MbT-Tool: Metabolism based on Thermodynamics

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; MbT-tool - Metabolism-based on Thermodynamics by Araujo P., Gras A. and Ginovart M. - 2016

extensions [matrix sound]
globals [reactions rd ra rd1 rd2 molecular-weight e-eeq/mol dGpc gamma_cells b-biomass carbon hydrogen oxygen nitrogen
         b-co2 b-hco3 b-nh4 b-bio b-h2o b-no3- b-no2- b-n2 b-H+ dGp n m dGr A fs fe yc/c to-print  gamma_donor reaction
         energy_reaction synthesis_reaction dGfa dGs p c c2 y_grams_cells/mol_donor y_mol_C_cell/mol_donor row_matrix column_matrix
         e_d1 e_d2 x_d1 x_d2]

to calculate
  if Electron_donor = "--- Organic Reactions ---" or Electron_donor = "--- Inorganic Reactions ---" [output-type "Please, select a valid primary electron donor" error-sound stop]
  if Electron_donor_2 = "--- Organic Reactions ---" and second_electron_donor? = true or Electron_donor_2 = "--- Inorganic Reactions ---" and second_electron_donor? = true [output-type "Please, select a valid second electron donor" error-sound stop]
  if Electron_acceptor = "--- Organic Reactions ---" or Electron_acceptor = "--- Inorganic Reactions ---" [output-type "Please, select a valid electron acceptor" error-sound stop]
  if Electron_donor = Electron_acceptor [output-type "It is not possible that the electron donor is equal to the electron acceptor " error-sound stop]
  let check (matrix:get ra 0 25) - (matrix:get rd 0 25)
  if check = 0 [output-type "It is not possible that the electron donor is equal to the electron acceptor " error-sound stop]
  if fs <= 0 or fe <= 0 [output-print "With this combination of electron-donor and electron acceptor, is not possible write a global reaction" output-print "Please select another combination or change the efficiency value" error-sound stop]

to error-sound
sound:play-note "TRUMPET" 60 64 0.5

to setup-thermodynamic
if Thermodynamics = "TEEM_1"
  set dGp 35.09 - (matrix:get rd 0 25)
  ifelse dGp > 0 [set n 1][set n -1]
  set dGr (matrix:get ra 0 25) - (matrix:get rd 0 25)
  set A -1 * (((dGp / (efficiency ^ n))+(matrix:get b-biomass 0 25 / efficiency))/(efficiency * dGr))
  set fs (1 / (1 + A)) set fe (A / (1 + A))
if Thermodynamics = "TEEM_2"
   set dGp 30.09 - (matrix:get rd 0 25)
   ifelse dGp > 0 [set n 1][set n -1]
   ifelse Electron_donor = "Methane" or Electron_donor = "Methanol" or Electron_donor = "Formate" [set dGfa 46.53][set dGfa 0]
   ifelse dGfa > 0 [set m 1][set m n]
   set p abs (1 / (matrix:get rd 0 c))
   set dGr (matrix:get ra 0 25) - (matrix:get rd 0 25) - (q / p)* (-219.2)
   set dGs ((dGfa - (matrix:get rd 0 25)) / (efficiency ^ m)) + ((30.9 - dGfa)/(efficiency ^ n)) + (matrix:get b-biomass 0 25 / efficiency)
   set A -1 * dGs / (efficiency * dGr)
   set fs (1 / (1 + A)) set fe (A / (1 + A))

to yield-prediction
set y_grams_cells/mol_donor  abs(((matrix:get reaction 0 6) * molecular-weight) / (matrix:get reaction 0 c))
let g_donor (matrix:get rd 0 3 + matrix:get rd 0 5)
ifelse g_donor <= 0 [ ][set gamma_donor 1 / g_donor set yc/c (gamma_donor / gamma_cells) * fs]
set y_mol_C_cell/mol_donor abs(((matrix:get reaction 0 6) * carbon) / (matrix:get reaction 0 c))

to setup-reaction
 set energy_reaction ra matrix:- rd
 set synthesis_reaction b-biomass matrix:- rd
 set reaction ((fe matrix:* ra) matrix:+ (fs matrix:* b-biomass) matrix:- (rd))

to setup-microorganism
 set b-biomass matrix:make-constant 1 column_matrix 0
 if Microorganism = "C(n)H(a)O(b)N(c) - Bacteria, Generic" [set carbon c-carbon set hydrogen c-hydrogen set oxygen c-oxygen set nitrogen c-nitrogen]
 if Microorganism = "C4.17H8O1.75N - Bacteria, Undefined" [set carbon 4.17 set hydrogen 8 set oxygen 1.75 set nitrogen 1]
 if Microorganism = "C5H9O2.5N - Agrobacterium tumefaciens, succinate" [set carbon 5 set hydrogen 9 set oxygen 2.5 set nitrogen 1]
 if Microorganism = "C4H7.2O1.93N - Paracoccus denitrificans, succinate" [set carbon 4 set hydrogen 7.2 set oxygen 1.93 set nitrogen 1]
 if Microorganism = "C3.85H6.69O1.78N - Escherichia coli, glucose" [set carbon 3.85 set hydrogen 6.69 set oxygen 1.78 set nitrogen 1]
 if Microorganism = "C4.16H8O1.25N - Escherichia coli, undefined" [set carbon 4.16 set hydrogen 8 set oxygen 1.25 set nitrogen 1]
 if Microorganism = "C4.17H7.21O1.79N - Klebsiella aerogenes, Glycerol, u=0.85 h-1" [set carbon 4.17 set hydrogen 7.21 set oxygen 1.79 set nitrogen 1]
 if Microorganism = "C4.54H7.91O1.95N - Klebsiella aerogenes, Glycerol, u=0.1 h-1" [set carbon 4.54 set hydrogen 7.91 set oxygen 1.95 set nitrogen 1]
 if Microorganism = "C4.17H7.42O1.38N - Aerobacter aerogenes, undefined" [set carbon 4.17 set hydrogen 7.42 set oxygen 1.83 set nitrogen 1]
 if Microorganism = "C4H8O2N - Bacteria, Undefined" [set carbon 4 set hydrogen 8 set oxygen 2 set nitrogen 1]
 if Microorganism = "C5H8.33O0.81N - Bacteria, Undefined" [set carbon 5 set hydrogen 8.33 set oxygen 0.81 set nitrogen 1]
 if Microorganism = "C5H8O2N - Bacteria, acetate, aerobic" [set carbon 5 set hydrogen 8 set oxygen 2 set nitrogen 1]
 if Microorganism = "C5.3H9.1O2.5N - Stahrch, Methanogenic" [set carbon 5.3 set hydrogen 9.1 set oxygen 2.5 set nitrogen 1]
 if Microorganism = "C5.1H8.5O2.5N - Glucose, Methanogenic" [set carbon 5.1 set hydrogen 8.5 set oxygen 2.5 set nitrogen 1]
 if Microorganism = "C4.1H6.8O2.2N - Nutrient Broth, Methanogenic" [set carbon 4.1 set hydrogen 6.8 set oxygen 2.2 set nitrogen 1]
 if Microorganism = "C5H8.8O3.2N - Leucine, Methanogenic" [set carbon 5 set hydrogen 8.8 set oxygen 3.2 set nitrogen 1]
 if Microorganism = "C4.9H9O3N - Glycine, Methanogenic" [set carbon 4.9 set hydrogen 9 set oxygen 3 set nitrogen 1]
 if Microorganism = "C4.7H7.7O2.1N - Octanoate, Methanogenic" [set carbon 4.7 set hydrogen 7.7 set oxygen 2.1 set nitrogen 1]
 if Microorganism = "C4.9H9.4O2.9N - Acetate, Methanogenic" [set carbon 4.9 set hydrogen 9.4 set oxygen 2.9 set nitrogen 1]
 if Microorganism = "C9H16O5N - Acetate, Nitrite N source aerobic" [set carbon 9 set hydrogen 16 set oxygen 5 set nitrogen 1]
 if Microorganism = "C9H15O5N - Acetate, Nitrate N source aerobic" [set carbon 9 set hydrogen 15 set oxygen 5 set nitrogen 1]
 if Microorganism = "C7H12O4N - Acetate, Ammomia N source aerobic" [set carbon 7 set hydrogen 12 set oxygen 4 set nitrogen 1]
 if Microorganism = "C5H7O2N - Casein, aerobic" [set carbon 5 set hydrogen 7 set oxygen 2 set nitrogen 1]
 if Microorganism = "C6.33H10.21O3.53N - Saccharomyces cerevisiae, glucose" [set carbon 6.33 set hydrogen 10.21 set oxygen 3.53 set nitrogen 1]

 set molecular-weight 12.011 * carbon + 1.008 * hydrogen + 16 * oxygen + 14 * nitrogen

 if N-Source = "NH4+" [
 set e-eeq/mol (4 * carbon + hydrogen - 2 * oxygen - 3 * nitrogen)
 set b-co2 ((carbon - nitrogen) / e-eeq/mol)
 set b-hco3 (nitrogen / e-eeq/mol)
 set b-nh4 (nitrogen / e-eeq/mol)
 set b-H+ (1)
 set b-bio (1 / e-eeq/mol)
 set b-h2o ((2 * carbon - oxygen + nitrogen) / e-eeq/mol)
 set dGpc (3.324 * molecular-weight / e-eeq/mol)
 set gamma_cells e-eeq/mol / carbon ]

 if N-Source = "NO3-" [
 set e-eeq/mol (4 * carbon + hydrogen - 2 * oxygen + 5 * nitrogen)
 set b-co2 (carbon / e-eeq/mol)
 set b-no3- (nitrogen / e-eeq/mol)
 set b-H+ ((4 * carbon + hydrogen - 2 * oxygen + 6 * nitrogen) / e-eeq/mol)
 set b-bio (1 / e-eeq/mol)
 set b-h2o ((3 * nitrogen + 2 * carbon - oxygen) / e-eeq/mol)
 set dGpc (3.341 * molecular-weight / e-eeq/mol)
 set gamma_cells e-eeq/mol / carbon ]

 if N-Source = "NO2-" [
 set e-eeq/mol (4 * carbon + hydrogen - 2 * oxygen + 3 * nitrogen)
 set b-co2 (carbon / e-eeq/mol)
 set b-no2- (nitrogen / e-eeq/mol)
 set b-H+ ((4 * carbon + hydrogen - 2 * oxygen + 4 * nitrogen) / e-eeq/mol)
 set b-bio (1 / e-eeq/mol)
 set b-h2o ((2 * nitrogen + 2 * carbon - oxygen) / e-eeq/mol)
 set dGpc (3.333 * molecular-weight / e-eeq/mol)
 set gamma_cells e-eeq/mol / carbon ]

 if N-Source = "N2" [
 set e-eeq/mol (4 * carbon + hydrogen - 2 * oxygen)
 set b-co2 (carbon / e-eeq/mol)
 set b-n2 (nitrogen / (2 * e-eeq/mol))
 set b-H+ (1)
 set b-bio (1 / e-eeq/mol)
 set b-h2o ((2 * carbon - oxygen) / e-eeq/mol)
 set dGpc (3.334 * molecular-weight / e-eeq/mol)
 set gamma_cells e-eeq/mol / carbon ]

 matrix:set b-biomass 0 13 (b-n2)
 matrix:set b-biomass 0 9 (b-no3-)
 matrix:set b-biomass 0 10 (b-no2-)
 matrix:set b-biomass 0 1 (b-H+)
 matrix:set b-biomass 0 2 (1)
 matrix:set b-biomass 0 3 (b-co2)
 matrix:set b-biomass 0 4 (b-nh4)
 matrix:set b-biomass 0 5 (b-hco3)
 matrix:set b-biomass 0 6 (-1 * b-bio)
 matrix:set b-biomass 0 7 (-1 * b-h2o)
 matrix:set b-biomass 0 25 (dGpc)

to setup-electron-donor
  if Electron_donor = "H2O -> O2" [set rd1 matrix:submatrix reactions 0 0 1 column_matrix set c 7]
  if Electron_donor = "(S2O3)2- -> (SO4)2-" [set rd1 matrix:submatrix reactions 1 0 2 column_matrix set c 21]
  if Electron_donor = "S -> (SO4)2-" [set rd1 matrix:submatrix reactions 2 0 3 column_matrix set c 22]
  if Electron_donor = "(SO3)2- -> (SO4)2-" [set rd1 matrix:submatrix reactions 3 0 4 column_matrix set c 18]
  if Electron_donor = "H2S + HS- -> (SO3)2-" [set rd1 matrix:submatrix reactions 4 0 5 column_matrix set c 19]
  if Electron_donor = "H2S + HS- -> (SO4)2-" [set rd1 matrix:submatrix reactions 5 0 6 column_matrix set c 19]
  if Electron_donor = "N2 -> N2O" [set rd1 matrix:submatrix reactions 6 0 7 column_matrix set c 13]
  if Electron_donor = "N2O -> NO" [set rd1 matrix:submatrix reactions 7 0 8 column_matrix set c 12]
  if Electron_donor = "N2 -> NO2-" [set rd1 matrix:submatrix reactions 8 0 9 column_matrix set c 13]
  if Electron_donor = "NO -> NO2-" [set rd1 matrix:submatrix reactions 9 0 10 column_matrix set c 11]
  if Electron_donor = "N2 -> NO3-" [set rd1 matrix:submatrix reactions 10 0 11 column_matrix set c 13]
  if Electron_donor = "NO + N2O -> NO3-" [set rd1 matrix:submatrix reactions 11 0 12 column_matrix set c 12]
  if Electron_donor = "N2O -> NO3-" [set rd1 matrix:submatrix reactions 12 0 13 column_matrix set c 12]
  if Electron_donor = "NO -> NO3-" [set rd1 matrix:submatrix reactions 13 0 14 column_matrix set c 11]
  if Electron_donor = "NO2- -> NO3-" [set rd1 matrix:submatrix reactions 14 0 15 column_matrix set c 10]
  if Electron_donor = "H2 -> H+" [set rd1 matrix:submatrix reactions 15 0 16 column_matrix set c 14]
  if Electron_donor = "Fe2+ -> Fe3+" [set rd1 matrix:submatrix reactions 16 0 17 column_matrix set c 16]
  if Electron_donor = "NH4+ -> N2" [set rd1 matrix:submatrix reactions 17 0 18 column_matrix set c 4]
  if Electron_donor = "NH4+ -> NO3-" [set rd1 matrix:submatrix reactions 18 0 19 column_matrix set c 4]
  if Electron_donor = "NH4+ -> NO2-" [set rd1 matrix:submatrix reactions 19 0 20 column_matrix set c 4]
  if Electron_donor = "Acetate" [set rd1 matrix:submatrix reactions 20 0 21 column_matrix set c 8]
  if Electron_donor = "Alanine" [set rd1 matrix:submatrix reactions 21 0 22 column_matrix set c 23]
  if Electron_donor = "Benzoate" [set rd1 matrix:submatrix reactions 22 0 23 column_matrix set c 24]
  if Electron_donor = "Citrate" [set rd1 matrix:submatrix reactions 23 0 24 column_matrix set c 26]
  if Electron_donor = "Ethanol" [set rd1 matrix:submatrix reactions 24 0 25 column_matrix set c 27]
  if Electron_donor = "Formate" [set rd1 matrix:submatrix reactions 25 0 26 column_matrix set c 28]
  if Electron_donor = "Glucose" [set rd1 matrix:submatrix reactions 26 0 27 column_matrix set c 29]
  if Electron_donor = "Glutamate" [set rd1 matrix:submatrix reactions 27 0 28 column_matrix set c 30]
  if Electron_donor = "Glycerol" [set rd1 matrix:submatrix reactions 28 0 29 column_matrix set c 31]
  if Electron_donor = "Glycine" [set rd1 matrix:submatrix reactions 29 0 30 column_matrix set c 32]
  if Electron_donor = "Lactate" [set rd1 matrix:submatrix reactions 30 0 31 column_matrix set c 33]
  if Electron_donor = "Methane" [set rd1 matrix:submatrix reactions 31 0 32 column_matrix set c 34]
  if Electron_donor = "Methanol" [set rd1 matrix:submatrix reactions 32 0 33 column_matrix set c 35]
  if Electron_donor = "Palmitate" [set rd1 matrix:submatrix reactions 33 0 34 column_matrix set c 36]
  if Electron_donor = "Propionate" [set rd1 matrix:submatrix reactions 34 0 35 column_matrix set c 37]
  if Electron_donor = "Pyruvate" [set rd1 matrix:submatrix reactions 35 0 36 column_matrix set c 38]
  if Electron_donor = "Succinate" [set rd1 matrix:submatrix reactions 36 0 37 column_matrix set c 39]
  if Electron_donor = "NTA - Acid nitrilotriacetic" [set rd1 matrix:submatrix reactions 37 0 38 column_matrix set c 40]

  ifelse second_electron_donor? = true [
  if Electron_donor_2 = "H2O -> O2" [set rd2 matrix:submatrix reactions 0 0 1 column_matrix set c2 7]
  if Electron_donor_2 = "(S2O3)2- -> (SO4)2-" [set rd2 matrix:submatrix reactions 1 0 2 column_matrix set c2 21]
  if Electron_donor_2 = "S -> (SO4)2-" [set rd2 matrix:submatrix reactions 2 0 3 column_matrix set c2 22]
  if Electron_donor_2 = "(SO3)2- -> (SO4)2-" [set rd2 matrix:submatrix reactions 3 0 4 column_matrix set c2 18]
  if Electron_donor_2 = "H2S + HS- -> (SO3)2-" [set rd2 matrix:submatrix reactions 4 0 5 column_matrix set c2 19]
  if Electron_donor_2 = "H2S + HS- -> (SO4)2-" [set rd2 matrix:submatrix reactions 5 0 6 column_matrix set c2 19]
  if Electron_donor_2 = "N2 -> N2O" [set rd2 matrix:submatrix reactions 6 0 7 column_matrix set c2 13]
  if Electron_donor_2 = "N2O -> NO" [set rd2 matrix:submatrix reactions 7 0 8 column_matrix set c2 12]
  if Electron_donor_2 = "N2 -> NO2-" [set rd2 matrix:submatrix reactions 8 0 9 column_matrix set c2 13]
  if Electron_donor_2 = "NO -> NO2-" [set rd2 matrix:submatrix reactions 9 0 10 column_matrix set c2 11]
  if Electron_donor_2 = "N2 -> NO3-" [set rd2 matrix:submatrix reactions 10 0 11 column_matrix set c2 13]
  if Electron_donor_2 = "NO + N2O -> NO3-" [set rd2 matrix:submatrix reactions 11 0 12 column_matrix set c2 12]
  if Electron_donor_2 = "N2O -> NO3-" [set rd2 matrix:submatrix reactions 12 0 13 column_matrix set c2 12]
  if Electron_donor_2 = "NO -> NO3-" [set rd2 matrix:submatrix reactions 13 0 14 column_matrix set c2 11]
  if Electron_donor_2 = "NO2- -> NO3-" [set rd2 matrix:submatrix reactions 14 0 15 column_matrix set c2 10]
  if Electron_donor_2 = "H2 -> H+" [set rd2 matrix:submatrix reactions 15 0 16 column_matrix set c2 14]
  if Electron_donor_2 = "Fe2+ -> Fe3+" [set rd2 matrix:submatrix reactions 16 0 17 column_matrix set c2 16]
  if Electron_donor_2 = "NH4+ -> N2" [set rd2 matrix:submatrix reactions 17 0 18 column_matrix set c2 4]
  if Electron_donor_2 = "NH4+ -> NO3-" [set rd2 matrix:submatrix reactions 18 0 19 column_matrix set c2 4]
  if Electron_donor_2 = "NH4+ -> NO2-" [set rd2 matrix:submatrix reactions 19 0 20 column_matrix set c2 4]
  if Electron_donor_2 = "Acetate" [set rd2 matrix:submatrix reactions 20 0 21 column_matrix set c2 8]
  if Electron_donor_2 = "Alanine" [set rd2 matrix:submatrix reactions 21 0 22 column_matrix set c2 23]
  if Electron_donor_2 = "Benzoate" [set rd2 matrix:submatrix reactions 22 0 23 column_matrix set c2 24]
  if Electron_donor_2 = "Citrate" [set rd2 matrix:submatrix reactions 23 0 24 column_matrix set c2 26]
  if Electron_donor_2 = "Ethanol" [set rd2 matrix:submatrix reactions 24 0 25 column_matrix set c2 27]
  if Electron_donor_2 = "Formate" [set rd2 matrix:submatrix reactions 25 0 26 column_matrix set c2 28]
  if Electron_donor_2 = "Glucose" [set rd2 matrix:submatrix reactions 26 0 27 column_matrix set c2 29]
  if Electron_donor_2 = "Glutamate" [set rd2 matrix:submatrix reactions 27 0 28 column_matrix set c2 30]
  if Electron_donor_2 = "Glycerol" [set rd2 matrix:submatrix reactions 28 0 29 column_matrix set c2 31]
  if Electron_donor_2 = "Glycine" [set rd2 matrix:submatrix reactions 29 0 30 column_matrix set c2 32]
  if Electron_donor_2 = "Lactate" [set rd2 matrix:submatrix reactions 30 0 31 column_matrix set c2 33]
  if Electron_donor_2 = "Methane" [set rd2 matrix:submatrix reactions 31 0 32 column_matrix set c2 34]
  if Electron_donor_2 = "Methanol" [set rd2 matrix:submatrix reactions 32 0 33 column_matrix set c2 35]
  if Electron_donor_2 = "Palmitate" [set rd2 matrix:submatrix reactions 33 0 34 column_matrix set c2 36]
  if Electron_donor_2 = "Propionate" [set rd2 matrix:submatrix reactions 34 0 35 column_matrix set c2 37]
  if Electron_donor_2 = "Pyruvate" [set rd2 matrix:submatrix reactions 35 0 36 column_matrix set c2 38]
  if Electron_donor_2 = "Succinate" [set rd2 matrix:submatrix reactions 36 0 37 column_matrix set c2 39]
  if Electron_donor_2 = "NTA - Acid nitrilotriacetic" [set rd2 matrix:submatrix reactions 37 0 38 column_matrix set c2 40]

  set e_d1 abs ( 1 / matrix:get rd1 0 c)
  set e_d2 abs ( 1 / matrix:get rd2 0 c2)
  let total_electrons (e_d1 + e_d2)
  set x_d1 (e_d1 / total_electrons)
  set x_d2 (e_d2 / total_electrons)
  set rd (x_d1 matrix:* rd1) matrix:+ (x_d2 matrix:* rd2)
  [set rd rd1 matrix:+ rd2]

to setup-electron-acceptor
  if Electron_acceptor = "O2 -> H2O" [set ra matrix:submatrix reactions 0 0 1 column_matrix ]
  if Electron_acceptor = "(SO4)2- -> (S2O3)2-" [set ra matrix:submatrix reactions 1 0 2 column_matrix ]
  if Electron_acceptor = "(SO4)2- -> S" [set ra matrix:submatrix reactions 2 0 3 column_matrix ]
  if Electron_acceptor = "(SO4)2- -> (SO3)2-" [set ra matrix:submatrix reactions 3 0 4 column_matrix ]
  if Electron_acceptor = "(SO3)2- -> H2S + HS-" [set ra matrix:submatrix reactions 4 0 5 column_matrix ]
  if Electron_acceptor = "(SO4)2- -> H2S + HS-" [set ra matrix:submatrix reactions 5 0 6 column_matrix ]
  if Electron_acceptor = "N2O -> N2" [set ra matrix:submatrix reactions 6 0 7 column_matrix ]
  if Electron_acceptor = "NO -> N2O" [set ra matrix:submatrix reactions 7 0 8 column_matrix ]
  if Electron_acceptor = "NO2- -> N2" [set ra matrix:submatrix reactions 8 0 9 column_matrix ]
  if Electron_acceptor = "NO2- -> NO" [set ra matrix:submatrix reactions 9 0 10 column_matrix ]
  if Electron_acceptor = "NO3- -> N2" [set ra matrix:submatrix reactions 10 0 11 column_matrix ]
  if Electron_acceptor = "NO3- -> NO + N2O" [set ra matrix:submatrix reactions 11 0 12 column_matrix ]
  if Electron_acceptor = "NO3- -> N2O" [set ra matrix:submatrix reactions 12 0 13 column_matrix ]
  if Electron_acceptor = "NO3- -> NO" [set ra matrix:submatrix reactions 13 0 14 column_matrix ]
  if Electron_acceptor = "NO3- -> NO2-" [set ra matrix:submatrix reactions 14 0 15 column_matrix ]
  if Electron_acceptor = "H+ -> H2" [set ra matrix:submatrix reactions 15 0 16 column_matrix ]
  if Electron_acceptor = "Fe3+ -> Fe2+" [set ra matrix:submatrix reactions 16 0 17 column_matrix ]
  if Electron_acceptor = "N2 -> NH4+" [set ra matrix:submatrix reactions 17 0 18 column_matrix ]
  if Electron_acceptor = "NO3- -> NH4+" [set ra matrix:submatrix reactions 18 0 19 column_matrix ]
  if Electron_acceptor = "NO2- -> NH4+" [set ra matrix:submatrix reactions 19 0 20 column_matrix ]
  if Electron_acceptor = "Acetate" [set ra matrix:submatrix reactions 20 0 21 column_matrix ]
  if Electron_acceptor = "Alanine" [set ra matrix:submatrix reactions 21 0 22 column_matrix ]
  if Electron_acceptor = "Benzoate" [set ra matrix:submatrix reactions 22 0 23 column_matrix ]
  if Electron_acceptor = "Citrate" [set ra matrix:submatrix reactions 23 0 24 column_matrix ]
  if Electron_acceptor = "Ethanol" [set ra matrix:submatrix reactions 24 0 25 column_matrix ]
  if Electron_acceptor = "Formate" [set ra matrix:submatrix reactions 25 0 26 column_matrix ]
  if Electron_acceptor = "Glucose" [set ra matrix:submatrix reactions 26 0 27 column_matrix ]
  if Electron_acceptor = "Glutamate" [set ra matrix:submatrix reactions 27 0 28 column_matrix ]
  if Electron_acceptor = "Glycerol" [set ra matrix:submatrix reactions 28 0 29 column_matrix ]
  if Electron_acceptor = "Glycine" [set ra matrix:submatrix reactions 29 0 30 column_matrix ]
  if Electron_acceptor = "Lactate" [set ra matrix:submatrix reactions 30 0 31 column_matrix ]
  if Electron_acceptor = "Methane" [set ra matrix:submatrix reactions 31 0 32 column_matrix ]
  if Electron_acceptor = "Methanol" [set ra matrix:submatrix reactions 32 0 33 column_matrix ]
  if Electron_acceptor = "Palmitate" [set ra matrix:submatrix reactions 33 0 34 column_matrix ]
  if Electron_acceptor = "Propionate" [set ra matrix:submatrix reactions 34 0 35 column_matrix ]
  if Electron_acceptor = "Pyruvate" [set ra matrix:submatrix reactions 35 0 36 column_matrix ]
  if Electron_acceptor = "Succinate" [set ra matrix:submatrix reactions 36 0 37 column_matrix ]
  if Electron_acceptor = "NTA - Acid nitrilotriacetic" [set ra matrix:submatrix reactions 37 0 38 column_matrix ]

to setup-output
  output-print " "
  ifelse second_electron_donor? = true [output-type "(rd) Electron donor(s) --> " output-type Electron_donor output-type " + " output-type Electron_donor_2 output-print " : "]
  [output-type "(rd) Electron donor --> " output-type Electron_donor output-print " : "]
  set to-print matrix:copy rd
  output-print " "
  output-type "(ra) Electron acceptor --> " output-type Electron_acceptor output-print " : "
  set to-print matrix:copy ra
  output-print " "
  output-type "(rc) Biomass half reaction : " output-type Microorganism output-type " , N-Source : " output-print N-source
  ifelse (matrix:get b-biomass 0 3) = 0 [ ][output-type precision (matrix:get b-biomass 0 3) 4 output-type " CO2 + "]
  ifelse (matrix:get b-biomass 0 5) = 0 [ ][output-type precision (matrix:get b-biomass 0 5) 4 output-type " HCO3- + "]
  ifelse (matrix:get b-biomass 0 4) = 0 [ ][output-type precision (matrix:get b-biomass 0 4) 4 output-type " NH4+ + "]
  ifelse (matrix:get b-biomass 0 9) = 0 [ ][output-type precision (matrix:get b-biomass 0 9) 4 output-type " NO3- + "]
  ifelse (matrix:get b-biomass 0 10) = 0 [ ][output-type precision (matrix:get b-biomass 0 10) 4 output-type " NO2- + "]
  ifelse (matrix:get b-biomass 0 13) = 0 [ ][output-type precision (matrix:get b-biomass 0 13) 4 output-type " N2 + "]
  ifelse (matrix:get b-biomass 0 1) = 0 [ ][output-type precision (matrix:get b-biomass 0 1) 4 output-type " H+ + "]
  ifelse (matrix:get b-biomass 0 2) = 0 [ ][output-type precision (matrix:get b-biomass 0 2) 4 output-type " e- --> "]
  output-type precision abs (matrix:get b-biomass 0 6) 4 output-type " C'" output-type carbon output-type "'H'" output-type hydrogen output-type "'O'" output-type oxygen output-type "'N'" output-type nitrogen output-type " + "
  output-type precision abs (matrix:get b-biomass 0 7) 4 output-type " H2O "
  output-type "[ ∆G = " output-type precision (matrix:get b-biomass 0 25) 4 output-print " KJ/e-eq ]"
  output-print " "
  output-print "Energy reaction : "
  set to-print matrix:copy energy_reaction
  output-print " "
  output-print "Synthesis reaction : "
  set to-print matrix:copy synthesis_reaction
  output-print " "
  output-type "Balanced equation using " output-type Thermodynamics output-print " : "
  output-type "[ fe = " output-type precision fe 2 output-type " ] [ fs = " output-type precision fs 2 output-type " ] [ e = " output-type efficiency output-print " ]"
  set to-print matrix:copy reaction
  output-print " "
  output-print "Yield prediction :"
  output-type "Yg/m = " output-type precision y_grams_cells/mol_donor 3
  if Electron_donor = "H2S + HS- -> (SO3)2-" or Electron_donor = "H2S + HS- -> (SO4)2-" [output-print " [ grams_cells/mol_H2S ]"]
  ifelse Electron_donor = "NO + N2O -> NO3-" [output-print " [ grams_cells/mol_N2O ]"][output-print " [ grams_cells/mol_donor ]"]
  output-type "Yc/m = " output-type precision y_mol_C_cell/mol_donor 3
  if Electron_donor = "H2S + HS- -> (SO3)2-" or Electron_donor = "H2S + HS- -> (SO4)2-" [output-print " [ mol_C_cell/mol_H2S ]"]
  ifelse Electron_donor = "NO + N2O -> NO3-" [output-print " [ mol_C_cells/mol_N2O ]"][output-print " [ mol_C_cells/mol_donor ]"]
  ifelse yc/c = 0 [ ][output-type "Yc/c = " output-type precision yc/c 3 output-print " [ mol_C_cell/mol_C_donor ]"]

to output-all
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 8) <= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision (matrix:get to-print 0 8) 4 output-type " CH3COO- "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 23) <= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision (matrix:get to-print 0 23) 4 output-type " CH3CHNH2COO- "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 24) <= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision (matrix:get to-print 0 24) 4 output-type " C6H5COO- "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 26) <= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision (matrix:get to-print 0 26) 4 output-type " (COO-)CH2COH(COO-)CH2COO- "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 27) <= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision (matrix:get to-print 0 27) 4 output-type " CH3CH2OH "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 28) <= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision (matrix:get to-print 0 28) 4 output-type " HCOO- "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 29) <= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision (matrix:get to-print 0 29) 4 output-type " C6H12O6 "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 30) <= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision (matrix:get to-print 0 30) 4 output-type " COOHCH2CH2CHNH2COO- "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 31) <= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision (matrix:get to-print 0 31) 4 output-type " CH2OHCHOHCH2OH "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 32) <= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision (matrix:get to-print 0 32) 4 output-type " CH2NH2COOH "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 33) <= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision (matrix:get to-print 0 33) 4 output-type " CH3CHOHCOO- "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 34) <= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision (matrix:get to-print 0 34) 4 output-type " CH4 "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 35) <= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision (matrix:get to-print 0 35) 4 output-type " CH3OH "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 36) <= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision (matrix:get to-print 0 36) 4 output-type " CH3(CH2)14COO- "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 37) <= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision (matrix:get to-print 0 37) 4 output-type " CH3CH2COO- "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 38) <= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision (matrix:get to-print 0 38) 4 output-type " CH3COCOO- "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 39) <= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision (matrix:get to-print 0 39) 4 output-type " (C4H4O4)2- "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 40) <= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision (matrix:get to-print 0 40) 4 output-type " (C6H6O6N)3- "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 0) <= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision (matrix:get to-print 0 0) 4 output-type " O2 "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 3) <= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision (matrix:get to-print 0 3) 4 output-type " CO2 "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 4) <= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision (matrix:get to-print 0 4) 4 output-type " NH4+ "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 5) <= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision (matrix:get to-print 0 5) 4 output-type " HCO3- "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 6) <= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision (matrix:get to-print 0 6) 4 output-type " C'" output-type carbon output-type "'H'" output-type hydrogen output-type "'O'" output-type oxygen output-type "'N'" output-type nitrogen output-type " "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 7) <= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision (matrix:get to-print 0 7) 4 output-type " H2O "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 9) <= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision (matrix:get to-print 0 9) 4 output-type " NO3- "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 10) <= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision (matrix:get to-print 0 10) 4 output-type " NO2- "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 11) <= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision (matrix:get to-print 0 11) 4 output-type " NO "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 12) <= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision (matrix:get to-print 0 12) 4 output-type " N2O "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 13) <= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision (matrix:get to-print 0 13) 4 output-type " N2 "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 14) <= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision (matrix:get to-print 0 14) 4 output-type " H2 "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 15) <= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision (matrix:get to-print 0 15) 4 output-type " Fe3+ "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 16) <= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision (matrix:get to-print 0 16) 4 output-type " Fe2+ "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 17) <= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision (matrix:get to-print 0 17) 4 output-type " (SO4)2- "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 18) <= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision (matrix:get to-print 0 18) 4 output-type " (SO3)2- "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 19) <= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision (matrix:get to-print 0 19) 4 output-type " H2S "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 20) <= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision (matrix:get to-print 0 20) 4 output-type " HS- "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 21) <= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision (matrix:get to-print 0 21) 4 output-type " (S2O3)2- "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 22) <= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision (matrix:get to-print 0 22) 4 output-type " S "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 1) <= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision (matrix:get to-print 0 1) 4 output-type " H+ "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 2) <= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision (matrix:get to-print 0 2) 4 output-type " e- "]
output-type "--> "
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 6) >= 0 [ ][output-type precision abs (matrix:get to-print 0 6) 4 output-type " C'" output-type carbon output-type "'H'" output-type hydrogen output-type "'O'" output-type oxygen output-type "'N'" output-type nitrogen output-type " "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 8) >= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision abs (matrix:get to-print 0 8) 4 output-type " CH3COO- "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 23) >= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision abs (matrix:get to-print 0 23) 4 output-type " CH3CHNH2COO- "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 24) >= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision abs (matrix:get to-print 0 24) 4 output-type " C6H5COO- "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 26) >= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision abs(matrix:get to-print 0 26) 4 output-type " (COO-)CH2COH(COO-)CH2COO- "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 27) >= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision abs (matrix:get to-print 0 27) 4 output-type " CH3CH2OH "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 28) >= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision abs (matrix:get to-print 0 28) 4 output-type " HCOO- "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 29) >= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision abs (matrix:get to-print 0 29) 4 output-type " C6H12O6 "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 30) >= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision abs (matrix:get to-print 0 30) 4 output-type " COOHCH2CH2CHNH2COO- "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 31) >= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision abs (matrix:get to-print 0 31) 4 output-type " CH2OHCHOHCH2OH "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 32) >= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision abs (matrix:get to-print 0 32) 4 output-type " CH2NH2COOH "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 33) >= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision abs (matrix:get to-print 0 33) 4 output-type " CH3CHOHCOO- "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 34) >= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision abs (matrix:get to-print 0 34) 4 output-type " CH4 "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 35) >= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision abs (matrix:get to-print 0 35) 4 output-type " CH3OH "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 36) >= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision abs (matrix:get to-print 0 36) 4 output-type " CH3(CH2)14COO- "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 37) >= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision abs (matrix:get to-print 0 37) 4 output-type " CH3CH2COO- "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 38) >= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision abs (matrix:get to-print 0 38) 4 output-type " CH3COCOO- "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 39) >= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision abs (matrix:get to-print 0 39) 4 output-type " (C4H4O4)2- "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 40) >= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision abs (matrix:get to-print 0 40) 4 output-type " (C6H6O6N)3- "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 0) >= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision abs (matrix:get to-print 0 0) 4 output-type " O2 "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 1) >= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision abs (matrix:get to-print 0 1) 4 output-type " H+ "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 2) >= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision abs (matrix:get to-print 0 2) 4 output-type " e- "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 3) >= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision abs (matrix:get to-print 0 3) 4 output-type " CO2 "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 4) >= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision abs (matrix:get to-print 0 4) 4 output-type " NH4+ "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 5) >= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision abs (matrix:get to-print 0 5) 4 output-type " HCO3- "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 9) >= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision abs (matrix:get to-print 0 9) 4 output-type " NO3- "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 10) >= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision abs (matrix:get to-print 0 10) 4 output-type " NO2- "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 11) >= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision abs (matrix:get to-print 0 11) 4 output-type " NO "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 12) >= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision abs (matrix:get to-print 0 12) 4 output-type " N2O "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 13) >= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision abs (matrix:get to-print 0 13) 4 output-type " N2 "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 14) >= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision abs (matrix:get to-print 0 14) 4 output-type " H2 "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 15) >= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision abs (matrix:get to-print 0 15) 4 output-type " Fe3+ "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 16) >= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision abs (matrix:get to-print 0 16) 4 output-type " Fe2+ "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 17) >= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision abs (matrix:get to-print 0 17) 4 output-type " (SO4)2- "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 18) >= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision abs (matrix:get to-print 0 18) 4 output-type " (SO3)2- "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 19) >= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision abs (matrix:get to-print 0 19) 4 output-type " H2S "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 20) >= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision abs (matrix:get to-print 0 20) 4 output-type " HS- "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 21) >= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision abs (matrix:get to-print 0 21) 4 output-type " (S2O3)2- "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 22) >= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision abs (matrix:get to-print 0 22) 4 output-type " S "]
ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 7) >= 0 [ ][output-type "+ " output-type precision abs (matrix:get to-print 0 7) 4 output-type " H2O "]
ifelse to-print = reaction or to-print = energy_reaction or to-print = synthesis_reaction[ ][ifelse (matrix:get to-print 0 25) = 0 [ ][output-type "[ ∆G = " output-type precision (matrix:get to-print 0 25) 4 output-type " KJ/e-eq ]"]]
output-print " "

to setup-reactions
set column_matrix 41                   ; type here the number of chemical species involved
set row_matrix (column_matrix - 1)     ; this number is the number of reduction-half-reactions in this version of the tool.

set reactions matrix:make-constant row_matrix column_matrix 0

   matrix:set reactions 0 0 (1 / 4)    ; O2
   matrix:set reactions 0 1 (1)        ; H+
   matrix:set reactions 0 2 (1)        ; e-
   matrix:set reactions 0 7 (-1 / 2)   ; H2O
   matrix:set reactions 0 25 (-78.72)  ; ∆G

   matrix:set reactions 1 17 (1 / 4)   ; (SO4)2-
   matrix:set reactions 1 1 (5 / 4)    ; H+
   matrix:set reactions 1 2 (1)        ; e-
   matrix:set reactions 1 7 (-5 / 8)   ; H2O
   matrix:set reactions 1 21 (-1 / 8)  ; (S2O3)2-
   matrix:set reactions 1 25 (23.58)   ; ∆G

   matrix:set reactions 2 17 (1 / 6)   ; (SO4)2-
   matrix:set reactions 2 1 (4 / 3)    ; H+
   matrix:set reactions 2 2 (1)        ; e-
   matrix:set reactions 2 7 (-2 / 3)   ; H2O
   matrix:set reactions 2 22 (-1 / 6)  ; S
   matrix:set reactions 2 25 (19.15)   ; ∆G

   matrix:set reactions 3 17 (1 / 2)   ; (SO4)2-
   matrix:set reactions 3 1 (1)        ; H+
   matrix:set reactions 3 2 (1)        ; e-
   matrix:set reactions 3 7 (-1 / 2)   ; H2O
   matrix:set reactions 3 18 (-1 / 2)  ; (SO3)2-
   matrix:set reactions 3 25 (50.30)   ; ∆G

   matrix:set reactions 4 18 (1 / 6)    ; (SO3)2-
   matrix:set reactions 4 1 (5 / 4)     ; H+
   matrix:set reactions 4 2 (1)         ; e-
   matrix:set reactions 4 7 (-1 / 2)    ; H2O
   matrix:set reactions 4 19 (-1 / 12)  ; H2S
   matrix:set reactions 4 20 (-1 / 12)  ; HS-
   matrix:set reactions 4 25 (11.03)    ; ∆G

   matrix:set reactions 5 17 (1 / 8)    ; (SO4)2-
   matrix:set reactions 5 1 (19 / 16)   ; H+
   matrix:set reactions 5 2 (1)         ; e-
   matrix:set reactions 5 7 (-1 / 2)    ; H2O
   matrix:set reactions 5 19 (-1 / 16)  ; H2S
   matrix:set reactions 5 20 (-1 / 16)  ; HS-
   matrix:set reactions 5 25 (20.85)    ; ∆G

   matrix:set reactions 6 12 (1 / 2)     ; N2O
   matrix:set reactions 6 1 (1)          ; H+
   matrix:set reactions 6 2 (1)          ; e-
   matrix:set reactions 6 7 (-1 / 2)     ; H2O
   matrix:set reactions 6 13 (-1 / 2)    ; N2
   matrix:set reactions 6 25 (-133.469)  ; ∆G

   matrix:set reactions 7 11 (1)         ; NO
   matrix:set reactions 7 1 (1)          ; H+
   matrix:set reactions 7 2 (1)          ; e-
   matrix:set reactions 7 7 (-1 / 2)     ; H2O
   matrix:set reactions 7 12 (-1 / 2)    ; N2O
   matrix:set reactions 7 25 (-115.829)  ; ∆G

   matrix:set reactions 8 10 (1 / 3)   ; NO2-
   matrix:set reactions 8 1 (4 / 3)    ; H+
   matrix:set reactions 8 2 (1)        ; e-
   matrix:set reactions 8 7 (-2 / 3)   ; H2O
   matrix:set reactions 8 13 (-1 / 6)  ; N2
   matrix:set reactions 8 25 (-92.56)  ; ∆G

   matrix:set reactions 9 10 (1)        ; NO2-
   matrix:set reactions 9 1 (2)         ; H+
   matrix:set reactions 9 2 (1)         ; e-
   matrix:set reactions 9 7 (-1)        ; H2O
   matrix:set reactions 9 11 (-1)       ; NO
   matrix:set reactions 9 25 (-33.718)  ; ∆G

   matrix:set reactions 10 9 (1 / 5)     ; NO3-
   matrix:set reactions 10 1 (6 / 5)     ; H+
   matrix:set reactions 10 2 (1)         ; e-
   matrix:set reactions 10 7 (-3 / 5)    ; H2O
   matrix:set reactions 10 13 (-1 / 10)  ; N2
   matrix:set reactions 10 25 (-72.20)   ; ∆G

   matrix:set reactions 11 9 (7 / 24)    ; NO3-
   matrix:set reactions 11 1 (31 / 24)   ; H+
   matrix:set reactions 11 2 (1)         ; e-
   matrix:set reactions 11 7 (-31 / 48)  ; H2O
   matrix:set reactions 11 11 (-1 / 6)   ; NO
   matrix:set reactions 11 12 (-1 / 16)  ; N2O
   matrix:set reactions 11 25 (-48.274)  ; ∆G

   matrix:set reactions 12 9 (1 / 4)    ; NO3-
   matrix:set reactions 12 1 (5 / 4)    ; H+
   matrix:set reactions 12 2 (1)        ; e-
   matrix:set reactions 12 7 (-5 / 8)   ; H2O
   matrix:set reactions 12 12 (-1 / 8)  ; N2O
   matrix:set reactions 12 25 (-57.54)  ; ∆G

   matrix:set reactions 13 9 (1 / 3)    ; NO3-
   matrix:set reactions 13 1 (4 / 3)    ; H+
   matrix:set reactions 13 2 (1)        ; e-
   matrix:set reactions 13 7 (-2 / 3)   ; H2O
   matrix:set reactions 13 11 (-1 / 3)  ; NO
   matrix:set reactions 13 25 (-39.00)  ; ∆G

   matrix:set reactions 14 9 (1 / 2)    ; NO3-
   matrix:set reactions 14 1 (1)        ; H+
   matrix:set reactions 14 2 (1)        ; e-
   matrix:set reactions 14 7 (-1 / 2)   ; H2O
   matrix:set reactions 14 10 (-1 / 2)  ; NO2-
   matrix:set reactions 14 25 (-41.65)  ; ∆G

   matrix:set reactions 15 1 (1)        ; H+
   matrix:set reactions 15 2 (1)        ; e-
   matrix:set reactions 15 14 (-1 / 2)  ; H2
   matrix:set reactions 15 25 (39.87)   ; ∆G

   matrix:set reactions 16 15 (1)       ; Fe3+
   matrix:set reactions 16 2 (1)        ; e-
   matrix:set reactions 16 16 (-1)      ; Fe2+
   matrix:set reactions 16 25 (-74.27)  ; ∆G

   matrix:set reactions 17 13 (1 / 6)  ; N2
   matrix:set reactions 17 1 (4 / 3)   ; H+
   matrix:set reactions 17 2 (1)       ; e-
   matrix:set reactions 17 4 (-1 / 3)  ; NH4+
   matrix:set reactions 17 25 (26.70)  ; ∆G

   matrix:set reactions 18 9 (1 / 8)    ; NO3-
   matrix:set reactions 18 1 (5 / 4)    ; H+
   matrix:set reactions 18 2 (1)        ; e-
   matrix:set reactions 18 7 (-3 / 8)   ; H2O
   matrix:set reactions 18 4 (-1 / 8)   ; NH4+
   matrix:set reactions 18 25 (-35.11)  ; ∆G

   matrix:set reactions 19 10 (1 / 6)   ; NO2-
   matrix:set reactions 19 1 (4 / 3)    ; H+
   matrix:set reactions 19 2 (1)        ; e-
   matrix:set reactions 19 4 (-1 / 6)   ; NH4+
   matrix:set reactions 19 7 (-1 / 3)   ; H2O
   matrix:set reactions 19 25 (-32.93)  ; ∆G

   matrix:set reactions 20 1 (1)      ; H+
   matrix:set reactions 20 2 (1)      ; e-
   matrix:set reactions 20 3 (1 / 8)  ; CO2
   matrix:set reactions 20 5 (1 / 8)  ; HCO3-
   matrix:set reactions 20 7 (-3 / 8) ; H2O
   matrix:set reactions 20 8 (-1 / 8) ; Acetate
   matrix:set reactions 20 25 (27.40) ; ∆G

   matrix:set reactions 21 1 (11 / 12) ; H+
   matrix:set reactions 21 2 (1)       ; e-
   matrix:set reactions 21 3 (1 / 6)   ; CO2
   matrix:set reactions 21 4 (1 / 12)  ; NH4+
   matrix:set reactions 21 5 (1 / 12)  ; HCO3-
   matrix:set reactions 21 7 (-5 / 12) ; H2O
   matrix:set reactions 21 23 (-1 / 12) ; Alanine
   matrix:set reactions 21 25 (31.37)  ; ∆G

   matrix:set reactions 22 1 (1)        ; H+
   matrix:set reactions 22 2 (1)        ; e-
   matrix:set reactions 22 3 (1 / 5)    ; CO2
   matrix:set reactions 22 5 (1 / 30)   ; HCO3-
   matrix:set reactions 22 7 (-13 / 30) ; H2O
   matrix:set reactions 22 24 (-1 / 30)  ; Benzoate
   matrix:set reactions 22 25 (27.34)   ; ∆G

   matrix:set reactions 23 1 (1)       ; H+
   matrix:set reactions 23 2 (1)       ; e-
   matrix:set reactions 23 3 (1 / 6)   ; CO2
   matrix:set reactions 23 5 (1 / 6)   ; HCO3-
   matrix:set reactions 23 7 (-4 / 9)  ; H2O
   matrix:set reactions 23 26 (-1 / 18) ; Citrate
   matrix:set reactions 23 25 (33.08)  ; ∆G

   matrix:set reactions 24 1 (1)       ; H+
   matrix:set reactions 24 2 (1)       ; e-
   matrix:set reactions 24 3 (1 / 6)   ; CO2
   matrix:set reactions 24 7 (-1 / 4)  ; H2O
   matrix:set reactions 24 27 (-1 / 12) ; Ethanol
   matrix:set reactions 24 25 (31.18)  ; ∆G

   matrix:set reactions 25 1 (1)      ; H+
   matrix:set reactions 25 2 (1)      ; e-
   matrix:set reactions 25 5 (1 / 2)  ; HCO3-
   matrix:set reactions 25 7 (-1 / 2) ; H2O
   matrix:set reactions 25 28 (-1 / 2) ; Formate
   matrix:set reactions 25 25 (39.19) ; ∆G

   matrix:set reactions 26 1 (1)       ; H+
   matrix:set reactions 26 2 (1)       ; e-
   matrix:set reactions 26 3 (1 / 4)   ; CO2
   matrix:set reactions 26 7 (-1 / 4)  ; H2O
   matrix:set reactions 26 29 (-1 / 24) ; Glucose
   matrix:set reactions 26 25 (41.35)  ; ∆G

   matrix:set reactions 27 1 (1)       ; H+
   matrix:set reactions 27 2 (1)       ; e-
   matrix:set reactions 27 3 (1 / 6)   ; CO2
   matrix:set reactions 27 4 (1 / 18)  ; NH4+
   matrix:set reactions 27 5 (1 / 9)   ; HCO3-
   matrix:set reactions 27 7 (-4 / 9)  ; H2O
   matrix:set reactions 27 30 (-1 / 18) ; Glutamate
   matrix:set reactions 27 25 (30.93)  ; ∆G

   matrix:set reactions 28 1 (1)       ; H+
   matrix:set reactions 28 2 (1)       ; e-
   matrix:set reactions 28 3 (3 / 14)  ; CO2
   matrix:set reactions 28 7 (-3 / 14) ; H2O
   matrix:set reactions 28 31 (-1 / 14) ; Glycerol
   matrix:set reactions 28 25 (33.88)  ; ∆G

   matrix:set reactions 29 1 (1)      ; H+
   matrix:set reactions 29 2 (1)      ; e-
   matrix:set reactions 29 3 (1 / 6)  ; CO2
   matrix:set reactions 29 4 (1 / 6)  ; NH4+
   matrix:set reactions 29 5 (1 / 6)  ; HCO3-
   matrix:set reactions 29 7 (-1 / 2) ; H2O
   matrix:set reactions 29 32 (-1 / 6) ; Glycine
   matrix:set reactions 29 25 (39.80) ; ∆G

   matrix:set reactions 30 1 (1)       ; H+
   matrix:set reactions 30 2 (1)       ; e-
   matrix:set reactions 30 3 (1 / 6)   ; CO2
   matrix:set reactions 30 5 (1 / 12)  ; HCO3-
   matrix:set reactions 30 7 (-1 / 3)  ; H2O
   matrix:set reactions 30 33 (-1 / 12) ; Lactato
   matrix:set reactions 30 25 (32.29)  ; ∆G

   matrix:set reactions 31 1 (1)      ; H+
   matrix:set reactions 31 2 (1)      ; e-
   matrix:set reactions 31 3 (1 / 8)  ; CO2
   matrix:set reactions 31 7 (-1 / 4) ; H2O
   matrix:set reactions 31 34 (-1 / 8) ; Methane
   matrix:set reactions 31 25 (23.53) ; ∆G

   matrix:set reactions 32 1 (1)      ; H+
   matrix:set reactions 32 2 (1)      ; e-
   matrix:set reactions 32 3 (1 / 6)  ; CO2
   matrix:set reactions 32 7 (-1 / 6) ; H2O
   matrix:set reactions 32 35 (-1 / 6) ; Methanol
   matrix:set reactions 32 25 (36.84) ; ∆G

   matrix:set reactions 33 1 (1)        ; H+
   matrix:set reactions 33 2 (1)        ; e-
   matrix:set reactions 33 3 (15 / 19)  ; CO2
   matrix:set reactions 33 5 (1 / 92)   ; HCO3-
   matrix:set reactions 33 7 (-31 / 92) ; H2O
   matrix:set reactions 33 36 (-1 / 92)  ; Palmitate
   matrix:set reactions 33 25 (27.26)   ; ∆G

   matrix:set reactions 34 1 (1)       ; H+
   matrix:set reactions 34 2 (1)       ; e-
   matrix:set reactions 34 3 (1 / 7)   ; CO2
   matrix:set reactions 34 5 (1 / 14)  ; HCO3-
   matrix:set reactions 34 7 (-5 / 14) ; H2O
   matrix:set reactions 34 37 (-1 / 14) ; Propionate
   matrix:set reactions 34 25 (27.63)  ; ∆G

   matrix:set reactions 35 1 (1)       ; H+
   matrix:set reactions 35 2 (1)       ; e-
   matrix:set reactions 35 3 (1 / 5)   ; CO2
   matrix:set reactions 35 5 (1 / 10)  ; HCO3-
   matrix:set reactions 35 7 (-2 / 5)  ; H2O
   matrix:set reactions 35 38 (-1 / 10) ; Pyruvate
   matrix:set reactions 35 25 (35.09)  ; ∆G

   matrix:set reactions 36 1 (1)       ; H+
   matrix:set reactions 36 2 (1)       ; e-
   matrix:set reactions 36 3 (1 / 7)   ; CO2
   matrix:set reactions 36 5 (1 / 7)   ; HCO3-
   matrix:set reactions 36 7 (-3 / 7)  ; H2O
   matrix:set reactions 36 39 (-1 / 14) ; Succinate
   matrix:set reactions 36 25 (29.09)  ; ∆G

   matrix:set reactions 37 1 (20 / 18) ; H+
   matrix:set reactions 37 2 (1)       ; e-
   matrix:set reactions 37 4 (1 / 18)  ; NH4+
   matrix:set reactions 37 5 (6 / 18)  ; HCO3-
   matrix:set reactions 37 7 (-12 / 18) ; H2O
   matrix:set reactions 37 40 (-1 / 18) ; NTA - Acid nitrilotriacetic
   matrix:set reactions 37 25 (68.889) ; ∆G

to download
  ifelse second_electron_donor? = true
  [export-output (word (word behaviorspace-run-number"_rd_("Electron_donor"+"Electron_donor_2")_ra_("Electron_acceptor")_rc_("Microorganism")_N-soruce_("N-Source")_with_"Thermodynamics"_with_"efficiency)".txt")]
  [export-output (word (word behaviorspace-run-number"_rd_("Electron_donor")_ra_("Electron_acceptor")_rc_("Microorganism")_N-soruce_("N-Source")_with_"Thermodynamics"_with_"efficiency)".txt")] ; Outputfile name with .txt extension and Behaviorspace numering

There is only one version of this model, created over 4 years ago by Pablo Alejandro Araujo Granda.

Attached files

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MbT-Tool: Metabolism based on Thermodynamics.png preview Preview for 'MbT-Tool: Metabolism based on Thermodynamics' over 4 years ago, by Pablo Alejandro Araujo Granda Download

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