Child of Mumbai-Dabbawala-Main
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globals [ grid-x-inc ;; the amount of patches in between two roads in the x direction grid-y-inc ;; the amount of patches in between two roads in the y direction roads ;; agentset containing the patches that are roads colors tiffins-count set-capacity delivery-cors index delivery-strategy done? x-cor y-cor delay time-taken ] breed [dabbawalas dabbawala ] breed [stations station ] breed [tiffins tiffin ] dabbawalas-own [ capacity carrying-count my-tiffins next-target aloted?] stations-own [ name ] tiffins-own [ tiffin-dest-cor picked? delivered?] ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Setup Procedures ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to setup [ station-name dw-capacity tiffins-to-deliver main-delivery-cors delivery-strategies ] clear-all setup-globals dw-capacity tiffins-to-deliver main-delivery-cors delivery-strategies setup-roads setup-stations station-name setup-dabbawalas setup-tiffins initialize-my-tiffins reset-ticks end ;; Initialize the global variables to appropriate values to setup-globals [ dw-capacity tiffins-to-deliver main-delivery-cors delivery-strategies ] set grid-x-inc world-width / 21 set grid-y-inc world-height / 21 set set-capacity dw-capacity set tiffins-count tiffins-to-deliver set delivery-cors main-delivery-cors set index 0 set done? False set delivery-strategy delivery-strategies set delay 0 set time-taken 0 end to setup-roads ;; initialize the patch-owned variables and color the patches to a base-color ask patches [ set pcolor brown if random 100 < 5 [ set pcolor green - 1 ] ] ;; initialize the global variables that hold patch agentsets set roads patches with [(floor((pxcor + max-pxcor - floor(grid-x-inc - 1)) mod grid-x-inc) = 0) or (floor((pycor + max-pycor) mod grid-y-inc) = 0)] ask roads [ set pcolor black ] end to setup-stations [ station-name ] create-stations 1 [ let xy one-of patches with [pxcor != [pxcor] of roads and pycor != [pycor] of roads] setxy [pxcor] of xy [pycor] of xy set shape "house two story" set size 2 set name station-name set label name ] end to setup-dabbawalas let dw-count ceiling ( tiffins-count / set-capacity ) create-dabbawalas dw-count [ set shape "dabbawala" set color white set size 3 set my-tiffins 0 set color white set aloted? False set capacity set-capacity setxy [pxcor] of one-of stations [pycor] of one-of stations ] end to setup-tiffins create-tiffins tiffins-count [ set shape "dabba" set size 3 set tiffin-dest-cor item index delivery-cors set index index + 1 hide-turtle ifelse delivery-strategy = "regional-closest-first" [ setxy item 0 tiffin-dest-cor item 1 tiffin-dest-cor ] [ setxy [pxcor] of one-of stations [pycor] of one-of stations ] set delivered? False set picked? False ] end to initialize-my-tiffins ask dabbawalas [ ifelse count tiffins with [not picked?]> set-capacity [ if delivery-strategy = "random" or delivery-strategy = "closest-first" [ set my-tiffins n-of ceiling ( count tiffins with [not picked?]/ count dabbawalas with [not aloted?] ) (tiffins with [not picked?]) ] if delivery-strategy = "regional-closest-first" [ set my-tiffins min-n-of ceiling ( count tiffins with [not picked?]/ count dabbawalas with [not aloted?] ) (tiffins with [not picked?])[distance myself] ] ] [ set my-tiffins n-of count tiffins with [not picked?] (tiffins with [not picked?]) ] ask my-tiffins [ set picked? True setxy [pxcor] of one-of stations [pycor] of one-of stations ] set carrying-count count my-tiffins set aloted? True ] end to go if count dabbawalas with [ hidden? ] = 1 [ set delay ticks ] if not any? dabbawalas with [ not hidden? ] [ stop-condition ] ask dabbawalas [ ifelse carrying-count = 0 [ hide-turtle ] [ deliver-lunchboxes set label carrying-count ] ] tick end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Go Procedures ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to stop-condition set delay ticks - delay if time-taken = 0 [ set time-taken ticks ] set done? True end to deliver-lunchboxes if next-target = 0 [ select-next-target ] if next-target != nobody [ set x-cor item 0 [ tiffin-dest-cor ] of next-target set y-cor item 1 [ tiffin-dest-cor ] of next-target move-towards-target if any? patches with [ pxcor = x-cor and pycor = y-cor ] in-radius 2 [ drop-lunchbox set next-target 0 set carrying-count carrying-count - 1 ] ] end to select-next-target if delivery-strategy = "random" [ set next-target one-of my-tiffins with [ not delivered? ]] if delivery-strategy = "closest-first" or delivery-strategy = "regional-closest-first" [ set next-target min-one-of my-tiffins with [ not delivered? ] [ distance one-of patches with [pxcor = item 0 [ tiffin-dest-cor ] of myself and pycor = item 1 [ tiffin-dest-cor ] of myself] ] ] end to move-towards-target let speed ( set-capacity + 1 - carrying-count ) / ( 5 * set-capacity ) let to-move neighbors with [ pcolor = black] let to-face min-one-of to-move [ distance one-of patches with [pxcor = x-cor and pycor = y-cor] ] face to-face fd speed end to drop-lunchbox ask next-target [ setxy x-cor y-cor show-turtle set delivered? True ] end
There is only one version of this model, created almost 6 years ago by Sai Tanya Kumbharageri.
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