Child of Mumbai-Dabbawala-Main

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  grid-x-inc             ;; the amount of patches in between two roads in the x direction
  grid-y-inc             ;; the amount of patches in between two roads in the y direction
  roads                  ;; agentset containing the patches that are roads

breed [dabbawalas dabbawala ]
breed [stations station ]
breed [tiffins tiffin ]

dabbawalas-own [ capacity carrying-count my-tiffins target-tiffin at-station? going-to-station? aloted?]
stations-own [ name ]
tiffins-own [ tiffin-start tiffin-dest tiffin-dest-cor chosen? ]

;; Setup Procedures ;;

to setup [ station-name dw-capacity tiffins-count-per-area collect-strategies]
  setup-globals dw-capacity tiffins-count-per-area collect-strategies
  set model-station station-name
  setup-stations station-name
  setup-tiffins station-name
  if collect-strategy = "regional-equi-load"
  or collect-strategy = "regional-max-capacity"
  [ setup-my-tiffins ]

;; Initialize the global variables to appropriate values

to setup-globals [ dw-capacity tiffins-count-per-area collect-strategies ]
  set grid-x-inc world-width / 21
  set grid-y-inc world-height / 21
  set colors [ red blue green pink yellow white brown grey orange lime turquoise sky violet magenta ]
  set done? False
  set tiffins-dest-list []
  set set-capacity dw-capacity
  set tiffins-count tiffins-count-per-area
  set collect-strategy collect-strategies
  set delay 0
  set time-taken 0

to setup-roads
  ask patches
    set pcolor brown
    if random 100 < 5
    [ set pcolor green - 1 ]
  set roads patches with
    [(floor((pxcor + max-pxcor - floor(grid-x-inc - 1)) mod grid-x-inc) = 0) or
    (floor((pycor + max-pycor) mod grid-y-inc) = 0)]
  ask roads [ set pcolor black ]

to setup-stations [ station-name ]
  create-stations 1 [
    let xy one-of patches with [pxcor != [pxcor] of roads and pycor != [pycor] of roads]
    setxy [pxcor] of xy [pycor] of xy
    set shape "house two story"
    set size 2
    set name station-name
    set label name

to setup-dabbawalas
  let dw-count ceiling ( tiffins-count / set-capacity )
  create-dabbawalas dw-count [
    let xy one-of roads
    setxy [pxcor] of xy [pycor] of xy
    set shape "dabbawala"
    set color white
    set size 3
    set going-to-station? false
    set at-station? false
    set my-tiffins 0
    set target-tiffin 0
    set aloted? False
    let index who - 1
    set color item index colors
    set capacity set-capacity ]

to setup-tiffins [ station-name ]
  create-tiffins tiffins-count [
    set shape "dabba"
    set size 3
    set color black
    set chosen? false
    move-to one-of patches with [pcolor = brown]
    set tiffin-dest-cor one-of patches with [ pcolor = brown ]
    set tiffin-start station-name

to setup-my-tiffins
  ask dabbawalas
    let dabbawala-color color
    ifelse count tiffins with [color = black]> set-capacity
      if collect-strategy = "regional-equi-load"
      [ set my-tiffins min-n-of ceiling ( count tiffins with [color = black] / count dabbawalas with [ not aloted? ] ) (tiffins with [color = black]) [ distance myself ] ]
      if collect-strategy = "regional-max-capacity"
      [ set my-tiffins min-n-of ceiling ( count tiffins / count dabbawalas ) (tiffins with [color = black]) [ distance myself ] ]
    [ set my-tiffins min-n-of count tiffins with [color = black] (tiffins with [color = black]) [ distance myself ] ]
    ask my-tiffins
      set color dabbawala-color
    set aloted? True

to go
  if count dabbawalas with [ at-station? ] = 1
  [ set delay ticks ]
  if not any? dabbawalas with [not at-station?]
  [ stop-condition  ]
  ask dabbawalas with [not at-station? and going-to-station?]
  [ go-to-station ]
  ask dabbawalas with [not at-station? and not going-to-station?]
    ifelse carrying-count < set-capacity and count tiffins with [not hidden?] > 0
    [ collect-tiffins ]
    [ set going-to-station? true ]

;;   Go Procedures  ;;

to stop-condition
  set delay ticks - delay
  if time-taken = 0
  [ set time-taken ticks ]
  set tiffins-collected tiffins with [ any? stations in-radius 4 ]
  ask tiffins-collected
    set tiffins-dest-list lput ( list [pxcor] of tiffin-dest-cor [pycor] of tiffin-dest-cor)  tiffins-dest-list
  set done? True

to collect-tiffins
  if target-tiffin = 0 or [hidden?] of target-tiffin
  [ choose-next-target ]
  if target-tiffin != nobody
  [ collect-target ]

to go-to-station
  ask dabbawalas with [ not at-station? and going-to-station? ]
    let speed ( set-capacity + 1 - carrying-count ) / 16
    let to-move neighbors with [ pcolor = black ]
    face min-one-of to-move [ distance one-of [ stations ] of myself ]
    fd speed
    if any? stations in-radius 2
      set going-to-station? false
      set at-station? true

to choose-next-target
  let my-color color
  (ifelse collect-strategy = "regional-equi-load"
    or collect-strategy = "regional-max-capacity"
    [ set target-tiffin min-one-of tiffins with [not chosen? and color = my-color ] [distance myself ]]
    collect-strategy = "serial"
    [ set target-tiffin min-one-of tiffins with [not chosen? ] [distance myself ]]
    collect-strategy = "random"
    [ set target-tiffin one-of tiffins with [not chosen? ]])
  ifelse target-tiffin = nobody
  [ set going-to-station? true ]
    ask target-tiffin
    [ set chosen? true ]

to collect-target
  let speed ( set-capacity + 1 - carrying-count ) / ( 5 * set-capacity )
  let to-move neighbors with [ pcolor = black]
  face min-one-of to-move [ distance [ target-tiffin ] of myself ]
  fd speed
  let tiffins-taken one-of tiffins in-radius 2 with [not hidden?]
  if tiffins-taken != nobody and tiffins-taken = target-tiffin
    set target-tiffin 0
    set carrying-count carrying-count + 1
    ask tiffins-taken
      create-link-with myself [tie]

There is only one version of this model, created almost 6 years ago by Sai Tanya Kumbharageri.

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Parent: Mumbai-Dabbawala-Main

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