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1 collaborator

Default-person Yukio Matsumoto (Author)


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breed[homo_mutant_males homo_mutant_male]
breed[homo_mutant_females homo_mutant_female]
breed[hetero_mutant_males hetero_mutant_male]
breed[hetero_mutant_females hetero_mutant_female]
breed[wild_males wild_male]
breed[wild_females wild_female]

globals[wild homo_mutant  hetero_mutant total
  near_male_pink near_male_lime near_male_for_female_red
  distance_male_mutant-female_pink distance_male_mutant-female_lime distance_male_for_female_red
  bin_ct2 X1]

patches-own [mucus]

;;; setpup ;;;

to setup



to setup-patch
  ask patches [set pcolor 97]

to setup-wild-male
 create-wild_males 4995  [setxy random-xcor random-ycor]
 ask wild_males [
 set pen-size 2
 set color blue
 set size 0.5

to setup-wild-female
create-wild_females  4995  [setxy random-xcor random-ycor]
ask wild_females [
set pen-size 2
set color red
set size 0.5

to setup-hetero_mutant_females
create-hetero_mutant_females 5 [setxy random-xcor random-ycor]
ask hetero_mutant_females [
set pen-size 2
set color lime
set size 0.5

to setup-hetero_mutant_males
create-hetero_mutant_males 5 [setxy random-xcor random-ycor]
ask hetero_mutant_males [
set pen-size 2
set color cyan
set size 0.5

;;; Go procedures ;;;

to go

  if ticks >= 100  [ stop ]
  if ticks > 1 [
  if count hetero_mutant_females = 0 and count hetero_mutant_males = 0 and count homo_mutant_males = 0 and count homo_mutant_females = 0[ stop ]


 repeat 30 [



;;; procedures ;;;

to set-mucus
  ask turtles [
   set mucus mucus *  0
   set mucus mucus + 1
    if (mucus > 0)
   [set pcolor gray]

;;;abalones move according to the behavioral rules consist with behaviour of H.discus hannai

to move-wild-abalone
ask-concurrent turtles with [ color = red or color = blue][
  set X1 random-exponential 48.76 ;;;set the locomotion distance
   repeat X1[
   ifelse random 1 < 0 [rt random 360][lt random 360]
     forward 1  set mucus mucus *  0 set mucus mucus + 1 if (mucus > 0)
   [set pcolor gray]

to move-mutant-abalone
ask-concurrent turtles with [ color = lime or color = pink or color = cyan or color = sky][
  set X1 random-exponential 48.76 ;;;set the locomotion distance
   repeat X1[
   ifelse random 1 < 0 [rt random 360][lt random 360]
     forward 1  set mucus mucus *  0 set mucus mucus + 1 if (mucus > 0)
   [set pcolor gray]

to disapper-of-mucus
  ask patches with [pcolor = gray][
  set mucus mucus - 1
  if (mucus < 0)
  [set pcolor 97]


to fertilization
ask turtles with [color = pink] [

    set near_male_pink min-one-of turtles with [color = blue or color = sky or color = cyan ] [distance myself]

    let mutant-near_male_positiony_pink  [ycor] of near_male_pink
    let mutant-near_male_positionx_pink  [xcor] of near_male_pink
    let mutant-female_positiony_pink  [ycor] of self
    let mutant-female_positionx_pink  [xcor] of self

    set distance_male_mutant-female_pink (sqrt ( (mutant-female_positionx_pink - mutant-near_male_positionx_pink) ^ 2 +  (mutant-female_positiony_pink - mutant-near_male_positiony_pink) ^ 2))
    let fertilization_pink  (88.31 * exp(-0.32 * (distance_male_mutant-female_pink / 10 )))

    if [color] of near_male_pink = sky [hatch fertilization_pink / 10 [setxy random-xcor random-ycor set color yellow]]

    if [color] of near_male_pink = cyan [hatch (fertilization_pink / 10 * 2) [setxy random-xcor random-ycor set color yellow]
                                              hatch (fertilization_pink / 10 * 2) [setxy random-xcor random-ycor set color green]]

    if [color] of near_male_pink = blue [hatch fertilization_pink / 10 [setxy random-xcor random-ycor set color green]]


 ask turtles with [color = lime] [

    set near_male_lime min-one-of turtles with [color = blue or color = sky or color = cyan ] [distance myself]

    let mutant-near_male_positiony_lime  [ycor] of near_male_lime
    let mutant-near_male_positionx_lime  [xcor] of near_male_lime
    let mutant-female_positiony_lime  [ycor] of self
    let mutant-female_positionx_lime  [xcor] of self

    set distance_male_mutant-female_lime (sqrt ( (mutant-female_positionx_lime - mutant-near_male_positionx_lime) ^ 2 +  (mutant-female_positiony_lime - mutant-near_male_positiony_lime) ^ 2))
    let fertilization_lime  (88.31 * exp(-0.32 * (distance_male_mutant-female_lime / 10 )))

    if [color] of near_male_lime = sky [ hatch (fertilization_lime / 10)* 0.75 [setxy random-xcor random-ycor set color yellow]
                                              hatch (fertilization_lime / 10) * 0.25 [setxy random-xcor random-ycor set color green] ]

    if [color] of near_male_lime = blue [ hatch (fertilization_lime / 10)* 0.75 [setxy random-xcor random-ycor set color magenta]
                                              hatch (fertilization_lime / 10)* 0.25 [setxy random-xcor random-ycor set color yellow] ]

    if [color] of near_male_lime = cyan  [ hatch (fertilization_lime / 10)* 0.75 [setxy random-xcor random-ycor set color yellow]
                                              hatch (fertilization_lime / 10)* 0.25 [setxy random-xcor random-ycor set color green] ]


ask turtles with [color = red] [

    set near_male_for_female_red min-one-of turtles with [color = blue or color = sky or color = cyan or color = brown] [distance myself]

    let near_male_positiony_red  [ycor] of near_male_for_female_red
    let near_male_positionx_red  [xcor] of near_male_for_female_red
    let female_positiony_red  [ycor] of self
    let female_positionx_red  [xcor] of self

    set distance_male_for_female_red (sqrt ( (female_positionx_red - near_male_positionx_red) ^ 2 +  (female_positiony_red - near_male_positiony_red) ^ 2))
    let fertilization_red   (88.31 * exp(-0.32 * (distance_male_for_female_red / 10)))

    if [color] of near_male_for_female_red = blue [hatch (fertilization_red / 10) [setxy random-xcor random-ycor set color magenta]]

    if [color] of near_male_for_female_red = cyan [ hatch (fertilization_red / 10)* 0.5 [setxy random-xcor random-ycor set color magenta]
                                              hatch (fertilization_red / 10)* 0.5 [setxy random-xcor random-ycor set color yellow] ]

    if [color] of near_male_for_female_red = sky [hatch (fertilization_red / 10) [setxy random-xcor random-ycor set color green]]



to count-offsprings
set homo_mutant (count turtles with [color = yellow]);;
set hetero_mutant ((count turtles with [color = green]));;

set wild (count turtles with [color = magenta]);;
set total (homo_mutant + hetero_mutant + wild )
ask turtles [die]

to produce-next-generation

   create-homo_mutant_males (10000  * (homo_mutant  / total)) / 2
       [set size 0.5 setxy random-xcor random-ycor set color sky ]

   create-homo_mutant_females (10000  * (homo_mutant  / total)) / 2
       [set size 0.5 setxy random-xcor random-ycor  set color pink ]

   create-hetero_mutant_males (10000  * ( hetero_mutant / total)) / 2
       [set size 0.5 setxy random-xcor random-ycor set color cyan]

   create-hetero_mutant_females (10000  * (hetero_mutant / total)) / 2
       [set size  0.5 setxy random-xcor random-ycor set color lime]

   create-wild_males (10000  * ( wild  / total)) / 2
       [set size 0.5 setxy random-xcor random-ycor set color blue ]

   create-wild_females (10000  * ( wild  / total)) / 2
       [set size 0.5 setxy random-xcor random-ycor set color red ]

There is only one version of this model, created over 5 years ago by Yukio Matsumoto.

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