Genetic Drift Expanded

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This model is an example of genetic drift. It shows that competing organisms, turtles of different colors, each with equal likelihood reproduction, will ultimately converge on one breed without any particular selection pressure.


The model starts with a random distribution of colored turtles. They move by wiggling randomly across the world. Each turn, a turtle produces between 0 and 5 offspring, value that can be modified by the user. If the total number of turtles is greater than the original number, then turtles are randomly killed until the original number is restored. This can be achieved by randomly kill considering all turtles or by killing the older turtles first. When only one breed of turtles is alive it is said that the breed as come to fixation and the simulation ends.


  • The "setup" button initializes the model.
  • The "go" button runs the model.
  • Use the "colors" slider to select the number of competing colors (breeds).
  • The "number" slider sets the number of turtles.
  • Use the "walls" buttons to divide the world.
  • Use the "remove-pop" button to randomly kill turtles and simulate bottle-neck effect.
  • The "mutation-rate" buttons adds a turtle birth mutation rate.
  • The "death-cause" chooser determines death cause when population exceeds "population" slider value.
  • The "max-offspring" slider sets the maximum number of offspring for each turtles on each generation.
  • Use the "clear-output" to clear the message log screen.


This models adds several features compared to other models. It is recommended to change things one at a time and notice how that changes the outcome of the simulation. Here is a list of possible things to do:

Experiment with adding walls. When walls are added, groups of individuals can be geographically isolated. Groups that are geographically isolated with walls will often end up with a different dominant color than the larger population.

Experiment with the two different options of death cause. Run a few simulations for each type. Did you notice any difference?

Looking at the graphs, use the "remove-pop" button to randomly remove turtles from the world. How does that affect each alive breed?

Change the population value and keep the number of colors constant. How does that affect the number of generations that it takes for a breed to go to fixation? Then keep the population constant and change the number of colors. What is the effect this time? How many generations does it take before a breed goes extinct?

When introducing mutations fixation can take many generations. Try selecting continuous update instead of by tick. Furthermore, try unselecting the "view update" option and focus on the plots.

Experiment with the bottle-neck effect. For a more extreme scenario click the "remove-pop" button two or three times at once.


Notice that often colors can get to quite a high population but still fail to win the race. Also notice that when a breed dies it can not come back, not even when mutation rate is greater than zero.


Add-ons to the model by Carlo Maley were kept (e.g. organisms moving more slowly).

Juan Garcia Mesa added a mutation rate option and the ability for fixation in each area when the world is divided by walls.

The grim reaper in the procedure death does a random harvesting of the population to keep it roughly constant. This might be somewhat like a natural environment with a limited food supply. Juan Garcia Mesa added an option where older turtles die first to simulate aging. Can you think of other ways to write this procedure? Are the results affected?


  • GenDrift P global
  • GenDrift P local
  • GenDrift T interact
  • GenDrift T reproduce
  • Genetic Drift by Carlo Maley


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Copyright 1997 Uri Wilensky.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.

Commercial licenses are also available. To inquire about commercial licenses, please contact Uri Wilensky at

This model was created as part of the project: CONNECTED MATHEMATICS: MAKING SENSE OF COMPLEX PHENOMENA THROUGH BUILDING OBJECT-BASED PARALLEL MODELS (OBPML). The project gratefully acknowledges the support of the National Science Foundation (Applications of Advanced Technologies Program) -- grant numbers RED #9552950 and REC #9632612.

This model was converted to NetLogo as part of the projects: PARTICIPATORY SIMULATIONS: NETWORK-BASED DESIGN FOR SYSTEMS LEARNING IN CLASSROOMS and/or INTEGRATED SIMULATION AND MODELING ENVIRONMENT. The project gratefully acknowledges the support of the National Science Foundation (REPP & ROLE programs) -- grant numbers REC #9814682 and REC-0126227. Converted from StarLogoT to NetLogo, 2001.

Comments and Questions

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Click to Run Model

globals [
  max-percent                                    ;; most numerous color turtles in %
  max-color                                      ;; color of most numerous
  pop-removed-ticks                              ;; ticks since pop removal
  alive-colors                                   ;; # of colors alive
  wall-list                                      ;; list of wall coordinates

turtles-own [age]                                ;; turtles' age

to setup
  populate-world                                 ;; create turtles
  ask turtles [ set shape "circle" ]             ;; set turtles to circle shape
  find-top-species                               ;; find percentage of most numerous species
  set alive-colors [5 15 25 35 45 55 65 85 95 125]
  count-alive-colors                             ;; count alive colors after setting list to all by default
  set mutation-rate 0.0
  output-print( word "[New simulation]" )

to clear-commands

to populate-world
  create-turtles population
    set color 5 + (random colors) * 10
    if color = turquoise                         ;; turquoise (75) is too similar to another color
      [ set color magenta ]                      ;; so use magenta (125) instead
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor

to go
  if stop-run? [                                 ;; if fixation = true stop
    output-print (word "Fixation:" ticks " gen, mut rate:" mutation-rate ", pop:" population ", colors:" colors )
  ask turtles [                                  ;; move turtles
    rt random 50
    lt random 50
    ifelse [ pcolor ] of patch-ahead 1 = black   ;; if wall ahead change direction
      [ fd 0.2 ]                                 ;; Move forward 0.2 (not 1 to slow down)
    [ bk 0.5 rt random 180 ] ;
  if ticks - pop-removed-ticks > 10 [            ;; if 10 ticks from removal clear death patches color
    ask patches with  [pcolor = violet ] [
      set pcolor black
  ifelse death-cause = "random-death"
  [ random-death ]
  [ death-by-age ]

;; Get the string (name) of a color

to-report translate-color [num]
  if num = 5 [report "grey"]
  if num = 15 [report "red"]
  if num = 25 [report "orange"]
  if num = 35 [report "brown"]
  if num = 45 [report "yellow"]
  if num = 55 [report "green"]
  if num = 65 [report "lime"]
  if num = 75 [report "turquoise"]
  if num = 85 [report "cyan"]
  if num = 95 [report "sky"]
  if num = 105 [report "blue"]
  if num = 115 [report "violet"]
  if num = 125 [report "magenta"]
  ifelse num = 135
    [ report "pink" ]
    [ report "unknown color" ]

to birth
  ask turtles [
    fd 0.3 hatch (random max-offspring + 1) [    ;; turtles hatch between 0 and max-offspring babies and move forward 0.3
      if(random 1000) < (mutation-rate * 1000)   ;; random mutation given rate
      [ set color one-of alive-colors ]
      set age 0

;; if the overall population is greater than the original number,
;; randomly kill turtles to keep population roughly constant

to random-death
  let total-turtles count turtles
  ask turtles [
    if random total-turtles > population
      [ die ]

to grow-old
  ask turtles [
    set age age + 1                              ;; turtles age increases by 1 every tick

to death-by-age                                  ;; kill (randomly) older turtles first
  let list-turtles sort-on [age] turtles
  while [count turtles > population] [
    ask last list-turtles [
    set list-turtles remove-item (length list-turtles - 1) list-turtles


to remove-pop
  let num-turtles count turtles                  ;; count current number of turtles
  let xcoor random world-width - max-pxcor       ;; select random x coordinate
  let ycoor random world-height - max-pycor      ;; select random y coordinate
  ask patches with [ pxcor = xcoor and pycor = ycoor ] [
    let radius (10 + random 10)
    ask patches in-radius radius [
      if pcolor = black [
        set pcolor violet                        ;; set death area to violet
    ask turtles in-radius radius [die]           ;; make turtles in area die
  let killed-turtles (num-turtles - count turtles) / num-turtles * 100
  output-print (word "Removed " round (killed-turtles) "% of turtles at generation " ticks ".")
  set pop-removed-ticks ticks

;; find the percentage of the most populous species

to find-top-species
  let winning-amount 0
  foreach base-colors [ c ->
    let how-many count turtles with [color = c]
    if how-many > winning-amount
      [ set winning-amount how-many
        set max-color translate-color c
  set max-percent (100 * winning-amount / count turtles)

to count-alive-colors
  foreach alive-colors [ c ->
    if count turtles with [color = c] = 0 [      ;; if # of turtles of that color = 0 remove color from list
      set alive-colors remove c alive-colors

to-report stop-run?
  let stop-run (list)
  let i 0
  let colors-in-area (list)
  while [i < length wall-list - 1]
    ;; get turtles between each set of walls (area)
    [ ask turtles with [ycor > item i wall-list and ycor < item (i + 1) wall-list ]
        ;; get color of all turtles in the area
        set colors-in-area insert-item 0 colors-in-area color
      if length colors-in-area > 1 [
        ;; if there are more than 1 color in area add false to list
        ifelse variance colors-in-area = 0.0
          [ set stop-run insert-item 0 stop-run true ]
          [ set stop-run insert-item 0 stop-run false ]
      ;; reset counters
      set colors-in-area (list)
      set i (i + 1)
  ;; if list has one or more 'false' values keep running simulation
  ifelse member? false stop-run
  [ report false ]
  ;; else stop simulation = true
  [ report true ]

;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Below this point are procedure definitions that have to do with "walls," which
;; the user may create in order to separate groups of turtles from one another.
;; The use of walls is optional, and can be seen as a more advanced topic.
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

to place-wall
  if mouse-down? [
    ;; Note that when we place a wall, we must also place walls
    ;; at the world boundaries, so turtles can't change rooms
    ;; by wrapping around the edge of the world.
    ask patches with [abs pycor = max-pycor or
                      pycor = round mouse-ycor] [
      ;set pcolor white
      set pcolor white
      ;; There might be some turtles standing where the
      ;; new walls is, so we need to move them into a room.
      ask turtles-here [ move-off-wall ]
    set wall-list insert-item 1 wall-list round mouse-ycor
    set wall-list remove-duplicates wall-list
    set wall-list sort wall-list

to remove-wall
  if mouse-down? [
    ask patches with [pycor = round mouse-ycor]
      [ set pcolor black ]
    ;; if only 1 wall in wall-list remove-all (+ boundaries)
    if length wall-list = 3 [
    ;; remove wall from list
    set wall-list remove round mouse-ycor wall-list

to remove-all-walls
  set wall-list (list min-pycor max-pycor)

to move-off-wall  ;; turtle procedure
  while [pcolor != black] [
    move-to one-of neighbors

; Copyright 1997 Uri Wilensky.
; See Info tab for full copyright and license.

There is only one version of this model, created about 5 years ago by Juan Jose Garcia Mesa.

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