Noisy threshold-based contagion in a small world

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Default-person Dean Eckles (Author)


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This is a contagion model on a Watts-Strogatz small world topology. Nodes are either susceptible (S) or infected (I). This version allows studying how network structure affects "simple" and "complex" (threshold-based) contagions.


This network model is an adaptation of a model proposed by Duncan Watts and Steve Strogatz (1998). It begins with a network where each person (or "node") is connected to his or her two neighbors on either side... The REWIRING-PROBABILITY slider determines the probability that an edge will get rewired" (so that one of its endpoints goes to a random node instead of a neighbor). Clicking the setup button will produce different network configurations, all with the same rewiring probability.

The NUM-NODES slider controls the size of the network. Choose a size and press SETUP.

Changing the REWIRING-PROBABILITY slider changes the fraction of nodes rewired. Press SETUP A NEW NEWTORK to generate the new network. SETUP will also infect one node.

You can also experiment with complex contagion: a node will become infected if at least two of its neighbors are.


This implements two models of contagion.

Simple contagion

The first, "simple contagion" is a SI (susceptible-infected) model in which, in each time step, there is a chance each infected node infects each susceptible neighbor.

The PROB-INFECTION slider determines the probability that an infected individual will infect a susceptible contact at every time step, i.e. the infectiousness of the spreading agent.

To re-infect two adjacent individuals while keeping the same topology - press REINFECT-TWO.

Now to allow the disease to spread, you can advance one time step at a time (each infected node will infect each of its neighbors with probability prob-infection) with the "spread once" button. To let the disease run its full course, you can click the "spread complete" button.

You can also slow down the process using the slower-faster slider at the top of the model interface.

Complex contagion (threshold-based contagion)

The second contagion model is a "complex contagion" in which there is a threshold for adoption: nodes adopt with some probability when they have at least some number of neighbors who adopt. Here that threshold is 2 adopter neighbors.

PROB-SPREAD-TWO is the probability of adopting in each time step if at least 2 neighbors have adopted.

A deterministic threshold may not be realistic, so we can also set PROB-SPREAD-ONE, which is the probability of adopting in each time step if only one neighbor has adopted.


Try plotting the values for different rewiring probabilities and observe how long the infection survives in the network, and how far it spreads. Also consider the differing effect of rewiring on simple and complex contagion.


See other models in the Networks section of the Models Library, such as Giant Component and Preferential Attachment. Also check out Lada's other NetLogo models:


This model was adapted from: Wilensky, U. (2005). NetLogo Small Worlds model. Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.

It was written by Lada Adamic and Eytan Bakshy in 2007 and 2008, revised 2012.

This version includes changes by Dean Eckles in 2018 and 2021 to add complex contagion and uses some prior modifications by Paul Smaldino.

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  infected?          ;; true if agent has been infected

;;; Main Procedures ;;;

to complex-spread
    if all? turtles [infected?]
  ask turtles with [ infected? = true ]
    ;; infect neighbors
      ask link-neighbors
        if (( random-float 1 <= prob-spread-two ) and ((count link-neighbors with [infected? = true] > 1)
          or (count link-neighbors with [infected? = true] = 1 and random-float 1 <= prob-spread-one)))    ;; infect with probability p
          if not infected?  ;; agents can be infected only once
            set infected? true
            set color yellow
            set size infected-size

            ;; color the link with the node doing the infection
            ask link-with myself [set color yellow show-link]
            ;; increment the total number of infected agents

  set num-infected count turtles with [infected? = true]

to spread
  ;; or if every agent has already been infected
  if all? turtles [infected?]
  ask turtles with [ infected? = true ]
    ;; infect neighbors
      ask link-neighbors
        if ( random-float 1 <= prob-infection )  ;; infect with probability p
          if not infected?  ;; agents can be infected only once
            set infected? true
            set color yellow
            set size infected-size

            ;; color the link with the node doing the infection
            ask link-with myself [set color yellow show-link]
            ;; increment the total number of infected agents

  set num-infected count turtles with [infected? = true]

;;layout all nodes and links

to do-layout
  repeat 5 [layout-spring turtles links 0.2 4 0.9]

;;; Setup Procedures ;;;

to generate-topology
  ;; (for this model to work with NetLogo's new plotting features,
  ;; __clear-all-and-reset-ticks should be replaced with clear-all at
  ;; the beginning of your setup procedure and reset-ticks at the end
  ;; of the procedure.)
  set infected-size 4
  set-default-shape turtles "outlined circle"
  ;; setup small world topology
  create-turtles num-nodes


to reinfect-two

  set infected-size 4
  ask turtles
  ask links
    [set color gray + 1.5]

  ;; infect a single agent
  ask one-of turtles
    set infected? true
    set color yellow
    set size infected-size
    ask one-of link-neighbors [
          set infected? true
          set color yellow
          set size infected-size
  set num-infected 1

  ;; Layout turtles:
  layout-circle (sort turtles) max-pxcor - 8
  ;; space out turtles to see clustering
  ask turtles
    facexy 0 0
    if who mod 2 = 0 [fd 4]

to setup

  set infected-size 4
  ask turtles
  ask links
    [set color gray + 1.5]

  ;; infect a single agent
  ask one-of turtles
    set infected? true
    set color yellow
    set size infected-size
  set num-infected 1


  ;; Layout turtles:
  layout-circle (sort turtles) max-pxcor - 8
  ;; space out turtles to see clustering
  ask turtles
    facexy 0 0
    if who mod 2 = 0 [fd 4]

to reset-node
    set color gray + 1.5
    set size 3
    set infected? false

;; WARNING: the simplified rewiring algorithm does not certain checks (ie disconnected graph)
;; for large networksthis shouldn't be too much of an issue.

to rewire-network
  ask links
    ;; whether to rewire it or not?
    if (random-float 1) < rewiring-probability
      ask end1
        create-link-with one-of other turtles with [not link-neighbor? myself ]
          [set color gray + 1.5]

;; creates a new lattice

to create-lattice
  ;; iterate over the nodes
  let n 0
  while [n < count turtles]
    ;; make links with the next two neighbors
    ;; this makes a lattice with average degree of 4
    make-link-between turtle n
              turtle ((n + 1) mod count turtles)
    make-link-between turtle n
              turtle ((n + 2) mod count turtles)
    set n n + 1

;; connects the two nodes

to make-link-between [node1 node2]
  ask node1 [
    create-link-with node2
      [ set color gray + 1.5]

to-report pct-infected
  report 100 * (num-infected ) / (count turtles)

;;; Plotting ;;;

to do-plotting
     ;; plot the number of infected individuals at each step
     set-current-plot "% infected"
     set-current-plot-pen "inf"

     let percent-inf 100 * (num-infected ) / (count turtles)
     plotxy ticks percent-inf

There are 9 versions of this model.

Uploaded by When Description Download
Dean Eckles almost 3 years ago more labels Download this version
Dean Eckles almost 3 years ago labels 2 Download this version
Dean Eckles almost 3 years ago reinfect two Download this version
Dean Eckles almost 3 years ago labels Download this version
Dean Eckles almost 3 years ago fix Download this version
Dean Eckles almost 3 years ago df Download this version
Dean Eckles almost 3 years ago layout Download this version
Dean Eckles over 4 years ago remove outdated instructions Download this version
Dean Eckles over 4 years ago Initial upload Download this version

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Noisy threshold-based contagion in a small world.png preview Preview for 'Noisy threshold-based contagion in a small world' over 4 years ago, by Dean Eckles Download

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