Cooperation in the republic of science
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extensions [ nw ] globals [base-turtle tracking dummy bestpayoff xdummy ydummy thiscolor gamelist gamegroupobserver gamegroupturtles otherplayers player opencooperators closedcooperators fourticks pickanumber] turtles-own [strategy newstrategy localpayoff totalpayoffs averagepayoff gamesplayed small-group large-group large-group-agentset small-group-denominator large-group-denominator thispath thispathweight small-group-numerator-closed small-group-numerator-open large-group-numerator-closed large-group-numerator-open probability-closed-cooperate probability-open-cooperate] links-own [weight] to setup set-default-shape turtles "dot" clear-all resize-world 0 ( ( xgroups * 3 ) - 1 ) 0 ( ( ygroups * 3 ) - 1 ) reset-ticks ;; The following creates the turtles set ydummy 0 repeat ( ygroups / 2 ) [ set xdummy 0 repeat ( xgroups / 2 ) [ ask patch ( xdummy + 0 ) ( ydummy + 0 ) [sprout 1 ] ask patch ( xdummy + 2 ) ( ydummy + 0 ) [sprout 1 ] ask patch ( xdummy + 1 ) ( ydummy + 1 ) [sprout 1 ] ask patch ( xdummy + 0 ) ( ydummy + 2 ) [sprout 1 ] ask patch ( xdummy + 2 ) ( ydummy + 2 ) [sprout 1 ] ask patch ( xdummy + 3 ) ( ydummy + 3 ) [sprout 1 ] ask patch ( xdummy + 5 ) ( ydummy + 3 ) [sprout 1 ] ask patch ( xdummy + 4 ) ( ydummy + 4 ) [sprout 1 ] ask patch ( xdummy + 3 ) ( ydummy + 5 ) [sprout 1 ] ask patch ( xdummy + 5 ) ( ydummy + 5 ) [sprout 1 ] set xdummy ( xdummy + 6 ) ] set ydummy ( ydummy + 6 ) ] ask turtles [ set label who ] ;; The following creates the links set dummy 0 repeat ( ( count turtles ) / 10 ) [ ask turtle dummy [ create-links-with turtles-at -1 -1 [ set weight betweengroups ] ] ask turtle dummy [ create-links-with turtles-at 2 0 [ set weight withingroup ] ] ask turtle dummy [ create-links-with turtles-at 1 1 [ set weight withingroup ] ] ask turtle dummy [ create-links-with turtles-at 0 2 [ set weight withingroup ] ] addone ask turtle dummy [ create-links-with turtles-at 1 -1 [ set weight betweengroups ] ] ask turtle dummy [ create-links-with turtles-at 0 2 [ set weight withingroup ] ] ask turtle dummy [ create-links-with turtles-at -1 1 [ set weight withingroup ] ] addone ask turtle dummy [ create-links-with turtles-at -1 1 [ set weight withingroup ] ] ask turtle dummy [ create-links-with turtles-at 1 1 [ set weight withingroup ] ] addone ask turtle dummy [ create-links-with turtles-at 2 0 [ set weight withingroup ] ] addone addone ask turtle dummy [ create-links-with turtles-at -1 -1 [ set weight betweengroups ] ] ask turtle dummy [ create-links-with turtles-at 2 0 [ set weight withingroup ] ] ask turtle dummy [ create-links-with turtles-at 1 1 [ set weight withingroup ] ] ask turtle dummy [ create-links-with turtles-at 0 2 [ set weight withingroup ] ] addone ask turtle dummy [ create-links-with turtles-at 1 -1 [ set weight betweengroups ] ] ask turtle dummy [ create-links-with turtles-at 0 2 [ set weight withingroup ] ] ask turtle dummy [ create-links-with turtles-at -1 1 [ set weight withingroup ] ] addone ask turtle dummy [ create-links-with turtles-at -1 1 [ set weight withingroup ] ] ask turtle dummy [ create-links-with turtles-at 1 1 [ set weight withingroup ] ] addone ask turtle dummy [ create-links-with turtles-at 2 0 [ set weight withingroup ] ] addone addone ] ;; The following sets up the agents' strategies ask turtles [ ifelse random-float 100 < proportionnoncooperate [ set strategy 0 set color red ] [ ifelse random-float 100 < proportionclosedcooperate [ set strategy 1 set color green ] [ set strategy 2 set color blue ] ] ] end to go set gamelist [] set gamegroupobserver [] create-game-list play-games adapt-strategies update-visuals tick end ;; The following sets up a gamelist observer variable: a list of lists, each of which lists is the participants in a game to create-game-list set dummy 0 repeat count turtles [ ask turtle dummy [ set tracking [ ] set tracking lput turtle dummy tracking ask my-links [ ifelse random-float 100 < weight [ set tracking lput other-end tracking ] [ ] ] set gamegroupturtles tracking set gamelist lput gamegroupturtles gamelist ] addone ] end ;; The following plays each of the games and assigns payoffs to the turtles to play-games ask turtles [ set gamesplayed 0 set localpayoff 0 set totalpayoffs 0 set averagepayoff 0 ] set dummy 0 foreach gamelist [ ?1 -> set dummy ?1 set gamegroupturtles turtle-set dummy foreach dummy [ ??1 -> set player ??1 ask player [ set otherplayers other gamegroupturtles ] set opencooperators 0 set closedcooperators 0 ask otherplayers [ if strategy = 1 [ set closedcooperators ( closedcooperators + 1 ) ] if strategy = 2 [ set opencooperators ( opencooperators + 1 ) ] ] ask player [ if strategy = 0 [ ;; payoff when playing defect set localpayoff ( ( contribution * ( opencooperators + closedcooperators ) ) / ( count gamegroupturtles ) ) ] if strategy = 1 [ ;; payoff when playing closed cooperate set localpayoff ( ( ( contribution * ( opencooperators + closedcooperators + 1 ) ) / ( count gamegroupturtles ) ) - closedcost ) ] if strategy = 2 [ ;; payoff when playing open cooperate set localpayoff ( ( ( contribution * ( opencooperators + closedcooperators + 1 ) ) / ( count gamegroupturtles ) ) - opencost ) ] set gamesplayed ( gamesplayed + 1 ) set totalpayoffs ( totalpayoffs + localpayoff ) ] ] ] ask turtles [ set averagepayoff ( totalpayoffs / gamesplayed ) if averagepayoff < 0 [ set averagepayoff 0 ] ] end ;; The following runs the subprocedures required to 'learn' from other agents to adapt-strategies create-small-groups create-large-groups create-denominators create-numerators action-formula end ;; The following creates a list for each turtle of adjacent turtles selected stochastically by link weight to create-small-groups ask turtles [ set dummy [ ] ask my-links [ if random-float 100 < weight [ set dummy lput [who] of other-end dummy ] ] set small-group dummy ] end ;; The following creates a list for each turtle of all the turtles within two links distance to create-large-groups ask turtles [ set tracking who set dummy [ ] ask my-links [ set dummy lput [who] of other-end dummy ask other-end [ ask my-links [ if ( [who] of other-end ) != tracking [ set dummy lput [who] of other-end dummy ] ] ] ] set large-group-agentset turtle-set map turtle dummy set large-group [ who ] of large-group-agentset ] end to create-denominators ;; The following creates the denominator for the local learning equation ask turtles [ set small-group-denominator 0 foreach small-group [ ?1 -> set small-group-denominator ( small-group-denominator + ( ( [ averagepayoff ] of turtle ?1 ) * [weight] of link-with turtle ?1 ) ) ] ] ;; The following creates the denominator for the extended learning equation ask turtles [ set large-group-denominator 0 foreach large-group [ ?1 -> set thispath nw:path-to turtle ?1 set thispathweight 1 foreach thispath [ ??1 -> set thispathweight (thispathweight * [weight] of ??1) ] set large-group-denominator ( large-group-denominator + ( thispathweight * ( [ averagepayoff ] of turtle ?1 ) ) ) ] ] end to create-numerators ask turtles [ set small-group-numerator-closed 0 set small-group-numerator-open 0 foreach small-group [ ?1 -> if [ strategy ] of turtle ?1 = 1 [ set small-group-numerator-closed ( small-group-numerator-closed + ( ( [ averagepayoff ] of turtle ?1 ) * ( [ weight ] of link-with turtle ?1 ) ) ) ] if [ strategy ] of turtle ?1 = 2 [ set small-group-numerator-open ( small-group-numerator-open + ( ( [ averagepayoff ] of turtle ?1 ) * ( [ weight ] of link-with turtle ?1 ) ) ) ] ] ] ask turtles [ set large-group-numerator-closed 0 set large-group-numerator-open 0 foreach large-group [ ?1 -> set thispath nw:path-to turtle ?1 set thispathweight 1 foreach thispath [ ??1 -> set thispathweight (thispathweight * [weight] of ??1) ] if [ strategy ] of turtle ?1 = 1 [ set large-group-numerator-closed ( large-group-numerator-closed + ( thispathweight * ( [ averagepayoff ] of turtle ?1 ) ) ) ] if [ strategy ] of turtle ?1 = 2 [ set large-group-numerator-open ( large-group-numerator-open + ( thispathweight * ( [ averagepayoff ] of turtle ?1 ) ) ) ] ] ] end to action-formula ifelse fourticks = 4 [ ;; extended learning ask turtles [ ifelse large-group-denominator != 0 [ set probability-closed-cooperate ( large-group-numerator-closed / large-group-denominator ) set probability-open-cooperate ( large-group-numerator-open / large-group-denominator ) ] [ set probability-closed-cooperate 0 set probability-open-cooperate 0 ] ; show probability-closed-cooperate set fourticks 0 ] ] [ ;; local learning ask turtles [ ifelse small-group-denominator != 0 [ set probability-closed-cooperate ( small-group-numerator-closed / small-group-denominator ) set probability-open-cooperate ( small-group-numerator-open / small-group-denominator ) ] [ set probability-closed-cooperate 0 set probability-open-cooperate 0 ] ] set fourticks ( fourticks + 1 ) ] ask turtles [ set pickanumber ( random-float 100 ) if pickanumber < ( probability-open-cooperate * 100 ) [ set strategy 2 ] if ( probability-open-cooperate * 100 ) <= pickanumber AND pickanumber < ( ( probability-closed-cooperate + probability-open-cooperate ) * 100 ) [ set strategy 1 ] if pickanumber >= ( ( probability-closed-cooperate + probability-open-cooperate ) * 100 ) [ set strategy 0 ] ] end to update-visuals ask turtles [ if strategy = 0 [ set color red ] if strategy = 1 [ set color green ] if strategy = 2 [ set color blue ] ] end to addone set dummy ( dummy + 1 ) end
There is only one version of this model, created over 5 years ago by Duncan Law.
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Cooperation in the republic of science.png | preview | Preview for 'Cooperation in the republic of science' | over 5 years ago, by Duncan Law | Download |
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