
  ;; my-action is 0 if C, 1 if D
    ifelse-value (my-action = 0)
        [ifelse-value (her-action = 0)
        [ifelse-value (her-action = 0)

to-report payoff-for [my-action her-action]
  ;; my-action is 0 if C, 1 if D
    (1 - my-action) * (1 - her-action) * CC-payoff +
    (1 - my-action) * her-action * CD-payoff +
    my-action * (1 - her-action) * DC-payoff +
    my-action * her-action * DD-payoff

to split-up
  set numLL 0
  set numSL 0
  set numSS 0
  ask agents[
    if (mate != nobody) [ 
      ifelse ((([action] of mate = 0) and (break-if-C = 1))or(([action] of mate = 1) and (break-if-D = 1)))
        [ifelse (((action = 0) and ([break-if-C] of mate = 1))or((action = 1) and ([break-if-D] of mate = 1)))
          [  set past 0   set numLL (numLL + 0.5) ]
          [  set past 0   set numSL (numSL + 0.5) ] ]
        [ifelse (((action = 0) and ([break-if-C] of mate = 1))or((action = 1) and ([break-if-D] of mate = 1)))
          [  set past 0   set numSL (numSL + 0.5) ]
          [               set numSS (numSS + 0.5) ] ]
          ;; if programmed to split up after your mate's selected action
  set num-outcomesS (numLL + numSL + numSS)
  set %-LL ifelse-value (num-outcomesS = 0) [0] [(numLL / num-outcomesS)]
  set %-SL ifelse-value (num-outcomesS = 0) [0] [(numSL / num-outcomesS)]
  set %-SS ifelse-value (num-outcomesS = 0) [0] [(numSS / num-outcomesS)]

to kill-and-breed
  ask agents [  
    ifelse (random-float 1.0 < ifelse-value (die-together) [ ((expected-life -  (sqrt (expected-life) * sqrt (expected-life - 1 ))) / expected-life ) ] [( 1.0 / expected-life )])
     [ if (mate != nobody)  [ ifelse (die-together)  [ask mate [die]] [ask mate [set past 0]     ask mate [set mate nobody]  ask mate[update-strategy-variables] ]]
       die ]
     [ if (past = 0) [set mate nobody]
       update-strategy-variables ] ]

to adjust-num-players 
  let adjustment (num-players - (count agents))
  if adjustment != 0 [  
  ifelse adjustment > 0 
    ;;;;;  ^ 1 is original
     let list-fitness n-values 162 [ifelse-value (count agents with [strategy-number = ?] > 0) [(((sum [payoff] of agents with [strategy-number = ?]) / (count agents with [strategy-number = ?])) ^ 5) * (count agents with [strategy-number = ?])][0]]

     if (sum list-fitness = 0) [set list-fitness n-values 162 [1]]        ;; Applies when all players have zero fitness 
     let cum-fitness [0]                                                  ;; cum-fitness last value is 0 and is 9 items long
     foreach list-fitness [set cum-fitness fput (? + first cum-fitness) cum-fitness]      
     create-agents adjustment [
        set past 0   
        set mate nobody

        if-else (random-float 1.0 < prob-mutation)
          [set strategy-number (floor(random 162.0))]
          [set strategy-number 161 
           let tmp random-float first cum-fitness    ;; select the new strategy with probability proportional to fitness 
           foreach butfirst cum-fitness [ if ( tmp < ?) [set strategy-number (strategy-number - 1)] ]
      ask n-of (0 - adjustment) agents [
        if (mate != nobody)  [ask mate [set past 0]   ask mate [set mate nobody]   ]

to update-strategy-variables
  ;; update strategy variables from strategy-number
  if-else (past = 0)            [set action            (floor ( strategy-number / 81)        ) ] [
   if-else (past = 1)           [set action     floor ((floor ( strategy-number / 27)) mod  3) ] [
    if-else (past = 2)          [set action     floor ((floor ( strategy-number /  9)) mod  3) ] [
     if-else (past = 3)         [set action     floor ((floor ( strategy-number /  3)) mod  3) ]
                                [set action     floor ((floor ( strategy-number     )) mod  3) ] ]]] 
  if-else (action = 0)          [set break-if-C ifelse-value (floor((floor ( strategy-number / 27)) mod  3) = 2) [1] [0] 
                                 set break-if-D ifelse-value (floor((floor ( strategy-number /  9)) mod  3) = 2) [1] [0]  ] 
                                [set break-if-C ifelse-value (floor((floor ( strategy-number /  3)) mod  3) = 2) [1] [0] 
                                 set break-if-D ifelse-value (floor((floor ( strategy-number     )) mod  3) = 2) [1] [0]  ] 

;;;    Statistics    ;;;

to gather-data
  ;; Agent-based model
  set paired-players (agents with [mate != nobody])
  set numCC (count paired-players with [action = 0 and [action] of mate = 0]) / 2
  set numDD (count paired-players with [action = 1 and [action] of mate = 1]) / 2
  set numCD (count paired-players with [action = 0 and [action] of mate = 1]) 
  set num-outcomes (numCC + numDD + numCD)
  set %-CC ifelse-value (num-outcomes = 0) [0] [(numCC / num-outcomes)]
  set %-CD ifelse-value (num-outcomes = 0) [0] [(numCD / num-outcomes)]
  set %-DD ifelse-value (num-outcomes = 0) [0] [(numDD / num-outcomes)]
  let n-players (count agents)

  set strategy-mode first (modes [strategy-number] of agents)
  set strategy-mode-% (count agents with [strategy-number = strategy-mode] / count agents * 100)
  set strategy-frequencies n-values 162 [count agents with [strategy-number = ?]]
  set strategy-names n-values 162 [?]

    set Z                                            (count           agents with [(floor(strategy-number /  9) mod 27) =  1])                           ;; TfTat
    set plot-avg-payoffs fput (ifelse-value (Z > 0) [(sum [payoff] of agents with [(floor(strategy-number /  9) mod 27) =  1]) /  Z] [0]) []
    set plot-frequencies fput Z []
    set Z                                            (count           agents with [(floor(strategy-number /  9) mod 27) =  2])                             ;; OfTat
    set plot-avg-payoffs lput (ifelse-value (Z > 0) [(sum [payoff] of agents with [(floor(strategy-number /  9) mod 27) =  2]) /  Z] [0]) plot-avg-payoffs
    set plot-frequencies lput Z plot-frequencies
    set Z                                            (count           agents with [(floor(strategy-number / 27) mod 27) =  1])                             ;; C-prt
    set plot-avg-payoffs lput (ifelse-value (Z > 0) [(sum [payoff] of agents with [(floor(strategy-number / 27) mod 27) =  1]) /  Z] [0]) plot-avg-payoffs
    set plot-frequencies lput Z plot-frequencies

    set Z                                            (count           agents with [((floor(strategy-number /  9) mod 27) =  0) or ((floor(strategy-number /  9) mod 27) =  6) or ((floor(strategy-number /  9) mod 27) =  8)])                           ;; AllC
    set plot-avg-payoffs lput (ifelse-value (Z > 0) [(sum [payoff] of agents with [((floor(strategy-number /  9) mod 27) =  0) or ((floor(strategy-number /  9) mod 27) =  6) or ((floor(strategy-number /  9) mod 27) =  8)]) /  Z] [0]) plot-avg-payoffs
    set plot-frequencies lput Z plot-frequencies

    set Z                                            (count           agents with [(floor(strategy-number /  9) mod 27) =  7])                             ;; OthC
    set plot-avg-payoffs lput (ifelse-value (Z > 0) [(sum [payoff] of agents with [(floor(strategy-number /  9) mod 27) =  7]) /  Z] [0]) plot-avg-payoffs
    set plot-frequencies lput Z plot-frequencies

    set Z                                            (count           agents with [((strategy-number > 80) and ((floor(strategy-number /  1) mod 9) =  1))])                             ;; TfTit
    set plot-avg-payoffs lput (ifelse-value (Z > 0) [(sum [payoff] of agents with [((strategy-number > 80) and ((floor(strategy-number /  1) mod 9) =  1))]) /  Z] [0]) plot-avg-payoffs
    set plot-frequencies lput Z plot-frequencies

    set Z                                            (count           agents with [((strategy-number > 80) and ((floor(strategy-number /  1) mod 9) =  2))])                             ;; OfTit
    set plot-avg-payoffs lput (ifelse-value (Z > 0) [(sum [payoff] of agents with [((strategy-number > 80) and ((floor(strategy-number /  1) mod 9) =  2))]) /  Z] [0]) plot-avg-payoffs
    set plot-frequencies lput Z plot-frequencies

    set Z                                            (count           agents with [((strategy-number = 81) or (strategy-number = 84) or (strategy-number = 90) or (strategy-number = 93))])                             ;; WSLS
    set plot-avg-payoffs lput (ifelse-value (Z > 0) [(sum [payoff] of agents with [((strategy-number = 81) or (strategy-number = 84) or (strategy-number = 90) or (strategy-number = 93))]) /  Z] [0]) plot-avg-payoffs
    set plot-frequencies lput Z plot-frequencies

    set Z                                            (count           agents with [((strategy-number = 87) or (strategy-number = 96) or (strategy-number = 99) or (strategy-number = 102) or (strategy-number = 105))])                             ;; FGOF
    set plot-avg-payoffs lput (ifelse-value (Z > 0) [(sum [payoff] of agents with [((strategy-number = 87) or (strategy-number = 96) or (strategy-number = 99) or (strategy-number = 102) or (strategy-number = 105))]) / Z] [0]) plot-avg-payoffs
    set plot-frequencies lput Z plot-frequencies
    set Z                                            (count           agents with [((strategy-number > 107) and (strategy-number < 135) and ((floor(strategy-number /  1) mod 3) =  0))])   ;; D-prt
    set plot-avg-payoffs lput (ifelse-value (Z > 0) [(sum [payoff] of agents with [((strategy-number > 107) and (strategy-number < 135) and ((floor(strategy-number /  1) mod 3) =  0))]) /  Z] [0]) plot-avg-payoffs
    set plot-frequencies lput Z plot-frequencies
    set Z                                            (count           agents with [((strategy-number > 80) and(((floor(strategy-number /  1) mod 9) =  4) or ((floor(strategy-number /  1) mod 9) =  5) or ((floor(strategy-number /  1) mod 9) =  7) or ((floor(strategy-number /  1) mod 9) =  8)))])   ;; AllD
    set plot-avg-payoffs lput (ifelse-value (Z > 0) [(sum [payoff] of agents with [((strategy-number > 80) and(((floor(strategy-number /  1) mod 9) =  4) or ((floor(strategy-number /  1) mod 9) =  5) or ((floor(strategy-number /  1) mod 9) =  7) or ((floor(strategy-number /  1) mod 9) =  8)))]) /  Z] [0]) plot-avg-payoffs
    set plot-frequencies lput Z plot-frequencies     

    set Z                                            (count           agents with [((strategy-number > 134) and ((floor(strategy-number /  1) mod 3) =  0))])   ;; AllD
    set plot-avg-payoffs lput (ifelse-value (Z > 0) [(sum [payoff] of agents with [((strategy-number > 134) and ((floor(strategy-number /  1) mod 3) =  0))]) /  Z] [0]) plot-avg-payoffs
    set plot-frequencies lput Z plot-frequencies     

;;;      Plots       ;;;

to update-graphs   
  ;; all graphs refer to the situation before the new breed comes in.
  let current-num-agents (count agents)
  set-current-plot "Players C/D"
    set-current-plot-pen "no play"  plotxy ticks current-num-agents    
    set-current-plot-pen "in DD"    plotxy ticks (2 * num-outcomes)
    set-current-plot-pen "in CD/DC" plotxy ticks (2 * (num-outcomes - numDD))
    set-current-plot-pen "in CC"    plotxy ticks (2 * numCC)
    set-plot-y-range 0 current-num-agents
  set-current-plot "Players S/L"
    set-current-plot-pen "no play"  plotxy ticks current-num-agents    
    set-current-plot-pen "in LL"    plotxy ticks (2 * num-outcomesS)
    set-current-plot-pen "in SL/LS" plotxy ticks (2 * (num-outcomesS - numLL))
    set-current-plot-pen "in SS"    plotxy ticks (2 * numSS)
    set-plot-y-range 0 current-num-agents
  set-current-plot "Players' pairs"
    set-current-plot-pen "singles before matching"  
    plot n-of-singles-at-the-beginning
    set-current-plot-pen "singles after matching"
    plot (n-of-singles-at-the-beginning - n-of-singles-selected-to-be-paired)
    set-current-plot-pen "in pairs after matching"
    plot count paired-players
    set-plot-y-range 0 current-num-agents
  set-current-plot "Average Payoff"
    set-current-plot-pen "payoff"  
    plot avg-payoff
    set-plot-y-range DD-payoff CC-payoff

  set-current-plot "Strategy Distribution"
    let total (sum plot-frequencies)
    let bar 1
    foreach (n-values num-plots [?]) [
      set-current-plot-pen item ? plot-names 
      set-plot-pen-mode 1
      plotxy ticks bar 
      set bar (bar - ((item ? plot-frequencies) / total))
    set-plot-y-range 0 1 
  set-current-plot "Strategy Distribution 2"
    let total2 (sum plot-frequencies)

    foreach (n-values num-plots [?]) [
      set-current-plot-pen item ? plot-names 
      set-plot-pen-mode 0
      plotxy ticks ((item ? plot-frequencies) / total2)   ]    
    set-plot-y-range 0 1   
  set-current-plot "Strategy Payoffs"

    foreach (n-values num-plots [?]) [
      set-current-plot-pen item ? plot-names 
      set-plot-pen-mode 0
      if (ticks > 0) [plotxy ticks (item ? plot-avg-payoffs) ]
    set-plot-y-range CD-payoff  DC-payoff 

There is only one version of this model, created about 5 years ago by Filip Vesely.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
VSRPD162.png preview Preview for 'VSRPD162' about 5 years ago, by Filip Vesely Download

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